I Talked To Mormon Missionaries (LDS) P.1

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • I apologies to the LDS that I said John Smith. I knew it was Joseph Smith but my mouth kept messing it up. Also I made an error and not realizing that Samuel was a seer. I sincerely apologies. Lastly, I'd like to say anything I saw is my understanding at the time, it is not a final 100% correct portrayal of the Mormon faith nor even of those I mostly align to which is protestant. I am human and make errors yet I do my best as I make these videos showing growth in my own faith as I hope it encourages other truly know which faith is the true and what they believe.
    Link tree: linktr.ee/_Eli...


  • @mckennalake2298
    @mckennalake2298 4 місяці тому +6

    Hi! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (AKA Mormon). I thought the question you brought up at the end was really interesting. "What benefit is there to Mormonism?" As I have gone through my own faith journey and developed a relationship with God, I have come to feel that because of some of the unique doctrine of the church, I am willing to do anything to be apart of my church! The unique doctrine of eternal families and eternal progression is something I hold near and dear to my heart. My grandfather just past away last week and through that experience, the faith that I have in eternal families is fortified. Without the belief I have of eternal families, I don't know how I could have felt peace during this time. I feel that heaven would not be heaven to me without my husband, children, parents, siblings, grandparents. That is what is most beneficial to me.
    Also, I believe that asking God is the most reliable source of knowledge and truth. It sounds scary to me to reason your way through deciding whether Protestantism or Mormonism is a riskier church to join and which one will end up being right or wrong in the next life. God is the source of all truth and knowledge, why not ask Him?
    This was such an interesting video to watch. I really appreciate your thoughts and views as they made me consider things that I haven't before. It made me want to learn more about other religions as well. I hope you continue posting videos!

  • @servantofjesuschrist378
    @servantofjesuschrist378 4 місяці тому +3

    Thank you sis this was helpful. The Lord bless you.✝️❤️‍🔥🙏🏽

  • @dylanwilliams2202
    @dylanwilliams2202 4 місяці тому +8

    Another day, another protestant trying to "refute" us but completely butchers it.
    First, it's Joseph Smith, not John Smith.
    Second, I want to address the question you asked at the end before anything else. If you reject the gospel in this life then when you get the chance to accept the gospel in the next life, you will receive a lesser glory. We are told not to procrastinate our repentance from our own scriptures (Alma 34:33-35). If you think you can just go through life and get a second chance then you are sorely mistaken and many of our leaders have said as much. If you so wish to go through this life with the protestant view then technically you will inherit that view in the Terrestial Kingdom. When Jesus comes again you will be asked "Why did you not receive my Gospel? Why did you not listen to my servants?" In reference to the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and our Prophets from Joseph Smith until Russel M Nelson.
    You sit here and say that God is Just but justice is being tortured or burning for all eternity? That's just? You say all this but hardly understand it. I mean, you at first talk about Him being a judge and it brings glory for Him to be wrathful because of our sins but then say that He took on our sins Himself and that He is loving for it. Like what? That is a contradiction. You said a bunch of things that didn't make sense when put together. The punishment was taken on by Jesus Christ to satisfy the demands of justice so God can be merciful unto us. Jesus Christ took the sins of the whole world, not just a few people. The only punishment that we face is how much of God's glory we receive in the end, which is as different as the light given off from the sun vs the light moon vs the light from the stars.
    Being tortured or burning for all eternity like protestants believe is not Just. It is fundamentally evil. This is how your God sounds "Believe in me so I won't have to burn you for all not believing in me".
    Also, using a seer stone isn't witchcraft. If that was the case then the Urim and Thummim would be blasphemous despite it being part of the Old Testament (Exodus 28:30, Numbers 27:21, 1 Samuel 14:37-45). Samuel is called a seer (1 Samuel 9:9) There is also Daniel being called "master of magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans and soothsayers" in Daniel 5:13. Joseph of Egypt practiced hydromancy (Genesis 44:5,15). Witchcraft would be doing these things for evil purposes. Looking into a stone is nothing compared to trying and summoning the dead or necromancy, like not even close. Joseph never practiced anything like necromancy.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +3

      First off you are correct it is Joseph Smith and that was an error in my speaking. I apologies for this and will put that down on the bottom. Second off I believe God is just along with being loving but also must satisfy his wrath. Third, God does love man but he gives man a choice of "agency" and in this he gives them a chance to come to him. However those who do not come to him will face God's wrath because they are not covered in Jesus Christ cuz they denied that covering. I understand this is sounds harsh, but man is does not deserve anything but damnation due to our rebellion against God. Therefore we are grateful for God's extension of redemption to man through His son Jesus Christ. It is either on Christ or on us. Its our choice who we have it on.
      Also even if I only get a part lower part of heaven for my mistake of not believing in the entire gospel at least I get more than if Mormonism is wrong and Protestantism is correct.
      Lastly, I made this video more to inform myself and to share my journey never to disrespect the LDS people.
      Second my apologies on Samuel being a seer. I will try to do more research on that.

