Parenting Q&A❓| Being Queer Content Creators & Parents | Cozy Chatty Times

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @fal4stini
    @fal4stini День тому +3

    0:00 - Intro / Basic FAQ
    SECTION: T.T.C (Trying To Conceive)
    2:07 - What was worse? Unhinged things people said while you're pregnant vs when you already have a baby?
    7:28 - Are there resources you would recommend for coping with Pregnancy Loss and TTC?
    11:41 - How was the transition between wanting to be parents and then actually being ones?
    SECTION: PREPARING, Getting Ready For A Baby
    15:12 - Anything you wish you had known earlier or that would've been helpful to know earlier?
    16:35 - Biggest advice for couples who know they want kids but don't know when? How did you know you were ready to be parents?
    20:14 - Which parts of parenting were better than people made it out to be? Which were worse?
    24:56 - What rules did you give people who wanted to visit during the newborn time?
    27:24 - From someone that's on the fence about kids: What's it really like, honestly?
    32:26 - Do you become more tolerant to bodily fluids/gunk/whatever after having a baby?
    34:41 - Advice for lower income folks who want kids? I feel like I can't have one until I have money.
    40:11 - Is there anything you'd do differently next time around?
    42:34 - How did you set up the "no baby online" boundary with family? Does everyone respect it?
    46:11 - What's the most "tired parent" thing you've done so far?
    48:03 - My sister is extra mean when she's pregnant. Is that normal?
    SECTION: BEING QUEER, Queer Specific Questions
    53:12 - Were there any awkward feelings or moments when the donor met Baby Goof?
    57:59 - Any advice to Queers starting baby making?
    1:00:49 - Curious how you're going to introduce being nonbinary to the baby? From a future Enby Parent!
    1:04:41 - Has being a Dad unlocked any new gender feelings?
    SECTION - PARENTING, What we're doing right now
    1:05:51 - How have you found cloth diapering so far?
    1:09:03 - Are you still doing sleep shifts? How long will you do that?
    1:11:56 - Do you follow wake windows? I have a 4 month old and I'm so curious about everything y'all do!
    1:13:58 - How do you stay kind and gentle when you're frustrated?
    1:18:50 - Are there kids movies/shows that hit different now?
    1:21:10 - Do you still use the whiteboard system?
    1:21:56 - Is there any media/toy you're avoiding for the baby?
    1:25:41 - Fellow air-quality cautious baby parent! How are you feeling keeping GroBag as safe as possible?
    SECTION - NOSEY TIME, More Personal Questions
    1:30:58 - Do you miss childless life ever?
    1:31:55 - What parenting qualities have surprised you from each other?
    1:32:48 - Do you miss spending more time together?
    1:33:54 - When are you planning on having Baby Number 2?
    1:34:40 - What age is a good age for first time at Disney?
    1:36:22 - Felix, have you had any autism specific challenges with being a new parent?
    1:38:34 - I'm wrestling with this. How do you feel about the ethics of raising a kid today?
    1:40:37 - How do y'all handle overstimulation and being touched out as parents?
    1:41:00 - Have or will Morgan's parents meet the baby?
    SECTION - CONTENT CREATION, Parents Who Are Influencers
    1:42:34 - Do you think you'll always share (little) things about Gonzo or do you think you'll get more private over time?
    1:44:06 - Is it hard switching between his real name and his internet name?
    1:45:22 - What's the most unhinged thing someone has said to you about having a baby?
    1:46:55 - Has being content creators become more or less fun since having a baby?

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому +1

      Omg you work so hard and so fast!! Thank you!

  • @noelpecoraro508
    @noelpecoraro508 3 дні тому +10

    I’m not having kids, but I look forward to these videos so much. Hearing two people speak with this much joy and genuine awe by being someone’s parent heals a little part of my inner child 💖

    • @Allisondlyn
      @Allisondlyn 14 годин тому +1

      agree! this whole video was so affirming on my choice to be child free

  • @sydney3351
    @sydney3351 3 дні тому +11

    No one ever has enough time or money to have children is such good advice and so validating ❤❤

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому +3

      It really is so true! It works out!! (Hopefully?? We're still pretty new so idk really)

  • @MacaroniTime5055
    @MacaroniTime5055 3 дні тому +16

    Feeling overwhelmed today- I’m so grateful yall uploaded. Gives me a good cozy feeling for an hour. Thank you!

