Byron may not have been the most admirable man to have ever lived, yet his literary work is very good I give him that. Most of the women he was involved with are not bad looking, some of them look quite pretty. Shame he treated Annabella so disgracefully.
I really like the old woman, she really has fun in telling the story!
Augusta was certainly the love of his life. I believe she was the only woman he loved unconditionally...
Was this documentary on the BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL ten years ago?
Byron may not have been the most admirable man to have ever lived, yet his literary work is very good I give him that. Most of the women he was involved with are not bad looking, some of them look quite pretty. Shame he treated Annabella so disgracefully.
Exeis apoluto dikio. An thes epanelave to sxolio sou kai sta Agglika gia na to doune akomoi perissoteroi. Se xaireto :)
Byro-mania = Bieber fever
half of his life.
May be not half-sister...DNA will prove...Things has changed every where...hidden stories are endless even among beduins...!
What diagnosis would a psychiatrist give this historical figure, I wonder. NPD?
Byron's love life belongs in a trailer park.
He sounds like just just another talented creep who uses people. Sounds like he didn't care at all about people's feelings or their well being.