A Response to You don't need a frontend framework

  • Опубліковано 29 чер 2024
  • In this session we respond to a UA-cam video titled "You don't need a frontend Framework" By Andrew Schmelyun.
    Andrew is defending the position that server side rendering (SSR) is the best option for most web applications, we take a detailed look to see if the arguments presented by Andrew hold up to real scrutiny and if indeed SSR is still the best option.
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  • @WolfieVenturi
    @WolfieVenturi 6 днів тому +1

    I really like your style of breaking down the trade offs in a relatively neutral way. Would watch more.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      Thank you for you kind words, I really appreciate it and it motivates me to create more stuff!

  • @pinatacolada7986
    @pinatacolada7986 6 днів тому +6

    I've built the same complex app both in Vanilla js and Solid js. It took about 2 months to build in Vanilla js, but I used the jQuery and DataTables library to solve a lot of my problems. Without jQuery it would have taken me even longer. The app was functional but not great.
    Then I built the same app again using Solid js and it took just 2 weeks and had a lot of unexpected benefits like being able to build dynamic data tables without importing the library - and having pages retain large amounts of data without having to reload it every time the user navigates away and comes back. To achieve the same using jQuery you would have to hide/show entire pages and the code would get very messy and counter-intuitive very quickly.

  • @MachineYearning
    @MachineYearning 6 днів тому +3

    It's crazy because we've been here before. We had anti-JS zealots years ago when JS was invented. Guess what, JS won because it made web applications much easier to develop and better for users. Now they're coming back and saying "well, just use a little javascript to sprinkle interactivity here and there." No, we tried that too. Anybody who tried writing complex applications with jQuery on server rendered pages knows it sucked. And it wasn't because developers sucked then. We tried the pattern, and it evolved into modern UI libraries like React and Vue

    • @someman7
      @someman7 6 днів тому

      Might you be speaking too broadly? For my part, I lament that we are still locked into JS.

    • @MachineYearning
      @MachineYearning 6 днів тому

      If I'm speaking broadly it's because it's broadly the truth. Sure there are exceptions. And we all know there are drawbacks with JS, I'll be the first to admit it. But the solution to that isn't going back to the same old design patterns we had 10-15 years ago and solved with JS component models.
      It would be like if we said "there are problems with cars" and the solution was to bring back horses. The reason it looks like such a convenient solution is because it's just regression.

  • @ivan.jeremic
    @ivan.jeremic 6 днів тому +2

    yeah I don't get those html over the wire people, it is not flexible and there are reasons why we send data and over the wire.

  • @watchernode6138
    @watchernode6138 6 днів тому +1

    One more thing to say here is that. once you add the html blocks to PHP or Blade/Laravel view engine.
    It get very difficult to make changes to layout and design. your html markup and css classes gets scattered into different strings in those templates. You can easily further tweak the frontend in case of SPA or SSR with Nextjs.
    --- Practically
    SPAs - are only suitable for certain use cases like admin Section, or sites where content changes frequently. Because, SPA make it difficult for search engine crawlers, which results in bad SEO.
    SSR - Server Side Rendered sites are more suited for things like blogs, landing pages, ecommerce sites etc

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      Very good point here regarding SEO, that is indeed on key legitimate criticism of SPA, there has been some solutions in this area, as you may already be aware there are solutions such as Nuxt and Next which can do isomorphic builds, but that's another rabbit hole!

  • @chad_giga6934
    @chad_giga6934 7 днів тому +5

    If a philosopher becomes a programmer 😂
    Great video man

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  7 днів тому

      Thank you I'm glad you liked it! 👍

  • @jasonrooney1368
    @jasonrooney1368 6 днів тому

    I think you gloss over one of the biggest reasons: locality of data. SPA’s have the benefit of being able to leverage a client side cache which can feel far more responsive than needing to wait for a server response for every interaction.

