You short change Strauss and Howe. Now their theory may ultimately be proven wrong, but for your part you get them wrong. You misrepresent them. The habit of making generations 15 years long didn't come from them, it came from somewhere else, the Pew Research people maybe. As for privatizing Social Security, they repeatedly state that a Crisis requires a central gove to take on more power and responsibility, not less. Does that sound like advocating for mass privatizion of government programs?
Great lecture. Happy birthday!
You short change Strauss and Howe. Now their theory may ultimately be proven wrong, but for your part you get them wrong. You misrepresent them. The habit of making generations 15 years long didn't come from them, it came from somewhere else, the Pew Research people maybe. As for privatizing Social Security, they repeatedly state that a Crisis requires a central gove to take on more power and responsibility, not less. Does that sound like advocating for mass privatizion of government programs?