World of Warships - Ned in the Flanders

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @leonardocanella0
    @leonardocanella0 Рік тому +893

    Jingles you forgot to mention that Ned's platoon killed the entire enemy team by themselves

    • @Dynasty0612
      @Dynasty0612 Рік тому +37

      I was waiting for him to mention it and was both thoroughly amused and disappointed that he didn’t.

    • @leeshackelford7517
      @leeshackelford7517 Рік тому +9

      He might not have mentioned it, but thanks for putting a GD'd SPOILER unmissable when we hit play

    • @PizzaTreeYT
      @PizzaTreeYT Рік тому +56

      @@leeshackelford7517 only a fool reads the comments before watching the video and then complains about the spoilers.

    • @ainumahtar
      @ainumahtar Рік тому +22

      @@leeshackelford7517 Why read comments before watching and complain about spoilers...That's like checking the end of a movie and being angry there is something to see there...

    • @wyrien
      @wyrien Рік тому +10

      Their ships can now identify as forklifts due to all their carrying.

  • @treycorbin1828
    @treycorbin1828 Рік тому +375

    "We're a slightly more mature audience here at World of Warships"
    *scrolls back to Jingles videos showing the Tier 9 French cruiser, the Brest*

    • @scott2836
      @scott2836 Рік тому +6

      It’s a nice theory…

    • @armorhide406
      @armorhide406 Рік тому +8

      Slightly. Ever so.

    • @somebluntdude
      @somebluntdude Рік тому +11

      Or the one with the player name "Rusty Sheriffs Badge" to which we are blessed with Jingles laughing his ass off lol

    • @flashover2362
      @flashover2362 Рік тому +3

      "You have to grow old, but you don't have to grow up." ;-)

  • @itstheslime6639
    @itstheslime6639 Рік тому +388

    Hey Jingles,
    In the event that you end up reading this, I just wanted to thank you for the constant entertainment you've provided us for so many years now.
    I've been through some frankly traumatic shit lately, and I dont think I would have been able to fall asleep if it werent for your soothing voice, reassuring tone, and hearty laugh. You are an absolute blessing of a man, sir, and I owe you more than I could ever hope to repay.
    Here's to you, from the freezing hell of Canada, with love.

    • @wheelerzg76
      @wheelerzg76 Рік тому +8

      same here, brother! I've watched episode ''Big'' from Jingles' Elite Dangerous playlist at least 50 times. Fell asleep at half most of the times :D

    • @beardedchimp
      @beardedchimp Рік тому +8

      His laugh is so infectious that I've caught myself laughing before the video even started. Even random points in my life where a joke is overused I can hear his voice "if it's funny once, it's funny every time hahahahahaha" and I started laughing. The other person thinks I'm laughing at the 5th time they've told the joke and it brings a smile to their face, more the merrier! Jingles brings smiles to people who have never even heard of World of Warships let alone him, quite the achievement.

    • @kendalltweedy8146
      @kendalltweedy8146 Рік тому +2

      Jingles is my fall asleep channel. I love his videos when I’m awake but he is just so calming to watch

    • @Fugameister
      @Fugameister Рік тому +2

      @@wheelerzg76 drago mi je da nisam jedini iz Zagreba tu!

  • @Ploon72
    @Ploon72 Рік тому +104

    Actually, Jingles, Flanders is not a town, it’s the Dutch-speaking half of Belgium where the Flemish come from. The ship is named after the old province of Flandre when it was still part of France, which corresponds rough with current-day Flanders.

    • @josephaskins1996
      @josephaskins1996 Рік тому +21

      You just couldn't resist that first part could you?

    • @mudman619
      @mudman619 Рік тому +9

      to the salt mines with you Mr. "Actually" lol - double shift today

    • @texasdreadnought9831
      @texasdreadnought9831 Рік тому +1

      *Acktchually *puts on glasses

    • @thatkyledude1093
      @thatkyledude1093 Рік тому

      Flanders is actually a real existing town. Proud to have it only 20 minutes away from my home in New York. It's known for a big ass concrete duck. Don't believe me? Look it up😂

  • @brianensign7638
    @brianensign7638 Рік тому +59

    Petition to get Ned Flanders as an in-game commander. Every spotted ribbon should be accompanied by, “Well, hide-a-lee-ho, neighborino!”

    • @paulvamos7319
      @paulvamos7319 Рік тому +2

      Or, from another great show, Stewie!

