Singer reaction to GLEE - 2x8 (FURT) - FULL EPISODE REACTION

  • Опубліковано 6 бер 2023


  • @justlive2809
    @justlive2809 Рік тому +21

    what i li,ke about the Karovsky thing is that he's dad didn't defend him and question his behavior and believe Kurt whitout even trying to defend his son actions

  • @tersommers
    @tersommers Рік тому +10

    It was just a puppy love for Kurt. He's overdramatic and eventually moved on. I think Fin had to find his own confidence in himself to rise above the immaturity he was reflecting. That line you were loving of Sue's mom, that's just classic Carol Burnett humor. She always talked like that! It is always hilarious!

  • @user-uk1tl4ct9y
    @user-uk1tl4ct9y Рік тому +12

    On the Kurt-Finn thing,, I don't remember if they ever discuss it like that but I personally think that Kurt wasn't actually in love with Finn and he's realized that now knowing him better. I think it was more like a really intense crush, that was less about Finn but more about the fantasy of the hot popular football jock. But that's just my opinion, I do wish they would've clarified the whole situation before but that's just glee being glee ig.
    And I love the Sue storyline with her mum too! It really hit home for me. It's heartbreaking having your family be your first bully. I loved how they showed how much pride Sue takes in "being stronger" because of bullying and how she clings onto the "words can't hurt me" idea, only to actually have her meet her bully later and realize that actually bullying and experiencing that kind of pain doesn't make you stronger. It just hurts and you go numb after a while and accept it as normal. Glee can be such a weird show, but every once in a while they do storylines like this and I could talk for hours about the impact they have.

  • @kpednault
    @kpednault Рік тому +3

    If i'm not mistaken the kurt-finn fight got resolved when Finn dressed up in that red gown for the Gaga episode and defended Kurt against the jocks

  • @katthie230
    @katthie230 Рік тому +2

    the thing with a lot of shows is that we see an episode but in the story weeks went by. so we need to consider that a lot of things happend there that we dont see. (refering to the "kurt in love with finn" thing)

  • @SarastistheSerpent
    @SarastistheSerpent Рік тому +5

    It’s very cool when you harmonize with the music IMO. Sounds really good 👍🏽

  • @nahuelma97
    @nahuelma97 7 місяців тому +1

    I'll never, ever, in my life, get over Sue walking in with a tracksuit wedding dress. It's one of those pinnacle Glee moments that's forever ingrained in my mind and I may burst out laughing on my own on the bus out of the blue if it ever comes to mind 😂

  • @trulypg366
    @trulypg366 Рік тому +3

    Very cool and its an amazing episode aswell, been watching since s1 ep1 and loving the reactions

  • @prophet_of_troy
    @prophet_of_troy Рік тому +3

    If you need a ring to symbolize a promise, then it isn't really a promise.
    Also, my favorite thing about this episode is that Sue is serious in that she hates not being able to do anything.

  • @justlive2809
    @justlive2809 Рік тому +10

    i don't think the fact that Rachel want to help kurt is weird she has to dads and she care about Kurt they just had their moment when yes they don't really seems friends but they are kinda the same obsessed with Broadway and stiff and he's Finn step bro and she love Finn so Kurt is like Rachel family in a way

    • @suz2590
      @suz2590 Рік тому +5

      It is not weird because she has helped others along the way already. She helped Kurt not too long ago when she was feeling lonely. She has helped Finn numerous times, in turn helping Quinn when she was pregnant, has tried to help the club etc.

    • @justlive2809
      @justlive2809 Рік тому

      @@suz2590 yep

  • @Beeba10
    @Beeba10 24 дні тому

    Imo, Kurt's love for Finn in Season 1 was either a) a simple but intense crush that he grew out of, b) an innocent admiration/idolisation that he then mistook for love, or c) wishful thinking that he could achieve some people's high school fantasy of dating the popular quarterback. I think the breaking point that caused him to start losing feelings was the slur incident; it crushed his crush and, although it wouldn't just make his feelings immediately disappear, I think enough time has gone by at this point that they've dissipated - the incident was before Regionals, so that ep would have been set in, what, March? Earlier? And now it's probably about mid-November, since the Christmas episode is in 2 episode's time. So that's nearly a year for him to get over it.

  • @kpednault
    @kpednault Рік тому +1

    I really respect Kurt for not outing Karofsky as being gay, he took the high road on that one

  • @GoodOldGamer
    @GoodOldGamer Рік тому +2

    I've only ever seen promise rings in media. Didn't know it was a real life thing, lol.

