I can't be certain about the universe, but I _have_ noticed a particularly suspicious diminishing in size relative to my waist-line over the years. More research is warranted. Oh, and some milk, too.
It takes a strong willed man to talk for six whole minutes in front of the camera with a creme egg in his hand. I would have scoffed it long before the tape started rolling.
It would be 'there are' not 'there is' since it's plural. But 'Eggs'terminate the cosmological constant by seeping its power out into a 10 micron Cadbury Cream!
Funny how in most of the of Dr Copeland's videos I am both incredibly fascinated by what he is saying and at the same time thinking: "they are just making this up".
But that's exactly what theoretical physicists DO! They try to explain what we observe in the world by "making up" wild and crazy ideas, and then trying to see if they fit what is observed, and if they successfully predict things we haven't yet observed. Who in their right mind would think that time slows down the faster you move, and that gravity can bend light? But yet when tested, that is exactly what happens.
I can't believe I found this channel only a couple of days ago. Better late than never, I guess. Absolutely love it!!! Thank you for sharing with the world.
+cimmik More or less. When forces like gravity propagate in three spatial dimensions, the potential energy falls off as the square of the distance, because you can imagine the gravitons (or field lines) spreading out on the surface of an expanding sphere, and the surface area of a 2-sphere is proportional to the square of distance. That's where the "inverse square law" for gravity and electricity come from. The idea here is that over scales shorter than the extra dimensions (a few microns), gravity would propagate out into all five spacial dimensions, and thus fall off as the fourth power of distance (the surface of a 4-sphere is proportional to the fourth power of the radius). So although gravity might be of comparable strength to other forces, by the time it has gone a few microns out, its intensity has dropped off enormously. On larger scales, it can still only propagate into the three large spatial dimensions, giving us the apparent inverse square law we observe, but with an apparently very weak gravitational constant. Note that for this explanation to work, the extra dimensions have to be very large (in some models, as large as a millimeter). More recent gravitational experiments have continued to push the upper bound for large extra dimensions down, so that now we have verified to fair confidence (>95%) that gravity obeys the inverse square law down to a scale of ca. 50 microns, which does rule out some but not all models. Tests continue to be conducted as scientists replicate past results and attempt to improve precision for future results.
I remember back to my college days and struggling with Physics. More accurately the professor and his tendency to use math outside the requirements for the class to explain concepts. I barely graded out of the class with a C. Now I work with computers, and while I love it - I sometimes think back to those days and wish I had access to such a wonderful professor being able to explain things in pictures with the mathematical foundation as well. His students are very lucky. Thanks for the vid.
Possible directions of movement are called degrees of freedom. Dimensions always have units, anything with units is a dimension. Not all dimensions are spacetime dimensions.
@@Ni999 Yes, the term 'dimension' has dual meanings. But here, we *are* in fact talking about 2 extra spatial dimensions. They are very highly curved, just as in ordinary GenRel the 4 spacetime dimensions are curved near large masses. But unlike that, these 2 extra dimensions' curvature isn't caused by the presence of mass. Fred
ffggddss I get it. Ed was clear that the discussion is about using a six-dimensional chiral supergravity model to look at an approach to lamba. CERN has papers available on chiral supergravity in d=6 going back over 20 years. Dirk's question was how a dimension can have size, and I wondered if others didn't have the same confusion so I did my best to address that starting point. It's a fair point that I probably didn't do very well.
Every day I get home from working at a nightclub and look forward tos lapping on another one of these videos.... I don't know whether to thank you for completely re-engaging with physics (dropped after A-Level), or to hate you for ramming home to me how much I regret not doing it at degree level and further... Although given these are easily the most watchable, informative science videos I've seen featuring very likeable people it's definitely a thanks!
I'm curious enough as to inquire whether we should consider consciousness as its own dimension; the flotsam and jetsam of thoughts streaming throughout the cosmos.
I'm 15 and I have been watching you for a long time and my Science grades have improved a lot amd my tutor says that I have a boost in my levels because of your video's and he says I have an advantage over my class mates basicly THANK YOU ALOT
2: Traditionally we have labelled points in space-time using 4 different parameters (1 for each dimension), being [x,y,z,time], corresponding to [length, width, height, time], but this video proposes that for every location, or point to have its own unique label, there must be 6 parameters or dimensions, namely [x,y,z,time,rho,theta]. Hope that clears some stuff up :)
If gravity is such a weak force, and it hurts so much if you just fall to the ground from standing up, the strong forces must be really huge! And violent!
I REALLY like how this guy explains stuff in all the vids :D Anyways, I have a question... How are we supposed to understand how to correctly imagine these extra dimensions when the extra dimension are exemplified by using a 3D object (like an egg or a complex and strange looking computer generated model)? It's like explaining 3D/4D to Mario or Pacman using 2D pixels that are square... "This will make your brain hurt" is the understatement of the century :\
We, as 3rd dimensional beings, are by design incapable of truely comprehending or properly visualizing what any number of dimensions above 3 looks like. Noone is capable of explaining it. No mathematics or physics is adequate for it to sucessfuly translate. Unless quantum physics opens up a can of worms we havent seen yet, we are forever bound to 3 dimensions. Sorry. :/
1: A point in space is any location in space-time. These extra dimensions mentioned come into play in the description of a point in space. Every point must have its own unique way of being labelled, otherwise you could have two locations occupying the exact same space (think of earth and mars existing in the same location... it just cannot happen).
I find it "easier" to grasp through additive perpendiculars. A dimension perpendicular to the continuum we can still grasp. But six, I'll ask a dolphin.
noddwyd I'll use anything :-) but topology and it's curiosities like the Klein bottle makes it easier. The same with the Moëbius strip. They are flawed models, finding their flaws was more fun and challenging than discovering them. I agree that fractal and recursion makes it easier to grasp. Dolphins would do better. They hold the lead with their Doppler sonar modes of visual cortex representation. I'm just a babe. :-)
@BlueCosmology The fact that you said it takes more time for light to travel through a specific medium for a given distance inherently means that you can change the speed of light. You can't speed it up as far as we know past 3e8, but you can most certainly slow it down by passing it through various mediums.
I think it's not so much about understanding but about accepting that things can behave differently to what we think how things are from our own experience. We think about spatial dimensions as something that extends infinitely, the more we move along a path, the further we get away. Here it isn't like that. Just try to forget what you think you know about dimensions for a moment.
Well if the universe is often referred to as point on the surface of an expanding balloon, aren't our regular spatial dimensions scaled as well? Wouldn't (somehow) outpacing the expansion of the universe cause the traveler to eventually return to their starting point?