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому

      I hope we helped a little!! Sending you good vibes!!

  • @Clownbunnycosplay
    @Clownbunnycosplay 3 дні тому +21

    I do not want kids, but I love your little family, and hearing about your journey!!

  • @Lkstormer
    @Lkstormer 2 дні тому +4

    The way Felix says “like and subscribe” sounds like “Life is a crime” and I agreed without questioning it the first time they said it.

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@Lkstormer Honestly so true 😂

  • @edie5879
    @edie5879 2 дні тому +4

    love you talking about people's weird eugenics around parenting! i feel like even if having children was selfish, its okay to be selfish sometimes! getting a pet is selfish, but that's fine as long as you don't mistreat it! :)

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому +2

      @@edie5879 Yes!!! People are so strange sometimes!!!

  • @clairefitzpatrick6698
    @clairefitzpatrick6698 День тому +1

    this video made me so excited for when my partner and i have kids 🥹 you seem like such thoughtful parents

  • @Isabellecomplete
    @Isabellecomplete 3 дні тому +4

    My son is very close in age to Gonzo. It’s so comforting listening to people with a different baby and made some different decisions than my partner and I did talk about their thinking as parents. Some things you talked about doing that are working for you, we tried and they didn’t work for us. Parenting discourse online can be so toxic and this was so lovely. People are doing their best, every baby is different, everyone’s circumstances are different. You did such a great job acknowledging that throughout

    • @Isabellecomplete
      @Isabellecomplete 3 дні тому +2

      To be very clear, we 100% agree on vaccines!!! But, for example, I really like taking my baby to the Family Connection Centre for play time and connections with other families. Not as RSV or COVID safe, but really really great for my mental health and he really seems to love seeing other people, so it’s just a different risk calculus

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому +1

      Yes! Everyone makes different parenting decisions and it's not our job to parent other folks' kids!

  • @britlee1994
    @britlee1994 3 дні тому +7

    What an affirming and comforting video as my wife & I begin TTC in 2025. Thank you so much.

  • @EmilyMayBeStrange
    @EmilyMayBeStrange 3 дні тому +6

    Started this year thinking I would be getting pregnant and ending it with my partner and I deciding to be DINKS for the foreseeable future but I am obsessed with this kind of content and really love the longer videos we're getting from y'all!

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому +1

      I'm so glad!! I really like making the longer ones, they just take a longg time sometimes lol

  • @Rosequartz252
    @Rosequartz252 3 дні тому +3

    All great advice about staying kind and gentle! Sometimes walking away is the best thing for everyone even if it’s hard.

  • @alexis_silly
    @alexis_silly 3 дні тому +8

    Off topic but the little wall behind you is so cute!!!

  • @irenewalsh4192
    @irenewalsh4192 День тому

    Thanks so much for answering my question! So much love for your gentle parenting style -Gonzo is a lucky kid 🫶

  • @jemminahingston3214
    @jemminahingston3214 2 дні тому +1

    Lots of love and respect for your baby journey.
    My baby is about the same age as you and we have been able to stay in the same bed, but that has been a lot to do with beds sharing and baby temperament.
    But bed-sharing has made my baby days and sleep so much nicer, learning about safe sleep 7 and safe bed sharing has been a game changer.

  • @lolaj8624
    @lolaj8624 2 дні тому +3

    Housebound from illness so no kids here, just love hearing about different people's lives and I'm just nosey lol x

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@lolaj8624 As a member of the nosey community, I am so glad to help! 🫡

  • @yellodello1221
    @yellodello1221 3 дні тому +1

    Bloopers really are the best part.. But the whole thing was also lovely. Cherry on top of the cherry

  • @sarahdreamix
    @sarahdreamix 6 годин тому

    I am laughing so hard right now, because I am going to be TTC next year with my trans husband, and i am a MASSIVE Dragon Ball Z fan, so getting to that part of this video is absolutely killing me, and brought me out of lurking. I love this channel, and thank you very much for these videos, they are so helpful!

