Beartooth live "The Lines" 6/20/14

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Vans Warped Tour 2014 Pomona Fairplex


  • @lydiasilverstein5770
    @lydiasilverstein5770 10 років тому +16

    Poor guy. Cant even breathe.. he'll get better at that once he tours more tho

    • @itsthedougler
      @itsthedougler 9 років тому +1

      +Lydia Silverstein He's been touring for years. The difficulty is post show recovery. When Caleb's voice is 100%, it's unreal. I caught one of the first days of Beartooth's tour with Defeater, Blessthefall and August Burns Red a long time ago, and he was a monster. Warped Tour can completely wipe a vocalist, especially if this was during a long stretch without an off day.

    • @TheAdamHawk
      @TheAdamHawk Рік тому +2

      Damn this ages well

  • @TheFlamingBullets
    @TheFlamingBullets 9 років тому +6

    There pretty bad live, but what can expect froma brand new band?

    • @adventchildren73
      @adventchildren73 9 років тому

      FartSmeller69 He was in Attack Attack! when Austin Carlisle was in it

    • @glamc95
      @glamc95 9 років тому

      Alexander Chapman

    • @adventchildren73
      @adventchildren73 9 років тому

      Cassandra Berkel Your point?

    • @MattTDG
      @MattTDG 9 років тому +2

      I don't know how Beartooth is live but some bands are bad at Warped Tour cause it's so hot out and it's hard to perform when it's really hot. Beartooth is a good band

  • @dickmatthews8630
    @dickmatthews8630 9 років тому

    1:46 Kamron looks like he was about to eat shit lmao

  • @zacfarro8678
    @zacfarro8678 10 років тому +20 show and the drummer just use 1 hi-hat and 1 ride cymbal....#hands_down #real_drummer #showoff

    • @GrindeCity
      @GrindeCity 10 років тому +5

      on the same album. listen carefully

    • @joecooney6158
      @joecooney6158 9 років тому

      I think he's one of the most boring drummers I've ever heard....

    • @tylerballard4170
      @tylerballard4170 9 років тому

      Joe Cooney on the album Caleb did all instruments ...the band is just for live stuff....crazy.

    • @furcoat9458
      @furcoat9458 9 років тому +1

      Which is why I don't listen to this band. Drums are important to me because I play them, and the drums are so boring

    • @HappyGopherGaming33
      @HappyGopherGaming33 9 років тому

      Fur Coat drums arent that important if the other instrumentals are solid

  • @scorpionsniper4539
    @scorpionsniper4539 10 років тому +4

    .......hold out the lyrics more...and it would sound better but overall it's good

  • @tombenmoon
    @tombenmoon 9 років тому

    just awful live...seeing them in November... gulp

    • @MetalMarauder
      @MetalMarauder 9 років тому

      +tombenmoon they've gotten immensely better over the last year. saw them at warped and then i saw them last month at knotfest and the difference between those two shows was huge.

    • @austynkozak4073
      @austynkozak4073 8 років тому

      i think caleb stopped smoking recently. i just saw them live and they were incredible, and i think thats partially because calebs lungs are healing haha