Great advice so many people just want to cut off their credit card and don’t understand the 30% hit to there credit. Cut it up ok close it out NO Stop 🚫
I was going to close out a discover card because I paid it off and they were absolutely horrible while I was sick after surgery and had some set backs financially, but I will just never use and cut it up instead!
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Great advice so many people just want to cut off their credit card and don’t understand the 30% hit to there credit. Cut it up ok close it out NO Stop 🚫
Exactly right!
I was going to close out a discover card because I paid it off and they were absolutely horrible while I was sick after surgery and had some set backs financially, but I will just never use and cut it up instead!
Thank you - thank you - thank you - for your wise advise!
Glad it was helpful!
what about just paying them off?