    • @steved8878
      @steved8878 4 місяці тому +1

      Adding the Book of Mormon is silly. We need to stick to a book with a talking snake.
      Just remember, God came to Earth in human form and sacrificed himself to himself so he can forgive you. And you need forgiven because two people listened to a talking snake and ate a piece of fruit they weren’t supposed to have. That’s the REAL truth.

    • @mikeb6826
      @mikeb6826 4 місяці тому +4

      As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It Interesting the you talk about wrath. We would call that justice. And we believe that Jesus satisfied the demands of justice with his sacrifice. Which is in your Protestant background. Jesus will cover the wrath of God with his sacrifice. As I have listened to Protestants explain their interactions with missionaries they talk to the missionaries to point out why we are wrong or not open to seeing things differently like when Jesus said he was Yahweh and that he had a father. People weren’t happy about that and he was killed. Then Joseph smith comes along and says okay god is a godhead with a Father, son, and Holy Ghost and prophets can receive revelation again and bam that dude can’t be right let’s kill him. It’s interesting how biblical history works.

    • @sananton2821
      @sananton2821 4 місяці тому

      @@mikeb6826 Justice for sins is not some non-sinner being murdered.

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому +3

      I want to add my testimony to yours I know that we saints are led by a true and living prophet of the true and living God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

  • @clearstonewindows
    @clearstonewindows 4 місяці тому +12

    Did you read the book? It changed my life! Jesus Christ is the God of the whole earth. Not just Jerusalem.

    • @wellsaidgoodheadfred9843
      @wellsaidgoodheadfred9843 4 місяці тому +4

      the Bible warns false mutations would have power to deceive in the last days. Harry Potter changed by life, but I have no need to change it from a fiction to a non-fiction just because I love it so much.

    • @clearstonewindows
      @clearstonewindows 4 місяці тому

      Did you notice when you read the bible how quickly the Mutations crept in?
      The "falling away" happened Long ago and the Gathering of Israel is happening now.
      Hellenism took over the church and Constantine enforced it.
      There is a reason that when people read the bible for themselves and read the book of Mormon for themselves they come to know that Jesus is the Christ and Lord over the WHOLE earth.
      The angel preaching another gospel came with the unknown God.
      I would recommend reading both books for yourself like we have.
      Best of luck to you.

    • @jtinalexandria
      @jtinalexandria 3 місяці тому

      Did he appear in Madagascar? In Cambodia? Afghanistan? If he only appeared in the the Holy Land and in the Americas, then by your own "logic", he's only the god of those 2 regions.

    • @clearstonewindows
      @clearstonewindows 3 місяці тому

      @@jtinalexandria well the book of Mormon and the Bible says he appeared in other places "to the lost sheep " and many traditions have such visit in their oral history. I'm sure more will come to light. Google chief midigah as well.
      I would recommend reading the book of Mormon. It changed my life.

  • @wa1den
    @wa1den 4 місяці тому

    I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but there is actually a Baptist preacher who believes the Book of Mormon to be the word of God, and goes around to Baptist congregations and preaches the Book of Mormon to them. He seems to be quite well received in Baptist congregations! He has stated that the Book of Mormon is "more Baptist than the Baptist hymnal"! His name is Lynn Ridenhour, and he has some videos on UA-cam. You would likely find the story of how he obtained a testimony of the Book of Mormon to be of interest and benefit.

  • @mikel1222
    @mikel1222 4 місяці тому +1

    Elizabeh Margaret, i would love to have a converstion with you about your upbringing and mine, the different sects of Christianity, and more importantly, what they have in common. I feel that's what matters the most. (Phillipians 2:10-11)

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      Yes, that would sound fun to be honest. I do enjoy sharing a table conversation with other brothers and sisters from Christianity.

