So mom has allowed Umala to play in the food and even try to help but you see what happens when Bissome try to help, she snatch the food out her hand. So those mean viewers that says Bissome doesn’t help you now see for yourself. God is truly going to punish this lady. God had blessed you with beautiful children and you only acknowledge and show love to one.
@@debbiem967 exactly, you can tell she enjoys breaking the spirit of Bissome. Bissome use to sing all the time and her smile was infectious but she barely does anything. She’s off to herself most time. It’s sometimes hard to watch.
What the members of this family do to Bissome is called “bullying” no matter where you live in the World. Strangely enough, it reveals the character of those who instill it on anyone.
2:45 Bessome took the initiative upon herself to help her mother with the string beans. The rude mother snatched the string bean from her hands. It's no wonder Bessome hardly helps because of the heartless mother. This woman doesn't think how hurtful Bessome 😢 must feel!!! You're a beautiful sweet girl Bessome ❤
@user-vhCine e Birmania😂😂😂😂😂. Birma când avea anii lui Bisome era grasă ca un elefant și stătea ca o legumă. Bisoma e foarte inteligentă pentru anii ei .Practic sa descurcat singură în cuibul ăla de vipere. Mai tacă-ți gura că sânt mii de video pe 3 canale. Mincinos patetic.6mz6cg9d
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjb Зачем среднюю? Она не истерит, под ногами не путается...Перед камерой не кривляется... А лилипутка вечно внимание на себя фокусирует...
2:40 this is for the handful of people who CONSTANTLY complained Bissome didn’t help. The people who love Bissome watch how she is treated carefully. We’ve seen this continually from the monster and even Burma doesn’t let her help. This is why Bissome retreats and doesn’t dare try to help. It was hurtful every time you complained because we saw the reality of the situation. Once again Bissome was being treated poorly by her family and the Bissome haters rubbed it in her face through comments. The main people who complained about Bissome claimed to be devout Christians. This is why we feel you are hypocrites because you constantly praise the brattiest child I’ve ever personally seen in my 64 years of living. LOOK AT MOM’S MONSTER LAUGH AS SHE KNOWS SHE HURT Bissome’s FEELINGS…..THAT IS NO MOTHER……THAT IS A MONSTER! 💓💓💓Bissome, I see your reality and I am sorry you are treated this way 🩷🩷🩷
Сегодня читала интервью китайского оператора, никто Биссому не обижает, она наоборот легко идёт на контакт, в отличии от Бирмы и Умалы, старшие дети учатся в городе, их не снимают в целях безопасности
The other kids were raised to sit with legs crossed, don’t talk and eat. They are told when they can get up to leave. You see Umala always gets to do as she pleases.
You allow the chickens in the house but not the dog. I feel so sorry for this dog. Hungry, has never been bathe or loved. The dog seems so miserable when they show him and he’s so loyal
I see they been having a new camera man for the past few days 🤔. He is the one who brought them different food and red shirts. Watch how the wicked one acts when new camera men are around. She behaves herself😂
Bunların yatakları yokmuki çocuklar pis yerlerde yatıyor Allah'ım bu çocuklar ne kadar şanssız bizim çocuklar Adam heryeri ıslatmis çıkarmıyor nasıl bir yaşam çok üzüldüm 😢😢😢
Mom took the green bean from Bissoma when she was trying to help. Then laughed about it with Cameraman. This is why you see Bissoma always playing entertaining herself. She’s always cast aside. If that were Umala Mom would let her sit there and do as she pleases just like being allowed to leave the space of eating to go behind and play. But you see Mom still gave her the plate of food.
I have had a busy day. I can comment now. this really upset me because Amanda C used to constantly say things like…..Bissome sweetie you really need to help carry wood….or Bissome you really need to help burma make dinner….I used to say that Bissome tries but they won’t let her. I’ve seen the monster and burma constantly do this to her that is why she usually retreats. The problem is they never watched carefully so they were ignorant to the reality. I mad a comment a few minutes ago of how I feel 😢 I hate that monster how she laughs at Bissome as she hurt her feelings. I You are right, if it would have been the brat the monster would’ve moved over sat the kid on her lap and handled her the items to help.