+Melih Durmaz Imagine the dimensions of "Latitude" and "Longitude" along the "space" of the surface of the Earth. If you measure them in "degrees", then they are limited to -90 90 for the lat and -180 180 for long. But "degree" is just the circumference around that angle divided by 360, so we could also choose to measure lat/long in linear units. We'd get -20 20 megameters (Mm) lat and -40 40 Mm long, and our units would be very close to round numbers due primarily to ancient standards for the meter being based on the size of the Earth to begin with. This is similar to Prof Copeland describing the two additional dimensions as egg-shaped, Ro and Theta can only get so far before the measurements return to where they started from. If you are having trouble imagining combining limited dimensions (positively curved) with limitless (flat or negatively curved) dimensions, then let's imagine a 2d model with one limited (positively curved) spatial dimension paired with another unlimited (flat) spatial dimension: namely an infinitely long cylinder. Your coordinate telling how far along the cylinder is unlimited, it can be any value and no matter how far you travel you will find new, fresh cylinder out there. But your "around" coordinate is limited to -180 180 degrees (or if your pipe is 360mm around lets say, then -180 180 millimeters) and trying to use any larger numbers would simply be redundant and describe points you had already assigned unique coordinates for. Of course another way to limit a dimension is the direct route. If I have an 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper, it can be 2d and flat but the dimensions along each axis are limited to how much paper you have. Travel too far and you reach the "edge of space" and are coerced into either an abrupt halt, or a fall outside of the bounds of the originally prescribed test space. Put another way, I can mark 7" along the X axis from one corner of my paper, and the mark stays on my paper 7 inches distant from origin. But if I try to make a mark 20" along the x axis I'll have vandalized my cat who will walk away sulking and the mark refuses to remain at the coordinate we have assigned it: such a coordinate simply isn't valid in our naturally bounded space.
Wow, I wished you'd been my Physics teacher. That was a great explanation. The difference it makes to have a good teacher who has the ability to explain things in a clear, easy to understand way..
how can we estimate the size of the egg ? since it"s an extra dimention, the mesure should be different ... we don't mesure time with meters ... does it mean that those dimentions are incuded in our 4 dimentions ?
The general theory of relativity commonly uses normalized coordinate system, where time is in the form of "c*t", so yes, you could say, that time is measured in metres.. Fun fact: The velocity there (called four-velocity) is actually dimensionless.
therealjordiano I was telling you what the units of velocity are. Displacement is a change in position. A spatial dimension is simply a direction and its opposite direction, time isn't involved.
@Zeldakitteh The 4th dimension is usually time, because it is the one we can observe, but not interact with or have any influence over. To find the 5th, 6th, and so on, we would first need to exist in the 4th, 5th and so on.
Could this be what dark matter is? If light can't cross dimensions but gravity can. This could be where the extra mass in the universe is hiding, it can be in plain sight but we can only see it through its gravitational effects.
Ash De Vos that was my fist question when I heard of the implied extra dimensions of M theory, is it possible and if so what could it be? Just energy or empty dimensions wouldn't impart mass (or could it through a Higgs field somehow?) or would it have to be particles of some sort?
Andrew the Celt There is nothing that would make such a thing impossible, and thus, having gravity that leaks out into our universe is not out of the question either.
Richard Smith Yes but what would it be that imparts the additional mass to the universe? Gravity and space are massless, gravity is a force with heretofore hypothetical spin-2 boson and space, simply a matrix, for all we know, an empty framework. Are you suggesting that any implied Calabi-yau extradimensional manifolds would themselves impart mass to the universe?
+Ash De Vos No. The extra dimensions are too small to do that. Actually i'm not sure how to explain that but i've recently read a book that covered this subject and i'm sure it would have mentioned this if it could be true
Think of gravity like aerogel on a large scale, like an empty matrix of invisible forces that is then filled in by the other dimensions? I'm not a physicist, and I'm too young to even take physics but does that make any sense?
@Swiftynine Because the problem with electricity in cars in winter isn't the travel of electrons in the wires. The electric energy of the battery is stored as chemical energy and needs chemical reactions to be "set free". As chemical reactions as a rule of thumb are only half as fast when you decrease the temperature by 10 degrees, a cold battery can have a hard time providing enough energy at the time needed.
In highschool my physics teacher once told me a story of two physicists/mathematicians who tried to actually visualize an extra dimension. According to him, one of them eventually succeeded and was able to imagine how a fourth dimension would look like, as in making up four-dimensional objects etc, etc. This revelation yet turned out to be too much to handle, as he went insane. He had to be hospitalized until his brain "forgot" how to do it. Been looking for it online but never found anything.
@1PintLasher "The speed of light can change. Refraction is because of this," Not really, the speed of light itself stays entirely the same, the reason it travels slower however is the light is repeatedly absorbed and re-emitted by the atoms in the material, and the time between being absorbed and being re-emitted makes it take longer to travel, but the light itself travels the same speed.
@sumosumo84 Brady who make the videos (that's me) does the comments for SixtySymbols, sometimes in consultation with the scientists if necessary... Most of the team read the message boards themselves and a few of them comment under their own usernames!
Don't worry, it's very hard to understand. Well, maybe not hard, it's just that we can only picture things in our minds in 3 dimensions. They say time is a fourth dimension, I can't even imagine that, because that is an extra dimension to the three we live in (up/down, side to side and back to front). The only time I did manage to imagine extra dimensions was with hallucinogenic drugs, but that was a very stupid thing to do, because all that extra power you get in the brain reverses to a proportionial lack of power afterwards...
Someone wiser then me once said that math and physics isn't what is objectively true it is what has yet to be proven wrong. Basically they created this theory as more or less a guess to account for phenomena (the cosmological constant) that could not be accounted for with what theories they had. If the theory fits the system it is trying to explain to a reasonable extent it is assumed to be more or less true since it is useful. If the theory can be out right rejected or if their is a theory that provides better predictive powers (ie classical vs quantum physics) then the new theory is presumed to replace the old. You make an educated guess see if it can be proven wrong and see if it provides you with reliable and precise predictions. If it passes this test you have a good hypothesis and you can do cool steuff with it. The value of a theory is not its absolute veracity (there is no such thing) but on the new/better predictive abilities it gives you. Those predictive abilities we achieve through the scientific method allow us to manipulate the world around us not absolutely but to an extent that makes life much much much much better. The theory he is discussing was made to fit within the frame work of other math and physical models and to provide us with an explanation for something those models can not explain. It is conceptually unique and not something one can understand by synthesis of known concepts. It is an extrapolation. A thought experiment. Daniel Astillero
My brain is tired, exausted of trying to understand all this crap. I give the fuck up. That's too much for me. I rather remain ignorant than be always mindfucked. Fuck science, fuck nerds, fuck geeks, fuck all that crap, I'm slammin' the door for good. Good the fuck bye! No offense guys, you keep up trying to figure out this stuff. I'm gonna go back to my guitar and play some fuckin heavy metal and fuck my girlfriend.
