Chuck - He Didn't Kill the Mole...

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @Trojan0304
    @Trojan0304 14 років тому +401

    Casey always was pulling for Chuck & Sarah, secret shipper

    • @kb6900
      @kb6900 4 роки тому +10

      Don’t you mean sniper

    • @manchild4873
      @manchild4873 4 роки тому +5

      Lmfao. I always noticed that

    • @daniellugo2264
      @daniellugo2264 2 роки тому +11

      I just think he had a bit of a soft spot for Chuck. A true bro.

    • @ryanbarker3978
      @ryanbarker3978 2 роки тому +6

      Casey was always the first Carah stan hahaha. That's the hillarous part to it all.

    • @edontes2154
      @edontes2154 2 роки тому +1

      Facts 💯

  • @lucianmerganafreak
    @lucianmerganafreak 10 років тому +349

    Casey is such a big softie.

    • @caes_diary_x
      @caes_diary_x 6 місяців тому

      Nah he’s not he got shot like 7 times in the show he ain’t soft

    • @caes_diary_x
      @caes_diary_x 6 місяців тому

      10 years later dang

    • @Wishh14
      @Wishh14 Місяць тому


  • @MikeStock88
    @MikeStock88 9 років тому +390

    This is such an awesome scene, the fact that Chuck wouldn't sell out a friend even though he might lose the most important thing in his life says a lot about his character. Casey has always secretly been a Charah shipper

    • @piripacchio5678
      @piripacchio5678 8 років тому +27

      not so secretly :)

    • @ChristinaTaft
      @ChristinaTaft 6 років тому +19

      Chuck is such a great person. Not many like that!

    • @daniellugo2264
      @daniellugo2264 6 років тому +19

      1. “Most annoying romance in my life is over....” 2.(Casey to Sarah while Chuck kisses Jill) “I love love.” 3.(Casey to Chuck about Sarah leaving to DC with Shaw) “It’s a personal trip” 4.(Casey literally every time Chuck and Sarah kiss) “Ugh.” Casey always gave them shit and teased them, but at the end of the day he rooted for them.

    • @eijiniizuma6184
      @eijiniizuma6184 4 роки тому +10

      @@daniellugo2264 "you picked a good one walker finally"

    • @slay-in-life
      @slay-in-life Рік тому +3

      Very true. The sad thing is that Chuck's awesome and selfless gesture is not emphasized in this scene. The scene is merely about Chuck not killing the mole, not the fact that he also kept his mouth shut for Casey's sake. We know Sarah gets this point also, but it would have been satisfying (to me) if it had been emphasized.

  • @RevoZtuns
    @RevoZtuns 2 роки тому +75

    When Casey says ‘in case it changes anything’ - he knew damn right that would change EVERYTHING !

    • @kicknowledgesmith8608
      @kicknowledgesmith8608 2 роки тому +3

      He was a shipper of their relationship lol

    • @eijiniizuma6184
      @eijiniizuma6184 Рік тому

      @@kicknowledgesmith8608 I've never been able to determine the exact moment he came onboard because in the first episode of season 2 Casey is ordered to murder Chuck and he's about to carry out said order until he's interrupted

    • @kicknowledgesmith8608
      @kicknowledgesmith8608 Рік тому +1

      @@eijiniizuma6184 He's a patriot and felt Chuck was a great asset that served his country with honor, he never wanted to kill him, he was just following orders because he's a soldier. He started shipping their relationship in season. 3. He even risked going to jail to save their relationship.!

    • @ErikLeber-td7oj
      @ErikLeber-td7oj 11 місяців тому

      ​@@eijiniizuma6184I would say he started shipping them during Chuck VS The Crown Vic, in season 1. The first time it was even acknowledged that he recognized it was real for both of them, was when he asked Sarah if she had compromised herself when they were previously under truth serum. She didn't actually deny anything, and Casey left anything about all of it out of his reports to Beckman (as we found out in the episode where Sarah was nearly replaced). And if I'm not mistaken, 1x10 was also the first time he gave Chuck shit about it.

    • @Benrman
      @Benrman 7 місяців тому +1

      @@eijiniizuma6184 it’s not proven he would’ve followed through. In the same episode, he missed when he was doing his practice shots and chucks picture came up. He also tried to talk Graham and Beckman out of it. He had ample opportunity in the house to kill him, but moved slowly. Casey wasn’t one to hesitate normally so the fact that he delayed and took his time to do it suggested that he didn’t want to. He hid around corners and had a clear line of sight. Chuck couldn’t have stopped him, so why worry about being seen?

  • @Freeman1000000
    @Freeman1000000 2 роки тому +18

    That is why this tv show was so good. When you watch the scene and at the end your heart beats 3 times faster you know that someone done his job well. Chuck had plenty scenes like this, scenes that I can recall from my memory anytime, 10 years have passed and those scenes are clear to me as if it were yesterday.

  • @TsukihimebrBlogspotAstralSword
    @TsukihimebrBlogspotAstralSword 11 років тому +77

    I love his pieces of advice.
    Casey. Legend. Protector and shipper of nerds.
    Pray to him.

    • @ramal5708
      @ramal5708 4 роки тому +3

      He's the GOAT and MVP of the series

  • @godoflemmings17
    @godoflemmings17 6 років тому +148

    Can we take a moment to appreciate that Casey completely stuck his neck on the line to tell Sarah this? He outright admitted first-degree murder to a government agent; she would've been well within her rights to arrest him on the spot. Of course she never would've done but still - the little lines of trust that had developed between them by this point, whereby he could tell her this info without fear of reprisal, were fantastic.

    • @shermanlee4037
      @shermanlee4037 4 роки тому +6

      Well, she really can't do much about it. It makes no legal difference if Chuck did it or Casey, _it's just as illegal either way_. The Red Test is murder one, by definition, and they're all either guilty of it or accomplices (sometimes after the fact). Sarah can't do anything to Casey legally without bringing herself and everybody else down too.

