WoW! Thanks Lee! I have a better understanding of what's going on with me. Over the past year, I've been concerned about my lack of feeling. I do still care; but often it's more like a story to me, and I don't FEEL the compassion like I have in the past. In the past, I have had a tendency to take on other people's emotions or a variation of them, sometimes feeling the emotions more intensely than they do themselves. In recent weeks, I've been asking my guides and angels to help me to be responsive, rather than reactive. In the past few days, I've experienced several situations in which I've been shown that I am getting better at not absorbing the emotions of others. These situations have involved verbal and energetic attacks. The first time it happened, my initial response was to become indignant and angry. I immediately stopped myself and said, "Wait a minute. This is his anger, not mine. I don't have to be angry just because he is angry. I choose not to be the source of his reciprocation." What a big step for me, understanding this truth.
I am personally going through the proccess of running out of empathy, if I can say so. I have been giving, caring and serving others for years but nowadays I'm feeling exhausted, sometimes about to colapse. Thanks a lot and Blessings Lee for your service to humanity 💗💗💗
Now know this Serve others by serving you first By doing this It stops enabling those who relied on your evolved consciousness It’s time for them and for all to be an island for a time Than we can match energies and rise vibrations of our earth and our people
I completely understand. My whole life and work has been dedicated to others. Being more of a chameleon. But, I have been caring more about my needs for the last several years, and it isnt easy. But it is more energizing. So hug the guilt, hug yourself and say no (to anything you dont want). Much love to you!
I just found you. I actually have been questioning where’s my empathy. Also past things have come up I had forgot. It’s like I have no feeling. I will start working on creating love. Thank you!
Every time I listen to you Lee, I find myself sittning with a smile and feeling love. You transmit pure love. Thankyou Lee for your presence in the world.❤️❤️❤️
1:25 evolving the past 7:21 empathy endurance 11:38 progress vs or with humanity 16:40 allowing change to happen by staying present 18:40 Stopped Plans 20:17 Love is the Answer 22:33 what Lee"s doing now/next
Love to you Lee & everyone in the world. Thank you for your wisdom & gift yes am going threw an identity shift I'm doing things I was fearful of in the past ❤️And am choosing me 🙋🏾♀️ for the first time in my life 🙂
Lately when I have conversations that are sensitive I start by saying, "this for me, isn't about winning or being right, it's about hearing eachother and learning ..." I've been hearing that same message Lee 💞💞💞
Felt one of those spin cycles already today....quick bubbling up of old fears/annoyances - I was literally laughing at myself- watching it happen - this passed and I felt so much joy and could quickly see so much magic and growth around me.
Same here, lol realization of how I live my life in the past makes me laugh now, it's amazing how I transform and evolved to my trueself.. the word that come out is WOW... ITS AWESOME...
Absolutely, experimenting healthy compassion fatigue, exercising my boundaries, specially with people who are not willing/ready to go through transmutation. Thanks for sharing!!! yes, letting go of the saviour personality. The past is coming up again and again, and I see myself now ready to process it from a much more empowered and self-loving place... experiencing breakthrough.
Thank you. This helped me get through a seemingly impossible challenge that’s been draining my energy for weeks. I’m eternally grateful for this guidance.
Re-watching this again, and the spin cycle is making more and more sense - I have been having so many flashbacks to childhood and so much regret/grief over my childrens' younger years.
Lee. Your message today was exactly what I needed to hear as I find myself on the spin cycle. Thank you for your service and your shining light and love. You are a blessing 🙏💜✨🦄
This was exactly the bit of nourishment I needed in my day--Thank you Lee! DEEP, deep resonance with so many of these themes, in particular--overwhelm being a teacher, finding that balance between firm, loving boundaries and giving on an empathic level, the power of truth and truth-telling but also moving away from those with whom I'd be inclined to fight about that with. I come from a family in which both abuse and denial have taken place--the wisest thing I can do right now is to strengthen my boundaries with them as I continue to take space. I really do believe that love is the answer. I love the way your wisdom highlights this AND acknowledges our human in-between-ness with it, too. SO good.
I want this comment to reach Lee. I get my Abraham Hicks in the morning and when I’m in a funk. But this is exactly what I needed… when I needed it. The soothing you provide and how calm I am after listening to your videos! Thank you so much for what you share and provide.