@1PintLasher Almost, it doesn't absorb more of light's energy it just holds on to it for longer. Cold systems are more stable and an electron in a high energy level in a cold atom is more stable and less likely to "de-excite" (go to a lower energy level) then an electron in a high energy level in a warm atom. The light is re-emitted when the electron de-excites and as such the longer it takes to de-excite, the slower the light appears to go.
@madjimms As usual in most of these matters, it's the people of the US that changed it, not the other way around. "Zed" comes from the original Greek zeta via Old French zede, and pretty much all English speakers worldwide pronounce it that way.
If the universe was just 3 dimensions+time the cosmology constant would be 0 so the universe wouldn't be expanding. But it is so the constant must be greater than 0. How? There's a leak of gravity from this dimension into the other two extra dimensions. That's why cosmology constant is not 0 and that's why universe is expanding and accelerating.
It is really nice to see how his face shines like a little kid with a new toy or you know that kind of pure happines that kids have, when he talks about physics. Amazing.
Time IS a dimension! The difference is that you percieve it differently from the spacial dimensions. You can only percieve time one point at a time, at the rate at which we measure time. Try the book Flatland, it might help you figure out many concepts of multidimensional hiperspace
Very nice phenomenological explanation by analogy. A potential mechanism might be information-sharing among multiverses; consistent with particle formation in a vacuum and the necessary relative expansion of this universe.
I look forward to your videos while enjoying breakfast. While the coffee was fine this morning, the eggs left me with a guilty feeling. I’m sure I’ll be eating cheerios tomorrow. You guys still get a thumbs up from me.
i wish i had a camera-person and the ability to articulate my points so clearly, i've figured out a way to visually demonstrate up to 6 spatial dimensions without violating superposition in a pretty simple way
@bluecobra95 that's my fault... I asked him to say soccer because for many of our viewers a "football" is egg shaped. Not worth the confusion! I know it sounds weird when an Englishman says soccer... Apologies.
@zelda12346 Say you measured the dart to be going at 15ms^-1 while it traveled, you wouldn't say the dart went slower because the person who threw it had a drink before he went and picked it back up off the board and threw it again. And if someone threw a dart at 50ms^-1 but then spent time talking to people before picking it up and throwing it again, you wouldn't say the dart went slower than someone who threw it at 5ms^-1 and then picked it up and threw it again straight away.
@Tmaker197812 I'd say that's equally misleading, as HCl(acid) doesn't require (aqua). For example, you can use it within methanol to protonate an acid-catalyst in an anhydrous environment. (note to self, extend spell check dictionaries to include chemistry terminology)
@zelda12346 "it takes more time for light to travel through a specific medium for a given distance inherently means that you can change the speed of light." No, not at all. The speed of light stays exactly the same, but when a photon interacts with an electron the photon is absorbed, raising the electron to a higher energy state. Then a short amount of time passes where nothing happens, then the light is re-emitted. At no point does the light travel at anything other than the speed of light.
Wait, so if there are six dimensions, then could the uncertainty principle just be due to the fact that we are only measuring in three dimensions? Also could this be why gravity is unusually weak? Since it's spread out in six directions instead of three. A root of six instead of three would quite dramatically weaken the force. Makes sense!
The fundamental forces cancel out the expansion at a local level, i.e the strong force doesn't scale up along with the expansion, it remains constant. The expansion can only be seen when there are next to no fundamental forces interacting between two entities, such as our galaxy and a galaxy cluster far away (the gravitational interaction can't counterbalance the expansion between them-> they "move away" from each other, even if they don't have any opposing relative velocity vectors)
@BlueCosmology That break point between classical physics where motion is differentiable in all places and particle physics where only some are is what I was /facedesking about.
@lolimso18 lol - no. the interviewer, and maker of all these excellent vids, is Brady, who is an Australian living in the UK. The three concords are kiwi's (nz'ers). Sounds very similiar though, esp if yr not used to any of those accents :)
I am just 11 but i study physics (Quantum and Astro-physics) i find it really intresting. first i wasnt able to solve physics equaution , but when i saw you channel i am getting better and better that i am now teach grade:10 physics! So i really want to thank you for your absouloutley great effort! And one day i wanna become a student a Nottingham :)!
@BlueCosmology You're ignoring the small complication: According to you, the photon is absorbed into the electron i.e. destroyed more a measure of time. The dart in your analogy goes from 0 to full speed and then back down to 0 in a continuous set of numbers. What you are saying is that Light has no change in magnitude of its velocity because its displacement vs time graph would not be differentiable in some places, and its velocity vs time would be a piece-wise functions.
Actually I think what he meant was that the universe has a constant number and it's 0 in the sixth dimension, however in ours it's around 0. As for the forces, we can't find a way light or matter can interact but because gravity is weak it is less able to hold itself in our dimension and seeps into extra dimensions as well.
I saw a clip the other day that said some now think the weakness of gravity is better explained by the theory that gravity is seeping in to our time/space rather than leaking out. Supposedly the mathmatics support this much better, but don't ask me, I don't understand half of what I see, lol, I just thought I would share this information.
You can't express Rho and Theta (not polar coordinates) in X, Y, Z or t. That's what makes them extra dimensions. Imagine an infinitely small rope, which has just one dimension: you can go forward or backward but not up, down, left or right. If some hairs of that rope are sticking out, they can't be expressed in the direction of the rope, which means both directions are linear independent. The same situation occurs with Rho and Theta, but they are curved like an egg. Hope that made it clear.
If all goes well the data broadcasted by the Cadbury eggs 15th segment and it's computer will be available to all the other Cadbury egg segments no matter what dimension or time they exist in. Or in other words the data you broadcast 15 days from now will be available to you today.
@dudejohnny Thank you for your reply, but no, I am not sure I understand how to measure acceleration. I understand the measurement of speed by red-shift, but not acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change, or first derivative, of speed. That would imply to me that we have observed an object for a long enough period of time and calculated the rate of change of that speed. Is that how is it done? Again, thank you for the dialogue.
@36trooper Yes! I was just talking to my friend while watching this, saying that I feel like some of the things in these videos don't make sense to me because there are a lot of things I need to understand before I can understand what they are talking about. But I think if they did explain all that stuff the videos would end up being hours and hours long. Perhaps they should start making videos on TED if they aim to do that in the future.
The smallest length in the universe is the Planck's length. That would mean that since Planck's length is the quantum of action, the space can't be continuous, or 'flow infinitely continuously' as you said it.
Could matter's inability to travel at the speed of light be that it actually is traveling at c, but mass travels in the extra dimensions as well? The particle associated with mass could run in circles in the extra dimension, and the angle between its vector and the main three-dimensional space would determine its observed speed. It would thus have a frequency associated with its momentum.