  • @elinglesdiario7805
    @elinglesdiario7805 4 місяці тому +13

    I commend you for visiting with the missionaries. I know that if you continue to do so and you read The Book of Mormon with an open heart and mind to truly learn what teachings are inside and you pray about it you will come to find out that they are the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I have learned for myself through the power of the Holy Ghost that it is a true book of scripture just as the Bible is true. The Book of Mormon teaches the very doctrine of Christ, you bore testimony of that Jesus is the way.
    Wherefore, after he was baptized with water the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove.
    9 And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them.
    10 And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?
    11 And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son.
    12 And also, the voice of the Son came unto me, saying: He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.
    13 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism-yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel.
    2 Nephi 31:8-13

    • @christianh8636
      @christianh8636 4 місяці тому

      I hear that a lot of Mormons say that and they tend to quote James 1:5 which says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him," (ESV). But in the context of this scripture, James is sending his message to believers in Christ already who are currently being prosecuted against (James 1:12), so he's not talking about receiving knowledge from the holy spirit to test if the bible is true, he's saying that in order to increase your judgement (Wisdom), then God will gladly give it to you.
      In addition, we know that the book of Mormon says that: “If ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:4-5). From my interpretation of this, it's basically saying that if you didn't receive confirmation from the holy ghost that it's true, then you didn't have a sincere heart. So if you do this prayer, there is absolutely no guarantee that what you're reading is true.
      This is circular reasoning which simply does not make sense, you have to believe in the Book of Mormon first in order to find out if the Book of Mormon is true, whereas the Bible is the objective truth, nothing about it should be subjective. In Jeremiah 17:9, it says that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (NIV). If Mormons believe in both the book of Mormon and the Bible, then they cannot contradict no matter what, you cannot have the best of both worlds.
      I thank you for your time and lease let me know if you have any questions or rebuttals to my statements, I believe with good reason that Joseph Smith is a false prophet and if you're simply praying for truth, this isn't biblical at all.

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому +2

      How do you know the Bible is the word of God? How do you know that you have a correct understand of God's word?
      How do you know who or what to believe, or who or what to follow? Should I be Buddhist, Catholic, Methodist... Salvation Army, Shinto, Muslim, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish... Cheondoism, Taoist...?
      Does anything I do matter? Will I go to Heaven or Hell?

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 4 місяці тому +4

      Amen to that. I love the Book of Mormon.

    • @christianh8636
      @christianh8636 4 місяці тому

      @@firstLast-gb9krit really comes down to your philosophy on death, and personally, the Bible makes a lot more sense than than anything else.

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому

      @@christianh8636 the fool says in his heart no man has seen God.
      Do you agree?

  • @MutantBuzzard
    @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому

    do you have to be baptized to be 'saved' according to protestant teachings?

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +2

      This is a tricky questions. The best to my understanding as a whole most Protestant would say no you do not need to be baptized to be saved. However, if you deny being baptized than that shows that you have not truly surrendered to God and therefore are not truly saved since you are rebelling against God's second command. "Repent and be baptized." - Acts 2:38

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому +3

      @@elizabeth_margaret Christ is the exemplar and he was baptized by one with authority to fulfill God, the Father's commandments to be baptized

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому +1

      @@elizabeth_margaret so there is one thing you need to do, an action you need to take to be saved as well as repent, 'if you love me do as I do' obay thy commandments love the lord, and you neibor as the good smaritian loved the man who fell in with the thieves

    • @bobhappy991
      @bobhappy991 4 місяці тому +5

      @@elizabeth_margaret it's not tricky, the bible is very clear that you do need baptized

    • @BGCflyer
      @BGCflyer 4 місяці тому

      @@bobhappy991…so are little children baptized in the LDS faith?

  • @brandonerickson3935
    @brandonerickson3935 4 місяці тому +2

    Did you read and pray about the book? It made me learn to love Jesus Christ!

