Hey. I can explain. So that thing? The name is: Dontbeafraid Age:???? Context:You are banned. Forever. Context says he appeared to ban you. He is an soul of an old player. I call him soul. Because hes invinsible. How he got here?. How i did not get banned. Let me explain. That was supposed to be an testbot. The dev did not download multiplayer. The reason that i did not get banned. Its because if i stopped him. And kept bullying him all the time. I knew. I would get banned. So i restarded and show him again. And thats the reason. Reason of the appearence:. He appeared when something was not right. When i left for an hour. I knew. I would sneeze. How many times you saw him guys?. Id knew about more of the creepypasta.
Hey. I can explain. So that thing? The name is:
Context:You are banned. Forever.
Context says he appeared to ban you.
He is an soul of an old player. I call him soul. Because hes invinsible. How he got here?. How i did not get banned. Let me explain.
That was supposed to be an testbot. The dev did not download multiplayer. The reason that i did not get banned. Its because if i stopped him. And kept bullying him all the time. I knew. I would get banned. So i restarded and show him again. And thats the reason.
Reason of the appearence:. He appeared when something was not right. When i left for an hour. I knew. I would sneeze. How many times you saw him guys?. Id knew about more of the creepypasta.