    • @godoflemmings17
      @godoflemmings17 4 роки тому +9

      @@shermanlee4037 It's not illegal at all, it's a government-sanctioned killing. The CIA's job is to protect government interests, and they have the right to assassinate people who represent a threat to those interests, which was Chuck's job in this case - any local police who got wind of this killing would be swiftly told to drop it by the government. Casey, on the other hand, was a civilian at this point, with no licence to kill. Therefore, officially, Chuck failed his red test and Casey committed murder.

    • @shermanlee4037
      @shermanlee4037 4 роки тому +3

      @@godoflemmings17 The police might be told to drop it and forced into doing it, but it is _totally_ illegal. Nothing in the U.S. Code authorizes the CIA or any part of the government to do stuff like that, and in fact it violates the U.S. Constitution on multiple levels. So yeah, it's illegal for the government to do that. Which doesn't help Chuck any 'cause they're doing it anyway, but it ain't legal by any stretch.

    • @Dragon-Slay3r
      @Dragon-Slay3r 2 роки тому +1

      @@shermanlee4037 ok thanks tell my lawyer 🤣 thanks koda which is on a stand but it has buffalo front and a huge crocodile head behind it so I don't know if it will be a conflict of interest
      #sack the lawyer

    • @slay-in-life
      @slay-in-life 7 місяців тому

      @@shermanlee4037 Not in the show. The story makes it clear that the mole is a traitor responsible for the death of hundreds of civilians and nine government agents. The show takes legal shortcuts for story-telling purposes, but the essence is that the mole is being given the death sentence.

  • @JohnSmith-ts3pj
    @JohnSmith-ts3pj 10 років тому +283

    This scene was really well done. The "unlike us" is perfect. It exposes her hypocrisy and makes the viewer feel some pain for Chuck, since he did it all for her.

    • @Cazanator6000
      @Cazanator6000 9 років тому +49

      +John Smith She weren't being a hypocrite she was scared the guy she fell for was gone as she thought he changed so much to the point he is now a killer

    • @ChristinaTaft
      @ChristinaTaft 6 років тому +26

      It is a bit hypocritical to keep him down like that, but also, she knows that it is like being a slave to the government, only able to do kill orders. It's not as if they have their own choices. However, the show works it out with Chuck not actually killing people...

    • @pierocubertino5845
      @pierocubertino5845 6 років тому +24

      that's true, but to be fair, it can be considered at least a little of hypocrisy considering the fact that she "dated" Bryce and Shaw (there's also the guy name Cole but I don't remember if they ever "date") and they probably killed people just like she did, of course, it's different since they were full agents opposite to chuck who used to be a civil, but still, everything Chuck did to become a spy was for her, to be with her, and I understand that Sarah didn't want Chuck to change and become a killer, but running away and not facing the poor guy was kind of out of question, she could at least face him and trust that he wasn't going to change, or even support him and help him to not change at all. since the beginning, they (the government) just give no choice to chuck and use him for their own benefit and they even plan to get rid of him once they wouldn't need him anymore, still, chuck willingly use the intersect and sometimes his own knowledge and abilities to help others, despite this, he was pressured constantly to become more "serious" or more "agent like" so he could be more useful for the government and the missions per se, despite this chuck keep being himself even if he questions his own way to be and how to do things, that's one of the things that make Sarah fall for him, so, it's understanding that she would be scared or afraid of chuck changing, but if she was more supportive of him maybe she could stop the change in him, lets remember who chuck was, especially at the beginning, a smart but awkward and confused dude with some confidence troubles, he constantly doubts about himself and sarah use to be one of the few people that saw how great and impresive chuck really was, and after all the time that they spend together, after all the things they lived together, she should at least know better or trust him a little more, I mean, casey knew he wouldn't shoot, he knew chuck wouldn't be able to do the shot, that's why he shoots the mole instead, if casey can realize that chuck would never do the shot, why couldn't sarah, at least doubt that chuck would ever do it... anyway, i just wanted to make a point, i really love charah and i really miss this show :,c

    • @Jeronimo6315
      @Jeronimo6315 5 років тому +7

      @@pierocubertino5845 But with Shaw, Bryce, and Cole when she met them they were already spy's. When she met Chuck, she was just some guy who happened to have all the government secrets in his head.

    • @pierocubertino5845
      @pierocubertino5845 5 років тому +2

      @@Jeronimo6315 XD hahahaha read my comment again because it seems you didn't get the whole thing.

  • @gnr2396
    @gnr2396 11 років тому +323

    Ever notice how casey is the one to give the sage advice when its the most critical?
    There is this scene
    2) The scene where he tells chuck it doesnt matter where you propose and he tells where he proposed to his wife which wasnt in a glamorous setting
    3) when he gives sarah the whole report of the operation in season 5 where she says she loves chuck when she was going to leave and it forces her to stay.

    • @kevinbenard7111
      @kevinbenard7111 8 років тому +41

      +Mark P when he gave advice to devon when ellie was about to give birth too

    • @alessandrosozzo
      @alessandrosozzo 6 років тому +20

      he is the real mvp

    • @mromneyobama
      @mromneyobama 6 років тому +2

      You are right. Great post!