Lee thank you for referencing what is happening with control being implemented around the world. I don’t hear spiritual folks addressing it and we need to. You have really resonated with me in this update and I plan to listen again to help it absorb. Please take care, with gratitude. 🙏🏻💕
Thank you, Lee! This was particularly helpful for me. It was though I received recognition of all I’ve been going through as well as permission to take some moments for myself. It’s exhausting, isn’t it! I know I need to turn some of this over to Spirit whose timing is right for each individual. I’m really feeling the global shift in knowing Truth. Acceptance can be challenging. But that’s what I need to practice. I appreciate the wisdom that flows through you.
This was so helpful. I definitely am going through compassion fatigue and have started to step away from my lifestyle coaching of 15+ years because I no longer have the energy.... I'm also working on my boundaries more than ever and am feeling pretty rooted. Trying not to care what others are thinking about my shift because those who are having anything to say about it are the ones who were abusing my "compassion". thank you Lee..... your messages are always spot on for me. :) oh and I love the saying EMPATH ENDURANCE
"Compassion Fatigue". Thank you Lee. You're always a help. I've felt altered by all of this mess. You always validate the feelings and thoughts that I never named before seeing your channel. Thanks for that as well.🌻 Love to you & yours.
Hi you beautiful soul , Lee !!! After listening to this video , I feel much more confident & uplifted going into the month of June ….. you are so awesome , Lee , a true gift !!!!!
Thank you Lee! This was a STELLAR reading. So feeling and so real. It feels so different right now. and this month almost feels like walking thu a portal in FLY paper! For me anyway. I am listening at the end of the month, and there isn't one thing I haven experienced. Plus it validates the messages I get from the Angels this month. And today, they really imparted to me, to see and experience what is right in front of me. The gratitude and the resistance. And to make time today, for resistant feelings into a meditation, to clear and understand. The weird thing is, It was so clear from them today. I mean SO clear. Then I came here. I know so many others are in this spin cycle too. We just just have to keep getting back to the eye of the "cycle" (storm) . You are an amazing and generous gentleman. These readings help so many of us, to our depths! I send you so much Love and Respect! Thanks again!
Thank you 😊 💓 I definitely have compassion fatigue. I've been a prek teacher for 18 years and while I will always love my students, I am ready to use that energy towards my own self, family and purpose. Going for walks has definitely helped.
Boundaries around my empathy. I do need this,. I am very tired. I have been feeling pull many directions. Who we are and when we can give it. Powerful thank you. Care for myself of how I feel. Thank you
I am so grateful for the wisdom that you share with us. This update is so spot on for me and I listen to it frequently to calm myself with all the shifts and healing happening for me. I have tended to fall into fear but I am facing it head on and reminding myself that this is not something to be afraid of. As you said, accept the changes and things will go more smoothly. Thank you, Lee!
Thanks, i like your talk about right or truth, words should not bring confusion, we need To choose if we want To be right or To be true is very different meaning, that 's why silent can be more appropriate for some.
Lee - I love your monthly energy forecast. I have had to listen to this at least 4 times to really embrace and absorb it. Just in time for the July update!
I'm right in the spin cycle and doing my best to move energies through me through dance, Lee. My heart center has been having such a great workout being broken into pieces and mending. Thank you for sharing this, Lee :)
Your words resonated deeply with me as my heart has been shattered as well. Not sure why however I have learned to listen to those feelings. Sending you love 💜✨
I have been going through the spin cycle for over a month now, seeing it as things that are going on in my life and trying to clear away resistances but nothing has worked. Asked last night to be shown what it is I need, got led to you after hearing about these energy downloads which fit my severe sense of dread, driving force o energy running through my lower abdomen, that I can barely allow to pass through me and because I can’t putting me on spin cycle inside as you say. Put it in the search engine and got led here. Thank you for being here, I have wonderful guides but wasn’t sitting still long enough to listen.
