What the Early Christians Believed About Salvation

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
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    Did the early Christians believe that we saved by faith alone? Does obedience play a role in salvation? What the early Christians believed may surprise you.


  • @jean-mariemusslin9898
    @jean-mariemusslin9898 7 років тому +46

    Very accurate message ! How many are we, hearing Sunday after Sunday the same preachings of God's Grace and God's Love, forgetting God's Holiness and Righteousness requiring our holiness and our righteousness. Thank you brother for the rigour of your messages.Thank you Father for the spreading of the Truth !

    • @iwonazukowska106
      @iwonazukowska106 7 років тому +6

      Totally agree,with you.We have to be holly for He is Holy and this only possible by the works of The Holy Spirir Who dwell in us.

  • @dw6505
    @dw6505 5 років тому +21

    It fits the idea of the narrow gate, then the narrow/difficult way or path.

  • @felixnyathi1707
    @felixnyathi1707 7 років тому +8

    thanks for insightful teachings may God bless you I pray that we christians can have One theology and same faith and understandings amen

  • @survivalhealthandhealingtv5651
    @survivalhealthandhealingtv5651 6 років тому +8

    SO TRUE!

  • @musicmaniandevil2009
    @musicmaniandevil2009 5 років тому +8

    I believe I am in the second stage.
    I have not heard the voice of God in a long time, and have lived a sinful life.
    Is it too late to be part of God’s kingdom?
    To repent?
    And if not, how do I repent?
    What are the works of God?
    And will it be enough for the misuse of Jesus?

  • @Hebrew42Day
    @Hebrew42Day 5 років тому +32

    It's sad so few people read their bibles. It would lead to people not believing in this gnostic gospel today.

  • @Polack21
    @Polack21 8 років тому +22

    I wonder what the early church fathers thought about the idea of eternal hell/annihilationism/universalism. I can understand the need for unrepentant sinners to go through hell as a sort of "tough love" teaching that leads them back to God, but it's going to be hard seeing God as all-loving and all-merciful if He did indeed create a reality that He knew would give birth to souls destined for eternal torment.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому +6

    so is one to assume that OSAS came out of the so called reformation...

  • @GeorgeSerofim
    @GeorgeSerofim 9 років тому +12

    Great Gospel teaching brother . Keep on preaching for the glory of His Name Jesus Christ . Till All the WICKED christian recieve the true gospel message . Before their names are plotted out of the BOOK of LIFE . GOD BLESS

    • @paulbortolazzo
      @paulbortolazzo 8 років тому +2

      +George Serofim
      Can your part in the Book of Life be taken away?
      “He who overcomes shall beclothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of
      Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels…And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Godshall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city...” Revelation 3:5;
      22:19Anyone taking away from the Revelation of Jesus, Christ God shall take away their part in the Book of Life and the Holy City. (Rev. 22:19) There are two reasons why this is a salvation issue. First, only the names of believers are written in the Book of Life. (Phil 4:13) Second, only the Bride will reside within the Holy City (Holy Jerusalem). (Rev. 21:9-10) There is no way of knowing how many believers will be lost because they took away from this end time prophecy. (Rev. 1:3) This is why agreeing to disagree on the timing and consequences of His coming is not anoption for those who want to overcome! (Rev.3:5)

  • @seannadeburca5951
    @seannadeburca5951 5 років тому +8

    Do you have any resources on early church ecclesiology and its relevance to salvation?

  • @Contraflow01
    @Contraflow01 7 років тому +4

    Makes sense since the jews before Christ had to work hard and do righteous works as a means for Salvation despite the bigger understanding that God's grace ultimately is what leads one to Salvation.

    • @biblicalbroadcasting2639
      @biblicalbroadcasting2639 6 років тому +2

      No, the Mosaic covenant of law was not for the salvation of the Jews, all the verses which talk about it say that obedience to the law is conditional for the blessing of the nation of Israel, not individual salvation. Galatians 3:11 says, “Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for ‘The righteous shall live by faith.’” The quote at the end of the verse is from Habakkuk, the Old Testament prophet.

