【洛天依·樂正綾】Luo Tianyi, Yuezheng Ling - 白石溪 White Stone Creek

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • #1 - Sad song (one of the two lovers died in the end? Not so sure.)
    #2 - Lyrics are in classical Chinese, beautiful but I couldn't really understand
    #3 - I love the cover version: • 【湊詩翻唱】 - 白石溪 White Sto... . It's in perfect Mandarin pronounciation, suitable for those who want to learn the language.
    #4 - The illustrator is the one who designed Luo Tianyi
    Music: 纯白
    Lyrics: 果汁凉菜
    Vocal: Luo Tianyi/Yuezheng Ling
    Illust: Moth
    Tuning: digger
    Mixing: Irecorder
    Erhu: 阿茶
    PV: 系豆沙
    Original upload: www.bilibili.co...
    uploader's comment: "这首歌讲的是白石溪畔村妇天依邂逅了小仙女阿绫结果被无情拆散的故事,希望大家会喜欢!下载见评论区。修正混音的爆音问题,PV的一些BUG,添加耳机福利"
    微露點滴 沾衿落袖
    麗日綽約 輕解蓮舟
    蒹葭榮茂 燕雀啁啾
    白石溪畔 斜陽逐流
    可嫌金風玉露 兼程久
    靈犀心念 便相謀
    前路崎岖躞蹀攀援 亦同守
    共你百年暮昏 到白晝
    依山臨水 景看舊
    而你美勝山水萬籌 盡入一人眸
    琴瑟願與 共沐春秋
    滢溪潺潺 炊煙悠悠
    敢請東風 玉成雙偶
    遙遞佳信 知否知否
    爲理雲鬓 爲簪銀鈎
    明月可鑒 情深亦壽
    此生相依 人間白首
    千金不易 清茶淡粥
    前緣既斷 便再無求
    雲泥之異 難越鴻溝
    相思不掃 久積彌厚
    他年君歸 我葬南丘
    逢春枯木忽生 花飛柳
    紛紛綿綿 結作愁
    隨風四散卻又輕易 染眉頭
    當時一雙鴛鴦 入深藕
    荷香繞水 樂同遊
    月下花前本來無酒 對看竟忘憂
    何年何夕 兩相執手
    蝕骨相思 風侵寒透
    仙人近側 怕倚小樓
    金縷爲籠 歌樂成囚
    涼夜淒長 應怨更漏
    數得千枚 零落紅豆
    遺君一心 一心怎收
    杳渺音絕 余我孤奏
    何年何夕 共沐春秋
    銀漢邈邈 炊煙悠悠
    敢請東風 小住暫留
    托書天地 安否安否
    塵心如練 長懸銀鈎
    魚雁不聞 斯人難候
    九霄一曲 人間白首
    隔世相問 憶否憶否


