AcceleRacers: The Beauty Of The Water Realm (Video Essay)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @victorvicg
    @victorvicg 3 роки тому +88

    Water helm have the best songs. GO and Taro music is incredible and is a incredible contrast

  • @duyducluu6821
    @duyducluu6821 3 роки тому +106

    I love this realm as well.
    Taro's 20-min time attack literally made me sweat. The irony doesn't just end at Vert's cockiness or Taro's concentration.
    Every time Vert screws up, it's pretty obvious. Either he loses control over his car, or he straight up loses his car. Taro however, every time he screws up, it isn't as obvious, despite the quote "I'm gonna pass you". And every time the incident happens, at least in Acceleracers, it's a life-threatening situation. This is clearly potrayed by both of his cars. Even though they didn't end their lives in the most gruesome way possible, but they're almost always damaged at the parts that are supposed to function in order to keep him alive.
    - The first time, his Roadrunner was absolutely roasted by lighting, and he broke two of his limbs in the process.
    - The second time let us know that Lava-proof tire shields are completely incompatible with metal orange tracks, and they nearly killed him this time.
    - The third time in Water Realm, Rivited's electrical system was toasted by water, including his EDR. Once again, life-threatening situation. If he didn't made it, the Drones have probably captured him and the Metal Maniacs is completely crippled, or even if he was able to escape the Drone HQ before that, without Nitrox 3.5, he'd have died at the Ice Leg due to out of gas, low temperature and starvation.
    - The fourth time, Banjee casually toasted his car once again. Fortunately, he was going to the finish line already, therefore he ultimately escaped.
    Taro is the polar opposite of Vert, and Rivited is the polar opposite of Reverb. Reverb has: better engine, speed and durability. Those three attributes are nowhere to be seen on Rivited, at least when being compared to the former. Another irony there. Rivited is named after a rivet, a kind of screw that stay permamently on certain objects when being assembled, yet this "Rivet-ed" screw up many times, and it's always screwed up in its most important internal parts in most important circumstances.

    • @jajathenewking6131
      @jajathenewking6131 3 роки тому +7

      The I'm gonna pass you line still had the same effect as long as Taro says it, even in hot wheels 35.

    • @anthonyspitery6332
      @anthonyspitery6332 2 роки тому

      Banjee? Wasnt he dead what are u talking about?

    • @kraftik5300
      @kraftik5300 2 роки тому +1

      @@anthonyspitery6332 he is conformed to be silencer.

    • @hammerz1453
      @hammerz1453 2 роки тому

      @@anthonyspitery6332 the silencerz who electrocuted taros car in the pipeline realm is confirmed to be banjee because of the helmet shape

  • @jaylf
    @jaylf 3 роки тому +29

    The scene with Taro is hands down my favorute scene in all of acceleracers and the water realm was such a good teaching lesson for every single driver

  • @artistanthony1007
    @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому +57

    Vert honestly could've win this Realm but the speed gone to his head, the Hyperpod had to be thanks to the Accelerons because they can't just be in places where the drivers end up, it can't be a coincidence.

  • @cujohjosefumi1252
    @cujohjosefumi1252 2 роки тому +4

    The beatiful thing about this realm is the theme " Go "
    the absolute best theme of the series
    great video :D

  • @xM0ti0nl3sS
    @xM0ti0nl3sS 3 роки тому +27

    Water realm was always one of the best looking realms next to storm realm for me. I’m loving this content. Nice to see other people who appreciate this series for what it is, amazing.

  • @group2gaming
    @group2gaming 3 роки тому +28

    I love Shirako's line, "I'm gonna put this on my website". In the cliffside realm, shirako notices a problem in that he can't access the internet to download new music. His confusion in this scene implies that he's been able to do it before, implying that the racing realms canonically have WIFI. (or, more reasonably, he can recieve the signal through the portal like the comms). I like to imagine when Shirako is talking about putting his videos on his website, he is doing that while driving which leads him to get hit by the drone's ramp.
    And with Monkey, I think the nitrox 3 and a half was fine as it is. The reason it blew Tork's engine wasn't because the mixture was bad, it was because Tork was using it wrong. When you have a booster that's designed to make you "go 300 miles an hour in reverse" you might not want to use it unless you've got your car IN REVERSE. (like Taro.)

