The One: Australia's Most Gift Psychic Episode 1 Part 1

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • 'The One'TV show. Clips of show. All judges comments included.No out of context editing. Please make up your mind if this type of show helps the psychics or skeptics. We've made ours.


  • @azawillz3713
    @azawillz3713 8 років тому +14

    should have had non psychic people to try as well

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @EchosFromaBlankMind Victor Zammit (see here on YT) claims he can prove that life continues enough to satisfy a court (he is a retired Australian lawyer). His repeatable evidence comes from materialization seances, which requires a very advanced medium.

  • @chaosqueued
    @chaosqueued 13 років тому

    Such a biased show. The pro psychic even admitted her pre-conceived notions. Where the skeptic admitted that he was looking for evidence to be swayed the pro-psychic never mentioned she could be convinced otherwise.

  • @MexicanKola
    @MexicanKola 10 років тому +11

    which pixel am i looking at?

  • @Reloading26
    @Reloading26 12 років тому +1

    @xChuckNorrisKickx Yes, people these days need an essay to prove anything. It is pretty sad. And I am not a clowning idiot. Please don't start with someone you don't know :).

  • @Delticola
    @Delticola 12 років тому +1

    Catholics pray to angels and saints. Seems to be alright for them. I respect what you are saying and sure there are demons and dark. The Christian bible may say that "God" doesn't want you praying to others. But you've got guardian angels and your passed on grand parents, or parents, and they're able to guide you and help you. I'm not interested in arguing or debating. You've expressed your beliefs and I've expressed mine. I think lots was lost in translation in the Christian Bible.

  • @ebrobaru
    @ebrobaru 11 років тому +1

    I thought America had the lead in stupidity. I stand corrected

  • @fkgabbana
    @fkgabbana 11 років тому +1

    What a cool idea for a show. Ugh Australia is so much cooler than North America. I wish I was born in Australia or New Zealand instead of Canada. NZ is essential the southern version of Canada as we are the northern version of them. I got totally ripped off.

  • @geoff2204
    @geoff2204 13 років тому +2

    "An incredible journey, into the 'unknow-en'..."
    Sounds like an interesting fil-um...

  • @gkossatzgmxde
    @gkossatzgmxde 13 років тому +1

    There are no skeptics in this show - there are only believers - in the impossibility of the task. No Skeptic worth his money would pre-judge. Yet in the face of overwhelming eveidence he kept his stance. Thats a believer!!!

  • @segundooron
    @segundooron 12 років тому

    Most gifted that different than gifted psychic or so so psychic or half assed psychic or just plain wrong Sylvia Brownish psychic powers? Please, can someone explain the difference to me? I am really curious. This show has two experts from the opposite ends of the psychic spectrum. That makes me feel so much better but I am still lost. Please, can someone help me to sort this stuff out?

  • @witchcerridwen
    @witchcerridwen 13 років тому

    @70hammo why arrogance if you have this gift.i believe it because one of the psychics helped me out big time when nobody else did.he predicted things i laughed about in his face thats how ridiculous i thought they were.but guess what it all all came to pass.isnt that weird?and about the dead well i always bring them to the light.indeed they dont say very much.and about the earthquake if it hits it hits.what can u or i do?

  • @witchcerridwen
    @witchcerridwen 13 років тому

    @excop360 james randy doesnt know anything about psychics.even though i think a guy like him did a great job on exposing faith healers.he should stop bullying the psychics cause that is what gets on my nerves.,he is just plain mad at a psychic and wants to get even with them thats what i see when i see him.and thats not fair.on the other hand i think some psychics ask far to much

  • @Gerardus1970
    @Gerardus1970 13 років тому

    @clarabells22 Ego has nothing to do with it, people with this ability simply don't exist - though I would love to be proven wrong. So you say that those with supposedly genuine ability has an excuse for not needing to bother with the burden with proof.
    How convenient.