  • @sdxuehu
    @sdxuehu 6 років тому +41

    微露点滴 沾衿落袖
    Beads of dew dripped down on our robes
    丽日绰约 轻解莲舟
    The day’s bright with a charming sun as we released our boat
    蒹葭荣茂 燕雀啁啾
    Thick reeds flourished, while finches chirped
    白石溪畔 斜阳逐流
    By White Stone Creek, the setting sun chased its flow
    可嫌金风玉露 兼程久
    Would a lengthy stay of autumn winds ever be resented?
    灵犀心念 便相谋
    Since our hearts are bound, so we shall act as one
    前路崎岖躞蹀攀援 亦同守
    Despite our difficult road ahead, treading light or climbing high, we’ll stay by each other’s side
    共你百年暮昏 到白昼
    I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn for a hundred years
    依山临水 景看旧
    By the mountains and waters, we’ll watch the scenery till we tire
    而你美胜山水万筹 尽入一人眸
    While your beauty outmatch the landscape by ten thousand folds, only for one you show
    琴瑟愿与 共沐春秋
    Like zithers in harmony, we relished the seasons together
    滢溪潺潺 炊烟悠悠
    The clear stream ambled on, the chimney smoke lazily wafted
    敢请东风 玉成双偶
    I appealed to the eastern wind, grant us our union
    遥递佳信 知否知否
    As I send out my letter from afar, do you know, do you know?
    为理云鬓 为簪银钩
    I fixed my hair, and fastened it with a silver pin
    明月可鉴 情深亦寿
    The bright moon shall witness, this love’s as deep as it’s old
    此生相依 人间白首
    In this life we’ll count on each other, till our hair whitens
    千金不易 清茶淡粥
    Not for a thousand gold I’ll trade a simple life with you
    前缘既断 便再无求
    Since the severance of our ties, there’s nothing more I’ve come to yearn
    云泥之异 难越鸿沟
    The gap between the clouds and earth proved too wide to close
    相思不扫 久积弥厚
    My longings I neglected to sweep away, while it piled thicker by the day
    他年君归 我葬南丘
    And when you finally return, I’ve laid buried under the southern hill
    逢春枯木忽生 花飞柳
    Spring arrived with soft willow flowers sprouted upon barren boughs
    纷纷绵绵 结作愁
    Sprinkled in the air to weave our sorrows
    随风四散却又轻易 染眉头
    Scattered by the wind and feathered one’s brows
    当时一双鸳鸯 入深藕
    Back when a pair of mandarin ducks swam into the tangles of lotus roots
    荷香绕水 乐同游
    Encircled by the fragrance of water lilies, ecstatic in their excursion
    月下花前本来无酒 对看竟忘忧
    By the moon and flowers, though devoid of wine, our cares were left behind when we looked into each other’s eyes
    何年何夕 两相执手
    When again was it, when we both held our hands
    蚀骨相思 风侵寒透
    This longing gnaws my bones, the wind chills my core
    仙人近侧 怕倚小楼
    In close company of deities, I fear to lean forlornly against the towers
    金缕为笼 歌乐成囚
    I’m in a cage made of golden threads, a prison made of joyous songs
    凉夜凄长 应怨更漏
    This cold night stretches long and sorrowful, echoing hints of sad laments
    数得千枚 零落红豆
    I’ve counted a thousand scattered red beans
    遗君一心 一心怎收
    All I have now is but a sole heart for you, a sole heart I know not to temper
    杳渺音绝 余我孤奏
    Without a trace of your goings, you left me playing our songs alone
    何年何夕 共沐春秋
    When was it again, when we relished the seasons
    银汉邈邈 炊烟悠悠
    The Milky Way yawned in the distance, the chimney smoke lazily wafted
    敢请东风 小住暂留
    I appealed to the eastern wind, please accomodate a short stay
    托书天地 安否安否
    So to carry my letter for you out into the world, is that alright, is that alright?
    尘心如练 长悬银钩
    My mortal heart is worn and weary, forever hooked to the crescent moon
    鱼雁不闻 斯人难候
    The fishes and geese have not known, how testing is this wait for you
    九霄一曲 人间白首
    Reverberating through nine tiers of heaven, a song of lasting love till old
    隔世相问 忆否忆否
    Separated by worlds, we ask one another, do you remember, do you remember?
    Disclaimer: This is not a very literal translation, but I aim to capture the emotions in the lyrics to the best of my comprehension.

  • @mingsun147
    @mingsun147 8 років тому +28

    +saberbutterfly To answer the questions in #1, I think this information might be useful
    In the Chinese tales, fairies live up high in the sky. And the time flows between the sky and ground are different. One second in the sky means one thousand years on the ground. (The exact time difference may be different, check my following reply)
    The song tells a love story between a fairy and a normal person. They met on the ground and fell in love with each other. But their love was not allowed because of the rules in the sky. So eventually they were forced to leave each other.
    And I guess you are right about the fact that one of them died. Because once the fairy returned to sky, even after ten minutes, the lover on the ground would die because of aging. So basically, a tragic love story for a impossible love.
    If you want to know more, maybe we could discuss about the details about this song. To tell the truth, White Stone Creek is one of the best Tianyi song I have ever heard, good lyric, wonderful tunning and mixing. I really like the erhu solo at the end, it is so touching, even though there is no lyric, "此时无声胜有声".

    • @mingsun147
      @mingsun147 8 років тому +5

      Actually about the time flow, there are different sayings. I think in the lyrics"九霄一曲 人間白首", they described it as five minutes in the sky equals to fifty years on the ground.

    • @lindawang792
      @lindawang792 8 років тому +2

      I've always thought that 仙人 translates to immortal or God/Godess......