She will still refuse to cook more food though… know… feed the dog properly…….to feed the guests! I’m sure the man from China saw she didn’t cook enough food for the children and dog along with guests. Just like the clothes he brought. Bissome isn’t wearing anything brand new, Burmas new outfit looks 10 years old.
Nu-i schimbă intenționat. Dar ea se acoperă continuu chiar dacă toți încercau să-i distragă atenția. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤față inteligentă. Ai înțeles ce urmăreau toți.
Umalu Alizee ca de obicei beată😂 cântă cu cana în mână. Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤a fost foarte atentă să nu-i filmeze genitalele. A înțeles jocul pervers dintre ăștia care joacă rolul de părinți și cameramani. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤te-ai descurcat perfect.
@@LkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbBisome e total indepndentă de monștrii ăștia. Are jumătate de companie și nu depinde de nimeni. Bravo ei că să scuturat de păduchii ăștia care nu au produs decât dezastre. Niciodată nu vor fi la înălțimea ei. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤meritai totul.
I see the got a nice new clean pot for cooking the next thing operator is a nice bed for the kids so let their bodies can be relax i see them already bath clean in a nice clean warm bed please do that for them the dad can make a change inside their is enough room
@nepalvillagelife3528 This family needs to change their lifestyle for the better it's the year 2024. I'm curious how Dasara and Pruna managed to live in the city compared to their old way of living. Viewers need updates on the two oldest children.
Tencereleri ateşin üzerine koyarken külü ıslatın çevresine sıvasın tencerenin dış yüzeyi ve altı is olmaktan kurtulur.yemekten sonra işi bitince tencereyi yıkar.(çeşme başında)tabii ki bunu yapacak kadın gibi kadın lazım.bu kadını atın gitsin.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Скоро, наверное, и Бирма пропадёт. Именно на этом этапе жизни, когда Дасара и Пурно научились выполнять работы, их не стали показывать в видео, они просто исчезли с экранов наших мониторов. Может, у них так принято?
What the heck is up with Omala’s behavior lately? Its like 2 different kids! Imo… her mealtime behavior is ridiculous at this point. Mom seems to either be in denial or does not care🤷♀️ But we do only see a snippet of their life daily so who knows. If she were my child tho …. Well, shes not….😅
Pls report the father and mother to the nepali government, because what they are doing to Bisome is a child abuse and neglect and that is an international law. Im sure that there are neplis watching this video
Even dough they have running water just outside of their door, it is used sparingly, even to drink, however they let it run into the ground, figure that out? It is too much work to bring in the house, unless it is to make beer.
The Chinese blogger is back, he must have given them the wok, witch you can see the monster did not like. It is a beautiful wok , witch must have cost a lot of money. Before using it, take ashes mixed with water, make a paste rub on the outside of the wok. After cooking it is easier to clean and stays shining. Anyway, this would be too much work for these savages. By the expressions on the monsters face, she doesn't like the Chinese man.