  • @YorivoK
    @YorivoK 13 років тому

    @clarabells22 It is obvious from your comments that you have no interest in actually investigating the legitimacy of your claims of quasi-psychic intuition. I'm glad you understood my previous comments. Your reluctance and dismissive reply means I'm not interesting in discussing this any further.
    I appreciate that you took the time to discuss this with me.
    Please make sure you earn a lot of money in your life. You're going to need it if you believe in psychics.

  • @YorivoK
    @YorivoK 13 років тому

    @clarabells22 Without realising it clarabells22 you are deluding yourself into thinking you have some kind of super-intuition. If you only focus on the hits (when you think something and it happens) and not the misses (when you think about something and it doesn't happen) you are not being true to yourself.
    It's exactly the same as flipping a coin and only counting the times you correctly guess heads/tails and then declaring that you are awesome at guessing the outcome.

  • @YorivoK
    @YorivoK 13 років тому

    @clarabells22 Well as you admit to, you don't really take much notice of it until that thing happens. If you assign some arbitrary length of time between when you had a thought (intuitive thought if you like) and when or if it happens and disregard all the other times you had a thought and it came to nothing you skew your own results.
    So you come to believe that you have some kind of special intuitive ability with quasi-predictive powers. Keep a record of rights and wrongs and find out truth.

  • @chambo1010
    @chambo1010 13 років тому

    @witchcerridwen You perceived that the predictions came true. The psychic would've had some conversation with in which they would've gleened certain things about your situation. Then using rudimentary psychology, they would've provided some vague predictions which could be applied to a wide range of situations. Because you wanted to believe, as things happened & with the benefit of hindsight, you related those happenings back to the predictions.

  • @EchosFromaBlankMind
    @EchosFromaBlankMind 13 років тому

    @k0smon What name calling? Anyway, thats kind of a sad statement on your part "Like God, you can neither absolutely prove nor absolutely disprove His existence." is an incorrect statement. If the god does not exist, then that existence cannot be proven as I stated earlier, you cannot prove a negative. It is the responsibility of the ones making the claims to back up their statements, which also goes for psychics, mediums and those claiming any other supernatural abilities.

  • @EchosFromaBlankMind
    @EchosFromaBlankMind 13 років тому

    @k0smon You had to go and pick one of the worst examples in defense of your belief. #1, he is a lawyer, that alone says volumes. But that aside lets look at his "Seven major areas of modern evidence for what happens when you die."
    They are all just a reiteration of the typical psycho babble that still cannot be substantiated. Even his 1million $ challenge has others trying to disprove a negative, which cannot be done. If science had already proven it, we would not be having this discussion.

  • @MrJurekGG
    @MrJurekGG 13 років тому

    if it can't be detected by physical senses?
    What other senses are there? The sense of feelings? Who's sense... Mine or yours? What feelings? My feelings changes several times per minute, I guess. What about yours?
    What other senses? A imagination? Sense of creativity? How much of a fantasy bullshit one can come with?
    I can create NDE within a moment of need. You too, buddy pal. There are professional NDE fuckups, who make living out of it.
    Australia? Hard to imagine.

  • @YellingBird
    @YellingBird 16 років тому

    The boy is less than 15 minutes away, and they have 7 people given the chance? Plus, once you get within a certain distance, you can see his sleeping bag? It's not like he was camouflaged. To find him required to find him is luck and eyes. That judge is terrible. I bet if you let 100 'psychics' try to find him and only one of them did, she would still claim that that one lucky person was psychic.

  • @chambo1010
    @chambo1010 13 років тому

    @melzie6 But that's the issue. These people claim to ACTUALLY be able to get in touch with the lost loved ones and exploit peoples beliefe that it is true. If it was a matter of them truly worried about providing comfort. They should state "this is a load of crap but I'll go ahead an do it if it makes you feel better".

  • @EchosFromaBlankMind
    @EchosFromaBlankMind 14 років тому

    The difference I already see here is with the judges, the difference is that if the skeptic were to be proven wrong, he would probably become a believer, but the so called psychic would still not change her mind, since she seems to think that she knows for sure. Not very unbiased.
    All of this is a bunch of bull!

