Dumbledore and Grindelwald - The Greater Good - Secrets of Dumbledore Prequel

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 12 тис.

  • @parkerdeweese786
    @parkerdeweese786 5 років тому +1124

    When she dies Grindelwald has the most broken look on his face like "Holy shit. What did I just do?" but then he realizes it was necessary to his plan and he goes so hard on the cold expression.

    • @FireWolf583
      @FireWolf583 4 роки тому +102

      Grindelwald never cared about Aberforth or Ariana because they didn’t agree with his ideology. I think it was more confusion and dazed than shock, because that magic Ariana used was very powerful.

    • @iwatchharrypotterandfantas2054
      @iwatchharrypotterandfantas2054 4 роки тому +8

      @@FireWolf583 your profile pictures are black and white is it a new black and white is like you don't miss knobs likes you you yeah okay okay I dunno bro

    • @anonymousgaslighter345
      @anonymousgaslighter345 2 роки тому +11

      @@FireWolf583 no he didn't want to go to prison. At that time he'd just gotten expelled from Dumstrang so a murder would be bad for him. He actually fled the country the next day. Asked his aunt Bathilda to get a portkey for him

    • @jaelynnelson3455
      @jaelynnelson3455 Рік тому +3

      How was that necessary to h8s plan

    • @miguelsyoutube6375
      @miguelsyoutube6375 7 місяців тому

      TBH I think Dumbledore was actually the one who killed Arianna, and he used this fight as a distraction to finally be free of taking for her, that's how it is implied in the book. He wanted to travel the world and learn magic, just like Tom Riddle did, so he "took care" of his little sister

  • @hellothere4126
    @hellothere4126 5 років тому +2269

    Dumbledore and Grindelwald: avada kedavra
    Ariana: jedi i am, fight i must

    • @ariiyy8662
      @ariiyy8662 4 роки тому +28

      General Hello There

    • @eliottl4553
      @eliottl4553 4 роки тому +13

      @@ariiyy8662 Hello there.

    • @hendranhw60
      @hendranhw60 4 роки тому +14

      oh is it another form of lightsaber ?

    • @firelordOzai3
      @firelordOzai3 4 роки тому +7


    • @ludiskywalker5805
      @ludiskywalker5805 4 роки тому +15

      Nice, even though I’m a bigger Harry Potter fan.

  • @cinematic.fandom1221
    @cinematic.fandom1221 4 роки тому +944

    Remember they did this long before Crimes of Grindelwald ! This makes this even more magical

    • @perihanakbas5898
      @perihanakbas5898 4 роки тому +3


    • @cattowers5636
      @cattowers5636 2 роки тому +4

      5 años de diferencia entre 2013 y 2018

    • @pineapplestraws329
      @pineapplestraws329 2 роки тому +14

      and now we literally have secrets of dumbledore out T~T

    • @Iamsome61
      @Iamsome61 2 роки тому +1

      This is SO NOT how it happened lmaoooo

    • @Iamsome61
      @Iamsome61 2 роки тому +2

      @@pineapplestraws329 yes and we know it didn’t happen this way at all. They didn’t use the killing curse, and the fighting was between Albus and his brother, not Grindelwald.

  • @elsachemla4760
    @elsachemla4760 3 роки тому +909

    Are we gonna ignore the fact that this video is still totally EPIC after seven years (wich says a lot cause the level of technology improved since) AND it was posted before Fantastic Beasts was even a concept

    • @hinatauseef3
      @hinatauseef3 2 роки тому +5

      yeah I was also thinking that this video was uploaded before tge fantastic beasts series

      @MANUELMONROYMUSIC 2 роки тому

      it's a lousy job

    • @Belias10
      @Belias10 2 роки тому +2

      @@MANUELMONROYMUSIC i rank this better than the G vs D fight in FB movies.

    • @prabhavvenkatesh9247
      @prabhavvenkatesh9247 2 роки тому +1


    • @becauseimbatman1391
      @becauseimbatman1391 2 роки тому +4

      @@Belias10 Tbf we haven't seen the actual Dumbledore vs Grindelwald fight yet, which I assume will be in the last FB movie

  • @Casisgreen
    @Casisgreen 4 роки тому +2716

    So the cursed child was not good but
    When Dumbledore’s painting said
    “I am not a person fit to love, I have never loved without causing harm”

    • @barrymason5942
      @barrymason5942 4 роки тому +40

      No one Special we don’t talk of that here

    • @noorykorky5056
      @noorykorky5056 4 роки тому +70

      That and the fact that Hermione was Minister of Magic were the only good things that came out of that really horrible play. Although, I did really like Hermione being Black, but it also made me feel bad for her because before, I felt like she was just a minority in the Wizarding World; after The Cursed Child, I felt like she was a minority in both the Muggle and Wizarding World...

    • @vanibansal5741
      @vanibansal5741 4 роки тому +5

      but cirsed child has not realeased?

    • @alabora6781
      @alabora6781 4 роки тому +1

      Vani Bansal wdym?

    • @paarthmishra7609
      @paarthmishra7609 4 роки тому +21

      @@ChannelOfilliusion Males play females, but the character they are playing is actually intended to be female. The actual aspects of the character are not changed in that situation.

  • @pigwiggy355
    @pigwiggy355 5 років тому +1655

    And you thought breaking up by texting was bad...

  • @martaszymczak3460
    @martaszymczak3460 6 років тому +2097

    This is the most furious breaking-up I've ever seen

    • @a_diamond
      @a_diamond 5 років тому +74

      Broken hearts all over that beach....

    • @K91X.
      @K91X. 5 років тому +2

      Marta Sz 😂😂

    • @foxyfiend
      @foxyfiend 5 років тому +22

      Wellll more like albus love blinded him from seeing his evil ways

    • @mentalbreakdown4114
      @mentalbreakdown4114 4 роки тому +7

      And the most chaotic.

    • @perihanakbas5898
      @perihanakbas5898 4 роки тому +1


  • @someonefromearth5231
    @someonefromearth5231 3 роки тому +351

    The actor who played Dumbledore absolutely freaking nailed it! I actually got dumbledore vibes from him. The body languages, expressions, the way he speaks, everything was spot on. I can see him growing up and becoming the Dumbledore we know.

