Brilliant footage of the Liam Gallagher gig SurfWindSand! However is it just me '' Thinking $130.00 for 90 min's then the sound gets cut - '' Supersonic '' . Extremely disappointing when I did '' Post '' that on FB. Got booted out of '' Australia Oasis Fans '' by founder '' Marc Bangs ''. Then all the '' Comments '' I really wasn't aware of - Adelaide / WA and one other '' State '' where there we're very short'' Sets '' without explanation. Please people don't get me wrong ok! I love Oasis / NG & LG - Seen Oasis live 8 times. '' I'm still Mad Fer '' but for this tour '' Unprofessional.
Gerry cinnamon is unreal
My lord Columbia sounded mega!
im looking forward to him coming back in 2022
wow he sounds good here.
it's recorded off my phone - not great sound
Brilliant footage of the Liam Gallagher gig SurfWindSand! However is it just me '' Thinking $130.00 for 90 min's then the sound gets cut - '' Supersonic '' . Extremely disappointing when I did '' Post '' that on FB. Got booted out of '' Australia Oasis Fans '' by founder '' Marc Bangs ''. Then all the '' Comments '' I really wasn't aware of - Adelaide / WA and one other '' State '' where there we're very short'' Sets '' without explanation. Please people don't get me wrong ok! I love Oasis / NG & LG - Seen Oasis live 8 times. '' I'm still Mad Fer '' but for this tour '' Unprofessional.
Hopefully they will learn from the timing .. sounds like mostly a promoters issue.. Adelaide seemed to have technical issues too
maybe he'll get through his next tour unscathed