  • @richlopez5896
    @richlopez5896 2 місяці тому

    Information from the National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560
    Statement Regarding the Book of Mormon
    1. The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon in any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archaeologists see no direct connection between the archaeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book.
    2. The physical type of the American Indian is basically Mongoloid, being most closely related to that of the peoples of eastern, central, and northeastern Asia. Archaeological evidence indicates that the ancestors of the present Indians came into the New World - probably over a land bridge known to have existed in the Bering Strait region during the last Ice Age - in a continuing series of small migrations beginning from about 25,000 to 30,000 years ago.
    3. Present evidence indicates that the first people to reach this continent from the East were the Norsemen who briefly visited the northeastern part of North America around A.D. 1000 and then settled in Greenland. There is nothing to show that they reached Mexico or Central America.
    4. One of the main lines of evidence supporting the scientific finding that contacts with Old World civilizations, if indeed they occurred at all, were of very little significance for the development of American Indian civilizations, is the fact that none of the principal Old World domesticated food plants or animals (except the dog) occurred in the New World in pre-Columbian times. American Indians had no wheat, barley, oats, millet, rice, cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, donkeys, camels before 1492. (Camels and horses were in the Americas, along with the bison, mammoth, and mastodon, but all these animals became extinct around 10,000 B.C. at the time the early big game (sic) hunters spread across the Americas.)
    5. Iron, steel, glass, and silk were not used in the New World before 1492 (except for occasional use of unsmelted meteoric iron). Native copper was worked used (sic) in various locations in pre-Columbian times, but true metallurgy was limited to southern Mexico and the Andean region, where its occurrence in late prehistoric times involved gold, silver, copper, and their alloys, but not iron.
    6. There is a possibility that the spread of cultural traits across the Pacific to Mesoamerica and the northwestern coast of South America began several hundred years before the Christian era. However, any such inter-hemispheric contacts appear to have been the results of accidental voyages originating in eastern and southern Asia. It is by means certain that even such contacts occurred; certainly there were no contacts with the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, or other peoples of Western Asia and the Near East.
    7. No reputable Egyptologist or other specialist on Old World archaeology, and no expert on New World prehistory, has discovered or confirmed any relationship between archaeological remains in Mexico and archaeological remains in Egypt.
    8. Reports of findings of ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, and other Old World writings in the New World in pre-Columbian contexts have frequently appeared in newspapers, magazines, and sensational books. None of these claims has stood up to examination by reputable scholars. No inscriptions using Old World forms of writing have been shown to have occurred in any part of the Americas before 1492 except for a few Norse rune stones which have been found in Greenland.

  • @newlightknowledge9869
    @newlightknowledge9869 3 місяці тому

    There is only one church that can baptize you with the authority of God which is the Holy Priesthood and bestow upon you the Holy Ghost. Baptism without the Priesthood is not valid. Protestant churches don't claim to have the Holy Priesthood.. They have the form of godliness but reject the power of God which is the Holy Priesthood.. 2 Timothy 3:5 " Having the form of godliness, but DENYING the POWER thereof; from such TURN AWAY."

  • @emilysnow6757
    @emilysnow6757 4 місяці тому

    I've been a Mormon for 45 years. I was born into it. I've recently been second guessing it all. Your question about 'why choose Mormons when you can get a second chance with it' is one that has bugged me for years. The doctrine is that when you die you go to either paradise or spirit prison. Yep, prison. If you are lucky enough (and Mormons belive that eventually everyone will be) to have your temple work done (meaning that someone found your name recorded somewhere, plus relevant dates and place of when/ where you lived, and submitted your name to a Mormon temple and then someone chose your name and did all the stuff you need to get into heaven (ie be baptized in your behalf and a whole bunch of other things), then you have the opportunity to accept those rituals and leave spirit prison.
    I've always thought, "Ok, if I'm in a place called prison and then someone offers me the chance to go to paradise, is probably accept just about anything... including a random baptism!
    Your point about choosing a religion that doesn't give you a second chance makes total sense! Why choose the one that gives you a redo (Mormonism)? Your odds are much better to choose one that DOESN'T give you a redo
    .. and then take the redo of you need it!

  • @BrianTerrill
    @BrianTerrill 4 місяці тому

    At 9:00 your argument doesn't make any sense at all. While the Lord judges us ultimately, we don't get "second chances" the way you read only. The Book of Mormon itself says s this life is the time to prepare to meet God. Second chances are for those who haven't had the chance in this life to hear and accept the Gospel. With that said Jesus did say to the Jews in his day that it would be more tolerable for Sodom than for them in the day of judgement.
    As for other reasons why lds instead of protestant, protestants are a reformation of Catholism, lds are a RESTORATION of Christ original church with apostles and prophets.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      so those who have heard do not get a second chance? Cuz the missionaries I thought said those who have heard would? I could misheard.