    • @mingsun147
      @mingsun147 8 років тому +2

      +Shirley Zhang I think you are right. Goddess is better. Excuse me for my poor vocabulary. :D

  • @mikukagamine9758
    @mikukagamine9758 8 років тому +46

    I just want to say I adore your channel, since I live in Australia it's hard to find other people who are fans of the Chinese Vocaloids, but on your channel it's so great since I can listen to all the Chinese vocaloids as I like!

    • @senxiv4232
      @senxiv4232 8 років тому +1

      I'm Australian and a Chinese Vocaloid fan. =3

    • @senxiv4232
      @senxiv4232 8 років тому +1

      *waves* ^_^

  • @myhonguok
    @myhonguok 8 років тому +16


    • @Originalimoc
      @Originalimoc 5 років тому +1


  • @linlanrenmu6926
    @linlanrenmu6926 8 років тому +7


  • @saberbutterfly
    @saberbutterfly  8 років тому +27

    Pinyin Lyrics:
    wēi lù diǎn dī zhān jīn luò xiù
    lì rì chuò yuē qīng jiě lián zhōu
    jiān jiā róng mào yàn què zhōu jiū
    bái shí xī pàn xié yáng zhú liú
    kě xián jīn fēng yù lù jiān chéng jiǔ
    líng xī xīn niàn biàn xiàng móu
    qián lù qí qū xiè dié pān yuán yì tóng shǒu
    gòng nǐ bǎi nián mù hūn dào bái zhòu
    yī shān lín shuǐ jǐng kàn jiù
    ér nǐ měi shèng shān shuǐ wàn chóu jìn rù yī rén móu
    qín sè yuàn yǔ gòng mù chūn qiū
    yíng xī chán chán chuī yān yōu yōu
    gǎn qǐng dōng fēng yù chéng shuāng ǒu
    yáo dì jiā xìn zhī fǒu zhī fǒu
    wèi lǐ yún bìn wèi zān yín gōu
    míng yuè kě jiàn qíng shēn yì shòu
    cǐ shēng xiàng yī rén jiān bái shǒu
    qiān jīn bú yì qīng chá dàn zhōu
    qián yuán jì duàn biàn zài wú qiú
    yún ní zhī yì nán yuè hóng gōu
    xiàng sī bú sǎo jiǔ jī mí hòu
    tā nián jun guī wǒ zàng nán qiū
    féng chūn kū mù hū shēng huā fēi liǔ
    fēn fēn mián mián jié zuò chóu
    suí fēng sì sàn què yòu qīng yì rǎn méi tóu
    dāng shí yī shuāng yuān yāng rù shēn ǒu
    hé xiāng rào shuǐ lè tóng yóu
    yuè xià huā qián běn lái wú jiǔ duì kàn jìng wàng yōu
    hé nián hé xī liǎng xiàng zhí shǒu
    shí gǔ xiàng sī fēng qīn hán tòu
    xiān rén jìn cè pà yǐ xiǎo lóu
    jīn lǚ wèi lóng gē yuè chéng qiú
    liáng yè qī chǎng yīng yuàn gèng lòu
    shù dé qiān méi líng luò hóng dòu
    wèi jun yī xīn yī xīn zěn shōu
    yǎo miǎo yīn jué yú wǒ gū zòu
    hé nián hé xī gòng mù chūn qiū
    yín hàn miǎo miǎo chuī yān yōu yōu
    gǎn qǐng dōng fēng xiǎo zhù zàn liú
    tuō shū tiān dì ān fǒu ān fǒu
    chén xīn rú liàn zhǎng xuán yín gōu
    yú yàn bú wén sī rén nán hòu
    jiǔ xiāo yī qǔ rén jiān bái shǒu
    gé shì xiàng wèn yì fǒu yì fǒu

    • @俊-p6g
      @俊-p6g 8 років тому


    • @inneySS
      @inneySS 8 років тому

      +saberbutterfly xie xie ~~

    • @2712animefreak
      @2712animefreak 5 років тому

      I like how all verses in the entire song have the same rhyme. I've noticed this in quite a few traditional-style Chinese songs. Is there a name for this?