"love is the answer" has been strongly messaged to me in the past and here it is again as I struggle with some of the challenges mentioned here. Love and gratitude always creates a shift out of a dark place. Thank you for shining the Light! ❤️🌸
I’ve been listening to you for the past 6 months Lee, ever since you came into my consciousness. I took part in the January program you offered and I listen to all of your updates. You’ve been my spiritual balance and helped to affirm my place in the world. This June update has been the most aligning and helpful for me yet. So thank you 🙏❤️❤️
Thank you, Lee. You have such a calming, peaceful presence, and I really needed that today. I have not been able to sleep well lately, and that is turning my world upside down. I think it is because I am becoming more empathic and some energies that I have exposed myself to are not very healthy, so the very short blurb you presented about Boundaries at the end of this video was a big message to me that I have to learn to place boundaries in my life. I was raised with my boundaries not being respected, and it bothered me, but there was nothing I could do about it without getting a beating, however, now that I am an adult, I need to exercise some care in placing boundaries so that I can experience peace. Thank you very much again! Much love. xoxo
Lee I was late this month to listen to the energy update, but I can not imaging life without them, I just want to say thank you so much for being there.
It’s amazing how over all these years, how the themes that you and the Zs have shared to us always applies. Feeling this months’s messages especially. Every word. Thank you Lee for being a guiding force for me all these years. Much love.
such a synchronicity…i have been searching for my grandfather who disappeared around 1927 and being resolved to never knowing who he or his people were. today, i received a photo of him from one of the people that i had reached out to for help. i had never seen him before today and it felt like he was reaching out from the other side. the past resurfaces…wow!
I'm so Grateful 🙏 for these updates. They're so true and I believe I need to get into a washing machine 😄, bc the spinning cycle is really running right through me. I'm moving far away, to be closer to my Therapist and start my life, in a healthy environment. But the Fear is truly awful lately. I have been feeling so tired, I've been dreaming, never do, about bad things that might happen, but did in the dream. I'm feeling tons of emotions and trigger. I've actually, because I absolutely believed, that my fears, feelings about "past life feelings", I can't describe well, but I let my move go another month, due to not having "Everything together", with an apartment, being paid for, but never stepped into..I'm having such compassion fatigue, lost in that fear, because nobody understands how overwhelming this has been for me. Scary in every way. But I'm learning, to just go with it, feel the emotions and say goodbye, as they're too fast to understand. Literally. I would love to do a past life regression. It's just money that is tight. Being mindful has been easier than I thought. I thought that these fears and all, were giving me a message today, "don't move there". I had that huge, exhausting day, today, could not do anything, except meditation and such. I hope, that's the big, exhausting moment for me. I had the alteration, of the change in plans, happen with the apartment, that's when I started feeling, like something, was lurking from past. LOVE IS THE ANSWER. I am trying so hard to show and be Love, with Loving myself, as well 🙏. These are such Beautiful reminders and they're ALWAYS, truth. Thank you kindly. Wishing you, the Z's and yours, a Loving, Happy, Blessed and Magical, Summer, ahead🦋❤✨💫. I'll be looking forward to buying your book. I need a Deep Dive. Vision sounds Perfect 🙏
Thank you so much Lee & the Z’s. Everything you discuss not only resonates deeply, but helps me understand what I have been experiencing over the past couple of years. I have stepped back from the business and I’m giving myself space. I am putting myself first, I am tuning into my intuition more & more & allowing my sensitive nature to return. Very challenging & scary as it goes against the grain, so everything you talk about, helps me to realise I’m on track at this time 🙏🏽
This resonates with such clarity Lee. I do feel that healing wave but also strange old timeline frequency repeats personally and nationally. I shared with a friend how it felt like the we were reliving the turbulent US history between1968-1987 with more anger but also with more real awareness that forces us to pay attention without judgement, sees the truth so we may work together in love, to release the old, heal, rebuild within ourselves and then go without into our communities and collective consciousness with creative solutions of global peace and balance in joy, love and light energies for all. Thank you Lee & the P’s and Company for sharing your podcasts and wisdom.
I have felt like I entered a new reality this past couple of weeks, limitations fell away like karma chords being cut, but then yesterday it felt like I went back into some old ways to revisit them, the fear, doubt and limitations seemed to be there again.
I've missed you! You are so on point! I've been hiding under a rock but my friends suggested listening to what you posted this month because it is exactly what's going on with me internally, and externally I've been ignoring, so thanks for the update! I am worthy... 😀
Thank you for the discussion about empathy endurance and compassion fatigue--been feeling this some lately. This was a good reminder to have healthy boundaries and practice extra self-care when needed.
Six months ago I started Beyond Divisions, an organization devoted to holding space for one and all. Honoring everyone wherever they are on their lifepath. Valuing seeing others from the heart more than being right. Unprecidented times call for unprecidented love.