    • @brianensign7638
      @brianensign7638 Рік тому +5

      @@paulvamos7319 And every time you spot a battleship: "Oh look, it's the fat man!"

    • @paulvamos7319
      @paulvamos7319 Рік тому +1

      @@brianensign7638 Or, "Man, would ya look at the back on that old girl!""

    • @flashover2362
      @flashover2362 Рік тому +2

      @@paulvamos7319 And for a carrier commander (because... airplanes): Giggity

    • @paulvamos7319
      @paulvamos7319 Рік тому +2

      @@flashover2362 "Damn you all!" 🤣

  • @Bans94
    @Bans94 Рік тому +58

    Damn, Ned is such a cool name. Imagine how cool it would be to be called Ned. School was such a fun time with cool and inventive nicknames... *starts sobbing in Flanders*

  • @AllAhabNoMoby
    @AllAhabNoMoby Рік тому +28

    I don't think I've ever seen a game before where one division killed all the enemy team. Well done guys.

  • @secuter
    @secuter Рік тому +29

    The Baltimore didn't back up because it would've exposed him from fire from the other flank. Honestly, he was caught between a rock (literally) and a hard place. I suppose he took his chances, which then didn't work out. Well played the "Ned" nonetheless!

  • @antonyduhamel1166
    @antonyduhamel1166 Рік тому +17

    In Flanders' fight
    The ships don't flow
    Between the islands
    Cold Below
    The smoke that marks
    Their sunken graves
    Were they stupid
    Or actually brave?
    Her guns go silent
    Battle's done
    In Flanders' fight
    Seems Flanders won

  • @lynchkid003
    @lynchkid003 Рік тому +89

    Ah, Ned Flanders. A classic example of a good man, who's ready to seriously hurt you if you push him too far.

    • @hawkeye5955
      @hawkeye5955 Рік тому +12

      Especially when he looks like a simple man until he takes off his shirt and reveals a six pack.

    • @generaljimmies3429
      @generaljimmies3429 Рік тому +3


    • @Leopoldshark
      @Leopoldshark Рік тому +2

      Calm down, Neddidildiddily
      They did their best shoddilyillidydiddly
      Gotta be nice hospitablyiddly

  • @mrdude4124
    @mrdude4124 Рік тому +6

    Secondary build on Jean Bart was so much fun. You felt like a musketeer just dueling away as you sped through battle out pacing your enemies to get their sides while your secondary guns melted ships.
    Jean Bart probably my favorite ship in the game honestly

  • @mathiash.1379
    @mathiash.1379 Рік тому +1

    Jingles: Please tell me i dont have to explain that one
    Me: okilly dokilly

  • @Ziet666
    @Ziet666 Рік тому +40

    Secondary builds are always fun

  • @kpobuibo
    @kpobuibo Рік тому +6

    Almost every time Ned shows up in a game, I put a "Hi diddly ho, neighborino" into chat

  • @si98justme1
    @si98justme1 Рік тому +10

    “What are they teaching you kids in school these days?”. My immediate reaction was “ooi what the….”. Then I realised Jingles is approaching geriatric age, so that turned into “fair enough”.

    • @karlsenula9495
      @karlsenula9495 Рік тому +1

      ... I'm waiting for Jingles to have a "hey you kids! get out of my game! ..." moment ... the 'get off my lawn' for senior gamers ...

  • @thetruthaboutfacts224
    @thetruthaboutfacts224 Рік тому +2

    Actually Jingles SRT Demon is a very cool name. That’s a 840 horsepower Dodge Challenger that was produced in 2018. It was limited to 3,300 units for the US and Canada.

  • @TheWiseFool_
    @TheWiseFool_ Рік тому +1

    Actually Jingles,... great video, thanks again!

  • @PYITE314
    @PYITE314 Рік тому +4

    Hens love roosters, geese love ganders, everyone else loves Ned Flanders!

  • @paulvamos7319
    @paulvamos7319 Рік тому +3

    I remember you Ned! Hey Flanders, GG!🤣
    Seriously though, Great Game!
    Thank you for sending it to our Mighty Gnome Overlord and thank you Mighty Gnome Overlord of Jingles for featuring it!

  • @Joze1090
    @Joze1090 Рік тому +4

    I love how the fact jingles watches these replays before watching again to do commentary makes him seem like he has all the game knowledge in the world, when in fact he just already knows what happens ;) movie magic!

  • @svenwesterlund3405
    @svenwesterlund3405 Рік тому +2

    Ned Flanders, well Okilly Dokilly then...