    • @yukinezx342
      @yukinezx342 3 роки тому +2

      Makes sense

    • @kraftik5300
      @kraftik5300 2 роки тому +3

      it can be caused by fact that there is only 1 setting on shift lever for driving in reverse why there is 5-6 settings for driving forward. that means when you drive in reverse you can reach engine's maximum limit which makes nitrox 3.5 most effective while driving forward requiers more settings before reaching engine's limit. Also then how Taro activates his nitrox during his second race in water realm while driving forward. When nitrox is used, it's consumed from both bottles at the same time. That contradits with statement that nitrox 3.5 can be used only in reverse.

    • @mafyboy0420
      @mafyboy0420 Рік тому

      Or at least neutral so the force can carry you.

  • @nortonthedestroyer
    @nortonthedestroyer 3 роки тому +20

    8:25 One thing I like about this scene is how it resembles what happens in the Junk realm one movie later. This time Drones interrupted it before it could fully escalate, but remove them and you got yourself a inevitable disaster.

  • @Chrisimplayer
    @Chrisimplayer 2 роки тому +2

    This even applies to racing games I've personally noticed an improvement in lap times by not focusing on lap times and more on driving keeping cool under pressure focusing on speed and being as quick as possible has for me lead to more crashes and/or slower lap times there is more to driving than being quick.

  • @andrewreid6867
    @andrewreid6867 3 роки тому +14

    You know what I just realised? Shirako's big flaw and subsequent development was that he couldn't take things seriously.
    It's so subtle, and the lack of speech or action regarding him over the series really puts it in the background. Just like the music. Thinking about it now, the music's probably a narrative tool to explain how Shirako's actually behaving..
    You should probably look deeper into it at some point.

  • @aybsselsunbeam8667
    @aybsselsunbeam8667 3 роки тому +29

    I never evan thought of the hyper pod in this realm being "trap". Just blew my mind

    • @artistanthony1007
      @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому +4

      I don't think it's a trap, it clearly is put there by the Accelerons to give Vert an assist because he found the shortest way to reach the end but he blew it, he could've won but failed to do it right.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому +3

      It's more of a test bc that's what the realms are

    • @AnthroGearhead
      @AnthroGearhead 3 роки тому

      I think its just Deora 2's spirit trying to haunt him :v

  • @betegarcia6766
    @betegarcia6766 3 роки тому +16

    Outra coisa que esse reino mostra como o Taro evoluiu por que na corrida mundial assim como o Vert apenas queria vencer e provar que era o melhor isso é mostrado principalmente na frase que ele no final da via 35: diversão para mim é quando eu ganho e isso estava presente também no reino tempestade quando ao inves de ajudar o Kadeem ele passa por ele por que ele só queria assim como os outros pilotos provar que era o melhor porém após o Kadeem se perder no reino tempestade o Taro passsou a ser mais focado e Sério em relação a derrotar os racing Drones e os Silenzers na velocidade do silêncio quando o Mark, Kurt e Vert estavam a ponto de brigar ele foi único dos pilotos que se lembrou do Kadeem o que mostra que parou de se importar com competições desnecessárias outro exemplo de Taro se tornou menos competitivo e menos arrogante em querer apenas vencer foi:antes do reino do canal enquanto Tork e Wlyde estavam decidindo correr no próximo Taro dá a sugestão de correrem no laboratório antigo de Tezla para que assim os dois não atrapalhassem os pilotos a vencerem os reinos,no reino do canal quando Monkey estava preste a ser capturando pelo sweaper o Taro volta imediatamente para resgata-lo como mostra que ele aprendeu com que aconteceu com o Kadeem e também pode ser visto como uma retribuição pelo Monkey ter insistido em Wlyde ajudar Taro no reino da tempestade e outro exemplo é no reino da sucata onde Taro está decidindo qual dos dois era o silenzer ou o Kurt ao invés de simplesmente acabar jogando os dois para o alto conseguir chegar primeiro e conseguir o accelecharger e ele ataca apenas o silenzer fazendo que assim a Teku alcançasse a Vitória mostrando o qual focado e Sério Taro se tornou em relação aos reinos e guerra contra os racing Drones e os Silenzers.