@pseudorandomly Feyman, "I'm sorry I'd rather not understand things than be certain of something which is wrong". In the running is not how CC is packaged with respect to Dark Energy. I have seen a number of programs where CC is the conclusion or certainty. Arbitrary constants in integral calculus are initial conditions when applied to physical problems. If a theoretical physicist sets these initial conditions to match experiment it is a fudge factor, if he predicts the condition its logical.
Could the extra dimensions of String Theory represent potential future possibilities and opportunities in our 3D Universe of continuous creation? Based on: 1. The quantum w-particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon. 2. Quantum uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual
Just a random question: what state of matter is HCl (Hydrochloric acid). I'm not talking about dissolved/mixed HCl in water. I want to know whether pure HCl is a gas, liquid or a solid. Is it like a oxygen (gas) dissolved in water, is it a liquid mixture or is it like salt dissolved in water? An answer would be appreciated.
when you described the two additional dimensions you mentioned chirality, but didn't elaborate on that. I assume that was the dimension dealing with going around the egg. Could you please elaborate more on chirality. I'm aware that not only people, but molecules, electrons, and, of course, planets and galaxies rotate or orbit about an axis in a clockwise or counter clockwise manner, but I suspect there is deeper stuff here.
@zelda12346 Well it's like if you want to know the speed of a dart that someone is throwing, you're not going to take into account the time when the person walks up to the dart and picks it up and goes back to the starting point to throw it. The speed of the dart would be while the dart is moving, not while it is stuck in the board.
As far as I know, it gets complicated with the question on discreteness and continuity. I would say the points are continuous. But when you get down to a small enough scale, namely the Planck scale, it gets a bit weird as the Plank length is the smallest length possible. So maybe that means that, at the Plank Scale, points in space are discrete.
Well, i think it's to do with those two dimensions having a definite shape. Maybe our 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time have some shape, but it is so enormous that it is impossible to measure from inside, but since those two dimensions are in a way confined by our normal 3 and not infinite then they have a size we can define. I'm no expert btw, please correct me if i've misunderstood.
So, for every 50micrometers (what about time, by the way? how many eggs per second?) we have, according to this model, an intersection with an egg-shaped pair of dimensions. And it is supposed that gravity is leaking into them. Also, for every such point of space-time we have some point on the egg. Wouldn't it be the case, that the amounth of leaking is somehow connected (proportional?) to the coordinates on the egg? And if so, mightn't it create a distinctive (predicted by the model) pattern of micro-disturbances in the force on the scales which are possible for us to scan (or will be possible with, say, the next generation of detectors)?
If the conglomerations of resonance bubbles in Holographic Image projection are compared, by very rough analogy, to the wash and deposits of gravels and stones by water/wave action, an idea of the relative size and positioning of obstruction of flow from depositions into loosly bonded structures in proportion to the rates of flow, momentum of moving aggregates and impervious boundaries, etc etc, (ask a Mining Engineer about this), and it would be no surprise that the calculations of Cosmological Constants are difficult and probably unreliable without a lot of very fine feedback measurements from every way of measuring available.
So... in this model, gravity does work on the egg, but the egg has some sort of mobile or elastic relationship with the brane. When you get eggs moving around you can add all sorts of stuff.
Historical convention I am guessing. XYZ is used for the Cartesian system where everything is linear, but for other coordinate systems, such as polar, cylindrical, spherical, other variables are used.
measuring magnetics seems to need 6 facets; east intensity, north intensity, positive down, positive east etc....everything is so swirly... Happy Oestre xx
I can't claim to understand it, so I could be (and probably am) wrong. But the way I am picturing it is that our 4 time and space dimensions are infinite. So you can travel forever in any direction, or into the future. But for these two extra dimensions, you can only travel a short distance (10um). (Except *you* can't, because only gravity can). Maybe you can also picture it as there being, for every point in space, a small volume that exists in that space, that only gravity is allowed into.
i think i get your analogy. things like tesseract that we can only see their shadow and mesure them with math but can't sense with any means other than math.. but what boggles me is that its what really is there to see if we could see it in another light so to speak. so in my head we use the three dimensions only as vectored quantums of the same thing, meters to mesure distance of two points in space, and time, if we say it is another dimension, as another reference to everything..
Dam those eggs get smaller every year (or are they just staying the same size in an otherwise expanding universe?)
Someone's asking the real questions.
I can't be certain about the universe, but I _have_ noticed a particularly suspicious diminishing in size relative to my waist-line over the years. More research is warranted.
Oh, and some milk, too.
As a kid, I remember those being the actual size of an egg... something's up...
@@rich1051414 You were smaller then, presumably.
As long as if you don't try to understand it it's not that confusing! :D
It takes a strong willed man to talk for six whole minutes in front of the camera with a creme egg in his hand. I would have scoffed it long before the tape started rolling.
Same lol
Not if I got to eat it at the end.
so theres three space dimensions, "eggs", y and z
...get out....
It would be 'there are' not 'there is' since it's plural. But 'Eggs'terminate the cosmological constant by seeping its power out into a 10 micron Cadbury Cream!
Funny how in most of the of Dr Copeland's videos I am both incredibly fascinated by what he is saying and at the same time thinking: "they are just making this up".
But that's exactly what theoretical physicists DO! They try to explain what we observe in the world by "making up" wild and crazy ideas, and then trying to see if they fit what is observed, and if they successfully predict things we haven't yet observed.
Who in their right mind would think that time slows down the faster you move, and that gravity can bend light? But yet when tested, that is exactly what happens.
@@stargazer7644 bravo! Wonderfully said
eggstra dimension? I'm just shaking my head. lol.
Dude I'm with you
Yeah same here
This dudes voice can compete with Morgan F and Liam N
+david bell and stephen H
Blake Place lol
*Dude*'s name is Pro. Edmund Copeland; have some respect, bro! :)
I think his voice is almost identical to Brian Cox's. It's very pleasant.
+superstringcheese Brian Cox is from Manchester, this guy is from somewhere in Yorkshire, which is not far from Manchester.
@sixtysymbols - brain exploded, thank you! This video is probably one of the best, highly appreciated that you take the time to share!
The last minute or so really clarified this presentation for me, because I was trying to figure out what those 5th and 6th dimensions were doing.
@BonoboUK thanks for that... glad you're enjoying them! we have a few other channels, like periodicvideos and BackstageScience, etc
I could listen to Ed Copeland for hours and hours. He's got a such a relaxing and soothing voice.
I can't believe I found this channel only a couple of days ago. Better late than never, I guess. Absolutely love it!!! Thank you for sharing with the world.
Can one say that the gravitational force is traveling a further distance than other forces, because it has to travel through these extra dimensions?
+cimmik That sounds like a pretty cool way of explaining it, yeah
+cimmik That's precisely what string theory tries to do.