    • @Buckeystown
      @Buckeystown 6 років тому +3

      No. They "put a fence around the law" meaning they made up rules just to make sure the letter of the law was observed instead of honoring the spirit of the law.

  • @PaperBagMan884
    @PaperBagMan884 7 років тому +15

    Now, as much as I do love your videos (I really do), we have to be careful with using age of any particular doctrine as evidence of its truthfulness. The apostle Paul says people were corrupting his letters even as he was writing them (can't find the verse unfortunately). Also the Galatians were mixing Jewish law with salvation even before 100 AD. So the point is, while I believe eternal security is obviously false and there's this major issue of the hyper grace movement of today, we can't base the evidence of true doctrine solely on the age of the doctrine. It's good for evidence, but not by itself.

    • @ScrollPublishing
      @ScrollPublishing  7 років тому +24

      Thank you for your comment. What the early Christians believed before the Council of Nicea (325 AD) is a strong indicator of biblical truth, however in the end this acts as supporting evidence to how the early Christian writings fit with the totality of Scripture.

    • @biblicalbroadcasting2639
      @biblicalbroadcasting2639 6 років тому +3

      Are you suggesting that the the writings of the Patristic writers are inspired, just as the Bible?

    • @Buckeystown
      @Buckeystown 6 років тому +2

      There were other books that the Church considered inspired that didn't get put into the canon. There are Apostolic Churches to this day that don't accept all the books such as Revelation. The west uses the one used by the Catholic Church but not all of the orthodox. There was never one definitive definition of what books make up the canon despite what Dan Brown says. The books that are in the canon were added onto for centuries after the councils discussed what books should be canonical. Good translations will note for instance where Mark really ended and note the rest was added later.

  • @lastdayswitness7794
    @lastdayswitness7794 6 років тому +5

    Holy spirit truth evidence for enduring till the end to be saved : osas is apostasy lie satan
    1. Peter Speaks in Solomon's Colonnade-Acts 3:19
    …18But in this way God has fulfilled what He foretold through all the
    prophets, saying that His Christ would suffer. 19Repent, then, and turn
    back, so that your sins may be wiped away, 20that
    times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He
    may send Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you.
    Matthew 24:13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.Revelation 2:263.25Nevertheless,
    hold fast to what you have until I come. 26And to the one who is
    victorious and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority
    over the nations.4.Colossians 2:6
    Therefore, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to
    live in Him.5.
    Colossians 1:10
    that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and may please Him in
    every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of
    1 John 2:6 He that said he stays in him ought himself also so to walk,
    even as he walked.7.
    12Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my
    presence, but now even more in my absence, continue to work out your
    salvation with fear and trembling. 13For it is God who works in you to
    will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure. Philippians 2:128.Philippians 1:6
    For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
    9.He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not
    erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before
    My Father and before His angels.
    10. 8I know your deeds. See, I have placed
    before you an open door, which no one can shut. For you have only a
    little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name. revelation 3:17

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 8 років тому +4

    on your presentation on divorce there were no comments...ergo this one here...the Mt 19.9 in the KJV was fornication....as sexual immorality changes the meaning...one has to know why fornication was used....or who commits this sin....the sin of adultery is for married persons....is not the sin of fornication for the unmarried...ergo....maybe a person, that is engaged...ergo the divorce...from the Jewish perspective...

    • @baixinhousa
      @baixinhousa 8 років тому +1

      you are right... To think about. Where we can put the forgiveness in the DIVORCE. No fault from any part can be excused from one or another. We allways have to forgive.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 8 років тому +3

      one would have to rely on the Bible...if it forbids one to remarry...or to divorce from an existing marriage...the question is not so much repentance but getting out of a sinful relationship...

  • @catholicseymour292
    @catholicseymour292 7 років тому +3

    One thing I have a problem with is saying the early church took the New Testament in totality. It was not ratified until 383 AD. However they did understand Christ in the Old Testament very well.