کلا مادر کسی را در این خانه بجز اومالا (فرزند کوچک)نمی شناسند فقط بله او می خندد و به او اطاعت میکند و .... بقیه کارگران او هستند. بعد از چند سال مادر باد گرفته برای بچهها بشقاب جدا بگذارد و در کلیپی دیدم برای اولین بار غذا به دهان فرزندش میگذاشت چون غذا داغ بود و کودک نمی توانست با دست بخورد (می سوخت). بچهها بزرگ شده آمد و غذا بیشتر می خورند برای همین قابلمه را عوض کرده حتماً هدیه از مردم هست
25:00 as pessoas só vêem o que querem ❤ admiro que diante de dificuldades a família se senta pra comer juntos, diante das necessidades conseguem sorrir que Deus abençoe sempre essa família ❤😊
Они едят рис, траву, всё натуральное, добытое своим трудом, хоть и нечистоплотны, не едят хлеб и прочие сдобы и химию с магазина, поэтому все стройны и бодры)
Nepali baska ailede var seyrediyom adam cocuklarini yatili verdi ve onlarin okulunu kalkdiklari yerleri cekdiler köye okul uzak diye yatilida kaliyolar cocuklar tatilde evine geliyo babada onlarin okulunu cekdi ve cekiyor
@user-dm7nl3xx3u! Не верьте злым людям! Они уже всю семью отправили на "тот свет".То умерли, то в рабство отдали, то на органы продали!Оператор написал,что Пурно уехал в город учиться,! Они снимаются, и у них есть такая возможность оплачивать учебу!☺
Who ever talk to uncle all four are the farmhouse kids do very well with the help are the other landscape and farmhouse people mother is slef and want for slef thet why mother say doesn't matter
The dad needs to bath and change his clothes please what's with him to just go to the river to bath lot's of water at the house water is nearby they have nice clothes but problem is they're lazy to bath simple as that
الوان ملابسه جميلة احمر قلاده صفراء وثوب. أزرق بعكس بناته خطيه خاصةً. الكبيرة لم تغير ملابسه والملابس متأكده رخيصه وان كانت. مستعمله اكو نظيفه عل قياسهن فقط تأكلون. ولا تلبسوهم ملابس. تليق بهم ان ايام طفوله لها الوانن جمال الملابس. لطفاًً آشتروا لهم. ملابس פـلۉۉۿ. خاصةً. الطفلة. المدلله
The father always looks tired when he joins the family. Working out in the fields, with the animals, or gathering wood but take its toll upon his energy.
Оператор другой ему надоело смотреть одно по пять раз снимающее кино решил сам поснимать его не будь такой еды бы не было он наверно учит их как относится к вещим но пока до них не доходит меняется то посуда да еда а остальное все́ в прежнем виде но грязь ведь можно выскоблить сделать дом в чистый обиход мамаша этого не знает выбрали эту семью на посмешище и потешаются над ними ничего не поделаешь знаменитые стали а казан будет такой же как тот горшок где рис варят неузнаваем мы хотим чтобы в этой семье в доме было чисто и светло а не копоть до пола висит пол то подметает а на потолок у нее́ времени нет чтоб убрать эту копоть интересно куда дым то иде́т куда выходит что то никогда не видно эта мамон все́ превратит в говно простите я желаю этой семье чтобы из дома выбросили ненужный хлам и построить стол кровати чтобы дети могли рисовать и спать сколько места занимают эти никче́мные бочки хоть что то пока новое появилось потом не узнаешь казан это был или горшок тарелки бы другие поменяли а из этих тарелок пусть собачку и цыплят кормят все́ должно быть отдельно
That why set cross the field are cry the last kids are the farmhouse no know who do corn and work in the field that the difference in the farmhouse kids four and the daughters mother change them out from the one there to the small that asked for milk
So mom has allowed Umala to play in the food and even try to help but you see what happens when Bissome try to help, she snatch the food out her hand. So those mean viewers that says Bissome doesn’t help you now see for yourself. God is truly going to punish this lady. God had blessed you with beautiful children and you only acknowledge and show love to one.
Yes, then after Mom and cameraman laugh about it.
@@debbiem967 exactly, you can tell she enjoys breaking the spirit of Bissome. Bissome use to sing all the time and her smile was infectious but she barely does anything. She’s off to herself most time. It’s sometimes hard to watch.
@@lenab6031 heartbreaking 💔
What the members of this family do to Bissome is called “bullying” no matter where you live in the World. Strangely enough, it reveals the character of those who instill it on anyone.
You see how Mom snatched the green bean out of Bissoms hand when she wanted to help? Now if that was Chucky, Mom would have let her help.
Absolutely mother will let chucky do anything she wants mother thinks everything she does is cute
Почитайте китайского оператора, оказывается Биссома самый общительный ребёнок, никакой не забитый мамой
2:45 Bessome took the initiative upon herself to help her mother with the string beans. The rude mother snatched the string bean from her hands. It's no wonder Bessome hardly helps because of the heartless mother. This woman doesn't think how hurtful Bessome 😢 must feel!!! You're a beautiful sweet girl Bessome ❤
if it was chucky she would have left her👹👹
G@@soniayt5858 she's afraid of Uma
It is called a “hateful heart!”