+cimmik More or less. When forces like gravity propagate in three spatial dimensions, the potential energy falls off as the square of the distance, because you can imagine the gravitons (or field lines) spreading out on the surface of an expanding sphere, and the surface area of a 2-sphere is proportional to the square of distance. That's where the "inverse square law" for gravity and electricity come from.
The idea here is that over scales shorter than the extra dimensions (a few microns), gravity would propagate out into all five spacial dimensions, and thus fall off as the fourth power of distance (the surface of a 4-sphere is proportional to the fourth power of the radius). So although gravity might be of comparable strength to other forces, by the time it has gone a few microns out, its intensity has dropped off enormously. On larger scales, it can still only propagate into the three large spatial dimensions, giving us the apparent inverse square law we observe, but with an apparently very weak gravitational constant.
Note that for this explanation to work, the extra dimensions have to be very large (in some models, as large as a millimeter). More recent gravitational experiments have continued to push the upper bound for large extra dimensions down, so that now we have verified to fair confidence (>95%) that gravity obeys the inverse square law down to a scale of ca. 50 microns, which does rule out some but not all models. Tests continue to be conducted as scientists replicate past results and attempt to improve precision for future results.
I thought gravity does not have comparable strength to other forces..? Isn't it the weakest of the forces to a power of 24.
think so
I remember back to my college days and struggling with Physics. More accurately the professor and his tendency to use math outside the requirements for the class to explain concepts. I barely graded out of the class with a C. Now I work with computers, and while I love it - I sometimes think back to those days and wish I had access to such a wonderful professor being able to explain things in pictures with the mathematical foundation as well. His students are very lucky. Thanks for the vid.
I'm confused as to how a dimension can have size. Doesn't dimension simply describe possible directions of movement?
If these dimensions loop upon themselves, you can measure the loop's length and circumference.
Dirk Djently ehh....in a way, yes.....
Possible directions of movement are called degrees of freedom. Dimensions always have units, anything with units is a dimension. Not all dimensions are spacetime dimensions.
@@Ni999 Yes, the term 'dimension' has dual meanings. But here, we *are* in fact talking about 2 extra spatial dimensions.
They are very highly curved, just as in ordinary GenRel the 4 spacetime dimensions are curved near large masses.
But unlike that, these 2 extra dimensions' curvature isn't caused by the presence of mass.
ffggddss I get it. Ed was clear that the discussion is about using a six-dimensional chiral supergravity model to look at an approach to lamba. CERN has papers available on chiral supergravity in d=6 going back over 20 years. Dirk's question was how a dimension can have size, and I wondered if others didn't have the same confusion so I did my best to address that starting point. It's a fair point that I probably didn't do very well.
Every day I get home from working at a nightclub and look forward tos lapping on another one of these videos....
I don't know whether to thank you for completely re-engaging with physics (dropped after A-Level), or to hate you for ramming home to me how much I regret not doing it at degree level and further...
Although given these are easily the most watchable, informative science videos I've seen featuring very likeable people it's definitely a thanks!
I'm curious enough as to inquire whether we should consider consciousness as its own dimension; the flotsam and jetsam of thoughts streaming throughout the cosmos.
They would be a comforting idea, but where exactly are you coming from.
I'm 15 and I have been watching you for a long time and my Science grades have improved a lot amd my tutor says that I have a boost in my levels because of your video's and he says I have an advantage over my class mates basicly THANK YOU ALOT
So 0 dimensions = point,
1 dimension = line,
2 dimensions = plane,
3 dimensions = brane,
4 dimesions = ?
Or am I getting the wrong idea here?
2: Traditionally we have labelled points in space-time using 4 different parameters (1 for each dimension), being [x,y,z,time], corresponding to [length, width, height, time], but this video proposes that for every location, or point to have its own unique label, there must be 6 parameters or dimensions, namely [x,y,z,time,rho,theta]. Hope that clears some stuff up :)
If gravity is such a weak force, and it hurts so much if you just fall to the ground from standing up, the strong forces must be really huge! And violent!
the inverse square law works both ways the closer you get to an object with mass the greater the attraction.
Hugo Santos magnetism
Imagine you are made of metal and the earth is a giant magnet. That force would be insanely stronger than gravity.
This is why I love string theory. It's so beautiful yet extremely mysterious and incomprehensible.
I prefer my eggstra dimensions with a caramel center.
I absolutely love listening to this man talk, and especially about the things he talks about!
I REALLY like how this guy explains stuff in all the vids :D
Anyways, I have a question... How are we supposed to understand how to correctly imagine these extra dimensions when the extra dimension are exemplified by using a 3D object (like an egg or a complex and strange looking computer generated model)?
It's like explaining 3D/4D to Mario or Pacman using 2D pixels that are square...
"This will make your brain hurt" is the understatement of the century :\
We, as 3rd dimensional beings, are by design incapable of truely comprehending or properly visualizing what any number of dimensions above 3 looks like. Noone is capable of explaining it. No mathematics or physics is adequate for it to sucessfuly translate.
Unless quantum physics opens up a can of worms we havent seen yet, we are forever bound to 3 dimensions. Sorry. :/
These things are best described and understood mathematically, not physically. 5 and 6 dimensions are no problem at all in math.
I think that these videos can accomplish more than years of teaching ever could.
"Why wouldn't you be able to measure this seeping gravity which is escaping out into the eggs?" Hilarious, and surreal.
1: A point in space is any location in space-time. These extra dimensions mentioned come into play in the description of a point in space. Every point must have its own unique way of being labelled, otherwise you could have two locations occupying the exact same space (think of earth and mars existing in the same location... it just cannot happen).
I find it "easier" to grasp through additive perpendiculars. A dimension perpendicular to the continuum we can still grasp. But six, I'll ask a dolphin.
I always think of it as a fractal of 3d grids, not because that's correct, just because that's easier, haha.
noddwyd I'll use anything :-) but topology and it's curiosities like the Klein bottle makes it easier. The same with the Moëbius strip. They are flawed models, finding their flaws was more fun and challenging than discovering them. I agree that fractal and recursion makes it easier to grasp.
Dolphins would do better. They hold the lead with their Doppler sonar modes of visual cortex representation. I'm just a babe. :-)
@m00niee glad you liked it!
Ed's the best more Ed please Brady
@BlueCosmology The fact that you said it takes more time for light to travel through a specific medium for a given distance inherently means that you can change the speed of light. You can't speed it up as far as we know past 3e8, but you can most certainly slow it down by passing it through various mediums.
How can a dimension have a scale?
It is curved. If you go along the dimension for a certain distance, you arrive at the point where you started.
lemmysfibroma Hmmmmm..... It's a bit tough to comprehend
I think it's not so much about understanding but about accepting that things can behave differently to what we think how things are from our own experience.
We think about spatial dimensions as something that extends infinitely, the more we move along a path, the further we get away. Here it isn't like that. Just try to forget what you think you know about dimensions for a moment.