  • @yannick5099
    @yannick5099 6 днів тому +1

    Great video. I think many people are just frustrated with the current state of JS tooling, which is constantly evolving/breaking, fragmented, often slow and not simple to use. Meanwhile most of my backends from a decade ago probably still build and run (or require minimal migrations). If JS frontend dev would require a simple "js build --release" all the time and the same at every project much less people would complain. It's getting better with things like Vite or Bun, but still quite a bit to go.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому +2

      Thank you! Absolutely agree the JS fatigue is real and I have found Vite to be a breath of real fresh air, and that's the positive direction the ecosystem needs to move towards, I think I may do the next video into vite!

  • @justafreak15able
    @justafreak15able 6 днів тому +3

    Why do people need a one solution for all? Can't people have a discussion and pick out best tools for their requirements? Isn't that why we are engineers ffs?

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      This video response wasn't to say we need a single solution, you're absolutely correct we *should* use the right tool fort he job, and what I'm arguing is that SSR for web applications is *not* the right tool (for all the points covered). If however you don't have a web application and your site is static, then I wouldn't even SSR or SPA is the right tool in that case SSG would be the right tool.

  • @TheSysmat
    @TheSysmat 2 дні тому

    Yes good points, let he try to crate table as excel sheet on server

  • @SonAyoD
    @SonAyoD 7 днів тому +3

    Fanatic video! Great points!

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  7 днів тому

      Thank you sir for the kind words, I'm happy you liked it!

    • @byrongibby
      @byrongibby 5 днів тому

      Freudian slip? Is it "Fanatic" or "Fantastic"? Lol

  • @byrongibby
    @byrongibby 6 днів тому +1

    Are you not missing the point that, in the paradigm you are critiquing, you only have to consider one copy of the application state - whereas with front-end frameworks you have to synchronise the front-end and back-end state? Also, I don't see why you can't separate the concerns (the data and view) on the back-end if that's what you want?

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      you don't need to "synchronise" state, http is idempotent. You simply "fetch" the client specific state that you need as and when you need it. All state is localised client side and is specific to each client instance. For you second point, yes while you *could* potentially have that strict segregation and use internal data "APIs", you still haven't the computation tax issue.

    • @byrongibby
      @byrongibby 5 днів тому

      @@watthedoodle I will agree to disagree. Firstly, http is not necessarily idempotent, but even in the case that it is, state is not localised on the client side since you still have a database on the server side... when you update the server side database with an idempotent http method (let's say you DELETE a product listing), that change will in many cases, also need to be reflected on the client side, hence the need for synchronisation

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      @@byrongibby that DELETE request can either succeed or fail. If it fails then no need to update the current client state, if it succeeds then you can safely remove that data point from the client side. In either case navigating between "pages" will automatically load the latest database state anyway. Unless you want 100% seamless realtime state view across all clients in which case you would need to either use WebSockets and push out an the latest data point upon edit/delete/new OR use something like long polling OR server push etc. But this reload will be EXACTLY the same for SSR, the difference being with SSR you would have to refresh the entire page, whereas with SPA you would only re-fetch the changed data set. So actually it still wins out in terms of overhead.

    • @byrongibby
      @byrongibby 3 дні тому

      @@watthedoodle I buy the argument that front end frameworks distribute the compute making it a more easily scaled solution, but to the point you just made - if you're using something like HTMX you aren't doing full page reloads. On the question of state, it has been my experience that you have your server side database, but you also have an in-memory database on the client. The DOM/view is updated as the client database changes - that seems to be a solved problem, the issue as I see it is comes from making sure the client side database and the server side database are kept consistent with each other. If you're saying that this is easy for you to do correctly that's fine, but I think a lot of people find it quite challenging.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  2 дні тому

      @@byrongibby why would it be challenging? as long as the database is the SSOT (Single Source Of Truth), then the Client is simply the presentation of that state. The client also makes request's *to* the database in order to request mutations. The data flow is well established here, there is nothing to "synchronise", at least that's how I approach the design and data flow.