    • @beezergutler5488
      @beezergutler5488 Рік тому

      Except the accent is dreadful

    • @ella36lipashitz
      @ella36lipashitz Рік тому

      2023 9 ✒️⚖️☲️🏁✅️🤰🤷‍♀️🕗💌💌💌💌💌💌🧚‍♂️

  • @ian1464
    @ian1464 5 років тому +1523

    Who else got chills when Grindewald said

  • @TsukiNekota
    @TsukiNekota 8 років тому +1998

    Albus and Gellert: * litteraly breaking up *
    Aberforth: ???¿¿¿????¿¿¿
    Sorry but that was kind of funny, he's so oblivious xD

    • @translucentbear
      @translucentbear 7 років тому +62

      Kind of? I found it hilarious. :D

    • @FireWolf583
      @FireWolf583 7 років тому +91

      I wonder if albus ever told aberforth the truth

    • @SuperJrocktv
      @SuperJrocktv 6 років тому +17

      wait what dumbledoor was gay

    • @elodyskye6973
      @elodyskye6973 6 років тому +74

      @@SuperJrocktv yes, it's confirmed by J.K. Rowling

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 6 років тому +46

      He was in denial / shock
      Sometimes it's hard to believe what your siblings fall in love with 😕

  • @maxs9062
    @maxs9062 4 роки тому +1660

    I recognize that spell. Dumbledore used it to save Harry once in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

    • @Nxox_
      @Nxox_ 4 роки тому +2

      Maxs where??

    • @Nxox_
      @Nxox_ 4 роки тому +1

      Movie or book

    • @maxs9062
      @maxs9062 4 роки тому +8

      Nxox _7822 I think both.

    • @armyluvie4321
      @armyluvie4321 4 роки тому +42

      @@Nxox_ when harry falls down from the broom

    • @manishbothra4881
      @manishbothra4881 4 роки тому +5

      In Movie*

  • @benronald
    @benronald 3 роки тому +275

    14:53 Grindelwald looks like he wants to say sorry but he just can't bring himself to and that's what separated him from Albus

    • @siddharthkhodke4219
      @siddharthkhodke4219 3 роки тому +8

      Ego it is!

    • @fiorrytommy9429
      @fiorrytommy9429 3 роки тому +7

      Aside from trying to kill his brother, and trying to kill him... I think this also could have concurred in separating from him

    • @prabhavvenkatesh9247
      @prabhavvenkatesh9247 3 роки тому +2

      you forget grindelwald committed so many crimes

    • @benronald
      @benronald 3 роки тому

      @@prabhavvenkatesh9247 Dumbledore helped him. Until they separated at least

    • @prabhavvenkatesh9247
      @prabhavvenkatesh9247 3 роки тому


  • @joka619
    @joka619 9 років тому +6055

    would love to see the four founders of hogwarts film ;)

  • @chloerose5999
    @chloerose5999 4 роки тому +649

    the man who played albus was amazing. perfect subtle facial expressions, amazing with the body language. great job.

    • @eschelar
      @eschelar 4 роки тому +8

      Yes he was the only one not overacting.
      Couldn't figure out how Gellert was supposed to sound German here...he just sounded British to me.

    • @julietbeneke7743
      @julietbeneke7743 3 роки тому +14

      All of them did amazing.

    • @meghasreemaitra218
      @meghasreemaitra218 3 роки тому +4

      but in the books Albus had red hair, and that kinda pisses me off that the actor didn't have ginger hair

    • @cubengame
      @cubengame Рік тому

      albus looked liked he should join the beatles ngl

  • @mentalbreakdown4114
    @mentalbreakdown4114 4 роки тому +436

    Me: "So this is how Wizards break up."
    Cousin: "...."

  • @scarlettmason5628
    @scarlettmason5628 3 роки тому +110

    When grindlewald fired the fire at Albus, Albus sighed as though he was tired of this and the same goes for Grindlewald when the flames were fired back at him.

    • @HannahLVLS
      @HannahLVLS 3 роки тому +15

      I know they looked so bored with having to fight. Like do we really have to fight right now haha

  • @SoroOrenji
    @SoroOrenji 6 років тому +876

    “What does he mean, Albus?”
    Oh, Aberforth.

    • @marahc5252
      @marahc5252 6 років тому +102

      Oh, sweet summer child.

    • @MoonyFBM
      @MoonyFBM 6 років тому +12

      I don't get it. What does he mean?

    • @MoonyFBM
      @MoonyFBM 6 років тому +37

      Nevermind. I rewatched the scene. Holy fuck, I want it to be true.

    • @totallyoutofit6989
      @totallyoutofit6989 6 років тому +42

      Always the slow one. He is me when there is drama in the squad

    • @thenephilimforreal
      @thenephilimforreal 6 років тому +5

      Aberfort is dumbledore's brother

  • @jiminbang5822
    @jiminbang5822 4 роки тому +1270

    Aberforth: The third wheel.

    • @ineshomemcardoso
      @ineshomemcardoso 3 роки тому +4


    • @heraturcoaz5131
      @heraturcoaz5131 3 роки тому +4

      This deserves more likes

    • @jiminbang5822
      @jiminbang5822 3 роки тому +6

      @@heraturcoaz5131 Eeeee thank you! This is my most liked comment :)

    • @heraturcoaz5131
      @heraturcoaz5131 3 роки тому +5

      @@jiminbang5822 it bothers me because I had a deaf and mute colleague with eyeglasses who went through several surgeries and she got better. (1-4 grades) only I talked and understood her. And one day she came to school with an illustrated storybook in which I was of course the ugliest and stupidest negative character of her publicated story. and she fluttered around my nose with it and then when I saw it she backed away with her mum because she was afraid I'm going to put my hands on that book.
      You know you think a hurt person is gentler And you know what? Albert deserved his fault his sister death because of him..
      Arianna death is Albert fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @skippy-vb9vq
      @skippy-vb9vq 3 роки тому +4

      @@heraturcoaz5131 yes, my favorite wizard, Albert

  • @haleyweston1841
    @haleyweston1841 9 років тому +547

    For everyone who keeps harshly bashing the quality of the acting/the way it's played out, keep in mind this is a fan film, kind of like a fan-fiction, and they are never really designed to be 100% accurate in the first place. It's entirely experimental in it's nature. I for one, think the acting was pretty decent( not perfect but I can tell they were trying and put a lot of effort into it ) and I give this video and the time and effort they put into it a huge thumbs up! If any of you think you can do a better job, why don't you go and make yourself your own fan film?
    This is UA-cam, not Hollywood. You've got to use your imagination. If you need to rely on top-notch graphics and unrealistically good acting to satisfy you, then my personal opinion is that you are a spoiled, spoon-fed little whiny brat.
    Don't worry Broad Strokes, at least some of us appreciate this.

    • @marylou2399
      @marylou2399 9 років тому +8

      Nothing left to say ;)

    • @SnoryStories
      @SnoryStories 9 років тому +13

      Well said, totally agree :)

    • @SuperJimUK
      @SuperJimUK 9 років тому +11

      I'll agree. For the level of the film, I thought the acting was fairly decent. My issues were with the breaks from the canon.

    • @thomasdls7247
      @thomasdls7247 9 років тому +1

      Yeah, well said

    • @SuperJimUK
      @SuperJimUK 9 років тому

      None of my points focused on either the effects (which were pretty decent) or the acting (which was adequate).

  • @udraj914
    @udraj914 3 роки тому +72

    Considering this came out before all the Fantastic Beasts movies, they have nailed the looks. Gellert is very believable, even to the dressing style, only the accent should be more foreign.