  • @awesomegj
    @awesomegj 3 роки тому +42

    To further your point of the driver being overly comfortable in their world race related realm. Look how Taro almost died in the lava realm, Then the swamp realm with Banjee seemingly lost in it with his car in the water.

    • @group2gaming
      @group2gaming 3 роки тому +9

      Contrasting to this, Kurt really shines in the metro realm, which lines up with his HW35 racing team (Street Breed)

    • @group2gaming
      @group2gaming 3 роки тому +8

      Also, the Junk Realm also seems to be Marky's realm ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶s̶h̶ because he's a metal maniac and rough around the edges

    • @Richtofen-gy9cj
      @Richtofen-gy9cj 4 місяці тому

      @@group2gaming Not really, he nearly fell off a bridge

  • @alexpezaveh8120
    @alexpezaveh8120 3 роки тому +9

    That ending was so smooth, great job as always

  • @goldenyoshistar1
    @goldenyoshistar1 2 роки тому +3

    You have to admit that it's even more interesting when you see Every single driver so focused on watching Taro Race under a shorter time limit than everyone else in the realm [save for Pork Chop]. HECK, Shirako even takes his headphones off, and this is the only time you see his headphones not on his head. 5:30

    • @Richtofen-gy9cj
      @Richtofen-gy9cj 4 місяці тому

      He took his headphones off during the Cavern Realm when playing loud music

  • @battledroidrd-7712
    @battledroidrd-7712 3 роки тому +17

    The swamp realm or ruins realm have to be my personal favorite realms in the series I mean between the two specifically it’s not really fair seeing how the swamp realm got a 30 minute segment and the other only had two shorts that focused on the actual realm specifically the third one doesn’t count it focused on the drones
    But I love the swamp realm specifically because it has some of the best atmospheres and some of the most creatively designed and varied hazards ranging from gas sucking mosquitoes to giant scary head that control an army of vines to just full on hand trees.
    It certainly feels like the realm that puts the characters in the most danger especially with how it splits everyone up
    And on top all day it’s probably the realm I watched the most because back in the day the thing I had of this series was world race and the hyper pod swamp room DVD so it’s got that going for it for me.
    I would love a analysis video of the swamp realm from you but I would understand if there’s not enough meaningful character content in that realm for you to go over it all
    Great video really love your content

    • @jajathenewking6131
      @jajathenewking6131 3 роки тому +3

      Did you know the swamp realm is the top 5 most dangerous realms.
      I only had the storm realm and DVD 2 and 3. The swamp realm was pretty cool wish I saw it as a kid.

  • @MrLeary73
    @MrLeary73 Рік тому +1

    Go is just perfect for Verts final part of the realm, sets up the whole sequence perfectly.

  • @Double_D__
    @Double_D__ 2 роки тому +2

    I think what makes the Water Realm so cool is that it works as character development for the two of the most notable World Race veterans among the Drivers, Taro and Vert. In Taro's case, it's a showcase as to how while he wasn't as in the spotlight in World Race, he is arguably the best driver out of all of them. In Vert's case, it's to humble and temper him, as there was still some of that arrogance and cockiness from when he was a teenager still there, especially after winning the World Race.

  • @trevorcolby532
    @trevorcolby532 2 роки тому +1

    The Water realm, my favorite one

  • @trevorcolby532
    @trevorcolby532 2 роки тому +1

    1:37 Vert was so far ahead, he messed up and cost the humans the Water Accelecharger

  • @shyrakete294
    @shyrakete294 3 роки тому +6

    Man im obsessed with this realm i swear. Really cool videos tho

  • @jajathenewking6131
    @jajathenewking6131 3 роки тому +2

    This is my favorite realm for everything.