  • @noahriding5780
    @noahriding5780 4 місяці тому

    When you read the story of Caleb and Joshua this is a good answer to is there a benefit to unifying with God's people. In that era, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones (mostly) who didn't fall into the golden calf Baal worship when moses went up into the Mountain. At that time also Moses was receiving commandments and rules... to get a covenant for the people of Israel and to give them a good future. This reflects at the same time some people were about to receive more blessings, at the same time others were backsliding and slipping away from God, even while they were the people of God. When you look at it like this, do you want to be like Caleb and Joshua or more like the people who fell into Baal worship and golden calf idolatry? These 2 people received more blessings, more blessings for their prosperity by living more and wanting to do more. if people want to do more then they will find hidden blessings in the gospel. if people want to reject truth or want to pull away they can have LESS.
    Society today is very much like the golden calf scenario. Some people are finding more truth. But Many are becoming lawless and society is very unstable and unsafe. The middle ground of being a fence sitter is going away. People are looking for SAFETY and where they can feel they can be able to have peace. And places of peace are disappearing. So there is a difference to finding somewhere where you can have more, feel more safety, and have the protection against the coming tribulations. Even mainstream Christianity most of them feel we're very close to the tribulations now. To be ready for that you want to be where you should, to feel fortified against this.
    So it comes down to... having the faith to kneel down and humble oneself to ask God if its true, in sincerity, and if its something you should do. Its more than a decision to join a sect. Its really about where do you feel like God is leading you. In the Old Testament this theme is common; the people being led on a journey to their promised land. And this part is in the Book of Mormon also. To journey someone you initially do have to struggle a little bit and make efforts. But it will be worth it. And who you have as a spouse and what will happen to your kids and what kind of future they have will be determined by what you choose, in faith.
    I hope this will help you.
    Overall you seemed very respectful in the video. So even if you don't accept the Book of Mormon, I salute you for being nice and respectful. You will make a good neighbor.
    But I hope you will consider the story of Caleb and Joshua. All around them many of the Israelites were backsliding. Their future will be very different than the ones that backslide. So it does make a difference to go where God wants you to. And to do that you have to be willing to sincerely take the gamble of asking in faith.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      This is a very interesting analogy. In way some Protestants do believe in receiving "crown" for what they have done. Some more than others due to what they have done. However, I am unsure if according to Protestant those crowns are given back to God/Jesus and not kept. I would have to look into that to give a correct answer concerning this.

    • @noahriding5780
      @noahriding5780 4 місяці тому

      @@elizabeth_margaret Thanks for the reply. Its OK to take some time to search for the answers, we're allowed to go at our own pace. And we need time in this life to figure out who we are and what we want. And our dialogues with each other should always build each other up and not be adversarial. If its done this way it will be profitable and feel good when we talk to 1 another.

  • @danielmsz
    @danielmsz 4 місяці тому

    All your dates and facts are wrong

  • @BrianTerrill
    @BrianTerrill 4 місяці тому

    5:23 The founder of the Church is Joseph Smith, John Smith, who was a leader in the Baptist movement.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      Interesting. I actually just learned from a protestant pastor that some founder from Mormons came some other protestant churches (but did not know which)

    • @geoffreypalmer2661
      @geoffreypalmer2661 3 місяці тому

      @@elizabeth_margaret noncense

  • @rayshellray2824
    @rayshellray2824 4 місяці тому

    How do u know if what religion u pick is wrong that why I stay out or the religion and me and Jesus will have our own relationships I don't need religion to dictact thr Bible to me

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      Well TBH Religion is just a habitual practice of beliefs. So we are all religious in some way. You may choose to stay out to stay out of groups but in so doing you made a group of your own. The ones who stay out of groups.

  • @MutantBuzzard
    @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому

    do you believe the bible is the inspired word of God?

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      Yes I do. I believe that the Bible is inspired and the original first text was inerrant.

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому +5

      @@elizabeth_margaret so if the Bible, the inspired word od God , tells you to do something, ie ask for wisdom will doing so led you astray? if you ever talk to the missionary again ask about J Smith's first vision and how it cam about, because that is what he did, read the Bible, the inspired word of God and asked for wisdom.