  • @Reetietoo
    @Reetietoo 2 дні тому

    Hearing about others TTC journeys is so true. I didn’t really want to hear from people who it finally worked for bc that wasn’t tangibly helpful to me, but anyone who hadn’t been trying as long also couldn’t relate!!

  • @amandaholmes1244
    @amandaholmes1244 9 годин тому

    Oh my! I love your Frolic Lark, hope&plum is absolutely the best baby carrier company

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  9 годин тому +1

      @@amandaholmes1244 Thank you!! We love it sooo much!

  • @DeadGoodBookReviews
    @DeadGoodBookReviews 2 дні тому

    The bloopers are just wonderful this video! ❤️❤️

  • @marscontino3570
    @marscontino3570 День тому

    love the long videos and love chatty videos!

  • @creamyyy18
    @creamyyy18 2 дні тому

    Thank you so much for sharing your lives on here ❤ It is so heartwarming to see a safe, healthy queer couple

  • @whiteinkpen
    @whiteinkpen 3 дні тому +3

    “PLEASE. HES SMOL!” 😂❤

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому

      We have been saying it to each other every time he's fussy bc it's honestly so true lol

  • @lesmainslibres77
    @lesmainslibres77 День тому

    this video made my day

  • @emilygrace1409
    @emilygrace1409 2 дні тому +1

    cloth diaper slay! my partner and his youngest sibling have a 20 year age gap and his mom sat me down and said “I have like an absurd amount of cloth diapers that i’m saving… if you’re interested…”i’ve always wanted to cloth diaper my future kiddos so it will be a huge blessing once we have a kid!

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому

      Yes! We'll definitely be using the same ones for kid #1 and #2!

  • @MarthaWocket
    @MarthaWocket 2 дні тому

    Thank you for sharing

  • @kellyhuang1
    @kellyhuang1 День тому

    I dont have children but you better bet im watching this while I work

  • @Julesasaurus
    @Julesasaurus 3 дні тому +1

    This is great timing as I’m baby nap trapped right now 😂

  • @MayaRuswinkle
    @MayaRuswinkle День тому

    I've had that same Aurora stocking my whole life! I've never seen it anywhere except my grandma's house

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому

      We found it randomly at like a thrift store I think?? Or maybe it was a gift?? We've had it for soo long lol

  • @laciandrews2973
    @laciandrews2973 2 дні тому +1

    My baby is now 4 years old, and still sometimes when she gets in trouble (rightfully so) I have to stop myself from saying PLEASE SHES SMOL.

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому +1

      @@laciandrews2973 it’s like they don’t even consider her smallness!!!

  • @chrissystrawberrylimetea9728
    @chrissystrawberrylimetea9728 3 дні тому +1

    I laughed so hard at Morgan's DBZ bit 😂 I'm the DBZ Stan she could hear typing! It was like my second ever favorite anime

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому +1

      See I knew there would be some!!!

  • @sarahellis8826
    @sarahellis8826 2 дні тому

    My baby is 3 months old and the thing I have learnt above all the other stuff is I just cannot fathom how much love I have for this kid. I was so worried I wouldn't connect to my child when they were born but that couldn't be further from the truth! I think if I have another kid I will be much less anxious about that feeling of will I love this kid because it literally kept me awake at times when I was pregnant.
    Edited for spelling 😂

    • @sarahellis8826
      @sarahellis8826 2 дні тому

      Also on the rage during pregnancy I would go to the supermarket with like a very not small town New Zealand outfit I could (platform docs, top that says dump him and headphones) and old men would still approach me or stand too close, like is this a joke I am not an approachable person normally, let alone while being literally 9 months pregnant!

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@sarahellis8826 people REALLY underestimate how close a pregnant person is the bursting into tears with rage!!

  • @elliecoode
    @elliecoode 2 дні тому

    I’m also watching sister wives, my 12 month old and I cuddle and watch it together. It was my pregnancy binge watch show. I had a hard time moving around because of prepartum depression so I got sucked IN.

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@elliecoode Idk how but they put drugs in that show!!