  • @lunawastaken
    @lunawastaken Рік тому +2

    I wonder if vert couldnt use the boosters under his car to save it

  • @AnthroGearhead
    @AnthroGearhead 3 роки тому +4

    Water Realm should have favour Wave Rippers, specially Vert and yet he fuck it up
    That Deora 2 would have love the water circuit
    Btw everytime Spinebuster overtakes someone neatly, gets me all the time especially that supercharger whine

  • @katzuma7641
    @katzuma7641 2 роки тому +2

    The placement of that hyperpod is strategic, it basically made the driver go on an adrenaline rush after going so fast that they would certainly not break and run on water properly. Vert fell for it hook line and sinker. Well done accelerons, you cheeky bastards
    Edit: you basically said in the video what I said lol

  • @keynanmartinez
    @keynanmartinez 2 роки тому

    This is my Favorite realm too.

  • @Aris-lq7xe
    @Aris-lq7xe 3 роки тому +2

    Even to this day my ringtone is Taro's soudtrack in the water realm
    It always gives me goosebumps even 10+ years later

  • @rubest1515
    @rubest1515 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the video. The water realm was the most anxiety endusing realm for me.

  • @pandaguzman664
    @pandaguzman664 3 роки тому +1

    Year ago I bought baseline and pulled hyper chichane, ice releam and spine buster if remember right

  • @trevorcolby532
    @trevorcolby532 2 роки тому +2

    Karma would have one the Water realm, if she went in

  • @nicoheroesdx
    @nicoheroesdx 3 роки тому +6

    I would love to see a Video on Taro's Perfect Driving. I might be a bit biased towards my favorite character but I'm pretty confident in saying that he's just the best driver. I mean look at all the realms he would have become the first place, if the drones/silencers didn't interfere.
    Water Realm
    Metro Realm
    Ice Realm
    Pipeline Realm
    Junk Realm
    He's just an amazing driver.

    • @carlpepin1
      @carlpepin1 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, plus Vert said he was going for the record at 30-ish minutes and Taro completed the entire realm AGAIN in under 20.

    • @SleepyOwlOfficial
      @SleepyOwlOfficial 2 роки тому +1

      I always ask myself where is Taro at the end of the Swamp Realm haha

  • @wolfblack7676
    @wolfblack7676 3 роки тому +4

    Top number 1 on my racing realms list.

  • @BlueThunderO7
    @BlueThunderO7 Рік тому +2

    Karma would honestly make a really good crew chief or race spotter.

  • @therockstar9259
    @therockstar9259 3 роки тому +1

    When taro was in the drones headquarters he could’ve easily snatched the water realm accelecharger and then get out

  • @BotBruh448
    @BotBruh448 3 роки тому +1

    You gotta start finding a proper outro, super jarring when you end these

  • @vitoraugustocarlos3758
    @vitoraugustocarlos3758 Рік тому

    You know, I would dare say that the Water Realm is one of the easiest realms out there. If you think about it, all you gotta do is drive fast, avoid those giant fishes by driving fast and when you reach the surface, you gotta keep your car under control to avoid hydroplaning.
    But of course, Vert's arrogance had to kick in harder than VTEC.

  • @DawingmanT900
    @DawingmanT900 3 роки тому +5

    Hey, think you should also do a video on Battle Force 5. Its somehow tied to Vert Wheeler. But they did a major retcon, as if Acceleracers and World Race didnt happen.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому +3

      seperate universe

    • @ye7170
      @ye7170 3 роки тому

      The Vert Wheeler in Acceleracers and Battleforce are 2 entirely different characters. The name is just a placeholder at this point.