  • @leilettesartoga7276
    @leilettesartoga7276 4 місяці тому

    Your thoughts around staying Protestant because Protestants preach that if you don't follow Protestant beliefs you'll be damned to hell, but the LDS faith gives additional chances so it's smarter to be Protestant in this life and LDS, if need be, in the next life was super funny. I totally get the thought process! :-) It seems like the thoughts: "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." or "Maybe I'd rather be in hell with the people I like, than in heaven with all the people I can't stand!" Hehe.
    God must roll his eyes at us all. He works so hard to teach us and we come up with all the cheats that we can contrive! It's a good thing that Heavenly Father loves us despite ourselves!
    Why be "Mormon"? Excellent question - but it's not the right question. The better question is if you are a Jew who was taught their whole life that the Messiah was the King of Kings and that the Messiah would bring salvation and relief - would you have believed and followed the impoverished, scrappy carpenter on a path of certain death who stood before you claiming to be the Messiah? He would have looked nothing like you expected. How far would you have gone to put in effort to learn whether or not he was the Messiah? Would you have heard stories in passing and laughed? Would you want to go to at least one sermon, even though you knew he couldn't be the messiah? Would you have had faith that he was the Messiah without ever needing to meet him in person? Every Christian assumes they would recognize the Savior, just as every Jew assumed they wouldn't be able to miss the Messiah. But if the Savior stood before you in a place, a church, that you least expected to find him would you recognize him? Would you follow him?
    The question is not: Why be Mormon? The question is why follow Jesus Christ? Why follow Jesus Christ into the church that he, himself, has restored with priesthood keys and named: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Jesus Christ is not dead. He is not a relic from the past. He is running his church today via a Prophet and 12 apostles and 70 general authorities. His disciples (the people) are baptizing, receiving the holy ghost, and making covenants with proper priesthood authority to bind on earth and in heaven once again! The people are being taught, directed, comforted and are establishing personal relationships with Jesus via the holy ghost today! Jesus is gathering his flock not just in Israel but from scattered Israel all around the world. All of this is being done today in preparation for the Savior's return.
    Don't be Mormon. Be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The real Jesus Christ. Not the one imagined in your mind from old records and councils of arguing men, but the real Jesus Christ. Follow Jesus Christ into the church that he established, not the churches and Synagogues of men. Follow Jesus Christ into the church that operates with restored Priesthood power, which is the power to bind on earth and in heaven and to do works in Jesus's name. Follow Jesus Christ into the church that is receiving current prophetic instruction, correction, and direction. Follow Jesus Christ on to the path and into the church that he named: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      This is an interesting argument. Just like the Jews missed Jesus. As in your words if I am correct. Protestants miss the restored church.

    • @leilettesartoga7276
      @leilettesartoga7276 4 місяці тому

      @@elizabeth_margaret Yes, kind of. Most Protestants are not yet recognizing that Jesus Christ has returned already in visitations to restore his gospel and return priesthood keys into a church that he has re-established preparatory for his grand return.
      So it's not about picking a new denomination or saying one denomination is better than another. It's about recognizing where Jesus Christ can be found leading and directing his church today.
      Protestants have had a critical role in facilitating the restoration of Jesus Christ's church. Without Protestants, there would be no restoration of Christ's church. Protestants took courageous stands (that sometimes took their life) against what they saw as the corruption in the 'original' catholic/orthodox church in Europe. They translated the Bible into common language and once they had access to the word of the God in the Bible they studied the Bible faithfully / seriously. Once they had access to a new land (the US), Protestants were so faithful they were incorruptible even when given massive amounts of land and power and they created a free land and gave it to the people of God and acknowledged the hand of 'divine providence' in all they were given and pledged to dedicate the land (the US) to God (in God we trust). All this facilitated the ability for Jesus Christ to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ in a church that would be created on the free land that the Protestants provided in the name of the Lord, that would last until his return.
      Today, there are many wonderful denominations of the most extraordinary, faithful Christians who all receive blessings for their faith, prayers and good works but there is only one Church that operates with the power to act in Jesus's name, with the priesthood keys restored that the original church used to have access to, with the power to make covenants with the Lord, with prophets who receive revelation directly from Jesus for the purpose of navigating these last days and that is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  • @matthewwhelan7305
    @matthewwhelan7305 4 місяці тому +4

    Preach it sister and you are exactly right. We cannot earn Heaven but can believe that God is telling us the truth that He will give us the Heaven we do not deserve based on Jesus’ merit.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you so much for the encouraging message.

    • @jacobsamuelson3181
      @jacobsamuelson3181 4 місяці тому +9

      LDS do not believe we earn heaven, we believe we learn heaven.

    • @matthewwhelan7305
      @matthewwhelan7305 4 місяці тому

      @@jacobsamuelson3181 After all you can do?

    • @johnharvey4448
      @johnharvey4448 4 місяці тому

      Yes, we are saved by Gods grace after all we can do.​@@jacobsamuelson3181

    • @RealLadyG
      @RealLadyG 4 місяці тому

      LIES. We preach the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ y’all Protestants preach a watered down version.
      FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. The false preachers hang on to that one scripture that we are saved by Grace and not by works. We cannot atone for our own sins by our works. It doesn’t mean we should not do Good Works. They misrepresent the scriptures and have false understanding. They ignore the other scriptures that go deeper and give greater understanding that WORKS IS MANDATORY. They ignore that we must be obedient to all God’s commandments and if we don’t we will not inherit the kingdom of God. We must also do GOOD WORKS to please God. Throughout God’s scriptures, those who disobey God and displease him face his wrath.
      James 2:24
      24 “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified , and not by faith only.”
      Mathew 16:27
      27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works .”
      So sick and tired of the watered down Gospel they falsely preach and are spreading to the masses to remain disobedient to God’s commandments, because they claim God is not concerned about WORKS. LIES, ALL LIES.
      To Obey God’s Commandments require Good Works.
      Flood of Noah destroyed the entire earth and only 8 people were saved. The people were blatantly disobedient so they were destroyed.
      Sodom and Gomorrah, another example of disobedient people that God destroyed.