  • @soparice
    @soparice День тому

    please! I desperately need a pattern link to a the crochet mug style cup holder in this video!! I haven't seen anything like it, and I'm so jealous

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому +1

      Our friend sent it to us! They make them! It's mrsmoonheaven on insta!

  • @RottingRootsArts
    @RottingRootsArts 3 дні тому

    thank you so much for making this, my partner and I had tried for so many years and were not able to have a child ourselves, but my bestie has and is going through a roupgh patch with raising their babu and I want to do all I can to be there for them even though we are so far apart
    a lot of what you spoke on in here is great advice I can take to heart to help them out in the future ^3^

  • @Rosequartz252
    @Rosequartz252 3 дні тому

    Also, I grew up in DBZ 😂 So nostalgic for me

  • @tiff.valentineX
    @tiff.valentineX 3 дні тому

    Oh if you can’t handle Pinocchio as a parent, Geppetto (2000) would cause untold damage. It’s a made for TV movie with music by Stephen Schwartz, the composer of Wicked that’s the story from Geppetto’s POV. I’m not a parent but the song “Since I Gave My Heart Away” lowkey makes me weep. 1:19:52

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@tiff.valentineX Oh no! But now I am interested!!!

  • @cjames2113
    @cjames2113 День тому

    In the same vein as movies/shows hitting differently. We were gifted a lot of books for our baby girl and we were so excited to read to her. Some books I'm like "Nahh we're not reading that again." Example: The very hungry caterpillar. I feel like it's body shaming/food shaming and it made me really sad to read it to her.

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому +2

      Oh that's so fair! I feel the opposite bc I plan to be like "he ate until he was full and that's great!" But obviously everyone feels differently about different things!

    • @cjames2113
      @cjames2113 День тому

      @@CouplaGoofs Never thought to reframe it that way! We will try again!

  • @tinysealooter
    @tinysealooter День тому

    Watching on my phone & my child almost 3 years old has the tablet watching kid songs music videos Lol

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  День тому

      Lol Listen! Everyone has different needs and that's okay!

  • @tabithacochran9592
    @tabithacochran9592 2 дні тому

    What is your living room setup for baby like? I plan to do split shifts with my husband.. within the month 😅 and im like do we need multiples of everything every where wha

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@tabithacochran9592 we have a mattress in the floor in our living room! And that’s also where the crib is lol
      If we had room though, we would’ve just put a mattress on the ground in his nursery!

    • @tabithacochran9592
      @tabithacochran9592 2 дні тому

      @CouplaGoofs What about baby essential stuff like I saw yall have a rolling cart

  • @carlygee8866
    @carlygee8866 День тому

    I totally agree with Disney chat/ I'm not bringing my kid to Disney world till their 5/6 yo and Disneyland maybeee 3 years old but definitely at 4 yo =] and OMG same here I hear the weirdest shit about AMAB babies I am like WHAT so weird

  • @GodfathersPoet
    @GodfathersPoet 3 дні тому

    I wish I could say I’m a dragon ball z girly Morgan. I wish I could say that for you 😂

  • @thebookautistic
    @thebookautistic 3 дні тому +2

    completely off topic, but felix can you drop the whale documentary name pleas (i have whale autism lol)

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  3 дні тому

      I think it was the one on Disney+ called like "The secrets of whales" or something similar!

    • @thebookautistic
      @thebookautistic 3 дні тому

      @@CouplaGoofs thank you!!

  • @MarthaWocket
    @MarthaWocket День тому

    I'm cackling at the lack of dragon ball z fans (I'm not one either lmao)

  • @hoapken42069
    @hoapken42069 2 дні тому

    I named my pet turtle in stardew valley after felix

    • @CouplaGoofs
      @CouplaGoofs  2 дні тому

      @@hoapken42069 stop that’s SO cute!!! We’re honored!!

  • @amandafay7861
    @amandafay7861 3 дні тому +1

    abby elbe from fertility docs uncensored did my egg retrieval and i was kinda start struck

  • @Andrea-dc2ws
    @Andrea-dc2ws 32 хвилини тому

    my partner loves dragon ball z!! (altho he is not queer, i am a silly bisexual tho)