  • @JoshSitar
    @JoshSitar 14 років тому

    How can they have one of the judges be someone that believes in psychic crap? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of testing it? She's just going to make excuses for why the tests worked since she WANTS to believe it, no matter what the results are.
    To properly test it, the judges should ALL be skeptics. They need James Randi in there.

  • @beenAg00dgrl
    @beenAg00dgrl 16 років тому

    They should have shown more of the Psychics work and less of the judges. TV Viewers could not see the how the psychic found the boy. Did they cover a lot of area OR go right to the child. The production company for "America's #1 Psychic", did a much better job of viewing the psychic's in action.

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @EchosFromaBlankMind 'Science' is a non-entity. Some scientists believe, some do not. Like God, you can neither absolutely prove nor absolutely disprove His existence. You don't like lawyers? But you do like name-calling. Oh, well.

  • @jcchurch
    @jcchurch 13 років тому

    We're not exactly a chosen few. We're begging more people to join. It just takes a hard science or engineering degree and a refusal to believe in BS like physics.

  • @franktbird
    @franktbird 13 років тому

    They'll give any old crap air time won't they.
    I bet if dogshit rated they'd show it on prime time.
    If the believers want to believe then they will regardless of any agruements to the contrary

  • @coralarch
    @coralarch 16 років тому

    So they can talk to the dead and locate lost items? If they're that good, why can't they foresee their own future? Surely they could know in advance who will win? If so, why bother competing?

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @MrJurekGG Yes you did. There is a reality that you cannot detect with the physical senses alone. Listen to the stories of those who have had NDEs, they have experienced this reality.

  • @chavrons1
    @chavrons1 12 років тому

    @Gerardus1970 Of course those without any ability are not going to believe. For those that have the ability and have experience it themselves they will know it to be true.

  • @excop360
    @excop360 13 років тому

    @k0smon you watch too much t.v or read too many fiction books. it all starts with an interest, then BAM!! they now believe they have power because they want it so bad.

  • @AdamAviation
    @AdamAviation 13 років тому

    "Almost all of you nearly found him" what???? seriously what the hell, 2 of them out 7 is not almost all of them. This show is utter shit.

  • @StretchRhys
    @StretchRhys 13 років тому

    @ItsOneInAMillion believe me mate this show does not represent Australia and its terrible ratings are a testament to that. I'm embarrassed it's even on primetime.

  • @DanDare2050
    @DanDare2050 13 років тому

    @jcchurch Did you mean "psychics" instead of "physics"? Physics, after all, is what gives you the computer you used to type the comment on. :)

  • @tontobones
    @tontobones 13 років тому

    Clarabells ,Get yourself the book Paranormality,Why we see what isnt there,by prof Richard Wiseman .It shows you how your brain fools you.

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @excop360 And where did you get this learned opinion? Obviously someone or many people have the power or you would have no show.

  • @chavrons1
    @chavrons1 12 років тому

    @Gerardus1970 You have to be born with the gift and if you haven't the gift there is no way of trying to prove it to anyone.

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @EchosFromaBlankMind ::: If all this was a 'bunch of bull', there wouldn't be anything to base a show on, now would there?

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @Arithorath Who is 'science'? Name-calling is sure convincing. Try using English sentence structure.

  • @ItsOneInAMillion
    @ItsOneInAMillion 13 років тому

    Shit show. I really thought Australia was one of those forward and modern countries, how wrong was I

  • @Arithorath
    @Arithorath 14 років тому

    WOOWOO, WUWU, WOO, Hullaballu, Crap. Science has dis proven this crap exists over and over.

  • @k0smon
    @k0smon 13 років тому

    @excop360;;; Your comments are unlearned. Please respond with knowledge, not supposition.

  • @Gerardus1970
    @Gerardus1970 13 років тому

    @clarabells22 Prove there are people out there with real ability because none have been found yet!

  • @Tomm0509
    @Tomm0509 13 років тому

    @ItsOneInAMillion please dont judge us all on this. we all think its bullshit aswell

  • @kazb25
    @kazb25 13 років тому

    lol know things about u that u barely know yourself??? that sentance makes no sense.