Wow! Thank you for saying “compassion fatigue”! That makes sense and I have been feeling it, being in health care , wondering why I am feeling less “caring” but not that I care less. Just tiring ! 👍💖
I'm kind of glad I didn't watch this until today. VERY meaningful and validating on how I'm addressing things. Thank you very much. Appreciate you keeping it real and personal.
Thank you. I SO Resonate with All of this Beautiful Soul and I am SO Happy to say, I am Present much or most of the Time unless I'm apparently Exhausted, like right now....Lol😄 Sending Divine Blessings and Profound Beauty ❤️❤️❤️
Dear Lee! I can not find the words to express the gratitude and the love I feel towards you and your team🙏 Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love from Sweden❤
Thank you so much Lee. All of this message spoke to me, bit what really stood out was empathy overload and letting go of the uplifter, rescuer role. I needed to hear that ! Thank you as always. Love ❤
My husband was laughing as I was listening to this. I was just asking his guidance on how to handle a problem where someone has taken a situation & twisted it to be about something it is not. It has become confusing & hurtful for others involved. I was asking him if I should try to clarify the issue for the larger group. Then we listened to this, it has definitely helped me to decide to wait & see if the situation improves with out my intervention.
I’ve been shown I was unconsciously committed to being a sick victim which has been the main point of the indoctrination agenda. It slowly unfolded for me over the last 15 years with the last 2 years the catalyst for this to become completely conscious to me. Now On to getting committed to health wealth and happiness!
WoW! Thanks Lee! I have a better understanding of what's going on with me. Over the past year, I've been concerned about my lack of feeling. I do still care; but often it's more like a story to me, and I don't FEEL the compassion like I have in the past. In the past, I have had a tendency to take on other people's emotions or a variation of them, sometimes feeling the emotions more intensely than they do themselves. In recent weeks, I've been asking my guides and angels to help me to be responsive, rather than reactive. In the past few days, I've experienced several situations in which I've been shown that I am getting better at not absorbing the emotions of others. These situations have involved verbal and energetic attacks. The first time it happened, my initial response was to become indignant and angry. I immediately stopped myself and said, "Wait a minute. This is his anger, not mine. I don't have to be angry just because he is angry. I choose not to be the source of his reciprocation." What a big step for me, understanding this truth.
I am personally going through the proccess of running out of empathy, if I can say so. I have been giving, caring and serving others for years but nowadays I'm feeling exhausted, sometimes about to colapse. Thanks a lot and Blessings Lee for your service to humanity 💗💗💗
Now know this
Serve others by serving you first
By doing this
It stops enabling those who relied on your evolved consciousness
It’s time for them and for all to be an island for a time
Than we can match energies and rise vibrations of our earth and our people
Same, I'm done enabling people and allowing myself to be taken advantage of. It's about me now. Sorry, not sorry!
@@n.b.0212 ya dam right it is !
I completely understand. My whole life and work has been dedicated to others. Being more of a chameleon.
But, I have been caring more about my needs for the last several years, and it isnt easy. But it is more energizing.
So hug the guilt, hug yourself and say no (to anything you dont want).
Much love to you!
I just found you. I actually have been questioning where’s my empathy. Also past things have come up I had forgot. It’s like I have no feeling. I will start working on creating love. Thank you!
Compassion fatigue is real. I'm an empath. Love ur surroundings as gives a sense of calm an peace.
Every time I listen to you Lee, I find myself sittning with a smile and feeling love. You transmit pure love. Thankyou Lee for your presence in the world.❤️❤️❤️
🙏Thank you Lee🙏.
This really helped me on a huge wave of old trauma being lifted into light. Phieww 😣.
Blessings to all❤️
1:25 evolving the past
7:21 empathy endurance
11:38 progress vs or with humanity
16:40 allowing change to happen by staying present
18:40 Stopped Plans
20:17 Love is the Answer
22:33 what Lee"s doing now/next
Thank you 🙏🏻!!
Thank you!
Love to you Lee & everyone in the world. Thank you for your wisdom & gift yes am going threw an identity shift I'm doing things I was fearful of in the past ❤️And am choosing me 🙋🏾♀️ for the first time in my life 🙂
The new book sounds INCREDIBLE! Will pre-order. 💞
Thank you Lee. For everything. Thank you.