  • @lvthud
    @lvthud Рік тому +3

    "We are a slightly more mature audience in World of Warships" : We are ?
    "We have slightly longer attention spans" ; We do ?

  • @victormiranda9163
    @victormiranda9163 Рік тому +1

    my favorite part of a Jingles Vid... his "actually,jingles" voice. good man!

  • @klegdixal3529
    @klegdixal3529 Рік тому

    given the ripe maturity of the Gnome Overlord he should be glad he wasn't called Moll throughout the video.

  • @TallulahSoie
    @TallulahSoie Рік тому +1

    "What do they teach you kids in school these days?"
    *Do you really want to know, Jingles?"*

    • @stmichaelminion
      @stmichaelminion Рік тому

      I’d comment on that but wish to be polite. 😊

  • @SammywiseG
    @SammywiseG Рік тому +1

    Ned did a little more than okily-dokily in this match. I think he's going to need a chiropractor for that carry.

  • @malsypright
    @malsypright Рік тому

    Scrum-diddly-umptious video, Jingles

  • @Arphalia
    @Arphalia Рік тому +11

    Through Flandres, Portugal and Spain! King George commands and we obey, over the hill and far away!~
    Great video as per usual

    • @leeshackelford7517
      @leeshackelford7517 Рік тому

      One heck of a series

    • @Arphalia
      @Arphalia Рік тому +1

      @@leeshackelford7517 Fantastic series, I still need to read the books though. Sean Bean did a great job as Sharpe IMHO

    • @connycontainer9459
      @connycontainer9459 Рік тому

      Great song !

  • @maxxus0923
    @maxxus0923 Рік тому +2

    I love this battleship from looks to damn secondaries. the guns are semi accurate but hard hitting

  • @emberfist8347
    @emberfist8347 Рік тому +2

    Actually Jingles Flanders isn't a town, but a region of Belgium. The Battle of Flanders in World War I took place Flanders Field which is effectively the border between the current provices of West Flanders and East Flanders

  • @Some_Guy6
    @Some_Guy6 Рік тому +1

    Somewhere, you just know you can faintly hear Homer saying = "Stupid Flanders!"

  • @unbekannternr.1353
    @unbekannternr.1353 Рік тому +1

    Always nice to hear from Mr. Flanders, diddle di doo.

  • @hedning003
    @hedning003 Рік тому

    the horn on that hing shoud go "diddeli,diddeli!"

  • @korbell1089
    @korbell1089 Рік тому +68

    WG: "As per Jingles' reccomendations, we have buffed submarine gameplay!"😆

    • @dclark142002
      @dclark142002 Рік тому +5

      No WG employee would EVER admit that anything in game wasn't 100% WG's idea...even if they copy paste an idea from the player ideas thread in the forum.
      In fact, standard procedure is to delete those threads so no one could claim it wasn't WG's idea. Ask me how I know...
      Please get the point. WG staff are petty and mean people...and they can't even claim that competence outweighs this poor behavior.

    • @Mithril_Antimarr
      @Mithril_Antimarr Рік тому

      @@dclark142002 I've also had a reddit threat suspiciously removed from WOWs reddit when I dared to question WG's policy on secondary accuracy on cruisers and provided stats on just how accurate some were and were not. They do like to control the narrative it appears.

    • @hawkeye5955
      @hawkeye5955 Рік тому

      WG never listens to recommendations from players these days. They are beholden to the mighty spreadsheet of fun.

  • @StarkRaven59
    @StarkRaven59 Рік тому +1

    Nothing flashy, just a well-played, hard fought battleship game. GG SRT_Demon, thanks Jingles.

  • @DammitCartman
    @DammitCartman Рік тому +2

    some great piloting from Ned there. bobbin' and weavin' and shootin'

  • @mikesaporitojr3313
    @mikesaporitojr3313 Рік тому

    1:12 as a class of 2019 grad I can tell you they don’t teach you much in history class anymore and this is literally both world wars as taught in school in a nutshell Germany bad, Germany got wrecked

  • @Raycheetah
    @Raycheetah Рік тому

    I have NO gosh darn giddily-diddly idea what you're driving at, Jingles! 0-0

  • @joshthomas-moore2656
    @joshthomas-moore2656 Рік тому +2

    Jingles you fool tomorrow, Wargaming will announce that Submarines are now being given cloaking devices and force fields as they aren't doing well enough.

