MK Mobile Update 6.1. MK1 Smoke Gameplay + Review. Is First Diamond Smoke Worth It?

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @DanielM77477
    @DanielM77477 12 днів тому +29

    He’s fun, not a super great character but I do like him quite a bit. Thanks for pulling him for me! 😁

  • @itsdarth8589
    @itsdarth8589 12 днів тому +35

    Buffed spawn is ironically better than this character. They've been doing pretty bad with new character's passives i think they should take suggestions and ideas from the community and make polls to make better character

    • @xsxhalo8567
      @xsxhalo8567 11 днів тому +1

      Spawn was a very hyped character, the buff is definitely needed and worth it

    @KIDDYNASTY 12 днів тому +13

    the fact that you kept missing the bleed cracks me up LMAO

  • @ZonnexNecton
    @ZonnexNecton 11 днів тому +5

    Worth it? Absolutely not, but he is super fun nonetheless. Equip him with unblockable basic attacks and watch him combo his opponents in style.
    When I said absolutely not, I meant that he does not hold the candle like MK11 Scorpion or even MK1 Scorpion.
    But if you do summon him, just know that he is great in non-competitive stuff like Battle Mode. I wouldn’t recommend using him in Krypt or Tower unless you knew his capability completely well.

  • @fatimahshahid1496
    @fatimahshahid1496 12 днів тому +10

    I am so glad I got smoke in the first pack I got

  • @henriksti2
    @henriksti2 12 днів тому +21

    I really REALLY wanted to like him, but I can't. I mean, there's nothing wrong with him, he's just plain. Card art is meh, combo movements are meh. Not a bad character, not very exciting either. I bet I'll like the Onslaught subzero more. Still, good addition to the roster.

    • @the_shortski6053
      @the_shortski6053 12 днів тому

      Just seemed like an odd mix of MK11 Lui Kang, Edenian Blood Sindel, along with half the other, fill an extra bar characters with Bleed on Tag in, which is nice but not much else. Maybe a speed boost per stack would be better than block breaker. Speed and Poison.

  • @Emergency_Bell
    @Emergency_Bell 12 днів тому +10

    Well, i haven't gotten him yet.
    But from what i have seen so far, I think the other male MK 1 characters are better than him.

    • @Skillividden
      @Skillividden 12 днів тому

      Maybe only Scorpion. But I still haven't tested Smoke well enough.

  • @PleasantR6
    @PleasantR6 10 днів тому +1

    I think he has the potential to have some fun builds. I feel like the Murasama Blades would pair nicely- maybe do a combo ender build? Also, the Dynasty Mask would work well, since his sp1 is not only a grapple, but applies power drain (and his passive applies weaken). Biggest consolation to me is that he at least is viable where he is right now, unlike Spawn on his launch.

  • @carlosrojas9523
    @carlosrojas9523 12 днів тому +17

    Star, you're entitled to your opinion first and foremost, but it seems like you have such high expectations for these new characters, and when they don't live up to the hype, it's disappointment.

    • @Armando-913
      @Armando-913 12 днів тому +5


    • @DimkaSulegnaa
      @DimkaSulegnaa 12 днів тому +8

      He expects every new character to be top tier like KLK or MK11 Scorpion.

    • @carlosrojas9523
      @carlosrojas9523 12 днів тому +4

      @DimkaSulegnaa exactly, and that's not the case. I'm not expecting new characters to be on the same level of the characters we already have in the game. If they were to be A tier or S tier characters, it's rare that's going to happen cause, in my opinion, they would have to stand out from the already solidified elites of the game.

    • @Rod-w1g
      @Rod-w1g 11 днів тому

      ​@@carlosrojas9523It's a mobile game it isn't that deep

    • @Rod-w1g
      @Rod-w1g 11 днів тому


  • @invicible7807
    @invicible7807 12 днів тому +7

    Hope they will give us discount packs for mk11... have been saving my souls... begginer level 40

    • @LeleleleleT
      @LeleleleleT 11 днів тому

      How much have you saved?

