if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change location vpn, then relogin game (if still get error just repeat this trick till smooth) goodluck.
if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change location vpn, then relogin game (if still get error just repeat this trick till smooth) goodluck.
if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change location vpn, then relogin game (if still get error just repeat this trick till smooth) goodluck.
How did you do the shuriken thingy?
revamp skill from Valkyrie
how to revamp skill for all job.
thx me later😁🥰
the game is so lag lol, am using Korea server and got Connection Error twice per stage, i will try China server v;
if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change if u still get error try to force close game first, then reconnect vpn / change location vpn, then relogin game (if still get error just repeat this trick till smooth) goodluck.
Lu pake role apa bang
role apaan? job maksudnya? gw ambil Elementalist
Kode error 6 bang malah disuruh keluar:V
kalo kode error 6 itu close gamenya, reconned vpnnya terus coba smpe bisa login, klo udh bisa login udah aman
@@NtunkSKP sip, thanks ya bang