  • @nairalleo4100
    @nairalleo4100 7 років тому +332

    the way albus says "you know of love" jUST GETS ME EVERY TIME MAN

    • @snownnie
      @snownnie 6 років тому +15

      naira gonzalez SAME! Because they’re In LoVe

    • @14turnmyswagon
      @14turnmyswagon 6 років тому

      fkdjgfdgkfg same!

  • @gebratenekinder3261
    @gebratenekinder3261 5 років тому +2292

    When Gellert said that he had never loved Albus my poor little heart broke into thousand pieces😭😭😭

    • @amanloungani6455
      @amanloungani6455 4 роки тому +24

      When did this happen???

    • @xbluewomanx9336
      @xbluewomanx9336 4 роки тому +101

      @@amanloungani6455 when he said that he has never loved and that he didn't know of love.

    • @amanloungani6455
      @amanloungani6455 4 роки тому +16

      @@xbluewomanx9336 thanks for the information

    • @jotarokujo6768
      @jotarokujo6768 4 роки тому +63

      I hate these gay moments for god sake

    • @jotarokujo6768
      @jotarokujo6768 4 роки тому +7

      @@bencummings5304 uh i have my reasons

  • @KaiSanDesu
    @KaiSanDesu 6 років тому +786

    "When will i see her again"
    Me: Like, in a few minutes?

  • @giada4131
    @giada4131 3 роки тому +50

    That's pure genius. The story of Dumbledore and Grindelwald is so powerful, and you played it so well

  • @kendralee7168
    @kendralee7168 4 роки тому +306

    “YOUR LOVE HAS BLINDED YOU FROM THE GREATER GOOD “ Ahhhhhhh I freakin love that line

  • @marie6660
    @marie6660 4 роки тому +736

    It truly pisses me off when UA-cam decides to put this in my recommendations 6 years later

  • @TheRedPandaCat
    @TheRedPandaCat 4 роки тому +214


    • @ikechukwubuike3406
      @ikechukwubuike3406 3 роки тому +1

      We have the same mind we coz I'm literally LMAO so hard coz of that

    • @ikechukwubuike3406
      @ikechukwubuike3406 3 роки тому +6

      And the way he came back with that facial expression was just comedic gold to me

    • @solisglam
      @solisglam 3 роки тому +1

      All the serious comments and then there's you

  • @Elnont
    @Elnont 2 роки тому +125

    I love how they showed the borderline possessive power Grindelwald had over Albus, they were in love but you can see he was utterly domineering and in control.

  • @midnight5172
    @midnight5172 6 років тому +827

    Albus got real triggered when gallet said “I have never felt love” or something like that 😂

    • @diggersam8865
      @diggersam8865 5 років тому +50

      Actually Gellert said, "I knew nothing of love."

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +58

      Because he thought he was lying ....
      And I mean fuck who knows if he had feelings for Albus ...or was even his freind at all .
      He was capable of twisting most people though , he manages to manipulate Voldemort into killing him in the books .
      And poor Gellert, no one can get his name right 😃

    • @christinasouvannarath6145
      @christinasouvannarath6145 5 років тому +4


    • @liudmilasamsonova5389
      @liudmilasamsonova5389 5 років тому +7

      Ahahah when gallet said

    • @gebratenekinder3261
      @gebratenekinder3261 5 років тому +6

      At that moment my heart broke…
      #grindeldore4ever 🥺🥺

  • @gnanaprakashm843
    @gnanaprakashm843 6 років тому +1566

    I can't believe it's fanmade

    • @lunedefroid8817
      @lunedefroid8817 5 років тому +55

      Better than actual crimes of Grindelwald :3

    • @Maria-pj3jv
      @Maria-pj3jv 5 років тому +4

      Me too

    • @a_diamond
      @a_diamond 5 років тому +4


    • @Joe-bo2fv
      @Joe-bo2fv 5 років тому +11

      @@thunderstorm2044 its still better than what you'll ever make

    • @VideosOfRandomContext
      @VideosOfRandomContext 5 років тому +5

      Lune DeFroid Bruh...you’ve got to be kidding me? 😂 The Crines of Grindelwald was pretty good...it was just the unanswered sub plots that pissed the audiences off lmao. If you think this is good then you’re kind lame no offence...this was kinda cringe lol

  • @MegaAudioSonic
    @MegaAudioSonic 8 років тому +268

    Grindelwald was like "Screw magic, I'll just punch you in the face!"

    • @blazeisonfire
      @blazeisonfire 7 років тому +13

      Yes and in the wizarding world that's supremely disrespectful and barbaric.

    • @allysa189
      @allysa189 7 років тому +7

      BLAZEISONFIRE or maybe because breaking up with his boyfriend was so bad that it feels better to punch your ex in the face

    • @iliano1
      @iliano1 7 років тому +1

      That's when I lost all hope for this short.

    • @abdulladil55
      @abdulladil55 7 років тому +2

      lets try some muggle fighting

  • @omaralfar1666
    @omaralfar1666 3 роки тому +59

    9:46 Damn, Gellert is just so done with magic

    • @tylerjenkins1458
      @tylerjenkins1458 2 роки тому +6

      Albus: ...

  • @gopichintala4326
    @gopichintala4326 6 років тому +219

    5.37 The moment he goes from calling him Gellert to Grindelwald

  • @AugustTheStag
    @AugustTheStag 5 років тому +811

    *Aberforth:* What does he mean by that, Albus?
    *Me:* It means your bro is a power bottom, buddy!

  • @mei123fan
    @mei123fan 4 роки тому +303

    If I'm not mistaken, the three of them where fighting when Ariana interfered and got killed, it wasn't just albus and grindelwald, aberforth could also be the responsible of killing his sister, no one knows exactly which one of the three of them killed her, aberforth is not out of this question

    • @shreberry5164
      @shreberry5164 3 роки тому +28

      Grindelwald didnt care but Albus and Aberforth carried that guilt to their graves

    • @lordmordechaifromowitz817
      @lordmordechaifromowitz817 3 роки тому +26

      Aberforth said at the funeral that it was all Albus's fault and punched him in the face.
      Seems like he knew it wasn't his own fault.

    • @lady_phantom_
      @lady_phantom_ 3 роки тому +40

      @@lordmordechaifromowitz817 that doesn't prove nothing if there was a 3 way duel and Ariana stopped it and got killed, aberforth would still blame albus bc he was the one who befriended Grindelwald in the first place.

    • @asnaaafreen9936
      @asnaaafreen9936 3 роки тому

      Yes u r right

    • @Lonewolf-dy5yb
      @Lonewolf-dy5yb 3 роки тому +32

      @@lordmordechaifromowitz817 Aberforth was saying the entire situation was Albus's fault, not that Albus cast the curse. He told Harry "I don't know which of us did it" which means he admits it may have been him.