    • @acutenewjust2435
      @acutenewjust2435 4 роки тому

      @@2712animefreak hello,it calls yayun,which means that the last chinese character of each sentence use the same tone.it makes sentence sound beautiful and harmonious.

  • @mingsun147
    @mingsun147 8 років тому +7


  • @poggywoggy4677
    @poggywoggy4677 4 роки тому +6

    At 3:30 I always get massive goosebumps it’s just emotional

  • @俊-p6g
    @俊-p6g 8 років тому +4


  • @秀香陳-p6f
    @秀香陳-p6f 6 років тому +5

    微露點滴 沾襟落袖
    麗日綽約 輕解蓮舟
    蒹葭榮茂 燕雀啁啾
    白石溪畔 斜陽逐流
    可嫌 金風玉露 兼程久
    靈犀心念 便相謀
    前路崎嶇 躞蹀攀援亦同守
    共妳 百年暮昏 到白晝
    依山臨水 景看舊
    而妳美勝 山水萬籌
    琴瑟願與 共沐春秋
    瀅溪潺潺 炊煙悠悠
    敢請東風 玉成雙偶
    遙遞佳信 知否知否
    為理雲鬢 為簪銀鉤
    明月可鑑 情深亦壽
    此生相依 人間白首
    千金不易 清茶淡粥
    前緣既斷 便再無求
    雲泥之異 難越鴻溝
    相思不掃 久積彌厚
    他年君歸 我葬南丘
    逢春 枯木忽生 花飛柳
    紛紛綿綿 結作愁
    隨風四散 卻又輕易 染眉頭
    當時 一雙鴛鴦 入深藕
    荷香繞水 樂同遊
    月下花前 本來無酒
    何年何夕 兩相執手
    蝕骨相思 風侵寒透
    仙人近側 怕倚小樓
    金縷為籠 歌樂成囚
    涼夜淒長 應怨更漏
    數得千枚 零落紅豆
    遺君一心 一心怎收
    杳渺音絕 余我孤奏
    何年何夕 共沐春秋
    銀漢邈邈 炊煙悠悠
    敢請東風 小住暫留
    托書天地 安否安否
    塵心如練 長懸銀鉤
    魚雁不聞 斯人難候
    九霄一曲 人間白首
    隔世相問 憶否憶否

  • @lingeringfragrance9574
    @lingeringfragrance9574 2 роки тому +1


    • @user-evangeline
      @user-evangeline 9 місяців тому


  • @jenjl2009
    @jenjl2009 6 років тому +6


    • @BruhBruh-kf7qx
      @BruhBruh-kf7qx 6 років тому +3

      Jessica Zhang 中文的VOCALOID有好多个:洛天依,言和,乐正绫,星尘,乐正龙牙,心华等等.....

    • @Shuhan_lie
      @Shuhan_lie 2 роки тому


  • @haosuilau6545
    @haosuilau6545 11 місяців тому


  • @情若水
    @情若水 4 роки тому


  • @user-zu3dk4pz6x
    @user-zu3dk4pz6x 8 років тому


  • @k.k.1468
    @k.k.1468 8 років тому +1

    thanks ^.^ i love this song

  • @VocaloidLover42
    @VocaloidLover42 4 роки тому

    You’re good ... how much more beautiful this music (I’m talking about vocaloid in general) than these exaggerated celebrity wastes who just forgot to make music normal!

  • @eileenwu5140
    @eileenwu5140 8 років тому

    thanks for upload >w

  • @bioxeon5307
    @bioxeon5307 8 років тому


  • @sundancent2202
    @sundancent2202 7 років тому

    So good!!

  • @bmobby6980
    @bmobby6980 Рік тому

    💖+*.! the way she says 白 bái at 2:11 sounds like guzheng

  • @xaluc1590
    @xaluc1590 2 роки тому

    Yêu nhất văn hóa của người hoa vì nó đẹp đẽ

  • @kimplest7723
    @kimplest7723 6 років тому


  • @xxheyitzbrie_777xx2
    @xxheyitzbrie_777xx2 6 років тому +4

    Why is there no english sub? 😢

  • @lanyomikong5840
    @lanyomikong5840 4 роки тому


  • @valenjaya6278
    @valenjaya6278 3 роки тому

    Dengar biasa bagus @saberbutterfly