    • @CWRardin
      @CWRardin 7 років тому +7

      Hi, Seymour. Consider that within the early Christian writings the entire bible could be reconstructed from their quotes.

    • @catholicseymour292
      @catholicseymour292 7 років тому +5

      Just goes to show how biblical they were.

  • @kkchacko
    @kkchacko 7 років тому +1

    Did the apostles speak greek or armaic

  • @odouls779
    @odouls779 8 років тому +5

    Martin Luther's doctrine us not my idea of Early Christians. I expect to here of Christians in the first few decades after the crucifixion.

    • @jonyoung9274
      @jonyoung9274 7 років тому +3

      did you listen to the entire message or just the beginning?

    • @odouls779
      @odouls779 7 років тому +2

      Jon Young - Yes and there is nothing there from 30 to 50 AD, the days of the early christians.

    • @CWRardin
      @CWRardin 7 років тому +3

      Hi Odouls77, the early Christian writings which are available to us (pre-Nicene writings) span from about the year 70 to 325 A.D.

    • @Buckeystown
      @Buckeystown 6 років тому +1

      Ignatius of Antioch was born around 35. Antioch is where the term Christian was invented and the site of the first Christian Church. The first Bishop was St. Peter and the second Evodius was one of the disciples mentions in the bible. Ignatius was the third. Antioch was the base St Paul and Barnabas used for their missionary missions. It was where Peter and Paul had discussions about the faith. The Archbishop of Ephesus was St John and men like Ignatius and Polycarp of Smyrna (one of John's Bishops) urged him to write his Gospel to give the true faith of Jesus Christ to counter the ebionites and docetists. Ignatius is known for his letters to the churches in western Turkey that supported him on his way to be fed to the lions in the Flavian Amphitheater in 107. In most he tells the various communities to listen to their Bishops, his priests, and deacons as they are transmitting the true faith. In his letter to the Romans he pleas with them not to deprive him of his martyrdom. “I am the wheat of God and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of Christ.”

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому

    after a while....ok you made your point.....

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 8 років тому +6

    evidently you don't believe in once saved, always saved...

    • @PaperBagMan884
      @PaperBagMan884 7 років тому +25

      Philip Buckley Eternal Security is a false doctrine made popular around the time Calvinism became popular in the mid 20th century.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 7 років тому +9

      teresting....thanx....one has to keep on believing and avoiding....living, in sin...

    • @barryblackwood6050
      @barryblackwood6050 7 років тому +3

      Just some thoughtsHope they helpChrist will not lose any out of his hand of His choice..... but free will enables us to jump out through rejecting His Grace and choosing to deny our Faith in Christ through continuous meditated unrepented of deliberate sin. Regret is not repentance ....Judas regretted & he sinned & was possessed by Satan because he was NOT clean amongst the Apostles.The option that the Father has used to NOT lose believers who are rebellious is to hand them over to Satan so they will repent. Look at the OT and the NT. Paul talks about this in his letters. The body is handed over to death so the recalcitrant believer is not lost to the 2nd death. Physical death prevents sinning continuing to the point where the clothes are sullied and repentance is impossible through the hardening of the heart.Do you know if this is Annanais & Saphira territory in Lying to the Spirit of God. ....?Be blessed FJ

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 роки тому +1

    salvation clears the board....so to speak, so what changes, if any are required.....for example....the ones remarried, from a non Biblical divorce....are they forgiven and allowed to remain in that relationship....the same could be said, about any crime....would forgiveness mean that one is no longer held, to be, accountable for their actions...

  • @LB-sw2km
    @LB-sw2km 3 роки тому

    So when the church says unless you are born again and the second stage is infilling if the Holy Ghost by speaking in new tongues as evidence. So if you do not speak in tongues you are not born again according to the UPC . And they also say be baptized in the name .. what’s the name ? Jesus .
    What do you say ? Think ?