    • @invicible7807
      @invicible7807 11 днів тому

      @LeleleleleT currently am at 1000 souls bro

  • @Twilightlunarnightmareshadow
    @Twilightlunarnightmareshadow 11 днів тому

    Amazing you’re my favorite Mk mobile gamer Starinsky ❤

  • @mazinhussein4297
    @mazinhussein4297 12 днів тому +3

    It’s seems like mk1 characters that release with 120% Power Generation are not great compared to the original three that have 130%

  • @ImukoIlokano-j9w
    @ImukoIlokano-j9w 9 днів тому

    i really really love this smoke but i can't afford it, enjoying watching your videos

  • @snack2x
    @snack2x 12 днів тому +2

    OH MY GOSH! Do special attack 1!😂😂

  • @rydn_x
    @rydn_x 12 днів тому

    I still can’t get Yuri Lowenthal’s Spider-Man’s voice out of my head every time I hear him talk

  • @OpenMiker-rp4eo
    @OpenMiker-rp4eo 12 днів тому +2

    Someone needs to apply ‘Silence’ to Smoke cos he won’t SHUT UP! 😆 kiddin’

  • @NJ_24Screams
    @NJ_24Screams 2 дні тому

    If u give him block break and cancel his combo enders, he is insane

  • @ec9697
    @ec9697 12 днів тому +5

    I’m not really impressed with him,I think darkest noob is best new character and I do love spawn,I think mk1 kenshi is best mk1,and mk1 mileena is next

    • @OpenMiker-rp4eo
      @OpenMiker-rp4eo 12 днів тому

      MK1 Mileena is FUN! Cool-looking basics and specials, and fun passive too 😎 Funnest Mileena fer sher.

  • @gamingspideyff
    @gamingspideyff 12 днів тому +7

    Love from India 🇮🇳

  • @joshuasherman569
    @joshuasherman569 12 днів тому +1

    Starlin sky double upload am I’m dreaming

  • @mohitreddy9999
    @mohitreddy9999 12 днів тому +4

    Honestly saying his passive is very boring. Even Onslaught Jax has much more interesting gameplay than him

  • @fork6057
    @fork6057 12 днів тому

    Hey Star! Do not play MK mobile anymore but i still watch ur vids from time to time. I always wanted a diamond Smoke so I hope he’ll be good to play with

  • @Galaxy-p5p
    @Galaxy-p5p 11 днів тому

    I got smoke in day 6 holiday gift and yeah smoke is a little bit good because whenever you used ninjutsu you can combo extend and special attack 1 can be punched by the opponent

  • @HELLZONE2024
    @HELLZONE2024 11 днів тому

    Did you try his new card? Just search which cards are related to Smoke and see what's new there, you will surprise.

  • @SonuGames
    @SonuGames 11 днів тому

    Please cover battle 160 can't kill shang tsung now, as tanya's passive doesn't work. Any tips

  • @TheKCAverage
    @TheKCAverage 12 днів тому

    I have a question for you Star. When are you gonna stream again?

    • @TheKCAverage
      @TheKCAverage 12 днів тому

      I wanna see you stream your beginner account like you did in your "NoobInSky" beginner account.

  • @Simon-zk4xz
    @Simon-zk4xz 12 днів тому

    Hi sir I have a question if I was playing on Android and now I want to play in ios do I get my same account and love your vidoes

  • @henryogueri5465
    @henryogueri5465 12 днів тому

    There's a glitch with that block button,it keeps activating when im doing basic attacks

  • @saamiransari1
    @saamiransari1 12 днів тому +1

    Maybe they should stop writing PhD thesis length passives and start making great characters instead of forgetable ones I have no interest in maxing. Spawn, Mileena , Kenshi and now Smoke.

  • @cityhunter5412
    @cityhunter5412 7 днів тому

    I got it from a pack and he is just what his name is white and covered in smoke is this a bug or what?