Когда не надо бизонка вздумала помогать а когда надо ее нет
Poor Bissoma I hate to see her get her little feelings hurt I want so much to let her know how much we all love her ❤
Ну люби бизонку доярку и лодыря,чего хнычешь тут🦬👈
Angel's are all around her beautiful little girl ❤
When Bissome head is down while eating is because her feelings are hurt and Brima always thinks it’s funny
Бесун то голову отпустит когда жрёт то закинет башку назад кароче не одыкват но тебе же надо это скрыть вот и пишешь всякую хрень
I adore Bissom ....she is a little angel ♥️
Ангелочек там умалушка бузон уже не маленькая должна помагать бирме
@user-vhCine e Birmania😂😂😂😂😂. Birma când avea anii lui Bisome era grasă ca un elefant și stătea ca o legumă. Bisoma e foarte inteligentă pentru anii ei .Practic sa descurcat singură în cuibul ăla de vipere. Mai tacă-ți gura că sânt mii de video pe 3 canale. Mincinos patetic.6mz6cg9d
Бирма всегда была худой в отличие от упитанного бизона Сама заткнись
Посадите в этот чан Чаки, пусть попарится и отмоется...Может, спокойней станет?
Лутше посадить бузуна может ноги и хрюня отмокнут
Чумала 👀🐖👅🐸🤮💩👅👀
А ты. Шепокляк
@@LkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbАз предлагам тебе да те сварят там за да изтрезнееш 🦬🦧🐃🦍
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjb Зачем среднюю? Она не истерит, под ногами не путается...Перед камерой не кривляется... А лилипутка вечно внимание на себя фокусирует...
2:40 this is for the handful of people who CONSTANTLY complained Bissome didn’t help. The people who love Bissome watch how she is treated carefully. We’ve seen this continually from the monster and even Burma doesn’t let her help. This is why Bissome retreats and doesn’t dare try to help. It was hurtful every time you complained because we saw the reality of the situation. Once again Bissome was being treated poorly by her family and the Bissome haters rubbed it in her face through comments. The main people who complained about Bissome claimed to be devout Christians. This is why we feel you are hypocrites because you constantly praise the brattiest child I’ve ever personally seen in my 64 years of living.
💓💓💓Bissome, I see your reality and I am sorry you are treated this way 🩷🩷🩷
Никто её не обижает
Сегодня читала интервью китайского оператора, никто Биссому не обижает, она наоборот легко идёт на контакт, в отличии от Бирмы и Умалы, старшие дети учатся в городе, их не снимают в целях безопасности
Will said ❤
Умала очень контактная легкая,блогер ее полюбил а бизона нет🦬стадо бизонов будет ревновать 👈
우말라는 갈수록구제불능이네
@@Lkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbyou're so upset because you know Uma is a rotten child with her behavior. She will learn the hard way thanks to her mother.
А Бисоме стала куколка красивая😂
Кукалка там умала
@@ЛюбовьНовикова-ш2щ Чумала 😈👅🐖🐸🤮💩👅😈 Биссома 💙🦋🧡🍒💖⚘️💞🌼💝
Ayah ibu memakai baju baru, sementara baju anak selalu baju kusam 😟😟
Anche pentola nuova 😊
Bisoma punya piring sendiri👍
2:45 monster👹👹👹👹🤬🤬
MONSTER MOM 🤮🤢💩💩💩👹👺😈
정말로 저 처키는 밥먹는 예절보면 짜증나~ 큰아이들이 저렇게 행동했으면 괴물같은 여자한데 맞거나 아빠한데 혼났을텐데~~ 그리고 새로운 웍 며칠이나갈까?
그을림에 숯검뎅이가 될텐데~~
Chucky 吃飯時的樣子如果在我家發生肯定會被揍!
구타는 아니더라도 혼났을겁니다
훈계를 받을것입니다.
Если у папы не хватило ума подвернуть рукава во время мытья посуды то что о детях говорить
The other kids were raised to sit with legs crossed, don’t talk and eat. They are told when they can get up to leave. You see Umala always gets to do as she pleases.