    • @mehroxsyed7203
      @mehroxsyed7203 4 роки тому +5

      Yeah she was about to leave after watching the video she goes to chuck apologizes and decided to go after quinn because now she knew that chuck was telling the truth her memory lose was due to her uploading the faulty intersect to save chuck knowing the risk and with some research she would have found that no way she could have lost 5 years of memory in a day it meant quinn did something to her as the rate of memory erase was much higher for a day than what ellie predicted plus her memory of last years sequentially erased unlike morgan (other details she could have easily read from reports like how when tells chuck after she comes to ask his help that i read your file) That video was a crucial piece that made her reconsider running even though she still says she will dissappear after taking down quinn at the end she tells chuck she needs to be alone , reconsider starting over and find herself..she still stay back and being back in cityy her subconscious mind and feelings find the spot at beach which was important

    • @ramal5708
      @ramal5708 4 роки тому +4

      Casey is the best chara in the series hands down. He's the GOAT and MVP

  • @soniaw5771
    @soniaw5771 10 місяців тому +3

    This scene is like a ray of light coming out of the darkest moments of Chuck and Sarah relationship in the first half of Season 3. Such a big relief for the fans holding their breath in those episodes.

  • @benmaketh
    @benmaketh 12 років тому +37

    Lol Casey is so big and awkward he's like a grizzly bear at a tea party for mice

  • @fluffball1000
    @fluffball1000 12 років тому +48

    Ahhh, Casey is the biggest Sarah and Chuck shipper in the world.

  • @jjindra21
    @jjindra21 11 років тому +115

    Casey said "You have a nice life Walker" because he realized that she was leaving with chuck even before he came clean on killing the mole. Casey admitting that chuck didn't do it just put Sarah's mind at ease and that she is making the right choice

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 3 роки тому +8

      No he said that because she was going to DC with Shaw. Operation Bartowski was already done. Chuck was his own spy now.
      But he was secretly hoping this would change her mind. He was being manipulative, like a spy, but in a good way.

    • @joseoliveira4880
      @joseoliveira4880 3 роки тому +8

      @@cryptojihadi265 you're right and the clue is the Sarah's gun. Before Casey arrived, Sarah put the gun in her suitcase, meaning she would be leaving to DC and work with Shaw. After Casey left, she left her gun in the bed, meaning she change her mind and she would leave the spy world and run away with Chuck.

    • @PhlilipeAlves
      @PhlilipeAlves 2 роки тому +1

      @@joseoliveira4880 you both are all wrong. She was going to meet Chuck. The photo in the frame, the song and even the travel bag she uses tell us that.
      You focus too much in the gun. It's here to show us that she definitely leaves with Chuck.
      If she was going to DC with Shaw, she will use a suitcase and she will be dress with high heels and a skirt
      Like we see in the episode 11.

    • @middleearthhobbit
      @middleearthhobbit Рік тому +2

      Negative. She was already going with Chuck. There is no reason for the heroine to reject the hero when he does something amazing for her and delivers the perfect love declaration. That’s not how fiction works.

    • @eijiniizuma6184
      @eijiniizuma6184 Рік тому +1

      @@middleearthhobbit Sarah's behavior during much of season 3 was irrational and in service of meta choices made by the producers.

  • @Jezzeboy1928
    @Jezzeboy1928 14 років тому +19

    God...I L.O.V.E Casey. He's without a doubt the amazing character on the show.
    That's awesome...

  • @Bunderwood86
    @Bunderwood86 Рік тому +4

    Always found this scene absolutely incredible. First Casey finally coming clean and risking his own future. But also Sarah from what she looked like getting ready the dark and ominous to bright and glowing. It really is a perfect tv show. From the writers to the production crew. How they make every small detail so important to the scene.

    • @brettthomas676
      @brettthomas676 11 місяців тому

      I think Sarah was going to meet Chuck anyway. Casey just killed that last doubt.

  • @ErikLeber-td7oj
    @ErikLeber-td7oj Рік тому +3

    Chuck risking his own life to save Shaw is what made Sarah realize he hadn't changed, after all. Plus, him actually saying the words that he loved her, even though she obviously knew already, is what really allowed her to tell him, as well. She goads him into it, during their "first real date" ("What about me?"), and when she tells him she doesn't have anybody in her life who cares about her. So she obviously likes hearing it. I'd even argue she does this with her previous statement about having "a type." On some level, Sarah must realize that Chuck and Bryce are quite similar. It's why it was so hard on her every time Bryce would show up.

  • @darkecofreak23
    @darkecofreak23 14 років тому +15

    "Don't waste it, Walker." And she doesn't.

  • @skasisparadigm1
    @skasisparadigm1 13 років тому +11

    @RS2iscool The point of this scene was that Sarah was going to go with him anyways. She say's "If you came here to plead his case then that's really not necessary". Which means to me that she was going to go with Chuck, but when Casey told her the truth it just reaffirmed for her that he in fact hadn't changed which she saw in his actions of saving shaw making Chuck the true American Hero. Hence the ironic title.

    • @richardmeade8706
      @richardmeade8706 4 роки тому +2

      I disagree. She was packing for Washington. She wouldn`t allow herself to love Chuck because he wasn`t the same Chuck she fell for at the BuyMore. Once she knew the truth, She repacked and changed her clothes and her hair to go away with the waiting Chuck.

    • @PhlilipeAlves
      @PhlilipeAlves 4 роки тому +6

      @@richardmeade8706 complete nonsense! She was packing to Meet Chuck. In Chuck's red test, in he appartment, she didn't have their photo on the nighstand. Now in this episode, you clearly see that she have it again. So she was meeting Chuck at the station untill that stupid Shaw arrived and slammed the door.

  • @klaudia95mileyfan
    @klaudia95mileyfan 13 років тому +10


  • @mckenna4561
    @mckenna4561 8 років тому +132

    I hate Shaw. Just thought I'd put that out there.

    • @MusicLover-qv3zk
      @MusicLover-qv3zk 8 років тому +5

      Me too man. Me too.