  • @abhishekgada7030
    @abhishekgada7030 4 роки тому +279

    it must take so much courage to fight against the one with whom you are so deep in love . you can actually see in the eyes of albus the love for gellert . poor albus , i feel sorry for him . first he blinded his eyes in love for gellert and still had to end up fighting with him and later , with voldemort . his whole life went on only safeguarding the world from dark forces without any selfish deeds . he is one of the greatest person in the wizarding world .

    • @shreberry5164
      @shreberry5164 3 роки тому +6

      And that's why he's in gryffindor

    • @leviathandrumming2175
      @leviathandrumming2175 3 роки тому

      Yeah. It does suck

    • @idikam.5257
      @idikam.5257 3 роки тому +3

      He isn’t the greatest

    • @prabhavvenkatesh9247
      @prabhavvenkatesh9247 3 роки тому +1

      @@idikam.5257 yes he is at least until the prince s tale

    • @Aurix8
      @Aurix8 2 роки тому +3

      Hmmm sry, Does anyone really know how could this scene or fight be even possible with taking into consideration the blood pact they had !!!??

  • @tahu9759
    @tahu9759 7 років тому +202

    The fact that Albus was in love with Grindelwald makes it even more dramatic.

    • @kim8665
      @kim8665 Рік тому +5

      They were both inlove, gellert just choose power

    • @pathfinder2.086
      @pathfinder2.086 8 місяців тому +1

      @@kim8665I don’t know if Gellert was really able to love at this point … maybe he was before and maybe he was many years later but at this point I believe he was too corrupted to actually love

    • @Tincan611
      @Tincan611 8 місяців тому

      @@pathfinder2.086Like I feel like he “fell in love” but didn’t really quite understand it and chose to continue on the path of power. I don’t actually think it was until the end of Secrets of Dumbledore that he truly understood what it meant. It was always just at the back of his mind.

  • @juanjoelpalacios-novoa3143
    @juanjoelpalacios-novoa3143 4 роки тому +366

    it's so sad to actually see Dumbledore's most memorable, most tragic moment I'm his life. it's such a terrible thing. it's so sad.

    • @heraturcoaz5131
      @heraturcoaz5131 3 роки тому +6

      Don't forget Gellert
      he claimed he was ok when he really wasn't!

  • @alexmalch
    @alexmalch 4 роки тому +271

    And this isn’t their most legendary duel, I wonder how will it look like

    • @BlackangelKatakuri
      @BlackangelKatakuri 3 роки тому +8

      I'm afraid that it may not live up to expectations

    • @jasminkrieger8464
      @jasminkrieger8464 2 роки тому

      I wouldnt call that legendary Duel

    • @jasminkrieger8464
      @jasminkrieger8464 2 роки тому +1

      They acted like children rather than man

    • @Ben6164
      @Ben6164 2 роки тому

      @@BlackangelKatakuri Absolutely. It'll be botched.

  • @kaitlynnicholson1447
    @kaitlynnicholson1447 3 роки тому +27

    This prequel is such great quality. This is how I will visualize this scene from now on. Great work to everyone who participated in this story.

  • @arathientheseraphine
    @arathientheseraphine 7 років тому +140

    You start breaking up with your boyfriend and end up with your sister dead (and you might be the murderer)...now, THAT, is the worst day ever

    • @perihanakbas5898
      @perihanakbas5898 4 роки тому


    • @scarlettmason5628
      @scarlettmason5628 3 роки тому +6

      And you call it the worst day ever when you stub your toe ......

  • @lililucena22
    @lililucena22 8 років тому +6543

    Grindelwald looks charming and cold as hell. Perfect! This actor made an awesome job

    • @lililucena22
      @lililucena22 8 років тому +72

      I know. I also made a compliment about his acting. But the 4 of them acted very good, specially Grindewald and Ariana. And I don't understand your last sentence... My Spanish is terrible xD

    • @co2psychopath637
      @co2psychopath637 8 років тому +1

      +Aline Lucena part of it is how are you idk the rest

    • @DaggerPrince
      @DaggerPrince 8 років тому +7

      Patrik: Girls always look on how guys look in the first place. Afterwards comes the actual thing theyre trying to watch.

    • @farixpistone2291
      @farixpistone2291 8 років тому +8

      +Patrik Tóth and thank goodness not all men are as pointlessly vulgar and unclever as you. Thanks for failing in setting our image back.

    • @lililucena22
      @lililucena22 8 років тому +17

      Hey, take it easy. No offenses needed. A good looking actor or actress is good. But what matters the most is the acting. This guy's got both.
      I'm Brazilian, by the way. And thanks, I think...

  • @AlexandraAndStuff
    @AlexandraAndStuff 8 років тому +332

    Maybe someday someone will read this comment and be willing to talk about it, but I find this short movie to be so heartbreaking. It helped me understand Dumbledore really loved Grindelwald and how tragic it must have been for him to wake up from this. The young actors here did such an awesome job (honestly, you act better than many HP well paid actors). You can see the love and pain of Albus, the anger and a sober mind of his younger brother, and how he cared for his family. Also, Grindelwald... I don't believe Gellert being all evil like Voldemort. I just feel there is something in him, but he just decided to put power before love and had some good intentions in all this. You can see he is sorry in the end. He suffers not to have Albus on his side. And the music makes it all more deep and sad. Thank you for this. And I will always hope for more.

    • @saramanuel4246
      @saramanuel4246 7 років тому +22

      I agree also. you can see he really doesn't want to attack Dumbledore but just wants him by his side.I love the job These guys did with their two videos capturing the emotion. Those little pieces and looks really matter and these actors did it wonderfully.

    • @zippy555
      @zippy555 7 років тому +2

      Aleksandra Ostrowska this is true

    • @nathaliavergara7934
      @nathaliavergara7934 7 років тому +4

      Aleksandra Ostrowska you wrote everything I think when I see this video (it is the 648746347 time i am seeing btw haha) this is so... intense!!

    • @anthonycurrie5065
      @anthonycurrie5065 7 років тому

      Aleksandra Ostrowska l

    • @rikkimuthele187
      @rikkimuthele187 7 років тому

      Aleksandra Ostrowska

  • @percyweasley9301
    @percyweasley9301 4 роки тому +176

    Gellert was also upset by Ariana's death. He also couldn't believe what happened. She was his possible sister-in law after all. But again he choose Greater Good instead of changing.

    • @shreberry5164
      @shreberry5164 3 роки тому +32

      Says the guy who abandoned his family ( the weaslys ) for the goddammed ministry

    • @joaoanimador6473
      @joaoanimador6473 3 роки тому +19

      That's nice weatherboy

    • @joaoanimador6473
      @joaoanimador6473 3 роки тому +4

      Dumbeldore, and Abefort are using your brothers bill, and ron'ss wand percy

    • @satoru8668
      @satoru8668 3 роки тому +11

      Fred's death really did change you Perce.

