• @craigsoota1
    @craigsoota1 Рік тому +2

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for this video .. very useful discussion. I don’t know if I’ll reach a question but going to reflect.
    I find myself in a position where I don’t have panic or intense anxiety just now but I continue with daily varying levels of dis-ease.. I don’t need to list the varying symptoms for you guys ;).
    From a mind perspective the thing I hate most is the resultant doubt .. surprise!! .. the mind is so good at twisting and turning it can find new ways to make you doubt whether you ‘will be well’.
    An area I seem to struggle when In this middle ground is weekends.. the week kind of takes care of itself with work etc, so even if I don’t feel great there is a pretty clear path to get through. The weekend can be a real challenge because I find myself questioning what I am doing. If I don’t have anything planned.. what will I do? What is valuable doing? What will keep my mind occupied enough? If I have a lot planned, is there enough down time, recovery time etc. specifically if I don’t have enough I can hear calls of whether I am just drifting directionlessly.
    That’s when I get really confused as to whether that’s something I need to challenge and follow through, or just more brain fuzz .. let it going and carry on. Any views/personal experiences like this??

    • @TheAnxiousTruth
      @TheAnxiousTruth Рік тому

      I think there's tremendous value in trying new things. Not obsessively, but there is never a lack of value in new experiences. When in a "rut" - which can happen when we quit our jobs as full time anxious people - do something new. You might do 10 new things wind up dropping 8 of them immediately but 2 might pique your interest, then you have new ways to find value and satisfaction. As for the use of thinking to gauge "proper" activity levels, the best answer to "Am I doing this right?" is usually .... "Maybe. That's not a question I need to ask now." Then go do it wrong so you can find out that there really is no such thing for the most part.

  • @bessie1538
    @bessie1538 Рік тому +1