    • @jy0boi
      @jy0boi 8 років тому +8

      but he IS the atom now XD

    • @thpxhemi5848
      @thpxhemi5848 7 років тому +11

      •Imaloudsilence • pretty sure every fan of the show hates shaw

    • @BossRossTube
      @BossRossTube 4 роки тому

      I didn't hate him he only made chuck. Sarah. And Casey look that much stronger

    • @slay-in-life
      @slay-in-life 4 роки тому +5

      Who doesn't? The guy was a psychopath. The real question is how Sarah could go with the guy in the first place.

  • @ErikLeber-td7oj
    @ErikLeber-td7oj Рік тому +3

    I have to wonder if this wasn't actually all planned out by Casey. He obviously knew Chuck wouldn't kill the mole and must've followed him in order to still protect him. And, he knew the CIA would just assume Chuck had done it, so Sarah would no longer be his handler, thus she could FINALLY do something about her feelings for Chuck. And Casey also knew, that at very least, he still had this card to play, if necessary. He was always great at manipulating both of them, for their own good, when absolutely necessary (the whole prenup situation being the best example).

    • @brettthomas676
      @brettthomas676 11 місяців тому

      Yea Casey was really a softy. He loved screw with them but was always there for them

  • @ChristinaTaft
    @ChristinaTaft 6 років тому +19

    I LOVE THIS SCENE! Thanks so much for uploading. Haha, probably the only trustable agents. Just kidding, but this show was so awesome. I don't know other shows which combine the ethics with the spy life. Also, Chuck is so awesome, as well as Sarah.

  • @spencerbrown5063
    @spencerbrown5063 3 роки тому +9

    If you look closely, she has Chuck and her picture there. I think she was going to go with Chuck. What Casey tells her let’s her know Chuck is still the old Chuck and has not changed.

  • @ricardomonteiro9724
    @ricardomonteiro9724 6 років тому +11

    Anyone every noticed when she says 'what' the wall behind her shines against the sun and make it look like she was shinning. Idk if was intended or not

  • @hasnainrana6416
    @hasnainrana6416 2 роки тому +2

    Wow tbh this scene makes me wanna cry…amazing

  • @slmosqueda
    @slmosqueda 7 років тому +7

    Just realized this. This scene Casey tells sarah the truth and she falls back for chuck (she always was but his pushed it), he finishes with have a nice life Walker. In the finale he pleads his case and shows her the video clips of when she herself said she loved chuck all the way back to season two. Casey leaves saying have a nice life Walker.

  • @Benrman
    @Benrman 7 місяців тому +2

    I see that people have different interpretations of this scene. It was always clear to me that she’d already made her choice before Casey got there.
    He just confirmed that she made the right one. She believes that he’s there to convince her to choose Chuck and before he even tells her anything, she said “it’s really not necessary”. This strongly implies that she already made that choice.
    There’s also the earlier scene where Chuck is asking her to meet him at the train station, and the very song that starts playing when Sarah turned around to thank Casey is the same one that was playing during that scene. The song stopped in between and picked up where it left off when it was made clear what her choice was. This show used music very well. The entire earlier part of this season used music to hint at what was coming with Shaw. The music choice between the two scenes was not a coincidence.
    She also said she didn’t believe Chuck when he told her it “wasn’t what she thought”, earlier in this episode, but still asked him to tell her what really happened in the dinner scene after that. If she didn’t believe him, she wouldn’t have asked about it. She knew the choice she wanted to make, she just didn’t want to believe that she had turned him into someone who could kill like that. She wanted it not to be true.
    A lot season 3 before this scene built into that. She believed she had turned him from the person she met into a killer, and she hated herself for that, not him.

    • @profchaos91
      @profchaos91 Місяць тому

      i agree 100%, a lot of people misinterpret the actions of Sarah sadly

  • @thementalist1213
    @thementalist1213 Рік тому +1

    This production really has the best taste and instinct music wise. Right?

  • @martijntjeeh7094
    @martijntjeeh7094 11 років тому +6

    Man thats the best thing i've ever heard

  • @e.j.miller3358
    @e.j.miller3358 11 років тому +12

    I thought he said 'you're going to have a nice life' but either way, I think he was telling her to go for it. As in, don't let her training and spyness get in the way of her actually having a nice life. Plus, he wasn't part of the team at this point, remember - he was out of it. So if she and Chuck were spying then he would probably figure that he'd be pretty much out of their lives

  • @appleskum6520
    @appleskum6520 4 роки тому +6

    This scene is incredibly emotional, Casey who comes across as a person who has what it takes to get the job done, and can kill in so called cold blood, has a lot of integrity, a lot of respect, of honor, he also cares about his family, about his nation, about his friends, collegeus, and this is partly why I love this character as much as I do, he is such a cold person, yet warm at other moments, he can do things which makes us as viewers laugh and he is just such a great character

    • @Roxy377
      @Roxy377 3 роки тому +4

      thats why i love this show

    • @appleskum6520
      @appleskum6520 3 роки тому +3

      @@Roxy377 that is awesome 🙂

  • @rzez
    @rzez 13 років тому +2

    @2PeanutButterJellies no it's not. the song in the finale is rivers and roads by the head and the heart.this is down river by the temper trap

  • @pthespidey5057
    @pthespidey5057 4 роки тому +2

    Well i guess she was already planning to leave with chuck because of what he said earlier thar he loved her nd wishes to quit nd be with her even though she thinks that he killed the mole since chuck had told her to let him keep 1 secret nd it wasn't what you think u saw nd that he hasn't changed...But she didn't believe it but she agrees to give him 2nd Chance to see if he really hasn't changed since he said he is ready to run away nd Sara never wanted him to change because being spy would change him so she kinda agrees to go but Casey revelation just sparks a light in her eyes that she was wrong nd he really hasn't changed nd didn't kill anyone nd also became a spy and is ready more than ever to go with him....she was also ready to quit for him but since chuck hadn't changed nd didn't kill anyone and still gets to be a official spy they both realize that they were willing to give up being spy for each other and now that no one has changed so why not be spy nd be together guiding one another