    • @leviathandrumming2175
      @leviathandrumming2175 3 роки тому +5

      Hold up yall. Percy redeemed himself at the battle of hogwarts remember?

  • @alexandras.6638
    @alexandras.6638 5 років тому +143

    I lost it when Grindelwald casually flew away, but then it was Dumbledore's turn 😂

  • @sethsoarenson7414
    @sethsoarenson7414 9 років тому +703

    The "Greater Good"? I am your wife! I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!

    • @abigailseely6620
      @abigailseely6620 9 років тому +25

      You just made my day

    • @khristdale8447
      @khristdale8447 9 років тому +27

      Hahaha. That line from The Incredibles is priceless.

    • @estherfeldman7530
      @estherfeldman7530 8 років тому +10

      +Seth Soarenson Oh my Rowling I literally know that scene by heart, best movie ever! You literally just crossed The Incredibles with Harry Potter, best movie in the world+best book in the universe=these are real live tears(well they're not alive, but they're real)

    • @TheRizGuy
      @TheRizGuy 8 років тому +1

      +Seth Soarenson I think the reason Dumbledore or Grindelwald didn't listen was because they were gay, doesn't really apply, does it? :D

    • @kawtharbakhach5848
      @kawtharbakhach5848 8 років тому


  • @rt-it5gb
    @rt-it5gb 8 років тому +290

    I am an ultra Harry Potter fan. I've read the books several times each, and have watched the movies multiple times. I also do a crap ton of fan research, and I just have to tell you all how much I love this. It was well done, and there was obviously a bunch of research done on the characters and their back stories. I felt that the actors portrayed these characters wonderfully, especially with subtle things such as facial expressions and dialogue. Even though these actors may not look exactly like the books described them, I didn't notice it as a problem at all. It didn't take away anything from the film, and I thought all the actors did amazing with their parts. I loved it, I can't say it enough! Beautifully done!! Please make even more!!

    • @rt-it5gb
      @rt-it5gb 8 років тому +19

      I also thought they portrayed Gellert and Albus's relationship wonderfully. Their expressions in the scene where they talk about love was incredible! I loved how subtly the feelings Albus had for Gellert were portrayed. Perfect.

    • @theveiledlady8156
      @theveiledlady8156 8 років тому

      Dose anyone really get that this happened differently in the book

    • @angi4126
      @angi4126 8 років тому

      +Skye the fun it wasn't even perfectly described like that and this is just for people who'd like to know an idea of how it could have gone

    • @theveiledlady8156
      @theveiledlady8156 8 років тому


    • @thebonecollections4478
      @thebonecollections4478 8 років тому +1

      +DarkRose Al like so dont nobody love you huh? You know I love you, big head

  • @elsachemla4760
    @elsachemla4760 3 роки тому +31

    Damn I just have to say it again : what badass actors men ! That's like perfect young Dumbledores and Grindelwad from their way of speaking to their spells and way to hols their wands.

  • @TheFatScot
    @TheFatScot 4 роки тому +1224

    Their wands btw :Albus: Bill Weasley’s Wand :Aberforth: Ron Weasly’s Wand :Grindelwald: his own

    • @MrTman151
      @MrTman151 4 роки тому +40

      How did they get grendelwalds wand 6 years ago didnt it just come out with fantastic beasts?

    • @TheFatScot
      @TheFatScot 4 роки тому +36

      MrTman151 no his original wand was made ages ago

    • @hachi8sq
      @hachi8sq 4 роки тому +28

      Isn’t crimes of grindelwald before Harry Potter?

    • @rivermalik
      @rivermalik 4 роки тому +24

      @@hachi8sq yes if im not wrong, 70 years before Harry Potter. But Newt was in Prisoner of Azkaban too even just his name on the map hahaha

    • @iwatchharrypotterandfantas2054
      @iwatchharrypotterandfantas2054 4 роки тому +6


  • @dai.n660
    @dai.n660 6 років тому +956

    I really hope they use a scene like this in the films. And properly show Dumbledore and Grindelwald's relationship as romantic like we were told it was.

    • @eula5261
      @eula5261 6 років тому +37

      Actually its written in some fan wiki that albus' love for gellert is one sided

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +50

      @@eula5261 Rowling's never confirmed if Grindelwald felt the same way ...
      Fan wiki is people's theories

    • @________7107
      @________7107 5 років тому +9

      Hannah Dyson she did now

    • @stilscarlott
      @stilscarlott 5 років тому +9

      @@hannahdyson5603 well she did now
      And made it awkward

    • @hannahdyson6391
      @hannahdyson6391 5 років тому +24

      @@stilscarlott Why awkward ? When she first introduced them if he didn't return his feelings he was at least his freind . He was also distressed at killing their sister .
      Originally he was a villian able to make realtionships and feel / care about people .

  • @amyleefan85
    @amyleefan85 8 років тому +335

    Amazing! Especially the Aberforth was really good acting! And the camera work was quite nice. Love it.

    • @hagamapama
      @hagamapama 8 років тому +27

      Aberforth's actor carried the hell out of this vid. We all knew Albus would be Albus -- ambitious, brilliant, and a little arrogant at this point in his career, and anyone can rant like a literal stage villain (although Grindlewald's actor went above and beyond), but Aberforth's character was the last fleshed out so the acter had the most work to do, and he hit a freaking home run.

    • @eythorh092
      @eythorh092 8 років тому +12

      have to agree to be honest in comparison to the other 3 his acting was so good it kinda felt a bit out of place

    • @deniseoppus9348
      @deniseoppus9348 8 років тому +2

      Eythor Helgason

  • @nessahc9
    @nessahc9 3 роки тому +26

    the most dramatic breakup I've ever seen.

  • @mumupy
    @mumupy 11 років тому +153

    Am I the only one who wants a Dumbledore film? With a young Dumbledore, like this?

    • @Cuddletoe
      @Cuddletoe 11 років тому +18

      It would be incredibly awesome if they made a movie about Dumbledore's youth. Or even better imo, a TV series portraying Dumbledore's last / last two years in Hogwarts as a student and the events that led up to this fight between him and Grindelwald.

    • @emelieelser1919
      @emelieelser1919 11 років тому +2

      It will come one more movie but that is when Dumbledore is like 50 or something maybe younger but when he was in school would be Amazing!!

    • @besoffenindereckeliegen4917
      @besoffenindereckeliegen4917 7 років тому +4

      and now... 3 years later... there is such film in making😂😏

    • @fisty539
      @fisty539 2 роки тому +5

      @@besoffenindereckeliegen4917 and 7 years after this comment, we still haven't seen it 😂😂😂

    • @phoenixtears25
      @phoenixtears25 2 роки тому +4

      Your wish has been granted!