  • @sandricori
    @sandricori Рік тому +1

    the town is called Ypres (ieper in dutch). Flanders is the northern region of belgium

  • @rileychu4489
    @rileychu4489 Рік тому +14

    alsace used to be such a sleeper secondary build, its secondaries arent hard hitters, they can snipe dd at 10km

  • @SebaX92
    @SebaX92 Рік тому +8

    The most funny part that the division that he was in, sank the whole enemy team 😊

  • @Wallda_25
    @Wallda_25 Рік тому +1

    Entertaining as always jingles. Regarding the Baltimore they were probably stuck on some pixel of the island when they tried reversing. I get stuck there too from time to time.

  • @SamuelJamesNary
    @SamuelJamesNary Рік тому +1

    Wargaming watches the video and then announces for Jingles: We are upgrading the submarine line to include the Typhoon and Ohio class at top tier, complete with nuclear missiles that can one shot any ship on the enemy team and can see any portion of the map regardless of where and fire 15 warheads at once.

  • @JackAsh2081
    @JackAsh2081 Рік тому +1

    Last time I was this early, The gnome overlord himself still visited us plebs in the salt mines.

  • @einherjar2545
    @einherjar2545 Рік тому

    Mighty Jingles' laugh entertainment value multiplier: X 1000

  • @Cobra-King3
    @Cobra-King3 Рік тому +3

    Actually Jingles, Miner here, you have Alerted WG HQ, and are now on their way to buff submarines
    And here comes the GBI(Gnome Bureau of Intelligence) to arrest me, now where's my shovel?

  • @Ellerion2
    @Ellerion2 Рік тому

    lol, i was about to say:"actually, Jingles, we all know how to pause a video..."

  • @andyreid7274
    @andyreid7274 Рік тому

    Okilee dokilee old man. Good show as always

  • @Caliban_Cam
    @Caliban_Cam Рік тому +8

    (DAY Sixty Eleventy Four of asking), i expect a cold waters video by my next centenary, 10 minute break.

  • @upstartwilly
    @upstartwilly Рік тому +1

    I love it when they choose violence.

  • @FockeWolf100
    @FockeWolf100 Рік тому +1

    I absolutely *love* my Flandre. Went full into secondaries, and put IFHE on. ruins the fire chances but you spew so much it'll start anyways. Makes it so the 100mms can pen cruisers and BBs better and it *shreds* up close.
    Also a fantastic kiting ship to mix with those secondaries. Your 100mms and 152s have EXCELLENT angles, and you can get some decent angling going while doing a full broadside of all 9 152s and 12 100mms. It's like strapping a destroyer and a cruiser to you while still being able to do 30 knots.

  • @Jolly_Captain_Crabz
    @Jolly_Captain_Crabz Рік тому +5

    Even Milhouse would've done better than whatever that Baltimore captain was trying to do.....

  • @DivineDawn
    @DivineDawn Рік тому

    Well done to Ned Flanders good game. How ever this isn’t a from mars video. No 3rd from
    Mars video means my Disappointment is immeasurable and my day is Ruined.

  • @defiant9809
    @defiant9809 Рік тому

    Jingles. . . The Baltimore was staying where he was. Because he had no where to go. He at one point was getting shot at from four different directions.
    One of which was from something that had come around the back side of the island he was sitting next too.
    He was just Screwed.

  • @michaeljacob9381
    @michaeljacob9381 Рік тому

    Great video, thanks!

  • @TheAgamemnon911
    @TheAgamemnon911 Рік тому +1

    Alright, then with next patch submarines will be launched by aircraft carriers.

  • @ericmyrs
    @ericmyrs Рік тому

    Town? Flanders is a whole ass Duchy, Jingles.

  • @vaerenbergh
    @vaerenbergh Рік тому +1

    Flanders is not a city, its one half of our country, the first world war was held in the last tiny sliver of the province West-flanders called "de Westhoek"

  • @karlsenula9495
    @karlsenula9495 Рік тому

    I was waiting for Jingles to introduce this video with a 'hey diddley dee folks' ...

  • @thomasbernecky2078
    @thomasbernecky2078 Рік тому +1

    as Poirot said: "He's not the Frenchie, he's the Belgie!" and also: "Holy Kii, Aetam!"

  • @JoshCreepa
    @JoshCreepa Рік тому +24

    I’m gonna wait for all the Simpsons jokes.