  • @oliverqueen3234
    @oliverqueen3234 3 роки тому +1

    Its now 2021 soon to be 2022 and I miss this show so much I just finished watching every season of chuck once again I can't stop watching it chuck is my favorite TV series I was only 8 years old when this show ended now I'm 17 almost 18 I wish there were more story to Sarah and chuck I really want another season or a couple movies made and I really want Sarah to get her memories back and I want to see Sarah and chuck buy there dream home together and have a family

    • @lilnug653
      @lilnug653 3 роки тому +2

      I'm in a very similar timeline as you with this masterpiece of a show. I wish they would make a movie, as Yvonne is basically the only one busy with other things. A couple years ago my family tuned in to a livestream where the main cast + writers of the show answered frequently asked questions from conventions and such, and the two that were most memorable were "How does the cast feel about making another season" and "What do you think happened to Chuck and Sarah after the final scene". When one of the writers asked the first question, everyone in the zoom call got genuinely excited (besides the dude who plays Shaw, that day I learned he's not a very friendly or talkative person in real life), and mainly Yvonne and Captain Awesome seemed most giddy about the thought of a movie. Adam Baldwin and Sarah Lancaster's answer to the second question was definitely my favorite. They basically said "This is the only show with Agencies where a magical kiss is the solution to any problem that seems unsolvable". Adam added that the writers themselves never landed on what they would've wrote if season 5 was one episode longer, but he truly believed that their kiss on the beach was a solution for Sarah's memory dilemma based on the genre of the show. That theory is like seeing something you can't un-see, once you hear about it, no other theory sounds appropriate

  • @ronbechteljr1561
    @ronbechteljr1561 8 місяців тому +1

    Casey has been the hero all along. Under that twisted steel is a good ole softy

  • @DanielS2001
    @DanielS2001 11 років тому +1

    Actually, that appears to be done on the set during the shooting of the scene. Basically, all you would need is to set up a 1k (a basic studio light) on a light stand, aim at the wall in the background and have one of the lighting grips cut it on when you signal them to, also at the same time as the actress in the foreground performs her reaction to the news.

  • @kennethleblanc5984
    @kennethleblanc5984 3 роки тому +2

    Anyone know that song that comes on when she hears the good news?
    Found it
    The Temper Trap - Down River

  • @teambartowski97
    @teambartowski97 13 років тому +1

    they are so proud of chuck... :)

  • @DoctorMcFarlandStudios
    @DoctorMcFarlandStudios 9 місяців тому

    It also shows that Chuck would kill to protect the people he loves.

  • @Cazanator6000
    @Cazanator6000 6 років тому +3

    I get confused. Was Sarah packing her bags to go see Chuck or to go to DC with Shaw. I wonder if she was willing to be with Chuck knowing (from her perspective anyway) that he killed someone and is not the same guy.
    The one thing that makes me think that she was going to go to Chuck anyway was when she said "if you've come to plead his case it's really unnecessary".

    • @slay-in-life
      @slay-in-life 4 роки тому +2

      From the way they filmed the scene, it looks like she was packing to go with Chuck. If she were packing to go to DC, she would experience massive internal conflict (like at the end of 1x10 Nemesis) since Chuck had just selflessly saved the life of his romantic opponent (Shaw), declared his love to Sarah, and asked her to run away with him (thus showing her she was the most important thing in his life). Here's she's more relaxed, has a picture of Chuck on her nightstand, and tells Casey that it's not really necessary for him to plead's Chuck's case (which seems to imply she's already made her decision in Chuck's favor).
      If she's packing for DC, there are big problems with the way the scene was filmed.

  • @akmaliafatimah6557
    @akmaliafatimah6557 3 роки тому

    I really really love this scene

  • @scamrasc
    @scamrasc 14 років тому +2

    @RS2iscool but she WAS going with him anyway - that's the reason why she's packing. shaw dropping by was unexpected.

  • @shermanlee4037
    @shermanlee4037 4 роки тому +3

    It's hard not to dislike Sarah somewhat in this mess. It's not that it's _all_ her fault, but she's holding Chuck to a literally _impossible_ standard. Yeah, she doesn't want him to change into someone more like she and Casey, but at the same time, she does everything necessary to make that happen, encouraging him to be in situation where he _has_ to change at least somewhat in that direction. At the very least, she owes it to Chuck to try to explain what's bothering her _before_ he goes any further down the road she herself put him on. Chuck cannot remain as innocent as he was in S1 and survive, he has to harden at least a little, and he has to become at least _capable_ of violence in extreme situations. But she simultaneously judges him for this, and encourages him in the direction she doesn't like. Chuck needs to keep his promise to Jill somewhere in mind about letting them change him.

    • @slay-in-life
      @slay-in-life Рік тому

      To be honest, she only judges him in the first half of American Hero, and she lets go of that judgment the very same evening during the interrupted dinner, when Chuck asks for "one secret and lie." So, yes, she is being a little hypocritical, but to her credit, it's very short-lived.

  • @douglasmurdoch
    @douglasmurdoch Рік тому +1

    Casey all way went to bat for chuck

  • @555misio
    @555misio 12 років тому +2

    Its not just you. I can also see that area around her lightens up after she hears that.

  • @benmaketh
    @benmaketh 12 років тому +2

    I really think it was just the lighting, when filming they sometimes switch lights so the scene is properly lit at all times

  • @aust11n0
    @aust11n0 3 роки тому

    I miss this show so much.

    • @3maybees624
      @3maybees624 3 роки тому

      There is a Chuck TV Discord at
      That is still active today if you want to join.