  • @miangelinaortiz-marcano875
    @miangelinaortiz-marcano875 6 років тому +597

    At 9:43 when Gellert was punching Albus it looked like he had a moment of hesitation a moment of "What am I doing, what is wrong with me I love this guy, why am I doing this to him?" Or is that just me?

    • @SuperEllen
      @SuperEllen 6 років тому +37

      I thought the exact same thing!

    • @shototodoroki4067
      @shototodoroki4067 6 років тому +21

      Miangelina Ortiz-Marcano it’s kinda sad when you think about it

    • @RicardoCamachoCantab
      @RicardoCamachoCantab 6 років тому +11

      Grindelwald never liked Albus back, he was just using him.

    • @TheSandraxdivina
      @TheSandraxdivina 6 років тому +41

      @@RicardoCamachoCantab Actually he did love him.................. JK Rowling herself confirmed they were definitely together..... fjdijgfd

    • @dramatized_06
      @dramatized_06 6 років тому +12

      Same. He seem hesitating.

  • @COLT_1
    @COLT_1 6 років тому +272

    "He sacrificed many things on his journey to find power"

    • @louietrujillo829
      @louietrujillo829 5 років тому +1

      Mart 49 lol but aberforth lied no one knows if grindelwald or dumbledore killed him

    • @screenslayver2077
      @screenslayver2077 5 років тому +2

      I think it was grindelwald in my opinion

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +3

      @@screenslayver2077 I don't think anyone knows who did it Inculding Rowling . It could have even been Aberforth .

    • @screenslayver2077
      @screenslayver2077 5 років тому +8

      @@hannahdyson5603 why is aberforth blamed for everything give the guy a break already

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +1

      @@screenslayver2077 Just stating the facts , and I don't blame him for anything . I think the condensation towards him in the books did him a disservice.
      None of them set out to kill her it was a tragic accident .
      It was Albus who brought the viper into his family and some of the blame must fall on him .

  • @emilygrant3651
    @emilygrant3651 3 роки тому +87

    My heart shattered into a million pieces when Ariana died but it just got worse when Aberforth cried her name 😭🥺. The bond that the three Dumbledore’s had was just unreal! ❤️💔

  • @phoenixrising6240
    @phoenixrising6240 4 роки тому +389

    This is awesome! I can't believe this is fanmade. I definitely want a scene like this in the Fantastic Beasts film series.
    Gellert's actor was also amazing.

  • @nini.w2673
    @nini.w2673 4 роки тому +1062

    The actress of Ariana reminds me of Fleure Delacour😂💜

    • @ayshaba8206
      @ayshaba8206 4 роки тому +5

      Even me

    • @noorykorky5056
      @noorykorky5056 4 роки тому +14

      Yeah, that's my only complaint. She should not be blond.

    • @amyaten756
      @amyaten756 4 роки тому

      Omg yes 🤭

    • @miagreen9005
      @miagreen9005 3 роки тому

      Coincidence? U think not!

    • @tfahad2051
      @tfahad2051 3 роки тому +1

      Stfu. Fleur was so gorgeous. You need my glasses? 🤣😂

  • @lucasbarbosa-zz2si
    @lucasbarbosa-zz2si 8 років тому +59

    This Grindelwald's actor is terrific! Amazing performance!

  • @uh-ohspaghettio7826
    @uh-ohspaghettio7826 Рік тому +19

    10:25 The hunger portrayed in Grindelwald's eyes as he proceeds is amazing acting. I would have loved to see these guys actually play the part in a proper movie.

    • @jamesdertien3809
      @jamesdertien3809 Рік тому

      The Dumbledore actor i don fw but the other actors r great in this tan film 💯

  • @calvinj7492
    @calvinj7492 6 років тому +233

    I love at 11:52 , with the seagull low key just chilling out there

    @DALOLDIAMOND 7 років тому +74

    Just imagine people walking by thinking “ what the hell are they doing “

    • @eula5261
      @eula5261 6 років тому


    • @skinni_the_P00hBear
      @skinni_the_P00hBear 6 років тому +4

      DALOLDIAMOND 11002 I'd l probably get the hell outta there as fast as I could....

    • @s0oin
      @s0oin 6 років тому +2

      I'd keep filming

  • @StudM01
    @StudM01 4 роки тому +321

    Girls: Why are those funny boys playing with sticks on the beach?!

    • @noorykorky5056
      @noorykorky5056 4 роки тому +8

      Well, if they are muggle girls, they would be able to see spells being cast and would understand that they were fighting. Nevertheless, your comment was funny. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ophie71
      @ophie71 4 роки тому +5

      Pretty bad shock for the three guys if the girls are Ministry Officials.

    • @PEAR.X
      @PEAR.X 3 роки тому

      C Barbosa
      are you a PotC fan

  • @fartmaster0707
    @fartmaster0707 4 роки тому +6

    You MADLAD!! This man made this 5 YEARS before the real movie. This should get partial credit in the film.

  • @victoriavalentine2923
    @victoriavalentine2923 8 років тому +762

    these two remind me of Xavier and Erik

    • @Hunter818
      @Hunter818 8 років тому +13

      Victoria Valentine Exactly what I was thinking

    • @violettetrululu2414
      @violettetrululu2414 8 років тому +22


    • @danielevans1689
      @danielevans1689 8 років тому +2

      Victoria Valentine so true

    • @marscomo
      @marscomo 8 років тому +11

      After reading your comment I understood, that both of them were friends with a great ambitions and one of them betrays humane ideas for the supremacy of his kind.

    • @BlackangelKatakuri
      @BlackangelKatakuri 8 років тому +3

      Victoria Valentine Only difference is they weren't gay but yeah.

  • @michelledenise6934
    @michelledenise6934 6 років тому +428

    It's Aberforth's fault she died. He made them stay and fight when Albus tried to leave.

    • @sarikabarde6209
      @sarikabarde6209 6 років тому +70

      Have you READ the seventh book? It was Gellert's fault, but Albus felt responsible for it. And Aberforth was right to stay and fight.

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +42

      Well to be fair , it wasn't Abeforth who used a unforgivable curse because he lost his temper and was an evil bastard .
      It was his older brother who brought the viper into the nest who wrecked their lives

    • @a.m.899
      @a.m.899 5 років тому +9

      @@sarikabarde6209 No-one is saying it's his fault in the book, but it kind of comes across like it is as it's portrayed here.

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому +12

      @@a.m.899 Crucio was the first spell cast here and Gellert raised his wand first . Had they fled Gellert would have followed them

    • @danielcrawford1596
      @danielcrawford1596 5 років тому

      He’s right

  • @shanebrasher8587
    @shanebrasher8587 5 років тому +520

    Imagine seeing 3 grown men playing with sticks on a random beach

    • @Shaan175
      @Shaan175 4 роки тому +11


    • @haaladbam3665
      @haaladbam3665 4 роки тому +27

      "Understandable... Have a good day"

    • @noxvioleta
      @noxvioleta 3 роки тому +2

      I think I had this thought at least 3 times while watching this! lol

    • @annamccarthy789
      @annamccarthy789 3 роки тому +3

      I'd leave that beach and never go back

    • @firebum4604
      @firebum4604 3 роки тому +3

      In my years as a free camper, I can assure you I have seen more than 3 men playing with their sticks on a random beach.