어린아이라고 다 처키처럼 행동은 안합니다
먹을때마다 징징거리고 누웠다가 돌아다니다가 입속에 음식을 뱉어내고 역겨운짖거리들은 안하지요
You allow the chickens in the house but not the dog. I feel so sorry for this dog. Hungry, has never been bathe or loved. The dog seems so miserable when they show him and he’s so loyal
Собак жалко,постоянно голодные.
Get dog food .you have enough money now
I see they been having a new camera man for the past few days 🤔. He is the one who brought them different food and red shirts. Watch how the wicked one acts when new camera men are around. She behaves herself😂
Наконец то разглядел, что оператор приносит вкусняшки
😂 She wil be in best mood and always smiling
Bunların yatakları yokmuki çocuklar pis yerlerde yatıyor Allah'ım bu çocuklar ne kadar şanssız bizim çocuklar Adam heryeri ıslatmis çıkarmıyor nasıl bir yaşam çok üzüldüm 😢😢😢
Love your children. There not slaves are thay
Lazy mother needs help from her kids .can even be just kids only slaves
Mom took the green bean from Bissoma when she was trying to help. Then laughed about it with Cameraman. This is why you see Bissoma always playing entertaining herself. She’s always cast aside. If that were Umala Mom would let her sit there and do as she pleases just like being allowed to leave the space of eating to go behind and play. But you see Mom still gave her the plate of food.
Thank you! ❤❤❤ I’ve been saying this for years now. It’s wild people don’t get it!
I have had a busy day. I can comment now. this really upset me because Amanda C used to constantly say things like…..Bissome sweetie you really need to help carry wood….or Bissome you really need to help burma make dinner….I used to say that Bissome tries but they won’t let her. I’ve seen the monster and burma constantly do this to her that is why she usually retreats. The problem is they never watched carefully so they were ignorant to the reality.
I mad a comment a few minutes ago of how I feel 😢
I hate that monster how she laughs at Bissome as she hurt her feelings. I
You are right, if it would have been the brat the monster would’ve moved over sat the kid on her lap and handled her the items to help.
Также и бизона твоего ненавидим прилипалу
Kadın değil köpek havlayan azgın bir köpek
Все это мелочь жизни, никто её не обижает, ест да спит
Still can't stand her🤢
6:27 That's a large wok 😮 It's probably a gift the guest gave from China.
She will still refuse to cook more food though… know… feed the dog properly…….to feed the guests! I’m sure the man from China saw she didn’t cook enough food for the children and dog along with guests.
Just like the clothes he brought. Bissome isn’t wearing anything brand new, Burmas new outfit looks 10 years old.
Now i remember who she reminds me of.......
King Louie from the jungle book🤔🤣
Хороший,новый казан. В нем можно приготовить отличный плов. Но увы жаль,,мать не образованная и нечего не умеет готовить
Please change plans for Bisoma. Or fix it. Very big hole
Nu-i schimbă intenționat. Dar ea se acoperă continuu chiar dacă toți încercau să-i distragă atenția. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤față inteligentă. Ai înțeles ce urmăreau toți.
Caldero nuevo, ahora habra mas comida para cuando tenga invitados y visitas del comite de los ancianos y borrachos de la villa ❤😂
운영자가 올때마다사오는듯
저집구석엔 무용지물이지만ㅋㅋ
The dad needs to change his pants 💩😂
Пукнул нечаянно😂
Umalu Alizee ca de obicei beată😂 cântă cu cana în mână. Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤a fost foarte atentă să nu-i filmeze genitalele. A înțeles jocul pervers dintre ăștia care joacă rolul de părinți și cameramani. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤te-ai descurcat perfect.
А может бизонка пьяная, Смотри лучше какая, опухшая и бражку пьет 8:12👈
I almost fainted when i seen that new pan lol
The camera man and his company makes money out of these family,then why you don't buy a nice carpet to sit on or a nice comfortable mattress????