  • @overhang88
    @overhang88 13 років тому

    This insults me. Is this what people in my country actually believe! How deluded

  • @tomclunie
    @tomclunie 14 років тому

    pff if you were a real psychic you'd go take the Randi million dollar challenge.

  • @warrenburroughs3025
    @warrenburroughs3025 6 місяців тому

    What a terrible test. Any one at all could've stumbled on him by running around the 15 minute radius, 2 of them did. Why didn't they all walk straight up to him? A real test needs to reduce the 'luck' factor as much as possible. A double blind test, 30 buckets upside down in a room. One, and only one has something underneath it. This has been placed there randomly by someone unconnected with the test. The psychics cannot see how any one else performs and each has a turn entering the room and selecting one bucket. If all of them can select the correct bucket that would be statistically significant. Spoiler, the success rate for this kind of test is less than or equal to pure chance. It's badly designed and executed 'tests' like this that perpetuate the myth.

  • @edstareagle
    @edstareagle 2 роки тому

    Cannot find it anywhere online at all.... anyone found it? I remember thinking it was so funny. Im a sceptic... and this confirmed it :-))

  • @gamerboy166
    @gamerboy166 12 років тому +1

    i think that if they really wanted to show the validity of these "psychics," they should put those ten up against another group of 10 who understand things like cold reading and compare the results in the end. That is if they actually could be shown scientifically.

  • @heyhannahmusic
    @heyhannahmusic 8 років тому +16

    if they were psychic, then theyd know if they would win or not lol

    • @narcovice
      @narcovice 8 років тому

      +Hannah Waddell wow your beautiful

    • @papercandles
      @papercandles 8 років тому

      LOL! good point!

    • @chelseaw3865
      @chelseaw3865 7 років тому +5

      Hannah Waddell actually no they don't necessarily fortell futures like that.

    • @richardfraser4303
      @richardfraser4303 6 років тому

      open mind! that! ha!

    • @mysticdragon111
      @mysticdragon111 6 років тому +1

      We don't know things about winning. Things that feed your ego

  • @x8kiki8x
    @x8kiki8x 12 років тому +1

    The host is probably the biggest skeptic and pretty much makes fun of the whole psychic bizz with his quoting fingers evertime he says "the gift". Pure crap from him and contradicts the entire "open mindness" schpiel going on here.

  • @Gonzoidzz
    @Gonzoidzz 13 років тому

    people take this stuff too seriously, its entertainment.

  • @kestaa
    @kestaa 15 років тому +1

    I agree 100%.
    My friends and I used to play sardines a lot as kids. Inevitably we'd all find the hiding place, and it usually didn't take very long even when we were playing outside in a wooded area. But if you'd suggested to us that the first person to find it was more psychic that the others, or indeed psychic at all, we would have laughed in your face. Even as young children, we never thought being good at hide-and-seek was evidence of psychic abilities.

  • @neglesaks
    @neglesaks 13 років тому

    Most gifted? Most lucky + charismatic fraud, methinks.

  • @katieschwartz9689
    @katieschwartz9689 2 роки тому

    there are many of us out there , we just dont charge an arm and a leg to help people we are not greedy like most.

  • @_kimiadventures
    @_kimiadventures 12 років тому

    there are enough real cases why the hell find a prop

  • @ChariotOfFaith
    @ChariotOfFaith 12 років тому

    Wheres James RANDI?!?! Call the Psychic Buster! LOL

  • @BenTvHowman
    @BenTvHowman 9 років тому +6

    The genuine ones in the bunch are getting crossed messages from energy's of the physics before them and the negative energy's of the skeptic that set it up and given not a great deal of time to correctly visualize as well as the added pressure of the camera's and crew as well as the pressure in general. The ones who found him and even those who came close did an exceptional job.

    • @SincerityJ
      @SincerityJ 8 років тому +2

      +BEN HOWMAN Look up what how to use apostrophes, you've got no idea! The plural of energy is energies. The plural of camera is cameras.