  • @Majin_Xavierras
    @Majin_Xavierras 11 днів тому +1

    Bro did not touch special 1

  • @Лехич-о7ю
    @Лехич-о7ю 12 днів тому +7

    this is so wrong. I played him a lot from yesterday. If to do everything well, he is literally uninterruptable. He is top2 damage character und can make such a lot of damage without towe equipment. His Ninjutsu is like almost copy of mk11 Lu Kang passive. Isnt it obvious?
    Btw his sneak attacks are shared among all the teammates , not only mk1

    • @Rod-w1g
      @Rod-w1g 11 днів тому

      So that's your opinion. If someone doesn't like him get over it.

  • @Nastradom
    @Nastradom 11 днів тому

    I haven’t played mk mobile for a while is there still no way to transfer things to a new account?

    • @Collentelligence
      @Collentelligence 11 днів тому

      You must register on wb gaming then link your profile

  • @Postreligion007
    @Postreligion007 12 днів тому

    welp time to roll for him

  • @adit1939
    @adit1939 12 днів тому +4

    Naa mate his special 2 is shit

  • @yashikjaydev4310
    @yashikjaydev4310 12 днів тому

    I thought that my phone got lagged lol 😂

  • @talhaasif816
    @talhaasif816 10 днів тому

    Does it support controller

  • @terrykyng
    @terrykyng 12 днів тому

    Bro kenshi is so amazing , the new smoke guy don't rock much for me

  • @Friendly34-3
    @Friendly34-3 12 днів тому

    How it took to get it my 1 try

    @CRACKERJACK01 12 днів тому

    I'm surprised you never use his sp1 at all. Take note of that next time

  • @Itz_Puxe
    @Itz_Puxe 12 днів тому

    I'm going to keep saying it 🤷‍♂️ MK mobile can easily be implemented to console and PC. If anything that would help me out so much and I would be able to manage and maintain the game a whole lot more than having to always get a phone that can run the game properly. I usually end up taking huge breaks from MK mobile because of other things and I don't have time to look at my phone all day. noeadays, this is why it would be great for them to move it to console or PC. Diversify and on top of that it would probably earn WB more money because there are more people checking out this new type of MK.

    • @freeman3187
      @freeman3187 11 днів тому

      why cant they just add butons(high punch,low punch, high kick, low kick, movement and block ) to the game, instead of all this swipe actions that looked scripted.

  • @emanyoutube
    @emanyoutube 12 днів тому +1

    Love From Türkiye🇹🇷❤

  • @steamrolller4143
    @steamrolller4143 12 днів тому

    It got him on my 4th pack

  • @ABeeYA-q1o
    @ABeeYA-q1o 12 днів тому +73

    Play shadow fight 2 and make this the most liked comment so he can see it

    • @hanishrathod7644
      @hanishrathod7644 12 днів тому +1

      He did already in the past bruh

    • @ABeeYA-q1o
      @ABeeYA-q1o 12 днів тому +1

      I know but I want him to play it again

    • @ABeeYA-q1o
      @ABeeYA-q1o 12 днів тому

      Thank you guys ❤😊

    • @josh2838
      @josh2838 12 днів тому +6

      Shadow fight was so boring and dull. Just my opinion

    • @SRGONYT
      @SRGONYT 11 днів тому

      He defeated everything in shadow fight 2. And i think he retired or stopped playing that.

  • @RajKumar-iw5bj
    @RajKumar-iw5bj 10 днів тому

    Negativity spread against mk1 smoke, but seriously he's not bad that much, i luv smoke passive and sp 1 & 2 POWER DRAIN ❤🔥👑

  • @garyklaiss3410
    @garyklaiss3410 12 днів тому

    Made 4th 😂😅😂 luv ya star 🌟

  • @brandonmarciniak4381
    @brandonmarciniak4381 12 днів тому

    They’ve been making the abilities so overly complicated and unexciting with these new cards