Харкается во все стороны потом. посуду моет. грязным. целофаноаым пакетом, который. вадялся. в этой грязи. Фу
@@LkjfdfghdsjzjrjftjdfjbBisome e total indepndentă de monștrii ăștia. Are jumătate de companie și nu depinde de nimeni. Bravo ei că să scuturat de păduchii ăștia care nu au produs decât dezastre. Niciodată nu vor fi la înălțimea ei. Bravo Bisome ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤meritai totul.
А бизонка все сожрет после Бирмы,
It does not snow here ? I have not seen to snow fall here others vedio.
I see the got a nice new clean pot for cooking the next thing operator is a nice bed for the kids so let their bodies can be relax i see them already bath clean in a nice clean warm bed please do that for them the dad can make a change inside their is enough room
Кровать очень нужна
This family needs to change their lifestyle for the better it's the year 2024. I'm curious how Dasara and Pruna managed to live in the city compared to their old way of living. Viewers need updates on the two oldest children.
You will have tp wait until chickens grow teeth. This channel NEVER tells the truth about anything.
Они нормальные дети, умные, у них все получится
First time pot clean. So any another time pot no cleaning no washing. Vegetable curry is added masala please.
Probably anyone like cameraman sold them that new pot. I think.
Tencereleri ateşin üzerine koyarken külü ıslatın çevresine sıvasın tencerenin dış yüzeyi ve altı is olmaktan kurtulur.yemekten sonra işi bitince tencereyi yıkar.(çeşme başında)tabii ki bunu yapacak kadın gibi kadın lazım.bu kadını atın gitsin.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Where the older son???
Oglanı zengin aileye satmişlar
no they didnt @ismigulzengin6163
Мальчик получает среднее образование в городе, а тут кто что напишет
Buyuk kiz yok oldu buyuk oglanda yok oldu video ceken adam neden cevap yazmiyorsunuz bizler sayesinde para kazaniryorsunuz
Ответ в 903 серии
Pois está mais cho,que é mentira @@ТатьянаЕвдокимова-в9я
Скоро, наверное, и Бирма пропадёт. Именно на этом этапе жизни, когда Дасара и Пурно научились выполнять работы, их не стали показывать в видео, они просто исчезли с экранов наших мониторов. Может, у них так принято?
Τα πούλησαν και τα δύο ή κόρη είναι παντρεμένη το αγόρι σκλάβος.
Ой, когда же бизонка пропадет ждем не дождемся,🦬замучила всех воем 🦬👈
It is not a village life know days village people more clearness than we😊
What the heck is up with Omala’s behavior lately? Its like 2 different kids! Imo… her mealtime behavior is ridiculous at this point. Mom seems to either be in denial or does not care🤷♀️ But we do only see a snippet of their life daily so who knows. If she were my child tho …. Well, shes not….😅
А что с бызей дояркой, случилось и лодырь и учиться, не хочет 🦬👈
Pls report the father and mother to the nepali government, because what they are doing to Bisome is a child abuse and neglect and that is an international law. Im sure that there are neplis watching this video
В Непале это нормально
внутри казана думаю помыли?, или сразу налили масло
Посуду они моют хорошо
Even dough they have running water just outside of their door, it is used sparingly, even to drink, however they let it run into the ground, figure that out? It is too much work to bring in the house, unless it is to make beer.
Здорово казан купили.😊❤
Новый казан,чайник появились,прогресс😊
Don't they know that curled up plants can be used as preserved food? It is a pity.
Reviuw dong pasar tempat beli wajan baru 😁😁
The Chinese blogger is back, he must have given them the wok, witch you can see the monster did not like. It is a beautiful wok , witch must have cost a lot of money. Before using it, take ashes mixed with water, make a paste rub on the outside of the wok. After cooking it is easier to clean and stays shining. Anyway, this would be too much work for these savages. By the expressions on the monsters face, she doesn't like the Chinese man.