  • @DipsyKoo
    @DipsyKoo Рік тому +1

    Oh my full episode react!!

  • @rowand9541
    @rowand9541 Рік тому +1


  • @lanaholic3015
    @lanaholic3015 Рік тому +2

    I’m here for any Shue slander

  • @jlerrickson
    @jlerrickson Рік тому

    "Satan's jewelry" 😅

  • @DipsyKoo
    @DipsyKoo Рік тому

    I've never heard of a promise ring. Thought this show made that up

    • @Caprizonica
      @Caprizonica Рік тому +1

      Nope. People used to do that.

    • @Thisis-vc1zp
      @Thisis-vc1zp Рік тому +2

      It sound made up, but it was real, famous young stars even promoted them, I think thats why it got popular (I think Disney forced/encourage them)

  • @GoodOldGamer
    @GoodOldGamer Рік тому +2

    Don't mean to be that guy, but you need some more chill with this show. Yes, Kurt and Finn have moved on from the crush thing. Do you still keep your first crushes? And yes, Finn has finally accepted Kurt for who he is and as his brother. It took a struggle, but he finally did it. It was a very sweet moment.
    His character had an improvement arch. People change and grow. Especially teens who change day by day and hour by hour. I think you'd appreciate the show more if you put your teen self in there instead of your adult self that knows better about all this stuff.
    And yeah, part of this show is a little escapism, like a cartoon. Sue wouldn't get away being who she is irl. That's what makes it fun. In a show, she can be. I'm not saying you have to like the show. Just saying don't hold on to stuff so hard. It's not as serious as you maybe want it to be. It's more like a soap opera and musical.

    • @BradSteele
      @BradSteele  Рік тому +1

      For clarification, I thought the whole thing with Sue was hilarious lol. Keep in mind, I’m kind of “binging” this show whereas at this time, people had more time between episodes so the stuff with Kurt and Finn and also Burt and Finn feel way more recent than they would have back then watching the episodes in real time

  • @allewhite02
    @allewhite02 Рік тому

    Rachel has two gay dads, plus she identifies with Kurt in a lot of ways and this season develops that. Also, from a very young age she must have learned about homophobia and doesn't want to see anyone doing that to Kurt. Is Rachel selfish? Yes, when it involves being the lead singer or getting more attention, but she knows how to be a good friend too and has proven it countless times.

  • @nahuelma97
    @nahuelma97 7 місяців тому +1

    I also share a dislike for Just the Way You Are lol I find it so cringy tbh
    As a fellow gay guy with many problematic crushes during my teenage years, lemme be the first to say that those feelings do kinda go away. At least enough for them not to be problematic. But then again, also, that's Glee. Things happen and suddenly they are all completely resolved a couple episodes later. That's just how most of TV was back then I guess. TV is much more realistic nowadays, I think, at least in the way people interact with each other, so these things wouldn't fly if Glee was made today, but then again, neither would a lot of what makes it such an amazing piece of television

  • @bartonbagnes4605
    @bartonbagnes4605 Рік тому +1

    Is her name Santana or Satana? It was just a summer fling, now they're brothers. Her marriage won't last, if she isn't a runaway bride first that is.

  • @Xonslaught1
    @Xonslaught1 Рік тому +1

    I think what Kurt had was more of a crush than real feelings for Finn, and I think he knows it. Trust me, he will be fine later.

  • @suz2590
    @suz2590 Рік тому +1

    Gee what a surprise, another person who ignores the good things Rachel had done. She has treated Kurt better than he ever treated her to this point. Also funny how he didn't say a world about Santana bullying Rachel with intimation and name-calling.
    And the last line was just exposition to remind the viewers about Blaine and the Warblers.

    • @BradSteele
      @BradSteele  Рік тому +2

      Didn’t mention Santana bullying Rachel because she does it every week and it’s expected at this point. Rachel’s character tends to think more about the success of the club and ultimately her so yes, to me it felt out of the ordinary for her to just go so far out of her way to stand up for Kurt BUT I suppose Rachel knows more than anyone what it’s like to be bullied because she is daily lol

  • @dominiksain7529
    @dominiksain7529 Рік тому +2

    At this point you gone start criticizing schue for breathing next

    • @BradSteele
      @BradSteele  Рік тому

      Hey I actually liked him this episode! Lol

    • @SarastistheSerpent
      @SarastistheSerpent Рік тому +3

      Mr Shue is objectively the worst tho

    • @jlerrickson
      @jlerrickson Рік тому

      Just add him to the roster of creepy characters and story lines this show turns out. I think maybe I blame "Friends" for this.