Lately when I have conversations that are sensitive I start by saying, "this for me, isn't about winning or being right, it's about hearing eachother and learning ..." I've been hearing that same message Lee 💞💞💞
Felt one of those spin cycles already today....quick bubbling up of old fears/annoyances - I was literally laughing at myself- watching it happen - this passed and I felt so much joy and could quickly see so much magic and growth around me.
Same here, lol realization of how I live my life in the past makes me laugh now, it's amazing how I transform and evolved to my trueself.. the word that come out is WOW... ITS AWESOME...
Bless you for bringing such peace and understanding, Lee 🙏🏻💚
Absolutely, experimenting healthy compassion fatigue, exercising my boundaries, specially with people who are not willing/ready to go through transmutation. Thanks for sharing!!! yes, letting go of the saviour personality. The past is coming up again and again, and I see myself now ready to process it from a much more empowered and self-loving place... experiencing breakthrough.
Thank you. This helped me get through a seemingly impossible challenge that’s been draining my energy for weeks. I’m eternally grateful for this guidance.
Re-watching this again, and the spin cycle is making more and more sense - I have been having so many flashbacks to childhood and so much regret/grief over my childrens' younger years.
Lee. Your message today was exactly what I needed to hear as I find myself on the spin cycle. Thank you for your service and your shining light and love. You are a blessing 🙏💜✨🦄
I’ve been feeling guilty for compassion fatigue
Thank you for this message
Perfect timing 🙏✨🙋♀️💜
This was exactly the bit of nourishment I needed in my day--Thank you Lee! DEEP, deep resonance with so many of these themes, in particular--overwhelm being a teacher, finding that balance between firm, loving boundaries and giving on an empathic level, the power of truth and truth-telling but also moving away from those with whom I'd be inclined to fight about that with. I come from a family in which both abuse and denial have taken place--the wisest thing I can do right now is to strengthen my boundaries with them as I continue to take space. I really do believe that love is the answer. I love the way your wisdom highlights this AND acknowledges our human in-between-ness with it, too. SO good.
You're a national treasure dude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I want this comment to reach Lee. I get my Abraham Hicks in the morning and when I’m in a funk. But this is exactly what I needed… when I needed it. The soothing you provide and how calm I am after listening to your videos! Thank you so much for what you share and provide.
Lee thank you for referencing what is happening with control being implemented around the world. I don’t hear spiritual folks addressing it and we need to. You have really resonated with me in this update and I plan to listen again to help it absorb. Please take care, with gratitude. 🙏🏻💕
thank you , you re my angel , soothing for my on edge nervous system , thank you for translating n healing what I am going thru , accurate
Big love x
Thank you, Lee! This was particularly helpful for me. It was though I received recognition of all I’ve been going through as well as permission to take some moments for myself. It’s exhausting, isn’t it! I know I need to turn some of this over to Spirit whose timing is right for each individual. I’m really feeling the global shift in knowing Truth. Acceptance can be challenging. But that’s what I need to practice. I appreciate the wisdom that flows through you.
This was so helpful. I definitely am going through compassion fatigue and have started to step away from my lifestyle coaching of 15+ years because I no longer have the energy.... I'm also working on my boundaries more than ever and am feeling pretty rooted. Trying not to care what others are thinking about my shift because those who are having anything to say about it are the ones who were abusing my "compassion". thank you Lee..... your messages are always spot on for me. :) oh and I love the saying EMPATH ENDURANCE
"Compassion Fatigue". Thank you Lee. You're always a help. I've felt altered by all of this mess. You always validate the feelings and thoughts that I never named before seeing your channel. Thanks for that as well.🌻 Love to you & yours.
Hi you beautiful soul , Lee !!! After listening to this video , I feel much more confident & uplifted going into the month of June ….. you are so awesome , Lee , a true gift !!!!!
wow this is exactly what i've been going through--this is unreal, thank you lee!
Me too! I guess we are on the channel because we resonate so much with him! I wish you ALL the Best!
There have been so many hard things to digest as of late. Thank you for the hope you inspire.
Thank you Lee Harris, for sharing this wisdom for the collective!
Big love x
Being a “truther” is not the same as sharing truth. Bring Light to the conversations.