  • @1989DP3
    @1989DP3 6 днів тому +1

    5 min into video you do not provide any reasoning for why he is wrong, you just keep arguing that he does not know why, but if you know then explain it.
    Then it also seems you are ok with someone else abstracting the parts which renders json and stiches that on the front end, and that is perfectly fine.
    And sure if your product gets too big that you don't want to have large teams writing custom components for each and every item you serve to users that are running your webpage on various clients then it makes perfect sense to migrate to a framework that would help you do that more quickly and efficiently, but most websites out there are not that. They are not serving millions of users every hour, and what ends up happening when you visit these websites is you get an over engineerd bloatware that ends up using your entire memory just to animate the scoll into view.
    But that's just me

  • @codedbyshoe
    @codedbyshoe 3 дні тому

    A few points
    1. Html over the wire scales just fine
    2. You're missing the point that you are adding the complexity or reimplementing all of the server side logic on the client via redux, or vuex, etc.. this creates just as much spaghetti code ( i haven't seen an enterprise production app prevent this).
    3. Building an app based on your needs now and adding api end point later is just fine.
    4. (Opinion) i haven't seen something like Nextjs used at a large scale. I have seen Angular and React, and it was just as much as a mess.

  • @zlayatapka12
    @zlayatapka12 7 днів тому +3

    Hey. Was interesting to listen, but I think you missed the point of the original video. Andrew shows that "some" projects actually can be done without frontend frameworks. People were creating websites using plain php since the beginning of the web to serve millions of users, and nowadays it's also can be maintainable in the long-term when using modern frameworks. The computation scalability theory does not hold strong here. What your video does not mention is the added complexity when you're using frontend framework. Build tooling, wiring this up, and maintaining, deployment etc in the long-term is very complex nowadays. More and more prior front-end frameworks reinventing the wheel and adding SSR again. Unless you have an investment or free human resources to deal with it, there is no "lie" to shift the added complexity to a later stage. 98% of the projects would never go past this stage and you're not Google to juggle dozens of moving pieces by your own.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  7 днів тому +5

      Sure I hear what you're saying, however I don't fully accept the "added complexity" part as that was one of the points raised by Andrew and what I'm suggesting is that in actual fact one doesn't even technically need a front end framework and yet still be able to fully do a SPA with ajax that doesn't rely on mashing the data and UI code on the server side. In fact you can watch my earlier video where I pretty much do that using Hono + Deno that has ZERO JavaScript build tooling, dependencies (client side) and zero frameworks, just raw JavaScript etc.
      Having built many modern production sites, I don't agree with this assessment that it's complex to maintain, are *some* frameworks overly complex? Yes that part I will absolutely agree with (I'm looking at you React!). But we shouldn't tar all frameworks with the same brush as that is unfair and incorrect.
      I would suggest that using Vite + Vue will be dramatically more productive than doing SSR, I know because I've done *both* commercially multiple times, and I know which one I pick every time and it's *NOT* SSR.

  • @tbethenerd
    @tbethenerd 5 днів тому

    If i do computation on the server side, i can use more efficient languages then JS. Rendering a page in Go, Rust, hell even in JS can be much faster, then on the client side, as the server knows it templates for example.
    Besides that, you don't have to push the whole page. Look at HTMX.
    And if you "mash together" HTML and Data on the server side, you are doing it wrong.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  5 днів тому

      even with more efficient languages it still doesn't solve the problem (it may buy you a little more headroom but that's it). Inverting the entire things does, because now you're essentially doing distributed computing by offsetting the computation over to *each* client, that means it doesn't matter how many extra clients requests you have your computation becomes (Computation * Zero) which is always zero!

    • @tbethenerd
      @tbethenerd 3 дні тому

      @@watthedoodle I am not a designer or webdev by trait, I run that stuff. On a huge scale.
      And i do so since 20 years.
      I had customers, that moved to SPAs, and client side rendering. And guess what: The load difference on the servers where not measurable. But why is this so? Because rendering a HTML Template or crafting JSON from the same data does not have a large computational difference.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  2 дні тому

      @@tbethenerd they're are *not* the same, one is transformation of data representation that is only minor structural changes (see XML -> JSON etc), while rendering full templates, include full on conditional elements based upon expressions all of which is infinitely nested along with loops etc, these are not the same. For simple templates and at small scale the difference will not matter, but the principle can not be avoided, whatever that computational load is *will* be multiplied with every client you add, and by scale I mean the total concurrent RPS.