Well if the universe is often referred to as point on the surface of an expanding balloon, aren't our regular spatial dimensions scaled as well? Wouldn't (somehow) outpacing the expansion of the universe cause the traveler to eventually return to their starting point?
+Melih Durmaz Imagine the dimensions of "Latitude" and "Longitude" along the "space" of the surface of the Earth. If you measure them in "degrees", then they are limited to -90 90 for the lat and -180 180 for long. But "degree" is just the circumference around that angle divided by 360, so we could also choose to measure lat/long in linear units. We'd get -20 20 megameters (Mm) lat and -40 40 Mm long, and our units would be very close to round numbers due primarily to ancient standards for the meter being based on the size of the Earth to begin with.
This is similar to Prof Copeland describing the two additional dimensions as egg-shaped, Ro and Theta can only get so far before the measurements return to where they started from.
If you are having trouble imagining combining limited dimensions (positively curved) with limitless (flat or negatively curved) dimensions, then let's imagine a 2d model with one limited (positively curved) spatial dimension paired with another unlimited (flat) spatial dimension: namely an infinitely long cylinder.
Your coordinate telling how far along the cylinder is unlimited, it can be any value and no matter how far you travel you will find new, fresh cylinder out there. But your "around" coordinate is limited to -180 180 degrees (or if your pipe is 360mm around lets say, then -180 180 millimeters) and trying to use any larger numbers would simply be redundant and describe points you had already assigned unique coordinates for.
Of course another way to limit a dimension is the direct route. If I have an 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper, it can be 2d and flat but the dimensions along each axis are limited to how much paper you have. Travel too far and you reach the "edge of space" and are coerced into either an abrupt halt, or a fall outside of the bounds of the originally prescribed test space.
Put another way, I can mark 7" along the X axis from one corner of my paper, and the mark stays on my paper 7 inches distant from origin. But if I try to make a mark 20" along the x axis I'll have vandalized my cat who will walk away sulking and the mark refuses to remain at the coordinate we have assigned it: such a coordinate simply isn't valid in our naturally bounded space.
Wow, I wished you'd been my Physics teacher. That was a great explanation. The difference it makes to have a good teacher who has the ability to explain things in a clear, easy to understand way..
how can we estimate the size of the egg ? since it"s an extra dimention, the mesure should be different ... we don't mesure time with meters ... does it mean that those dimentions are incuded in our 4 dimentions ?
The general theory of relativity commonly uses normalized coordinate system, where time is in the form of "c*t", so yes, you could say, that time is measured in metres.. Fun fact: The velocity there (called four-velocity) is actually dimensionless.
Nexus no its not dimensionless, it also has units of velocity
therealjordiano Velocity = displacement / change in time, so it sounds like that is redefined.
I don't understand what you're saying cooper
therealjordiano I was telling you what the units of velocity are. Displacement is a change in position. A spatial dimension is simply a direction and its opposite direction, time isn't involved.
The 4th dimension is usually time, because it is the one we can observe, but not interact with or have any influence over.
To find the 5th, 6th, and so on, we would first need to exist in the 4th, 5th and so on.
Could this be what dark matter is? If light can't cross dimensions but gravity can. This could be where the extra mass in the universe is hiding, it can be in plain sight but we can only see it through its gravitational effects.
Ash De Vos that was my fist question when I heard of the implied extra dimensions of M theory, is it possible and if so what could it be? Just energy or empty dimensions wouldn't impart mass (or could it through a Higgs field somehow?) or would it have to be particles of some sort?
Andrew the Celt There is nothing that would make such a thing impossible, and thus, having gravity that leaks out into our universe is not out of the question either.
Richard Smith Yes but what would it be that imparts the additional mass to the universe? Gravity and space are massless, gravity is a force with heretofore hypothetical spin-2 boson and space, simply a matrix, for all we know, an empty framework. Are you suggesting that any implied Calabi-yau extradimensional manifolds would themselves impart mass to the universe?
+Ash De Vos No. The extra dimensions are too small to do that. Actually i'm not sure how to explain that but i've recently read a book that covered this subject and i'm sure it would have mentioned this if it could be true
Think of gravity like aerogel on a large scale, like an empty matrix of invisible forces that is then filled in by the other dimensions? I'm not a physicist, and I'm too young to even take physics but does that make any sense?
@Swiftynine Because the problem with electricity in cars in winter isn't the travel of electrons in the wires. The electric energy of the battery is stored as chemical energy and needs chemical reactions to be "set free". As chemical reactions as a rule of thumb are only half as fast when you decrease the temperature by 10 degrees, a cold battery can have a hard time providing enough energy at the time needed.
I'm off to write a computer simulation of all this, because thats how I roll!
Hey I wonder... have you finished after 3 years :D?
Did you do it?
did you?
I did guys and it was a thing of sheer unrivaled beauty!
Did you upload it?
In highschool my physics teacher once told me a story of two physicists/mathematicians who tried to actually visualize an extra dimension. According to him, one of them eventually succeeded and was able to imagine how a fourth dimension would look like, as in making up four-dimensional objects etc, etc. This revelation yet turned out to be too much to handle, as he went insane. He had to be hospitalized until his brain "forgot" how to do it. Been looking for it online but never found anything.
you should have said eggsperiment
@1PintLasher "The speed of light can change. Refraction is because of this,"
Not really, the speed of light itself stays entirely the same, the reason it travels slower however is the light is repeatedly absorbed and re-emitted by the atoms in the material, and the time between being absorbed and being re-emitted makes it take longer to travel, but the light itself travels the same speed.
I have the answer ... Gravity is so weak when compared to the other forces, as it gets caught up in all that creamy goodness!
No wonder after eating all those sweets I have now a gravity around me so strong all my stuff is flying around me in an orbit.
@1PintLasher Technically the speed isn't changing when it enters a medium, it's just bouncing around and taking a longer path through the medium.
i had the 6th dimension for breakfast with soldiers.
I had soldiers for breakfast with 6 dimensions.
@sumosumo84 Brady who make the videos (that's me) does the comments for SixtySymbols, sometimes in consultation with the scientists if necessary...
Most of the team read the message boards themselves and a few of them comment under their own usernames!
Did not understand a single thing.
I think eggs are stealing our gravity...
Don't worry, it's very hard to understand. Well, maybe not hard, it's just that we can only picture things in our minds in 3 dimensions. They say time is a fourth dimension, I can't even imagine that, because that is an extra dimension to the three we live in (up/down, side to side and back to front). The only time I did manage to imagine extra dimensions was with hallucinogenic drugs, but that was a very stupid thing to do, because all that extra power you get in the brain reverses to a proportionial lack of power afterwards...
I feel you, man.