Lee thank you every month I hardly wait for your updates sending you much love and hugs
I appreciate that
Your words and wisdom resonate deep within and is almost like a healing balm on my soul. Thank you for everything you do ❤️
~healing balm for the soul~ very resonant...:)
Thank you Lee, that was so needed and truly spoke to was accurate with what's happening..🙏
Thank you Lee! This was a STELLAR reading. So feeling and so real. It feels so different right now. and this month almost feels like walking thu a portal in FLY paper! For me anyway.
I am listening at the end of the month, and there isn't one thing I haven experienced. Plus it validates the messages I get from the Angels this month.
And today, they really imparted to me, to see and experience what is right in front of me. The gratitude and the resistance.
And to make time today, for resistant feelings into a meditation, to clear and understand.
The weird thing is, It was so clear from them today. I mean SO clear. Then I came here.
I know so many others are in this spin cycle too. We just just have to keep getting back to the eye of the "cycle" (storm) .
You are an amazing and generous gentleman. These readings help so many of us, to our depths! I send you so much Love and Respect! Thanks again!
Love will be the answer to our fatigue...
I ❤ THAT!!
Thank you! 🙏💕✨
I am feeling overwhelmed, yes I am learning how to balance to sooth myself
Thank you 😊 💓 I definitely have compassion fatigue. I've been a prek teacher for 18 years and while I will always love my students, I am ready to use that energy towards my own self, family and purpose. Going for walks has definitely helped.
Love the fact that you are recording your shows back in nature 🌈 love it.
Glad you enjoy it!
I appreciate how concise and chill you are! Thanks for your illuminations
Thank you so much for this message, and for being here in the world right now!! This helps so much!!
This was something I needed to hear - my year has taken a massive U turn and I am having to adjust my timeline and rethink my goals
I LOVED the hummingbird flying behind Lee. My animal spirit ❤️🙏🏼
Boundaries around my empathy. I do need this,. I am very tired. I have been feeling pull many directions. Who we are and when we can give it. Powerful thank you. Care for myself of how I feel. Thank you
Thanks for sharing your intuitive & loving monthly forecast! Many blessings to you 🤗❤️🇨🇦
I am so grateful for the wisdom that you share with us. This update is so spot on for me and I listen to it frequently to calm myself with all the shifts and healing happening for me. I have tended to fall into fear but I am facing it head on and reminding myself that this is not something to be afraid of. As you said, accept the changes and things will go more smoothly. Thank you, Lee!
Thanks, i like your talk about right or truth, words should not bring confusion, we need To choose if we want To be right or To be true is very different meaning, that 's why silent can be more appropriate for some.
Lee - I love your monthly energy forecast. I have had to listen to this at least 4 times to really embrace and absorb it. Just in time for the July update!
I'm right in the spin cycle and doing my best to move energies through me through dance, Lee. My heart center has been having such a great workout being broken into pieces and mending. Thank you for sharing this, Lee :)
Your words resonated deeply with me as my heart has been shattered as well. Not sure why however I have learned to listen to those feelings. Sending you love 💜✨
@@k.mcgovern1380 thank you so much for taking the time to connect and still feel strong enough to send love. Let's rebuild our hearts together💓💓💓
@@LeeHarrisEnergy thank you🤗💖
@@gentleradiantjoybyBingz You are so very welcome. What a beautiful and brilliant idea. Let's rebuild love. Namaste.
Lee, what a fabulous energy report. It's seems like Truth and Love are the only way forward. How exciting!!!!!!
Love this, and I am so grateful for your presence in the world!
You are so welcome!
I have been going through the spin cycle for over a month now, seeing it as things that are going on in my life and trying to clear away resistances but nothing has worked. Asked last night to be shown what it is I need, got led to you after hearing about these energy downloads which fit my severe sense of dread, driving force o energy running through my lower abdomen, that I can barely allow to pass through me and because I can’t putting me on spin cycle inside as you say. Put it in the search engine and got led here. Thank you for being here, I have wonderful guides but wasn’t sitting still long enough to listen.