  • @mpenn32
    @mpenn32 4 роки тому +14

    7:47 i recognize those spell' sounds: it's when McGonagall attacks Snape to defende Harry (Deathly allows)

    • @EatFuckingTimothy
      @EatFuckingTimothy 3 роки тому +1

      And the connection at 11:19 are the sounds from Dumbledore and Voldemort connection in the ministry (order of the phoenix)

  • @thebestgabe2154
    @thebestgabe2154 6 років тому +1665


  • @NinaTerlo
    @NinaTerlo 4 роки тому +95

    Grindelwald's actor is fantastic! (Others as well but I find his perfomance more leading)

  • @mgawsmestevan23
    @mgawsmestevan23 10 років тому +93

    They deserve their own book.
    IMO Grindelwald IS the most powerful dark wizard. It still bothers me that everyone ranked Lord Voldemort as the most powerful, when he only really terrorized Great Britain. When Grindelwald took over Europe. In terms of reach and goals, Grindelwald had decades of taking over. Considering Grindelwald had to fight Dumbledore at the height of his power and vise versa. I wonder how Tom Riddle would do in a fight with either of those two in their youth. Judging from their ministry fight, I wonder if Voldemort would just conjure another shield to hide behind.

    • @Aurano1v4
      @Aurano1v4 10 років тому +2

      Didn't Voldemort terrorize Albania aswel?

    • @MultiMobCast
      @MultiMobCast 10 років тому +7

      Dumbledore was the most powerful dark and good wizard of all time (dark if you count that he was evil when he was working with Grindelwald.) he was the only person who had become the master of death. (other then harry) He at one point had all three deathly hallows.

    • @grurple2
      @grurple2 10 років тому +13

      not at the same time. he had the cloak until he returned it to Harry in Harry;s first year. He gained the resurrection stone in the begining Harry's sixth year. at most, he only had two of the Hallows at the same time.

    • @megamage911
      @megamage911 10 років тому +8

      I wouldn't really call him evil as such... More misguided than anything else, and blinded by his love for Grindelwald.

    • @simpsonsim07
      @simpsonsim07 10 років тому +3

      Pieter De Houwer
      Only among the Rats there.

  • @ryutocore
    @ryutocore 4 роки тому +29

    6:36 the way he fell in the water I’m dying 😭 💀

  • @pradipsinhrana7319
    @pradipsinhrana7319 5 років тому +266

    I appreciate the mention of India's colonisation by the British

  • @davidrodrick2109
    @davidrodrick2109 4 роки тому +34

    This must have been what dumbledore saw when he drank the potion of despair

  • @Tsuki-Sii
    @Tsuki-Sii 4 роки тому +73

    9:42 Now thats what I call muggle style XD

  • @aditirathore3437
    @aditirathore3437 3 роки тому +88

    Gallert did love Albus, he did not tell voldy about the elder wand cuz he did not wanted him to break into Albus s tomb. It was revealed in deathly hallows when Harry meets Albus in the afterlife

    • @cateyes3813
      @cateyes3813 3 роки тому +2

      I just saw The Deathly Hallows again for the ?th time - yes Grindelwald DID tell Voldemort exactly where the elder wand was (??) He told Voldemort it was with Albus (in his grave). Or did I miss/misinterpret something?

    • @abhrachakraborty278
      @abhrachakraborty278 3 роки тому +42

      @@cateyes3813 u saw the movie which was misinterpreting.....in the books, Gellert never reveals where the Elder Wand is....he says it was never with him, he never owned it. Even under the effect of Cruciatus curse, Gellert never reveals that Albus won the elder wand from him in 1945! Harry later in the last book, reveals this fact to Dumbledore in the King's Cross chapter, and Dumbledore agrees that Grindelwald did actually show remorse in his last days.....

    • @cateyes3813
      @cateyes3813 3 роки тому +4

      @@abhrachakraborty278 Oh okay. I wish they'd actually shown that in the movie. Thank you for that 👍

    • @aditirathore3437
      @aditirathore3437 3 роки тому +6

      @@cateyes3813 in the books he did not , albus and Harry discuss it in their afterlife

    • @luisec.5041
      @luisec.5041 2 роки тому +2

      @@cateyes3813 You should read the last book. The end is much better and very different from the movie ending. In the book Harry and Voldemort have their final duel in the centre of everyone else and Harry first explains Voldy before using curses that he is the true master of the elder wand after winning it from Malfoy and that Snape wasn't Vold'ys follower but Dumbledore's because he loved Lily his whole life. I hated that they didn't include this conversation in the movie final. In the book Harry won because of an advantage of information/knowledge not just of magical powers.

  • @Lily23tv
    @Lily23tv 5 років тому +380

    6.7k dislikes?
    Grindelwald’s followers strike again.

    • @mikumiku8231
      @mikumiku8231 4 роки тому +1

      It looks like you have 69 likes...

    • @mikumiku8231
      @mikumiku8231 4 роки тому +1


    • @mikumiku8231
      @mikumiku8231 4 роки тому +1

      DarkJay how could you!

    • @Lily23tv
      @Lily23tv 4 роки тому +1

      Oh Lord I have been gone for 10 months and this comment section has gone crazy

    • @Lily23tv
      @Lily23tv 4 роки тому +1

      @Sundra Don't worry it's been a year I now follow him. 😅

  • @KittyKatSizePro
    @KittyKatSizePro 8 років тому +23

    That last moment when Dumbledore and Grindelwald look at each other for the last time, that's what killed me. Awesome short!

  • @0SavvyRose0
    @0SavvyRose0 8 років тому +21

    It kind of grinds my gears that so many people critique the minutia of the film ( Albus's hair not being red enough, etc), and don't acknowledge the amount of work that went into making this! This is one of, if not the best fan film I have seen to date. The production value was great, and the actor's passion left me misty eyed by the end. Thank you and please keep up the good work!!!

    • @hannahdyson6391
      @hannahdyson6391 5 років тому

      @@marenostrem8855 That's just a love fest to Snape .

  • @blacksophie2107
    @blacksophie2107 3 роки тому +22

    Thank you to the creators of this short film for giving us the grindeldore content our poor shipper hearts needed! This is amazing, I adore it and even if the movies never properly cover grindelwald and dumbledore's past, we'll always have this short film to go back to.