Someone wiser then me once said that math and physics isn't what is objectively true it is what has yet to be proven wrong. Basically they created this theory as more or less a guess to account for phenomena (the cosmological constant) that could not be accounted for with what theories they had. If the theory fits the system it is trying to explain to a reasonable extent it is assumed to be more or less true since it is useful. If the theory can be out right rejected or if their is a theory that provides better predictive powers (ie classical vs quantum physics) then the new theory is presumed to replace the old. You make an educated guess see if it can be proven wrong and see if it provides you with reliable and precise predictions. If it passes this test you have a good hypothesis and you can do cool steuff with it. The value of a theory is not its absolute veracity (there is no such thing) but on the new/better predictive abilities it gives you. Those predictive abilities we achieve through the scientific method allow us to manipulate the world around us not absolutely but to an extent that makes life much much much much better.
The theory he is discussing was made to fit within the frame work of other math and physical models and to provide us with an explanation for something those models can not explain. It is conceptually unique and not something one can understand by synthesis of known concepts. It is an extrapolation. A thought experiment. Daniel Astillero
My brain is tired, exausted of trying to understand all this crap. I give the fuck up. That's too much for me. I rather remain ignorant than be always mindfucked. Fuck science, fuck nerds, fuck geeks, fuck all that crap, I'm slammin' the door for good. Good the fuck bye! No offense guys, you keep up trying to figure out this stuff. I'm gonna go back to my guitar and play some fuckin heavy metal and fuck my girlfriend.
@1PintLasher Almost, it doesn't absorb more of light's energy it just holds on to it for longer.
Cold systems are more stable and an electron in a high energy level in a cold atom is more stable and less likely to "de-excite" (go to a lower energy level) then an electron in a high energy level in a warm atom. The light is re-emitted when the electron de-excites and as such the longer it takes to de-excite, the slower the light appears to go.
@ Bryon Bridges
The eggstra dimensions hurt your brane? Hihihi!
@madjimms As usual in most of these matters, it's the people of the US that changed it, not the other way around. "Zed" comes from the original Greek zeta via Old French zede, and pretty much all English speakers worldwide pronounce it that way.
Egg Copeland is so punny! Haha!
This professor's voice is just honey for my ears.
I... understood... nothing.
If the universe was just 3 dimensions+time the cosmology constant would be 0 so the universe wouldn't be expanding. But it is so the constant must be greater than 0. How? There's a leak of gravity from this dimension into the other two extra dimensions. That's why cosmology constant is not 0 and that's why universe is expanding and accelerating.
@@pushdword still don't understand 😢
You take 3 years to reply..
It is really nice to see how his face shines like a little kid with a new toy or you know that kind of pure happines that kids have, when he talks about physics.
I would like to eat that Cadbury egg
Time IS a dimension! The difference is that you percieve it differently from the spacial dimensions. You can only percieve time one point at a time, at the rate at which we measure time. Try the book Flatland, it might help you figure out many concepts of multidimensional hiperspace
like we need more REAL brits
Or maybe he's smart enough to know these videos are being seen by tons of Americans, so specified accordingly. Just a mayyyyybe..
Maybe he follows rugby
RomulessI Accurate
'Cause he knows that Brits are as worthless as Canadians. MURICA!!!!!!
Very nice phenomenological explanation by analogy. A potential mechanism might be information-sharing among multiverses; consistent with particle formation in a vacuum and the necessary relative expansion of this universe.
I look forward to your videos while enjoying breakfast. While the coffee was fine this morning, the eggs left me with a guilty feeling. I’m sure I’ll be eating cheerios tomorrow.
You guys still get a thumbs up from me.
This professor is great. You can tell he is really trying to come across so most of us can understand.
Now that gravitational waves have been measured, can we get an update on this video?
I just love his explanations! Clearly. He,s taught a lot of undergrads.
FINALLY something leading to an understanding of extra dimensions
So pumped for more info
i wish i had a camera-person and the ability to articulate my points so clearly, i've figured out a way to visually demonstrate up to 6 spatial dimensions without violating superposition in a pretty simple way
@bluecobra95 that's my fault... I asked him to say soccer because for many of our viewers a "football" is egg shaped. Not worth the confusion!
I know it sounds weird when an Englishman says soccer... Apologies.
@zelda12346 Say you measured the dart to be going at 15ms^-1 while it traveled, you wouldn't say the dart went slower because the person who threw it had a drink before he went and picked it back up off the board and threw it again.
And if someone threw a dart at 50ms^-1 but then spent time talking to people before picking it up and throwing it again, you wouldn't say the dart went slower than someone who threw it at 5ms^-1 and then picked it up and threw it again straight away.
@Tmaker197812 I'd say that's equally misleading, as HCl(acid) doesn't require (aqua). For example, you can use it within methanol to protonate an acid-catalyst in an anhydrous environment.
(note to self, extend spell check dictionaries to include chemistry terminology)
@zelda12346 "it takes more time for light to travel through a specific medium for a given distance inherently means that you can change the speed of light."
No, not at all.
The speed of light stays exactly the same, but when a photon interacts with an electron the photon is absorbed, raising the electron to a higher energy state. Then a short amount of time passes where nothing happens, then the light is re-emitted. At no point does the light travel at anything other than the speed of light.
Wait, so if there are six dimensions, then could the uncertainty principle just be due to the fact that we are only measuring in three dimensions? Also could this be why gravity is unusually weak? Since it's spread out in six directions instead of three. A root of six instead of three would quite dramatically weaken the force. Makes sense!
The fundamental forces cancel out the expansion at a local level, i.e the strong force doesn't scale up along with the expansion, it remains constant. The expansion can only be seen when there are next to no fundamental forces interacting between two entities, such as our galaxy and a galaxy cluster far away (the gravitational interaction can't counterbalance the expansion between them-> they "move away" from each other, even if they don't have any opposing relative velocity vectors)
That break point between classical physics where motion is differentiable in all places and particle physics where only some are is what I was /facedesking about.
@lolimso18 lol - no. the interviewer, and maker of all these excellent vids, is Brady, who is an Australian living in the UK. The three concords are kiwi's (nz'ers). Sounds very similiar though, esp if yr not used to any of those accents :)
I am just 11 but i study physics (Quantum and Astro-physics) i find it really intresting. first i wasnt able to solve physics equaution , but when i saw you channel i am getting better and better that i am now teach grade:10 physics! So i really want to thank you for your absouloutley great effort! And one day i wanna become a student a Nottingham :)!
@BlueCosmology You're ignoring the small complication:
According to you, the photon is absorbed into the electron i.e. destroyed more a measure of time. The dart in your analogy goes from 0 to full speed and then back down to 0 in a continuous set of numbers. What you are saying is that Light has no change in magnitude of its velocity because its displacement vs time graph would not be differentiable in some places, and its velocity vs time would be a piece-wise functions.