    • @BenTvHowman
      @BenTvHowman 7 років тому +5

      I missed the part where this was a grammar test

    • @lorimiller4301
      @lorimiller4301 6 років тому +2

      It's kinda like clothing. You can say grammar doesn't matter; fashion is irrelevant yet you're judged upon what you wear.

    • @JojoplusBo
      @JojoplusBo 6 років тому

      Ben Tv Howman .... great come back my FREND.... oops!

  • @cgStarling
    @cgStarling 12 років тому +1

    How is the one "skeptic" judge supposed to be skeptical if he says from the start that he doesnt believe in psychics but wants to believe in it. It automatically makes his judging ability biased.
    Although i see how he feels and still be credible, he certainly shudnt be trusted if this is the guy viewers at home have to make sure the show is real. I.e. the show pretty much says its bs from the start.

  • @itsicekold
    @itsicekold 16 років тому

    Psychics aren't gifted with every ability.

  • @paratrooper555
    @paratrooper555 12 років тому

    predict the lottery utter bullcrap !!

  • @JojoplusBo
    @JojoplusBo 6 років тому +1

    Wow...given 15mins to find a lost child in the bush.... no pressure. Search parties can not do this in that amount of time if a child goes missing in takes hours to organise a search to begin with and that’s after loved ones have searched and failed....some ppl never to be found or stumbled upon years later.....get real and give credit where due.......thankyou! :)

    • @michellelmy038
      @michellelmy038 9 днів тому

      The story it’s based off is my older sibling actually. My mum is the chick crying in the 7news reel and holding the red head child. I remember that it took them several hours to find my sibling in the bush (Blue Mountains National Park) and the main reason they found them so fast was because of our dog at the time. They located the dog via body heat and then searched the general vicinity

  • @RandomStage
    @RandomStage 13 років тому

    2 out of 7 is a really shitty score.

  • @JUSTDOIT360
    @JUSTDOIT360 13 років тому


  • @believersunderground
    @believersunderground 12 років тому

    #2 is calling herself grandmother now. Geneva. hahaha BUG

  • @janciepants
    @janciepants 15 років тому +1

    Thank you for posting for those in the USA....

  • @JUSTDOIT360
    @JUSTDOIT360 13 років тому


  • @Transfixed
    @Transfixed 13 років тому

    Richard Saunders was very respectful but did say they edited out a lot of misses. Psychics are as real as dragons and the Easter Bunny.

  • @dodbell
    @dodbell 12 років тому

    No they cant

  • @dylans8
    @dylans8 15 років тому

    total rubbish

  • @Delticola
    @Delticola 12 років тому

    There are probably demons, but there are also angels and good spirits. Most psychics are not talking to demons. They know better then to try to do that, they seek only spirits of the light, not the dark.

  • @YellingBird
    @YellingBird 16 років тому

    Wow, my brain got messed up there. I meant to type "to find him only requires luck and eyes." I somehow muddled it though.
    Side note: This show is total BS. I can tell the skeptic is hesitant to speak his mind; he'd probably get booed. He doesn't have adequate time to explain why powers are just people unintentionally deluding themselves, both the believers and the psychics themselves. So instead he can only smile and continue to be looked down upon for not believing the bullshit.

  • @kensington25
    @kensington25 16 років тому

    Thanks so much for these clips. I was on this episode where my comb was chosen. Thanks again.

  • @Delticola
    @Delticola 12 років тому

    Everyone is probably psychic. You really have to work on it. Pay attention to every hint or gut feeling you have and you will improve your abilities. I try to pay attention to everything. Last night I was halfway to my car leaving work........oh, you forgot to check something, you better return and check........and I listened......and it improves and gets stronger.