I deeply appreciate you and your messages, and the energy of who you are. This video went straight to my heart. Thank you, Lee. 🙏♥️
"love is the answer" has been strongly messaged to me in the past and here it is again as I struggle with some of the challenges mentioned here. Love and gratitude always creates a shift out of a dark place. Thank you for shining the Light! ❤️🌸
I’ve been listening to you for the past 6 months Lee, ever since you came into my consciousness. I took part in the January program you offered and I listen to all of your updates. You’ve been my spiritual balance and helped to affirm my place in the world. This June update has been the most aligning and helpful for me yet. So thank you 🙏❤️❤️
Thank you, Lee. You have such a calming, peaceful presence, and I really needed that today. I have not been able to sleep well lately, and that is turning my world upside down. I think it is because I am becoming more empathic and some energies that I have exposed myself to are not very healthy, so the very short blurb you presented about Boundaries at the end of this video was a big message to me that I have to learn to place boundaries in my life. I was raised with my boundaries not being respected, and it bothered me, but there was nothing I could do about it without getting a beating, however, now that I am an adult, I need to exercise some care in placing boundaries so that I can experience peace. Thank you very much again! Much love. xoxo
You are such a blessing Lee, thank you for helping make sense of so much!
You are so welcome
This was so special and I feel so grateful for all your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for all you and your team do Lee. So much love from Ireland. Xx
Lee I was late this month to listen to the energy update, but I can not imaging life without them, I just want to say thank you so much for being there.
It’s amazing how over all these years, how the themes that you and the Zs have shared to us always applies. Feeling this months’s messages especially. Every word. Thank you Lee for being a guiding force for me all these years. Much love.
such a synchronicity…i have been searching for my grandfather who disappeared around 1927 and being resolved to never knowing who he or his people were. today, i received a photo of him from one of the people that i had reached out to for help. i had never seen him before today and it felt like he was reaching out from the other side. the past resurfaces…wow!
This real life story made my day
That's why learning our master within us. We can walk on water. So we can heal ourselvesand let go of stuff that doesn't work Peace
Lee, you always help me so much as a sensitive. I thank you for all of your information and guidance.
So glad!
Timeline is changing throughout this year.
Good morning Lee Harris.hope your have a great morning and enjoy day with good energi positif.God bless you and blessing we all
I'm so Grateful 🙏 for these updates. They're so true and I believe I need to get into a washing machine 😄, bc the spinning cycle is really running right through me. I'm moving far away, to be closer to my Therapist and start my life, in a healthy environment. But the Fear is truly awful lately. I have been feeling so tired, I've been dreaming, never do, about bad things that might happen, but did in the dream. I'm feeling tons of emotions and trigger. I've actually, because I absolutely believed, that my fears, feelings about "past life feelings", I can't describe well, but I let my move go another month, due to not having "Everything together", with an apartment, being paid for, but never stepped into..I'm having such compassion fatigue, lost in that fear, because nobody understands how overwhelming this has been for me. Scary in every way. But I'm learning, to just go with it, feel the emotions and say goodbye, as they're too fast to understand. Literally. I would love to do a past life regression. It's just money that is tight. Being mindful has been easier than I thought. I thought that these fears and all, were giving me a message today, "don't move there". I had that huge, exhausting day, today, could not do anything, except meditation and such. I hope, that's the big, exhausting moment for me. I had the alteration, of the change in plans, happen with the apartment, that's when I started feeling, like something, was lurking from past. LOVE IS THE ANSWER. I am trying so hard to show and be Love, with Loving myself, as well 🙏. These are such Beautiful reminders and they're ALWAYS, truth. Thank you kindly. Wishing you, the Z's and yours, a Loving, Happy, Blessed and Magical, Summer, ahead🦋❤✨💫. I'll be looking forward to buying your book. I need a Deep Dive. Vision sounds Perfect 🙏
Thank you so much Lee & the Z’s. Everything you discuss not only resonates deeply, but helps me understand what I have been experiencing over the past couple of years. I have stepped back from the business and I’m giving myself space. I am putting myself first, I am tuning into my intuition more & more & allowing my sensitive nature to return. Very challenging & scary as it goes against the grain, so everything you talk about, helps me to realise I’m on track at this time 🙏🏽
This resonates with such clarity Lee. I do feel that healing wave but also strange old timeline frequency repeats personally and nationally. I shared with a friend how it felt like the we were reliving the turbulent US history between1968-1987 with more anger but also with more real awareness that forces us to pay attention without judgement, sees the truth so we may work together in love, to release the old, heal, rebuild within ourselves and then go without into our communities and collective consciousness with creative solutions of global peace and balance in joy, love and light energies for all. Thank you Lee & the P’s and Company for sharing your podcasts and wisdom.