    • @steveoc64
      @steveoc64 6 годин тому

      ​@@watthedoodlethis is where you start to go horribly wrong in your thinking
      Running data through a template to generate HTML is orders of magnitude less work than converting data to json
      The HTML template expansion can be done using no additional memory allocations.
      Transforming any data to json requires allocating strings for every element, converting numbers into strings, deallocation after use, etc
      You could roll out 100 HTML templates in the same number of clock cycles as doing 1 json payload

  • @hereallyfast
    @hereallyfast 4 дні тому

    You're wrong but, i respect your opinion

  • @mikejohneviota9293
    @mikejohneviota9293 7 днів тому +1

    just pick a framework and stick with it. raw html css js is a meh

    • @lzszl
      @lzszl 6 днів тому

      Right, I choose htmx 😂

  • @thewiirocks
    @thewiirocks 6 днів тому

    "Single page applications are still the best option" - I'm afraid I have to disagree. I also disagree with Andrew, mind you. What you are describing is modern horizontal architecture. This separates the delivery of data from the delivery of the UI. In this case, HTML.
    Literally nothing prevents a multipage application from being effective. SPAs are only required if you need all interface to stay within a single view. e.g. If you are attempting to provide a desktop application type of experience.
    If you are providing a multipage experience, please STOP using SPA frameworks. It's too much complexity for too little return. I have found in practice that multipage implementations using jquery are faster to develop and provide a better experience over React or Angular in 80-90% of the cases. Which is easy to understand when you realize that 80-90% of the use cases in the wild are designed as multipage and then jammed into SPA.

    • @ivan.jeremic
      @ivan.jeremic 6 днів тому

      Single page applications are peak web dev.

    • @ghostinplainsight4803
      @ghostinplainsight4803 6 днів тому

      JQuery or more specifically shitty jQuery has cost the business I work for about $2,000,000 in developer pay fixing bugs over 10 years and it's only 12 unique pages with the home page, product listing, search and product page being the most complex.
      Some members on my team were tasked with "updating" the existing product page built in 6000 lines of jQuery spaghetti. They had 3 months. It took 9 months until the defect list grew larger than the actual tasks, then 16 months until the project was scrapped and they were both fired. They handballed it to me, I rebuilt the page in 4 months using Angular. It's been live for 9 months without any critical issues after release.
      Sure you could make a nice enough webpage/site with HTML and jQuery, but I've never actually seen it in the wild. There are no standards for it's use so different developers do whatever they feel like at the time, some use the revealing module pattern if you're lucky, some global objects, most just free functions in a massive file, generally just hacking exponentially to make things work. SetTimeout's everywhere to deal with race conditions, functionality that overwrites other functionality. Events that are never unbound except occasionally you will see `$el.off().on() It's hard to debug so average developers just hack on whatever they need to get a story complete.
      Modular componentised code that follows single responsibility as much as possible is always going to be the best solution, but more importantly having standardised practices for average developers to follow and documentation they can read is the biggest benefit to modern js frameworks.

    • @thewiirocks
      @thewiirocks 6 днів тому

      @@ivan.jeremic which is why everyone is so unhappy with them and the quality of most apps is terrible / rapidly declining?
      SPAs are "Peak" in the same way that server-side MVC frameworks were "Peak" 3-Tier. Both are bad ideas that caught on before the industry could actually evaluate the efficacy. By the time anyone realized they were bad ideas, everyone was doing them.

  • @scdingundaroo
    @scdingundaroo 4 дні тому +1

    The claim that server side rendering of HTML doesn't scale is one of the dumbest most pig ignorant claims i have ever heard.

    • @watthedoodle
      @watthedoodle  4 дні тому

      At scale and at high RPS it does not scale sorry that's a simple fact. Given that SSR can mean having to re-render the entire page, this includes all the conditional logic and looping structures etc. Perhaps on the smaller scale it's negligible, but it really really isn't when you work at scale. And it turns out if you invert and delegate the computation to the client side that template computation goes to ZERO for the server side, and it's hard to beat zero.