کلا مادر کسی را در این خانه بجز اومالا (فرزند کوچک)نمی شناسند فقط بله او می خندد و به او اطاعت میکند و .... بقیه کارگران او هستند. بعد از چند سال مادر باد گرفته برای بچهها بشقاب جدا بگذارد و در کلیپی دیدم برای اولین بار غذا به دهان فرزندش میگذاشت چون غذا داغ بود و کودک نمی توانست با دست بخورد (می سوخت). بچهها بزرگ شده آمد و غذا بیشتر می خورند برای همین قابلمه را عوض کرده حتماً هدیه از مردم هست
Казан толстый и по объёму больше, Бирме будет тяжело поднять и мыть тоже
Average Mileva mother didn't ask her to help.
Ничего, казанище!
В этом казане, хорошо бы рис сварить!☺
Тут взрослому такой казанище помыть не легко
О новый казан
It is a beautiful wok, unappreciated , and it won't stay new for long, from the history as how they look after anything given to them.
That lady is enjoying every thing
25:00 as pessoas só vêem o que querem ❤ admiro que diante de dificuldades a família se senta pra comer juntos, diante das necessidades conseguem sorrir que Deus abençoe sempre essa família ❤😊
**Showing us your new shiny wok that Beerma will learn to wash properly**
Look how you’re smashing the food!
It was probably purchased for them because it’s obvious the lady doesn’t cook enough food for everyone.
And mother putting milk to her plate she enjoyed another plate of rice
Мама , папа обе в красном
Как нумерация видео Скачет.То 1038, а то сразу 1049!!!
@@Лариса-ц8ю7ц да, точно. С нумерацией не порядок
@@Лариса-ц8ю7ц Ага, кошмарики...
Наверное, эта длинная поварешка- поскребушка будет царапать стенки посудины, лучше использовать деревянную
Они едят рис, траву, всё натуральное, добытое своим трудом, хоть и нечистоплотны, не едят хлеб и прочие сдобы и химию с магазина, поэтому все стройны и бодры)
ctroinie potomu cto cmotrite kokuiu dorogu ani imeeiut vce v gorax
@@liliaboronciuc6141 не поняла что они имеют в горах???
@@Victoria_25-b7s poprobui ti giti v gorax hoteab god podnimatca verx vniz budes i ti taokoi ctroinoi
Шмыгают соплями кто громче шмыгнёт и проглотит
Cocuklar okula gitmis olsa geldiklerinde onlarida cekerler cocuklari satmislardir
Продажа детей карается законом, а тут весь мир их смотрит, не выдумывайте дети учатся
Okul tatil olmuyormu hic nerde ozaman büyukler 3senedir büyuk kiz yok
Nepali baska ailede var seyrediyom adam cocuklarini yatili verdi ve onlarin okulunu kalkdiklari yerleri cekdiler köye okul uzak diye yatilida kaliyolar cocuklar tatilde evine geliyo babada onlarin okulunu cekdi ve cekiyor
А где сын? Его не видать!
Oğlunu zengin aileye satmışlar
@@ismigulzengin6163 что?
Каму продали?
Не верьте злым людям!
Они уже всю семью отправили на "тот свет".То умерли, то в рабство отдали, то на органы продали!Оператор написал,что Пурно уехал в город учиться,! Они снимаются, и у них есть такая возможность оплачивать учебу!☺
Τον πούλησαν και τώρα αγοράζουν φαγητά σκεύη λαχανικά. 👺👺
Vi are not tired of greenery😮
Вся жизнь в жратве...
Остальные же никто ничего не ест
Наконец то всем наложила в отдельные тарелки
Hello cameraman, pleasant tell the mother chance Bissome pante.