  • @ericmaravilla4333
    @ericmaravilla4333 4 роки тому +1

    Anyone notice how Sarah has the picture of her and chuck on her nightstand?

  • @iNYahFace1
    @iNYahFace1 13 років тому +1

    at season 3 chuck was trying to cover up about the ditch he maked on sarha on the second season when they was going to run away and so this whole season he was trying to become a spy but sarah didnt want to be with chuck if he will kill some one and casey told that to sarah and now she wants again to be with chuck

  • @sazp5039
    @sazp5039 9 років тому +8

    Sarah loves Chuck. This is what made her decide to go with Chuck afterall that is until Shaw just slammed open the door and took her away. Its just so sad cos she really was going to go and meet him at the station. Cant wait for 3 13

    • @armynurseboy
      @armynurseboy 7 років тому +9

      I think Sarah was going to go with Chuck regardless of whether Casey told her the truth or not. This just put her mind at ease about it.

    • @2ELI0
      @2ELI0 4 роки тому +2

      @@armynurseboy yep

    • @zulhilmi5787
      @zulhilmi5787 3 роки тому +1

      @@armynurseboy this is probably a late reply but I don't think I can agree with you on that side. It's very unclear whether Sarah would choose to go with chuck or Shaw at the beginning because it doesn't even gives any hint to what her decision would be. What we see is just her packing her clothes in rush. She could be packing in rush to avoid chuck from see her again. What does clear is her decision after casey's interference. That without a doubt a life with chuck.

  • @brazil7028
    @brazil7028 Рік тому

    I so want to watch this series again but I don't want to pay ANOTHER subscription to see it :(

  • @mehroxsyed7203
    @mehroxsyed7203 4 роки тому +5

    I think sarah was already packing up to leave with chuck she did say that chuck isn't the same guy anymore but even though she had doubts she was willing to.give him a chance after chuck told her that what she saw wasnt the truth and let him have one secret....but casey telling the truth made her realize that she was wrong and she was more happy to accept the fact that she was wrong and chuck hadnt changed at all

    • @zulhilmi5787
      @zulhilmi5787 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah the scene got me confuse also. I am not sure whether she is packing to meet with chuck or go with shaw. But I think when she said to casey that he doesn't have to plead for chuck's case, I am assuming that she already make her decision to go with chuck. Casey just make her sure that she's making the right choice.

    • @soniaw5771
      @soniaw5771 10 місяців тому

      She is leaving with Chuck anyway.The clock on the night stand ("6:10". possibly be PM due to the sunset light coming through the window of her room. Never noticed direct sun light through the room in the past episodes when Chuck brought her breakfast) when Casey arrives prove that she is packing to go with Chuck. Chuck asked her to meet at the station that night. The initial plan to go with Shaw is the next morning and Shaw is still known to be in bed when she packs. @mi5787

  • @shrk4dacup
    @shrk4dacup 6 років тому +1

    down river by the temper trap in case anyone wanted the song name

  • @Roxy377
    @Roxy377 3 роки тому

    love the show >w

  • @onurzeybek9832
    @onurzeybek9832 7 місяців тому

    Good job john

  • @lionsroar6784
    @lionsroar6784 6 років тому +1

    So, before Casey arrived, was Sarah packing to go with Chuck or Shaw? She told Casey, " well, If you came to plead his case, that's really not necessary." When Casey told Sarah he killed the mole, Sarah's face looked like either confirmation about her preCasey decision to run away with Chuck or a postCasey change to not go with Shaw. Did the writers have an answer to this scene?????????

    • @godoflemmings17
      @godoflemmings17 6 років тому

      I doubt it, but I'd be willing to bet she was going with Shaw, even if that wasn't what she really wanted. After all, before Casey tells her this, she's under the impression that Chuck's killed his first man and that the Chuck she fell for is gone. When she tells Casey thanks, it's because she's realised she was in the wrong and Chuck hasn't changed after all, which in turn makes her realises she doesn't really want to go with Shaw.

  • @hobyboy07
    @hobyboy07 14 років тому +4

    The only thing that could have made this scene better would have been if Sarah had hugged Casey and he had hugged her back.

    • @akmaliafatimah6557
      @akmaliafatimah6557 3 роки тому +1

      yes! they never hugged and that's irk me. I especially want Sarah to hug Casey in the hospital when Ellie giving birth, because before that she punch Casey and make Casey end up in hospital. just that moment

    • @ErikLeber-td7oj
      @ErikLeber-td7oj Рік тому +1

      But there is a very short moment between them in the finale. Right after Casey hugs Chuck goodbye, he puts out his hand to shake hers, and for a brief second, she puts her hand in his, showing that there's also some affection between them, also. It's the most subtle indication that Sarah actually does remember her feelings overall, if not all the specific instances

  • @feelingoffbalance
    @feelingoffbalance 13 років тому +2

    @Laurantalasah please don't apologize for your English! It's fluent and better than that of many native speakers.. Really!

  • @willkillyoulast
    @willkillyoulast 14 років тому +1

    @Coutts2 Holy crap...she is actually suddenly glowing ha ha.

  • @Coutts2
    @Coutts2 14 років тому +2

    Is it just me or at 0:45 can you actually see Sarah's Aura shift based on the good news?

  • @biggsteve6595
    @biggsteve6595 5 років тому +1

    Does anyone know the name of the song that is playn n the background?

  • @bristow8411
    @bristow8411 13 років тому

    @mhgreen3000 No she was just going to leave period. She didn't like thinking that the Chuck she knew now had taken a life.

  • @kingspeshalist2639
    @kingspeshalist2639 5 років тому +1

    Casey = Greatest wingman ever

  • @CarlosHenrique-pf5lr
    @CarlosHenrique-pf5lr Рік тому

    Sarah was a hypocrite there. She didn't want chuck bc he killed one person but she wanted shaw that had already killed several.