    • @huzarion3814
      @huzarion3814 Рік тому +2

      I loved Simpsons , I wached every episode several times , but sadly like 8 years ago show start to be shite , and I dont watch it for 3 years , I tried but there is so much BS now there :/ , i stick with Rick & Morty ... until they will mess up that too...

    • @hubristicmystic
      @hubristicmystic Рік тому +1


    • @hawkeye5955
      @hawkeye5955 Рік тому +1

      "Seems like they're winning nothing at all, nothing at all, *NOTHING AT ALLLLLL!* "
      "Stupid sexy, Flanders!"

  • @Rolkatsuki
    @Rolkatsuki Рік тому

    secondary specced Flandre is beast in Operations.

  • @carloshortas2155
    @carloshortas2155 Рік тому +1

    I wouldn't worry about someone from WG watching Jingles. They only buff the game when one Russian spits his vodka out because they had a bad game

  • @badougaoua4720
    @badougaoua4720 Рік тому

    Love your warship replay

  • @skodass1
    @skodass1 Рік тому

    Just you saying that subs dont need buff makes it so that now in the near future subs will get a buff... thanks Jingles.

  • @MysterySemicolon
    @MysterySemicolon Рік тому +1

    "I don't recommend secondary builds on French battleships." 362 secondary hits later...

  • @Mithril_Antimarr
    @Mithril_Antimarr Рік тому +12

    It is an interesting ship, if you want to do a secondary build it actually works surprisingly well (however it lacks accuracy as WG are painfully inconsistent when it comes to that), there is a choice to be made, do you go for IFHE so you can pen all of destroyers / BB superstructure with all secondaries or do you do it without IFHE so you keep your fire chance on all your guns, I've tried both and frankly it really depends on the situation, if you are going to do lot of brawling IFHE might help, otherwise if you play more at distance you might want to make a lot of use of your HE on main guns due to your lack of main gun overmatch.

    • @quoniam426
      @quoniam426 Рік тому +1

      IFHE is a waste of four skill points you can use elsewhere. Fires set will have other effects, such as forcing the enemy to use their damage control party and make them more vulnerable to other threats like floodings, sub pings or damaged turrets to repair...

    • @Mithril_Antimarr
      @Mithril_Antimarr Рік тому +4

      @@quoniam426 IFHE is 2 skill points for bb, it is interesting that nobody questions the need for IFHE on a German battlecruiser like the Schlieffen but mention it as a possibility for a battleship and someone always says you are nuts... just saying it is an interesting contrast... I only became a fan of IFHE after trying it on a Schlieffen and being too lazy to swap back when I used the commander on other ships... each to their own

    • @sarpkaplan4449
      @sarpkaplan4449 Рік тому

      going for secondaries on this thing is quite stupid but eh do whatever

  • @1firstjoker
    @1firstjoker Рік тому

    VERRY verry good battle. nicely done

  • @toxicmongerofthehatefulbro5745

    .... *Hides his Secondary Build Mutsu*
    I-I promise nothing is there.

    • @Mithril_Antimarr
      @Mithril_Antimarr Рік тому

      That is a fair bit of fun if you get IFHE to buff pen... pity about the lack of range at that tier though, tried it in the current bronze ranked league :-)... only prob with Jap and French BB is the armour so you have to be really careful re angling or Russian BB tear you apart.

    • @aluminumati_147
      @aluminumati_147 Рік тому

      Torp build Mutsu

  • @adriannash2705
    @adriannash2705 Рік тому

    Hey that destroyer captained by Sgt. Chevron is one of my discord friends, cool to see him in a video!

  • @Donkringel
    @Donkringel Рік тому

    He used every single gun on that ship. Even the ones on the other side!

  • @Wearyman
    @Wearyman Рік тому

    Well, hey diddily-doo there, neighbooree-no! How are ya doin' this fine diddly-do-da-day? I've got some fine and dandy 100mm secdondarily-do's here for ya! Enjoy!

  • @jackcrawford6078
    @jackcrawford6078 Рік тому +1

    Which achievements did he get? Yes!