Actually I think what he meant was that the universe has a constant number and it's 0 in the sixth dimension, however in ours it's around 0. As for the forces, we can't find a way light or matter can interact but because gravity is weak it is less able to hold itself in our dimension and seeps into extra dimensions as well.
I saw a clip the other day that said some now think the weakness of gravity is better explained by the theory that gravity is seeping in to our time/space rather than leaking out. Supposedly the mathmatics support this much better, but don't ask me, I don't understand half of what I see, lol, I just thought I would share this information.
You can't express Rho and Theta (not polar coordinates) in X, Y, Z or t. That's what makes them extra dimensions. Imagine an infinitely small rope, which has just one dimension: you can go forward or backward but not up, down, left or right. If some hairs of that rope are sticking out, they can't be expressed in the direction of the rope, which means both directions are linear independent. The same situation occurs with Rho and Theta, but they are curved like an egg. Hope that made it clear.
If all goes well the data broadcasted by the Cadbury eggs 15th segment and it's computer will be available to all the other Cadbury egg segments no matter what dimension or time they exist in.
Or in other words the data you broadcast 15 days from now will be available to you today.
@dudejohnny Thank you for your reply, but no, I am not sure I understand how to measure acceleration. I understand the measurement of speed by red-shift, but not acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change, or first derivative, of speed. That would imply to me that we have observed an object for a long enough period of time and calculated the rate of change of that speed. Is that how is it done? Again, thank you for the dialogue.
almost 2 years ago today this video blew my mind, thx for releasing this on 4/20, lol
@36trooper Yes! I was just talking to my friend while watching this, saying that I feel like some of the things in these videos don't make sense to me because there are a lot of things I need to understand before I can understand what they are talking about. But I think if they did explain all that stuff the videos would end up being hours and hours long. Perhaps they should start making videos on TED if they aim to do that in the future.
The smallest length in the universe is the Planck's length. That would mean that since Planck's length is the quantum of action, the space can't be continuous, or 'flow infinitely continuously' as you said it.
Could matter's inability to travel at the speed of light be that it actually is traveling at c, but mass travels in the extra dimensions as well? The particle associated with mass could run in circles in the extra dimension, and the angle between its vector and the main three-dimensional space would determine its observed speed. It would thus have a frequency associated with its momentum.
@pseudorandomly Feyman, "I'm sorry I'd rather not understand things than be certain of something which is wrong". In the running is not how CC is packaged with respect to Dark Energy. I have seen a number of programs where CC is the conclusion or certainty. Arbitrary constants in integral calculus are initial conditions when applied to physical problems. If a theoretical physicist sets these initial conditions to match experiment it is a fudge factor, if he predicts the condition its logical.
Could the extra dimensions of String Theory represent potential future possibilities and opportunities in our 3D Universe of continuous creation?
Based on:
1. The quantum w-particle function Ψ or probability function represents the forward passage of time itself with the future coming into existence photon by photon.
2. Quantum uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π is the same uncertainty we have with any future event within our own ref-frame that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual
Just a random question: what state of matter is HCl (Hydrochloric acid). I'm not talking about dissolved/mixed HCl in water. I want to know whether pure HCl is a gas, liquid or a solid. Is it like a oxygen (gas) dissolved in water, is it a liquid mixture or is it like salt dissolved in water? An answer would be appreciated.
you can think of it like the aura it mesure in microns and has force, and fog colors always changing
when you described the two additional dimensions you mentioned chirality, but didn't elaborate on that. I assume that was the dimension dealing with going around the egg. Could you please elaborate more on chirality. I'm aware that not only people, but molecules, electrons, and, of course, planets and galaxies rotate or orbit about an axis in a clockwise or counter clockwise manner, but I suspect there is deeper stuff here.
@zelda12346 Well it's like if you want to know the speed of a dart that someone is throwing, you're not going to take into account the time when the person walks up to the dart and picks it up and goes back to the starting point to throw it. The speed of the dart would be while the dart is moving, not while it is stuck in the board.
As far as I know, it gets complicated with the question on discreteness and continuity. I would say the points are continuous. But when you get down to a small enough scale, namely the Planck scale, it gets a bit weird as the Plank length is the smallest length possible. So maybe that means that, at the Plank Scale, points in space are discrete.
Well, i think it's to do with those two dimensions having a definite shape. Maybe our 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time have some shape, but it is so enormous that it is impossible to measure from inside, but since those two dimensions are in a way confined by our normal 3 and not infinite then they have a size we can define. I'm no expert btw, please correct me if i've misunderstood.
So, for every 50micrometers (what about time, by the way? how many eggs per second?) we have, according to this model, an intersection with an egg-shaped pair of dimensions. And it is supposed that gravity is leaking into them.
Also, for every such point of space-time we have some point on the egg.
Wouldn't it be the case, that the amounth of leaking is somehow connected (proportional?) to the coordinates on the egg?
And if so, mightn't it create a distinctive (predicted by the model) pattern of micro-disturbances in the force on the scales which are possible for us to scan (or will be possible with, say, the next generation of detectors)?
If the conglomerations of resonance bubbles in Holographic Image projection are compared, by very rough analogy, to the wash and deposits of gravels and stones by water/wave action, an idea of the relative size and positioning of obstruction of flow from depositions into loosly bonded structures in proportion to the rates of flow, momentum of moving aggregates and impervious boundaries, etc etc, (ask a Mining Engineer about this), and it would be no surprise that the calculations of Cosmological Constants are difficult and probably unreliable without a lot of very fine feedback measurements from every way of measuring available.
So... in this model, gravity does work on the egg, but the egg has some sort of mobile or elastic relationship with the brane. When you get eggs moving around you can add all sorts of stuff.
Historical convention I am guessing. XYZ is used for the Cartesian system where everything is linear, but for other coordinate systems, such as polar, cylindrical, spherical, other variables are used.
It really is beautiful how the weakness of gravity is explained by not being bound to our brane and it leaking out. Perhaps too beautiful
measuring magnetics seems to need 6 facets; east intensity, north intensity, positive down, positive east etc....everything is so swirly... Happy Oestre xx
I can't claim to understand it, so I could be (and probably am) wrong.
But the way I am picturing it is that our 4 time and space dimensions are infinite. So you can travel forever in any direction, or into the future. But for these two extra dimensions, you can only travel a short distance (10um).
(Except *you* can't, because only gravity can).
Maybe you can also picture it as there being, for every point in space, a small volume that exists in that space, that only gravity is allowed into.
Wishing Professor Ed had been allowed to talk more on the subject of branes, it was just getting interesting when it ended.
i think i get your analogy. things like tesseract that we can only see their shadow and mesure them with math but can't sense with any means other than math.. but what boggles me is that its what really is there to see if we could see it in another light so to speak. so in my head we use the three dimensions only as vectored quantums of the same thing, meters to mesure distance of two points in space, and time, if we say it is another dimension, as another reference to everything..