  • @JUSTDOIT360
    @JUSTDOIT360 13 років тому

    just check out silvana fillmore
    And was then invited to compete on AUSTRALIAS' 'THE ONE' (Silvana Is a SYDNEY Girl)

  • @SkepticalEnquirer
    @SkepticalEnquirer  16 років тому

    To thettguy, You are so right. That's the problem with this type of show. By its name it was never going to be any different. The damage is done. Most TV watchers just accept what they see. The psychics that appeared on the show sound very happy about the show if you you listen to their interviews since the show began. It was a victory for them.

  • @thettguy
    @thettguy 16 років тому

    "No out of context editing". Not by you maybe. But I would suggest that the show itself would certainly have done "out of context editing"

  • @JUSTDOIT360
    @JUSTDOIT360 13 років тому

    just check out she won AMERICAS PSYCHIC
    And was then invited to compete on AUSTRALIAS' 'THE ONE' (Silvana Is a SYDNEY Girl)
    and SHE'S THE BEST !

  • @Reloading26
    @Reloading26 12 років тому

    it's so sad. people can't just accept things for what they are and need a whole damn essay for everything these days

  • @apseudonym
    @apseudonym 13 років тому

    I really disagree on the way some people think believing in the paranormal and having an "open mind" are correlated.

  • @Gerardus1970
    @Gerardus1970 13 років тому

    @gkossatzgmxde He kept his stance because the "tests" in this show are completely unscientific!

  • @Redstar2613
    @Redstar2613 6 років тому

    "He went straight to that boy" Except that he didn't, he just ran around for 15 minutes, as the intelligent person said.

  • @JacquelineL1019
    @JacquelineL1019 12 років тому

    These shows are set up for entertainment purposes, and not created by the Psychics themselves.

  • @ferrygirl100
    @ferrygirl100 5 років тому

    No excuses, weather should not matter. I do believe in psychics.

  • @flatoutt1
    @flatoutt1 9 місяців тому

    i remember watching this and was so impressed with the woman that went straight to him .her gifts were working that day .shay

  • @faafafineartist
    @faafafineartist 12 років тому +1

    its funny how these shows are set up to convince a person who is doubtful and disconnected with his own spirituality when they should just let him and others like him wallow in their narrow mindedness.

    • @iragabelic7442
      @iragabelic7442 7 років тому

      Tinky Dinky lol sorry for not being naive idiots

    • @bxbank
      @bxbank 6 років тому

      So that's how you value psychic ability? Usvand them? Houbarentabpsychic I'd care to know.

  • @daveybaby1630
    @daveybaby1630 11 років тому

    They are claiming exactly that... That's what psychic is implying. Otherwise it's just guesswork, which is exactly what they are doing.

  • @DanandDonna1
    @DanandDonna1 12 років тому

    I believe and have used my own psychic ability from time to time. We all have this ability. Most humans choose not to even acknowledge theirs. Mine hit square between the eyeballs and it was a download that I couldn't stop talking about. I think its cool.

  • @michaelpetrou7299
    @michaelpetrou7299 5 років тому


  • @LaPersonaNonGrata
    @LaPersonaNonGrata 12 років тому

    It is what it is on tv, but your still in the paradigm. dont mean shit.

  • @gkossatzgmxde
    @gkossatzgmxde 13 років тому

    I think she might ogt lucky ... what a nerd!!!

  • @facciaditosta
    @facciaditosta 6 років тому

    I don't think it's fair to give psychics only 15 minutes or to try to put them on a clock so I can get rid of these just don't work that way

  • @TakenBacon
    @TakenBacon 12 років тому

    On some Donnie Darko, being pulled from her stomach

  • @flatoutt1
    @flatoutt1 9 місяців тому

    andrew daddo ,for me is an extremely gifted communicator and frontman here. he 's just so personable, relaxed and natural in front of a camera

    • @debl7044
      @debl7044 3 місяці тому

      I knew it was a daddo, just wasn't sure which one. Cheers

  • @anderson505
    @anderson505 16 років тому

    I believe in psychics
    but I agree with Richard

  • @richardd942
    @richardd942 8 років тому

    where can i watch the full episodes?!

  • @garyrector7394
    @garyrector7394 9 років тому

    It's not real, so it doesn't work well.