  • @Oscar-dagoat10
    @Oscar-dagoat10 11 днів тому

    Are we ever going to see that sp1??? 😂😂

  • @AnthonyRoman-g8v
    @AnthonyRoman-g8v 11 днів тому

    He never did SP 1 😢

  • @mohitreddy9999
    @mohitreddy9999 12 днів тому +3

    His combo's are not good. Opponents can easily interfere and hit him. After every special attack he's ready to be hit by the opponent. MK1 Kenshi is much better ❤

  • @harrisx420
    @harrisx420 12 днів тому

    His sp2 & passive is a little underwhelming tbh

  • @subhanali4737
    @subhanali4737 12 днів тому

    Everything's fine but the passive ability is just ignorable. Their new characters passive abilities are just not good.

  • @infernochannel9576
    @infernochannel9576 12 днів тому


  • @Jonnerc179
    @Jonnerc179 12 днів тому

    Did anyone find out how to get new krypt badges in krypt?

    • @ghostmist6
      @ghostmist6 12 днів тому

      Only from next season.

    • @Jonnerc179
      @Jonnerc179 12 днів тому

      @ do you know what badges are?

    • @henriksti2
      @henriksti2 12 днів тому +1

      @@Jonnerc179 he just said that's for the next season. No one knows.

    • @Armando-913
      @Armando-913 12 днів тому

      wats the easiest way to get dragon crystals?

    • @Jonnerc179
      @Jonnerc179 12 днів тому

      @@henriksti2 yeah suppose nobody knows until new season starts was just wondering if anyone got any of the new badges so far my guess is there will be new ones dedicated to og characters as the badges are related to animalities

  • @iwazaru8101
    @iwazaru8101 12 днів тому

    Can the passives of these new characters get any wordier and more complicated? Good grief. Used to be just a short paragraph or a couple of sentences. How about something simple and practical like "+30% power generation for all martial artist characters"?

    • @AbsoluteAbsurd
      @AbsoluteAbsurd 12 днів тому +1

      Thats way too fucking boring what are you talking about lmaooo what sort of diamond character has that sort of passive

    • @iwazaru8101
      @iwazaru8101 12 днів тому +1

      @@AbsoluteAbsurd : It was a tongue-in-cheek example. However, some of the best diamonds in the game have far more practical passives that only consist a few short sentences: Klassic Raiden, Klassic Liu, MK11 Scorp, SF Scorp, Ravenous Mileena, HS Scorp, etc. just to name a few. A longer passive doesn't mean it's better.

  • @ForzX12
    @ForzX12 12 днів тому

    Return to SF3 please

  • @garathphillips3848
    @garathphillips3848 10 днів тому


  • @AngelGonzalez-pn8rr
    @AngelGonzalez-pn8rr 11 днів тому


  • @ankitmehta4284
    @ankitmehta4284 11 днів тому +1

    Monk is better then him.

  • @Cooljaytheone1
    @Cooljaytheone1 12 днів тому

    Play shadow fight 3

  • @huseintambawala4381
    @huseintambawala4381 12 днів тому +1

    weak character

  • @itszack-235
    @itszack-235 12 днів тому


  • @ahned5746
    @ahned5746 12 днів тому +1


  • @allwynsjourney2225
    @allwynsjourney2225 12 днів тому

    1 hour ago and kinda early

  • @elijahbossgamer6394
    @elijahbossgamer6394 12 днів тому +1

    Bro I’ll been watching u for 7 years can I get pinned?

  • @pirateaves7270
    @pirateaves7270 12 днів тому

    Give away account pls sir

  • @srv-abhinav815
    @srv-abhinav815 12 днів тому

    Jakdi comment kar deta hu like milenge😂😂😂

  • @kaes_abdullah
    @kaes_abdullah 12 днів тому

    Come back to Shadow Fight!

  • @fork6057
    @fork6057 12 днів тому +4

    Hey Star! Do not play MK mobile anymore but i still watch ur vids from time to time. I always wanted a diamond Smoke so I hope he’ll be good to play with