I have felt like I entered a new reality this past couple of weeks, limitations fell away like karma chords being cut, but then yesterday it felt like I went back into some old ways to revisit them, the fear, doubt and limitations seemed to be there again.
Thank you for your gifts - I needed to hear this today!
Try it I UN ,sir
I've missed you! You are so on point!
I've been hiding under a rock but my friends suggested listening to what you posted this month because it is exactly what's going on with me internally, and externally I've been ignoring, so thanks for the update! I am worthy... 😀
Thank you for the discussion about empathy endurance and compassion fatigue--been feeling this some lately. This was a good reminder to have healthy boundaries and practice extra self-care when needed.
Thanks for such a message. We must definitely learn to be alert without fearing.
Six months ago I started Beyond Divisions, an organization devoted to holding space for one and all. Honoring everyone wherever they are on their lifepath. Valuing seeing others from the heart more than being right. Unprecidented times call for unprecidented love.
I’m actually having a past life regression and mother wound healing session tomorrow! So glad you said June’s a good month for this :)
Wow! Thank you for saying “compassion fatigue”! That makes sense and I have been feeling it, being in health care , wondering why I am feeling less “caring” but not that I care less. Just tiring ! 👍💖
@15:50 I learned yrs ago to choose to be right or peace. Also time and place. You helped expand on them. 🙏✨❤️
I'm kind of glad I didn't watch this until today. VERY meaningful and validating on how I'm addressing things. Thank you very much. Appreciate you keeping it real and personal.
Thank you. I SO Resonate with All of this Beautiful Soul and I am SO Happy to say, I am Present much or most of the Time unless I'm apparently Exhausted, like right now....Lol😄
Sending Divine Blessings and Profound Beauty ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, I needed this I am tired and have no energy so I have taken a few days just to stay still. ❤❤❤ 😇 🌠
This resonates so much and feeling the stopped plans energy this week
Blessings to Lee and the team x
so relevant right now.....thank you Lee !
Dear Lee! I can not find the words to express the gratitude and the love I feel towards you and your team🙏 Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love from Sweden❤
Thank you Lee always your real yet sensitive updates always always help me. Much love to you an yours and you as well reading this. Truly xo
I LOVE IT….”be mindful in the mindfield” 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻💪🏻💞
It’s a blessing to have you. Thank you for being there. May your path be always clear and your life be lived in tune with the purpose of your soul. 🙏🌸
Thank you so much Lee. All of this message spoke to me, bit what really stood out was empathy overload and letting go of the uplifter, rescuer role. I needed to hear that ! Thank you as always. Love ❤
Thank you Lee, I look forward to these, they have become more imperative to what I will focus on in that particular month❤️
You got this!
Perfect message for many of us right now. Especially at 13 mins in. Thank you 🙏
Oh my gosh!! Lately I’ve been thinking of reconnecting with a childhood friend and this message is so timely. It now tells me I should do it.
All of that resonated and made me feel such hope. Thank you.
Thankyou Lee! I love your monthly forecasts! With Light✨💛🦄
Beautifully spoken 🙌🏼🌸 came to this today a bit later than normal in the month - but yes this is the June Journey x
My husband was laughing as I was listening to this. I was just asking his guidance on how to handle a problem where someone has taken a situation & twisted it to be about something it is not. It has become confusing & hurtful for others involved. I was asking him if I should try to clarify the issue for the larger group. Then we listened to this, it has definitely helped me to decide to wait & see if the situation improves with out my intervention.
Brilliant as always- Lee you look and are acting so different your energy has shifted hugely
Good to know about truth..I have telling people at the beginning of covid...lost alot of people..still a bunch of us awake.
i feel this month will be fresh lighter energy not in the head as much fingers crossed lee says the same xx
I’ve been shown I was unconsciously committed to being a sick victim which has been the main point of the indoctrination agenda. It slowly unfolded for me over the last 15 years with the last 2 years the catalyst for this to become completely conscious to me. Now On to getting committed to health wealth and happiness!
Much love to you all family
Your energies updates,they !!Treally uplift me...and give me the key to walk trough the storms !!
Thanks Lee!!💖✨🪄
Thank your for your monthly updates!!!
You are so welcome!
I’m having sighs of relief and reassurance
Thank you Lee and team for being a light in my life ❤🙏
Thank you Lee. You really help me process my current emotions. Much, much appreciated to you and your team 🙏🏻