Who ever talk to uncle all four are the farmhouse kids do very well with the help are the other landscape and farmhouse people mother is slef and want for slef thet why mother say doesn't matter
I think that children sufferings from this 😢😢
The dad needs to bath and change his clothes please what's with him to just go to the river to bath lot's of water at the house water is nearby they have nice clothes but problem is they're lazy to bath simple as that
Kabi dal kiyu nhi bnate rice ke sath sabji bacho se nhi khayi jati
Сегодня подачек за батрака не дали, крапиву жрут
Батраки работают за похлебку, перестаньте писать чего не знаете
Alhamdulillah punya wajan baru❤❤
Новый казан подарили?👍 Он и побольше предыдущего. Приготовьте, хотя бы один раз плов👍
Say true what is the age of this village couple
And see her mother face sadly😢😢
الوان ملابسه جميلة احمر قلاده صفراء وثوب. أزرق بعكس بناته خطيه خاصةً. الكبيرة لم تغير ملابسه والملابس متأكده رخيصه وان كانت. مستعمله اكو نظيفه عل قياسهن فقط تأكلون. ولا تلبسوهم ملابس. تليق بهم ان ايام طفوله لها الوانن جمال الملابس. لطفاًً آشتروا لهم. ملابس פـلۉۉۿ. خاصةً. الطفلة. المدلله
The father always looks tired when he joins the family. Working out in the fields, with the animals, or gathering wood but take its toll upon his energy.
So as his children there more tired. There just kids
16:06 唾吐くな
Serba merah owh..😍
I am sure the eldest son, misses his Family.He was close to his Sisters and even cooked for them,when the Mother was ill. Where is the he.
Вряд ли он хочет вернуться
Мальчик умный выучиться будет жить в городе, если не учится, будет такая жизнь как у родителей
Папа обкакался что-ли, прости меня Господи 😂😂
Салом. Дустон аз точикистон🇹🇯🇹🇯👍
Tempat masaknya baruu
Столько можно из муки сделать. Добавить яйцо... Почему одна вонючая трава😢
저 개차반한테 후원을 왜 하는지 모르겄네
And he is soming in side house please government notice this
ดีใจด้วยคะ คุณแม่ได้กะทะใหม่ ล้างมันด้วยนะแม่
Dad taking food from his kids funny man and so called mom
Оператор другой ему надоело смотреть одно по пять раз снимающее кино решил сам поснимать его не будь такой еды бы не было он наверно учит их как относится к вещим но пока до них не доходит меняется то посуда да еда а остальное все́ в прежнем виде но грязь ведь можно выскоблить сделать дом в чистый обиход мамаша этого не знает выбрали эту семью на посмешище и потешаются над ними ничего не поделаешь знаменитые стали а казан будет такой же как тот горшок где рис варят неузнаваем мы хотим чтобы в этой семье в доме было чисто и светло а не копоть до пола висит пол то подметает а на потолок у нее́ времени нет чтоб убрать эту копоть интересно куда дым то иде́т куда выходит что то никогда не видно эта мамон все́ превратит в говно простите я желаю этой семье чтобы из дома выбросили ненужный хлам и построить стол кровати чтобы дети могли рисовать и спать сколько места занимают эти никче́мные бочки хоть что то пока новое появилось потом не узнаешь казан это был или горшок тарелки бы другие поменяли а из этих тарелок пусть собачку и цыплят кормят все́ должно быть отдельно
The papa has messed his pants 🤮
И что
मासु पकाउने एउटा कुकर किन्नुपर्छ भिडियो बनाउने ले
they have one already
That why set cross the field are cry the last kids are the farmhouse no know who do corn and work in the field that the difference in the farmhouse kids four and the daughters mother change them out from the one there to the small that asked for milk
Please write in your own language!!! We cannot understand what you are trying to say! We can use translate function! pot.
Новый казан. 😮👍🏽👍🏽🙋🏻♂️
They have bow and cup why drink out the whole thing
See that mother daughter that not the last kid are the farmhouse that why mother keep call
I heard u fart mister, u smiled but they didn't even notice, they're u go again farting
Сделайте вид, что не заметили
Evil is very big in this house. No care
How evil can you get mother
Where is her big son?
Hangi bölümde gördüm hatırlamıyırum Bissomun pantolonu delik.Annesi dikmesi lazım.Çok ayıp oluyor.Onu sanırım uyardılar.
Dlaczego oni glodza zwierzeta.
DAJCIE. PIeskowi jesc.
Czy oni niemaja sumienia
Всех кормят и собаку тоже
@@ТатьянаЕвдокимова-в9я коли ви бачили, щоб собака їла більше ніж декілька зернят рису в домішку з водою, у якій помили свої руки і мордяки.