  • @rayshellray2824
    @rayshellray2824 4 місяці тому

    Why is it that every religion think thier religion is the correct one and have these different bibles the old testament said no man shell add to or take away and u shall not worship any idols or any other man now u worshiping these prophets come on no the Bible even said that stuff was bad and evil do u hear what ur saying come on..I hate religion and will never belong to religion again..I will keep my relationship with God personal

    • @wendyfoster5579
      @wendyfoster5579 4 місяці тому +4

      Not adding to the book only refers to the book of Revelations. They were all separate books until it was compiled into the Bible. Nephi say the last days also but honored the words of John the Revelator and didn’t write what he saw.

    • @johnharvey4448
      @johnharvey4448 4 місяці тому

      You're not keeping your relationship with God personal now are you ?

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      That is a good point. But the whole do not add to this is also found in Deuteronomy 4:2 states, "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. And yet we have the rest of the Old Testament and New Testament. So I'm unsure if this is the exact words to use for the defense of the Canon being closed. But I could be wrong.

    • @RealLadyG
      @RealLadyG 4 місяці тому

      @@elizabeth_margaretMy good Sis, you are absolutely right. You spiritually discerned correctly that not adding to the Book reference is not referencing the whole Bible which is just a cover name for all the books. Each book in the Bible was inspired by God to many authors. So it would be contradicting if it meant all the books which would be ridiculous as we would have to throughout as you said the books after Deuteronomy and the entire New Testament. Do you see how flawed we are to correctly understanding God ‘s words? That’s why we should not lean unto our own understanding, but seek answers from God. He gave us prayer to ask and ye shall receive. James 1:5 says if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God……. Yet the majority of Christians never ask God. They rely on their own carnal mindset which the devil use to deceive us.

  • @roeyjevels
    @roeyjevels 4 місяці тому +2

    Thank you for saying "beckons the question" instead of "begs the question." The latter phrase is often misused.

  • @sananton2821
    @sananton2821 4 місяці тому

    youtoo channel?

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому

      fools mock

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you. I have a developmental language deficit, so I do my best in the way I talk even though I realized I fall short. So thank you.

    • @MutantBuzzard
      @MutantBuzzard 4 місяці тому +1

      @@elizabeth_margaret Respect for you humbleness I will pray for you and will put you name on the Temple prayer roll for the Sprit to led you to the truth of the BoM and then many more saints will pray for you also

    • @thatScotland
      @thatScotland 4 місяці тому

      Great video

  • @christianh8636
    @christianh8636 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey Elizabeth, I commend you for what you’re doing, asking good and sound questions about the validity of the Book of Mormon. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are really similar which can lead others astray by wolves in sheep’s clothing. As you continue to grow in your faith as a Reformed Baptist, trust in God with all your heart and test everything against the God’s revealed word (Bible) to know if it’s true. Even if an angel were to come down from heaven and preach a different gospel than what is shown in the Bible, do not listen and let them be accursed.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому +1

      Thank you

    • @germanslice
      @germanslice 4 місяці тому +1

      That's is incorrect.. Paul wasn't condemning John's testimony he saw of the everlasting gospel in the last days being brought
      back again upon the earth so you have erred in interpreting those verses in Galatians. Because that is not what Galatians letter is saying, for Paul is saying the Galatians Saints were following another gospel back in 70 AD or so at the time Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians while they were in Apostasy, he was, not condemning the everlasting gospel of the last days that the angle of heaven who came down and appeared to John The Revelator on the isle of Patmos to show him in vision the end times and to show John the everlasting gospel that would be brought back again upon the earth in the last days or if Paul condemned John's vision and rejected his testimony saying it was another Gospel and was not the everlasting gospel then Paul makes John out to be a liar before God and a God of confusion and not one of order because John the Revelator wasn't testiying of another gospel, he was testifying of the everlasting gospel, the same everlasting gospel that Paul Jesus and all the other apostles
      had taught . So you guys screwed up when you thought the another gospel of Galatians Saints was the everlasting gospel of the last days.
      John does not contradict Joel of where the Lord will be found and where he will be speaking his word from in the last days and all the other holy prophets including Paul who followed angles of heaven and he knew that a day of restitution was coming in the last days Acts Chapter 3. He knew the stone kingdom that Daniel saw would be set up by God in the last days... It would not be set up in the time of Jesus and his Apostles because if you read 2 Timothy, you soon realize that that everybody in the early church went into apostasy and abandoned Paul and only Paul and Timothy were left.... So your interpretation of Galatians is incorrect and saying the letter of the Galatian saints condemns all future prophecy and visions and revelations from angles and prophets you're saying that the Lord won't speak his words from out of Zion in the last days when the Bible tells you flatly that he will be active speaking more of his words from out of Zion in the last days outside of your bible leading up to the Lord's return.. So you take Galatians out of context to condemn John's preaching and testimony of the last days.. Its not true what you teach because Jesus had other sheep that he was to visit, he wasn't done with all his work in jersualem. You don't have zion, and you don't have the stone kingdom that daniel, Joel, and Isaiah saw in vision.