  • @perenlied
    @perenlied 12 років тому +2

    Does anybody know how the song is called?

  • @Laurantalasah
    @Laurantalasah 13 років тому +4

    I love the way he says 'Unlike us', in that episode I feel that Sarah was a little hypocrite with Chuck, judging him for do something she does for living since years. Casey in the other hand, he just knows that Chuck simply don't have that kind of capacity on him, Chuck would be dead without Casey's help.
    I love the scene, I love the fact that shows how much Casey cares for this two people that he learned to love.
    Sorry for my English :)

  • @watchingforfuncarroll6450
    @watchingforfuncarroll6450 11 років тому +3

    called visual effects lol

  • @freddypyotr3771
    @freddypyotr3771 3 місяці тому

    I'm still in the camp that Chuck should've went with Hannah

  • @damonestephens8722
    @damonestephens8722 3 роки тому +1

    I still don’t like that she was not going to be the Chuck simply Because of that fact but Chuck was willing to accept all the people she killed

  • @Sunnysun033
    @Sunnysun033 13 років тому +1

    @tonnhard 3x12 Chuck vs The American Hero :)

  • @futuristiclettuce
    @futuristiclettuce 13 років тому +1

    @tacotwosdays The south, mainly...

  • @SwEEtTarTS2121
    @SwEEtTarTS2121 13 років тому +1

    I REALLY disliked Sarah in the first 12 episodes of season 3. Chuck choose to be a spy because of her, because she told him that she couldn't be with him unless he was. But the minute he actually became a spy she turned him down because he'd "changed". I don't think the fact that she was willing to run away in Prague makes up for her attitude, because he had a good reason for staying. All Chuck ever did was put her first and she just shut him down again and again. He didn't deserve that.

    • @Jeronimo6315
      @Jeronimo6315 5 років тому

      She was hurt and rejected by Chuck. She wanted to run away with him, it took her time to get over it.

    • @kenalier
      @kenalier 4 роки тому +2

      I agree with you, she seemed very contradictory and hypocritical at times throughout that very section of season 3. I especially hated the “Sam” reveal to Shaw because Shaw had only spent a few weeks maybe with the team and she told him something personal so easily and yet she never told Chuck after 3 years of working together and establishing such a close, personal relationship and he’s supposedly the man she loves.

    • @richardmeade8706
      @richardmeade8706 4 роки тому

      The joys of loving a beautiful woman...

    • @marcorava2795
      @marcorava2795 4 роки тому

      @@kenalier not only for the story of the real name, in the series they just don't have it as much as taken in 3x08. Besides Sarah's hypocrisy which was horrible. He doesn't realize how broken and sick Shaw is. She reveals the most intimate part of herself to someone she doesn't know and what's more, she's the same person who's the perpetrator of her relationship with Chukc. The writers really handled it male.

  • @Urbby78
    @Urbby78 14 років тому +2

    does anyone here know what that song is?

  • @NickJR528
    @NickJR528 Рік тому +1

    I never understood why Casey forbade Chuck to tell Sarah that he didn't kill the mole when Casey just does it himself 🤔 Would have saved a lot of trouble they deal with in the episode

    • @eijiniizuma6184
      @eijiniizuma6184 Рік тому +2

      Casey was a civilian at the time he killed the mole which meant he was culpable for the murder of a us agent on us soil.

    • @NickJR528
      @NickJR528 Рік тому

      @eiji niizuma I know that, but he still is a civilian at the end of this episode anyway. He doesn't get reinstated until the end of the next episode

    • @ErikLeber-td7oj
      @ErikLeber-td7oj Рік тому

      My guess, Casey probably figured she may not believe Chuck if he told her. After all, he'd already shown he was capable of lying, really easily. So she would likely assume the same, if he told her, rather than Casey.

  • @hobyboy07
    @hobyboy07 14 років тому

    @bassobest ~ The man helps plan weddings and believes "Steel Magnolias" to be his favorite movie. I heavily doubt a much-needed hug would be THAT beneath him.
    Besides, it's SARAH we're talking about here. Were it Chuck, he'd probably be threatened with a severe beating. Morgan? Knocked out cold. But Sarah? I could totally see him giving her a one-shot deal.

  • @mattcooper5102
    @mattcooper5102 6 років тому +1

    What’s this song called ?

    • @CaydenVanz
      @CaydenVanz 5 років тому

      down river by the temper trap

  • @instinctz1
    @instinctz1 13 років тому +2

    @SwEEtTarTS2121 at first i did not like her at all, but the more i think about it, the more i understand. She wen't out on a limb in the flashbacks in season 1. she was willing to give it all up for Chuck, she put time and effort into getting fake identities for them, and setting up an excape route, and he brushed it off at the train station, now i know WHY he did it, and she understands that as of the end of episode 2, but after getting hurt to that degree, it does take time to rebuild trust.

  • @purpinoy
    @purpinoy 12 років тому

    @purpinoy i think..

  • @f0cusen
    @f0cusen 13 років тому

    Sarah pushed chuck so hard to be better as his job and she gave chuck the order to kill the "mole". Obviously Sarah though chuck killed the mole then she says we can't be together you are not the same guy anymore. Chuck did not really have a choice either he kills the mole or he does not then Chuck and Sarah can't be together.

  • @rzez
    @rzez 13 років тому

    @leonardusCHE chuck vs the american hero season 3 episode 12

  • @purpinoy
    @purpinoy 12 років тому

    @methomy she didn't want to go to washington i thing

  • @rtds9fan
    @rtds9fan 13 років тому +1

    I didn't like this part of Sarah.She wants Chuck to be trained and be able to take care of himself....but still wants the 'old' Chuck to be the same sweet innocent guy.It doesen't work that way.