  • @RenaissanceM
    @RenaissanceM 6 років тому +4526

    Grindelwald: ALBUS!!!!
    Dumbledore: WHAT!?
    Grindelwald: WHERE’S MY ELDER WAND!?!?
    Dumbledore: WHAT!?!?
    Grindelwald: WHERE! IS! MY! ELDER! WAND!?!?
    Dumbledore: I UHHH PUT IT AWAY!!!
    Grindelwald: WHERE!?!?
    Dumbledore: WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW!?!?
    Grindelwald: I NEED IT!!!!
    Grindelwald: OUR PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED!!!!!!
    Dumbledore: MY EVENING IS OPPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @kingcrimson1467
      @kingcrimson1467 6 років тому +153

      FreedomFighterUnion This is perfect and everyone here knows it but they don't make it too comment to stop infecting other people with this

    • @annadiener8442
      @annadiener8442 6 років тому +58

      I love this

    • @dudelitz6420
      @dudelitz6420 6 років тому +9

      too long

    • @kbano8042
      @kbano8042 6 років тому +36

      Copied!! From the movie scene in incredibles the scene between frozone and his wife

    • @eliraeclipse2435
      @eliraeclipse2435 6 років тому +75

      @@kbano8042 well duh! That's why it's genius.

  • @AllistorRichards
    @AllistorRichards 10 років тому +36

    The guys who played Aberforth, Albus, and Grindelwald look like they'd make excellent time Lords. . .seriously. . .

  • @jumpmanaa0427
    @jumpmanaa0427 6 років тому +3421

    Anyone watching this after fantastic Beasts 2
    Lmao 1k likes almost

    • @philosopherblock8302
      @philosopherblock8302 6 років тому +41

      Yeah, me. But I think I found a plothole. Why could they fight each other there, but not later.
      There the bloodpact makes no sense to me.
      (please excuse my english, I'm not mother tongue)

    • @jumpmanaa0427
      @jumpmanaa0427 6 років тому +14

      philosopherBlock yeah it doesn’t really make sense because when would they have made the blood pact after this mess

    • @somedude9240
      @somedude9240 6 років тому +37

      @@philosopherblock8302 Nobody knew about the bloodpact five years ago.

    • @user-sm8iv1ni3c
      @user-sm8iv1ni3c 6 років тому +1


    • @jumpmanaa0427
      @jumpmanaa0427 6 років тому +3

      some dude well yeah but theoretically

  • @rosierennie5867
    @rosierennie5867 3 роки тому +92

    "I want to see Mumma"
    "She's gone, darling.."
    "When will I see her again?"
    "I.. don't know"
    How heartbreaking it must be for Aberforth to know the truth about what happened to their Mother, that it was an accident caused by Ariana and he cant tell her because what's left of her innocence might be destroyed 😭😭😭😭

  • @supercomplex9
    @supercomplex9 8 років тому +223

    This was excellent! I'd love to see a video of the founders of Hogwarts!

  • @avericuspeverell3062
    @avericuspeverell3062 4 роки тому +153

    The actors for Ariana and Gellert are pretty good even though Ariana is actually a brunette. Ariana was really able to show the relationship with Aberforth (don’t know if I spelt that correctly) was amazing. Aberforth and Albus also literally look like brothers!

    • @rain-ig5bw
      @rain-ig5bw 4 роки тому +20

      only in the movies she was a brunette i’m pretty sure in the books she was blonde

    • @perihanakbas5898
      @perihanakbas5898 4 роки тому


  • @Vessande
    @Vessande 8 років тому +59

    I'd always hoped someone would make a film of the duel. Great work!

    • @rus6091
      @rus6091 8 років тому +14

      Get ready then for Fantastic Beast sequels, because the final one will show duel between these two in year 1945

    • @hannahdyson5603
      @hannahdyson5603 5 років тому

      I really hope fantastic beasts doesn't touch it . It will be a generic dragon ball Z affair

  • @sarahoberlander6888
    @sarahoberlander6888 4 роки тому +27

    This was literally the most heartbreaking scene ever....words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now.

  • @jeberegala233
    @jeberegala233 5 років тому +99

    Dumbledore: It’s over Grindelwald! I have the high ground!
    Grindelwald: You underestimate my power!
    Dumbledore: Don’t try it!

  • @edyavalos4264
    @edyavalos4264 8 років тому +25

    must be heartbreaking to fight the person you love and that person being so indifferent towards ones feelings

  • @Jo_Wardy
    @Jo_Wardy 4 роки тому +111

    I believe they wanted to be powerful so they didn’t have to hide from muggles. But Aberforth got in the way and persuaded albus to stay home. So Grindelwald got upset. I believe he loved albus or was a super close friend with feelings and was upset because he finally started to care for his family when Grindelwald said he didn’t care a lot. I just think Grindelwald was half good half bad he just wanted power enough to stop wizards and witches hiding and for the boy he liked to be by his side.

    • @JohnWalterGates
      @JohnWalterGates 4 роки тому +10

      Grindelwald thought wizards had right to rule over muggles

    • @perihanakbas5898
      @perihanakbas5898 4 роки тому


    • @heraturcoaz5131
      @heraturcoaz5131 3 роки тому

      Awww sweet.

    • @Jo_Wardy
      @Jo_Wardy 3 роки тому +1

      @@JohnWalterGates or i think he wanted muggles to not think they rule over wizards. he want equality. but i guess wizards and witches over muggles helps.

    • @juliette2b766
      @juliette2b766 3 роки тому +6

      Albus didn't just like being by Grindelwald's side, he was in love with Gellert

  • @jaklintahmasian4494
    @jaklintahmasian4494 3 роки тому +19

    I love Grindelwalds football tackle on Dumbledore it’s hilarious 😂 “ arggghhhh”

  • @julietbeneke7743
    @julietbeneke7743 4 роки тому +70

    Grindelwald really needs to get into acting in movies more. The acting here was INCREDIBLE. Both beautiful n iinnocent and eerie at the same time.

  • @putriroyan4957
    @putriroyan4957 6 років тому +61

    "Aberforth, this is between him and me"😭

  • @ohsnapple98
    @ohsnapple98 8 років тому +19

    I'm a film and drama major right now and I pray that one day I can be a part of something this masterful. I've seen this short film several times now and it still moves me to my core. Very well done

  • @seelac9763
    @seelac9763 4 роки тому +15

    When Dumbledore blasted Grindlewald that far out to sea, I was like: OHHHHHH YEEAAAAHHHH WAYY TOO GOOOO DUMBLEDORE!!!

  • @cailthesnail6634
    @cailthesnail6634 6 років тому +27

    phenomenal job guys but I personally love the seagull just watching you two in the lower right hand corner of the frame in 11:52

  • @piensellekes8481
    @piensellekes8481 5 років тому +53

    11:45 yoo that seagull is like “don’t mind me guys just chillin on the beach yoo”

  • @cjrennie3045
    @cjrennie3045 7 років тому +358

    Damn... Gellert's not taking this break-up so well is he? * slowly eating popcorn *

  • @RavinaPande
    @RavinaPande 3 місяці тому +3

    Amazing that this was done ten years ago