  • @anjalE30
    @anjalE30 4 місяці тому

    NEVER EVER trust anyone who goes around seeking ppl out
    In the name of "religion"
    We are told to seek first the kingdom
    The kingdom will not seek you!
    Stay vigilante, because your enemy the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour
    "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
    14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
    15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.
    Their end will be what their actions deserve."

    • @smileygoldfish
      @smileygoldfish 4 місяці тому +1

      Lemme ask you a question. Is there heaven and hell in your faith and do you go to hell for not being strictly in your faith? If yes, then it is horrendous to say sharing your gospel is of satan when not sharing it would immediately condemn them to hell. God is no respecter of persons 😂

    • @anjalE30
      @anjalE30 4 місяці тому

      @@smileygoldfish that is the problem
      Sharing YOUR gospel
      Which is NOT THE TRUE gospel of Christ !
      This world spits deceit and hypocrisy like flaming fires from a dragons breath !
      And yet u still do not understand
      It is better that u had not corrupted your neighbor , with the teachings of YOUR gospel
      Life and death lies in the power of the tongue

    • @RealLadyG
      @RealLadyG 4 місяці тому

      @anjalE30 YOU ARE TRULY DECEIVED. YOU BLASPHEME AGAINST GOD’s own words as written in the BIBLE. YOU TWIST HIS WORDS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT TO SPREAD FALSE DOCTRINE. JESUS told his Apostles to go out and preach his Gospel to every kindred, nation, tongues and people. Jesus and his Apostles travelled everywhere to bring the Gospel to the people to hear and to believe.
      MATTHEW 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
      MARK 16: 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. (YOU SEE HOW IT MAKES YOU A LIAR AS IT SAID THEY WENT OUT AND PREACHED).
      MATTHEW 28: 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (JESUS TELLING HIS APOSTLES TO GO EVERYWHERE TO TEACH THE GOSPEL).
      Reject the devil and he will flee.

    • @leilettesartoga7276
      @leilettesartoga7276 4 місяці тому

      This is what Jesus did. He went around ministering to people with the message: "Come follow me."

    • @anjalE30
      @anjalE30 4 місяці тому

      @@leilettesartoga7276 and no one on this earth is HIM

  • @sacredgrifts
    @sacredgrifts 4 місяці тому

    You can probably get a Doctrine & Covenants and a Pearl of Great Price if you ask them for a "Triple Combination," which also includes the Book of Mormon. I also suggest you ask them about "The Book of Abraham," and ask them how it came to be. Also ask them how many wives Joseph Smith had. Ask about their ages. And then ask them to get out of your house.

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому

      Lol... Atheist morality... 😂
      Are you Max the Atheist?

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w 4 місяці тому

      The missionaries will have no clue about the ages of JS's wives.

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому

      Lol... Atheist morality... 😂
      Are you Max the Atheist?

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому +1

      Are you Max the Atheist?

    • @firstLast-gb9kr
      @firstLast-gb9kr 4 місяці тому +1

      You should ask them about God.

  • @sandrag3854
    @sandrag3854 4 місяці тому

    Isn't it funny how UA-cam works? A couple of weeks ago I came across this channel: www.youtube.com/@alyssadgrenfell and have been learning about Mormonism out of curiosity. And because I have been watching Alyssa's channel, your channel popped up as a recommendation. Like you, I am a Christian and enjoy learning about different religions.

    • @elizabeth_margaret
      @elizabeth_margaret  4 місяці тому

      Wow Cool

    • @KaiserSoze-us9ji
      @KaiserSoze-us9ji 4 місяці тому

      Elizabeth, you are going to waste your eternity hanging out in spiritual prison.
      But if you are baptized by the Restored Church, then you shall be on the Path to Exaltation