  • @abyssminiaturestudios6103
    @abyssminiaturestudios6103 Рік тому

    Fun bit of history, way back in 1640 Steevan (yes it was spelled that way) Flanders immigrated to the America's and landed in Martha's Vinyard that's how the Flanders family came to America

  • @somua35
    @somua35 Рік тому

    Your subscribers from the Atlantic timezone curse you for the unintended morning alarm. Thanks for another great video

  • @misterdavidov
    @misterdavidov Рік тому +3

    I love my Flandre, Jingles: flanders is a region in Belgium not a town 😆 but I like you thinking.
    What I love about my Flandre, she is fearsome. But like a wife, with good and bad days 😆 the guns hit hard if they connect. Uptiered she struggles but at T6-9 she's lovely

  • @tomdemeester7076
    @tomdemeester7076 Рік тому

    Aah yes, the town of Flanders! :D

  • @enjoyingend1939
    @enjoyingend1939 Рік тому +1

    I quite enjoy the flanders, it's a good old no gimmicks premium. Good captain trainer too.

  • @danieldragisic1251
    @danieldragisic1251 Рік тому

    Flaaaaaannnnnnnndeeerrrrrrrrrrs! "WHAT?!??!!?" The game's over there!

  • @Zedrackis
    @Zedrackis Рік тому

    I was laughing when I saw the CV trying to use AP bombs against a cruiser. That is such a rookie mistake. AP bombs are for things with big citadels, otherwise useless.

  • @jirne.
    @jirne. Рік тому

    Flanders is a town now? Listen, buddy, I know we're not that big but euh... Flanders is a region encompasing half a (small) country... Or to most of us living here it simply is a country :p Great vid as always though

  • @slavkovalsky1671
    @slavkovalsky1671 Рік тому +1

    I know, I know, I shouldn't be doing this, but a secondaries-specced Amagi does quite well in brawls, even vs. German BBs. Better than the Kii, actually (but yes, torps do help ))).

  • @ScottHelen
    @ScottHelen Рік тому

    Literally the only reason this game was featured was so Jingles could do a Ned Flanders joke

  • @davidlabedz2046
    @davidlabedz2046 Рік тому +1

    Jingles, Ned played the Flanders well. Fun to Watch.

  • @quoniam426
    @quoniam426 Рік тому +19

    The kind of BB game we all like, go forward, zig zag a little, never stop and rofflestomp the enemy with all guns blazing.
    Bonus style points if the said BB is French, of course.

    • @riquelmeone
      @riquelmeone Рік тому +1

      A charging BB with support is a sight to behold in world of warships

    • @MikeKojoteStone
      @MikeKojoteStone Рік тому +2

      You forgot the enjoyment of the lamentations of their women.

  • @groundzero7470
    @groundzero7470 Рік тому +1

    "Hi-diddly-ho, neighborino"...

  • @richardwargo5201
    @richardwargo5201 Рік тому

    Baltimore didn't realize he had a reverse gear.

  • @aaronlandry3947
    @aaronlandry3947 Рік тому

    You said buffs and submarines in the same sentence repeatedly so the automated algorithm systems have definitely been triggered.

  • @L0RDLUK
    @L0RDLUK Рік тому +2

    I see that our hero is a cultured man. The SRT Demon is the coolest muscle car ever built.

    • @SRT_Clutch
      @SRT_Clutch Рік тому +1

      Finally, someone who understands my in game name lol

  • @GCho733
    @GCho733 Рік тому

    He just diddly dominated the match.

  • @spursau04
    @spursau04 Рік тому

    Regarding the general gameplay time...... YES, the games are definitely much quicker. Avg: time on Asia server appears to be less than 10m. Have not played a full length game in months.

  • @oldtimers6460
    @oldtimers6460 Рік тому +1

    Ned "diddley" Flanders.

  • @swiftsmackdown4645
    @swiftsmackdown4645 Рік тому

    Stay safe in your French ships boys and girls and remember, your stale baguettes can be used as ammunition should you run out.

  • @secutor7142
    @secutor7142 Рік тому

    Jingles, Flanders is the northern, dutch speaking REGION of Belgium. It was never a town. It used to be a county, but never a town.

  • @t_t5222
    @t_t5222 Рік тому

    BohemianEagle you bastard its 3am i was going to sleep

  • @terot8341
    @terot8341 Рік тому +1

    I wonder what might be status of Armoured Warfare nowadays?? Is anyone playing it anymore? I really loved that game when it was released, but it went so much downwards when Obsidian was kicked out of it.

  • @isaacwest
    @isaacwest Рік тому +2

    hi-diddely-ho neighbour! don't mind if i cita-delly-doo you?

  • @kentlindal5422
    @kentlindal5422 Рік тому

    "Stupid sexy Flandre"

  • @wartoga4248
    @wartoga4248 Рік тому

    The town of Flandres in de province of Ypres, or was it the other way around? Oh Jingles, never change!