  • @swgrantimus
    @swgrantimus 14 років тому +1

    @hobyboy07 ooh good idea!

  • @ronbechteljr1561
    @ronbechteljr1561 8 місяців тому

    I do enjoy the banter that led to the love affair but deep down I get a little angry about how easily Sarah was ready to walk away. More like quadruple standards for my guy Chuck. This was a Sarah problem not a Chuck problem.

  • @mhgreen3000
    @mhgreen3000 13 років тому

    @rtds9fan Thanks!

  • @KrisEv01
    @KrisEv01 12 років тому +2

    that has to be edited it!

  • @leonardusCHE
    @leonardusCHE 13 років тому

    what's the name of the episode?

  • @Sunnysun033
    @Sunnysun033 14 років тому +1

    @MrBarcelonaMessi10 He does! Haha But he's still awesome XD

  • @mhgreen3000
    @mhgreen3000 13 років тому

    Was she going to leave with Chuck before Casey said anything?

    • @richardmeade8706
      @richardmeade8706 4 роки тому

      No, she was packing for Washington

    • @antonpayne919
      @antonpayne919 7 місяців тому

      @@richardmeade8706hard to tell. she didnt react hostile when casey mentioned chuck so i think she was already packing for chuck making a leap of faith. when casey told her she became confident in her decision and wants to go the whole nine yards from this point

    • @richardmeade8706
      @richardmeade8706 7 місяців тому

      @@antonpayne919 Previously in the episode or a previous one, she said she could never be with him if he killed someone. There was also mention of her going back to D.C. after this assignment

    • @antonpayne919
      @antonpayne919 7 місяців тому

      @@richardmeade8706 yeah, she said a lot of things.
      as much as i like analyzing her i noticed that this scene isnt as impactful as fans believe. with or without casey shed go to the warehouse with shaw, chuck still would try to save her, she still would appriciate the tank (lol), he still would be the third guy on the next mission (without sarah visiting him prior), he still would show morgan how amazing shaw is and by doing so finding out that it was all fake. he still would go to paris, save sarah and they probably would have gotten together BUT it would need time for her to trust him againt but she would find out the truth eventually. casey telling her just accelerated the process

  • @philbinpar1
    @philbinpar1 4 роки тому

    The show wasn’t terrible after this but it did peak with them kissing in Paris

  • @SuperAkki1
    @SuperAkki1 12 років тому +1

    idk why Casey said "you have a nice life Walker"...

    • @armynurseboy
      @armynurseboy 7 років тому +2

      Because he saw that she was packing, meaning she was leaving. Whether she was leaving to meet Chuck (which IMHO she was going to do) or leave to go to DC to be with Shaw, Casey didn't expect to see her again.

    • @archied8593
      @archied8593 5 років тому +1

      @armynurseboy its also because he is a just a regular citizen atm and he could be charged with murder. Him saying “you have a nice life Walker” says he wants the best for both of them even if he suffers consequences. He took a gamble and won that Sarah loves Chuck

  • @faatimahpatel2518
    @faatimahpatel2518 6 років тому

    Season and episode plz

    • @GXatron
      @GXatron 6 років тому

      Season 3, episode 12

  • @tacotwosdays
    @tacotwosdays 13 років тому

    @playsbba018 wtf does that even mean

  • @fmellark
    @fmellark 12 років тому +9

    Casey is the best.

  • @dandini0698
    @dandini0698 6 років тому

    The hypocracy of this plot point always shocked me. They always go on killing people in missions but when chuck has to do it noo. It will make him an evil man. Tbh i wished Sarah stayed with shaw and chuck stayed with hannah, without that Harvey Dent twist.

    • @bmla88
      @bmla88 6 років тому +2

      dandini0698 sarah fell in love with chuck when he was just a normal nerd. She knows how doing all the horrible things the CIA assigned her to do ruined the person she once was. She doesnt want him to go through the same thing. Chuck is what helped awaken her to who she used to be.

    • @bocconom
      @bocconom 6 років тому

      @@bmla88 Exactly. You nailed it.

    • @bmla88
      @bmla88 6 років тому

      bocconom thanks

  • @lasatern
    @lasatern 13 років тому

    @playsbba018 ur missing out

  • @wolf11
    @wolf11 11 років тому +4

    It odd how this was the first time Sarah looks through the key hole to see who it is normally she just opens the door .Some people have said that she was going to leave with him after what he did to save Shaw and other have said that she was going to Dc with Shaw for me it's was a 50./50 decision on her part . So I leave it at that .
    I still feel the whole Shaw arc was way way to long and should have on;y been maybe 3 episode at the most instead of 8 granted she and Shaw are only together about 4 of them and than she with Chuck but still just way to long and I also wish that Chuck or Sarah would have killed Shaw I mean we know he doesn't die and when we see him kill Chuck Father that is when Shaw becomes the monster and part of that is do to the intersect I feel along with what Sarah did by killing his wife .I did feel sorry for Shaw for a few times but once he kill Chuck Father that was all over and Chuck should have killed him .I mean the line that Chuck said after the final fight when Shaw says's "You have to Kill me and chuck says' No thanks I done that already and he said that's what make you weak and Sarah said no that what make you great I really did not like the guy tried to kill his girlfriend and than kills his father you dam right I would have killed him no questions asked .Season 3 was I would say the worst of the series next to season 5 which to be honest I still have no watched and not sure if I will .I mean seen what happens in the end with Sarah and you know she gets her memory back but still .My favorite season was 1 and 2 and 4

  • @Thief796
    @Thief796 12 років тому +1

    down river

  • @mehroxsyed7203
    @mehroxsyed7203 4 роки тому

    Casey.... biggest shipper of charah

  • @purpinoy
    @purpinoy 12 років тому

    @purpinoy lol like it cuz i just reply my own self =D