  • @JabbaDG
    @JabbaDG 3 роки тому +1

    Chinny i have to say, what an absolutely amazing breakdown

  • @gregf8918
    @gregf8918 3 роки тому


  • @coreyydeez3621
    @coreyydeez3621 2 роки тому

    best realm holy

  • @christophervanoster
    @christophervanoster 3 роки тому +2

    I’m gonna put this on my website

  • @ZstackZip
    @ZstackZip 3 роки тому +2

    You’re kind of like The Unlucky Tug but for Acceleracers

  • @afdelta0120
    @afdelta0120 3 роки тому +1

    Lowkey think this video shouldve been titled "how to make set and payoff work" in a way with how it starts... but you do you.

  • @JasonA1124
    @JasonA1124 Рік тому +1

    At 8:21 i wonder which gauge is the speedometer lol

  • @dracoarton94
    @dracoarton94 3 роки тому +3

    Now that I think about it, Vert could have easily won the Water realm if Nolo gave him the Swamp realm Accelecharger instead of Shirako.

  • @domingosbezerra430
    @domingosbezerra430 3 роки тому +1

    Meninas Praia Água 🌊☀️🌿🦈🦈🦈

  • @nicoheroesdx
    @nicoheroesdx 3 роки тому +3

    I might be insane, but...
    7:24 look at his Tires... Do they even spin??

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому +1

      Just working really fast it looks still :D it is shirako after all

    • @artistanthony1007
      @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому

      Think that's the tread pattern, clearly they used Slick on that Track and Hydro/Water Tracking on the wet parts or the Hydro/Water Tracking Tires are capable of working on the Tracks.

    • @djaydeved
      @djaydeved 3 роки тому

      @@artistanthony1007 watch the rims don't look like they spin

    • @colin3779
      @colin3779 3 роки тому

      I think they did that in all the movies I’ve never seen the tires actually spin

    • @colin3779
      @colin3779 3 роки тому

      Never mind I’m buggin

  • @tahkaimartin8050
    @tahkaimartin8050 3 роки тому

    I'm a day late but I'm still here. 🔥🔥 As always

  • @trevorcolby532
    @trevorcolby532 2 роки тому +1

    Just before entered the Water realm, the drivers who were about to enter it put on helmets. Why didn't they do that after the storm realm, or decided to do it after the lava realm?

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 роки тому +1

      They still thought the realms weren't as harsh as they were

    • @trevorcolby532
      @trevorcolby532 2 роки тому

      @@chinnymisc Well Monkey could have, since he's scared of everything

  • @jacobpugpoirier3350
    @jacobpugpoirier3350 3 роки тому

    0:15 "MANuVer SeVen"

  • @pendremacherald6758
    @pendremacherald6758 3 роки тому +1

    Or, you were meant to take the hyperpod, but slow down once you hit the surface section. This shows you know when you need to slow down for driving hazards.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому

      That's exactly what I said lmaoo

  • @afdelta0120
    @afdelta0120 3 роки тому +2

    Also, lowkey, as much as I could believe taro used 3 and a half to get out the drones place backwards, it's not implied monkey gave it to taro to my knowledge. Perhaps I missed a scene though. My memory is only getting older. Also. I hope your doing well. Small channels matter in my mind.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому

      Monkey gave tork the nitrox but it blew his car. Monkey fixed it witj a" leaner" mixture just before the water realm :) + it's logical money would give it to taro since they are metal maniacs

    • @afdelta0120
      @afdelta0120 3 роки тому

      @@chinnymisc hence why I believed it's possible. I dont disagree. c;

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  3 роки тому

      @@afdelta0120 I was saying thst it was implied lmao

    • @artistanthony1007
      @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому

      There wasn't a scene, you didn't miss anything.

  • @angrynerd2103
    @angrynerd2103 3 роки тому +3

    You know im gonna be honest iv never drawn the conclusion that taro was using monkeys fuel rather than regular nitrox. That said it makes sense as the 300mph in reverse is exactly what happens.

    • @artistanthony1007
      @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому

      He was, it was just in a seperate tank but I don't have an explanation for how one of the two is activated besides different way of pressing it or maybe it's used when you go in reverse and press the button, like some sensor connected.

    • @angrynerd2103
      @angrynerd2103 3 роки тому

      @@artistanthony1007 i mean there's nothing to say that he was using both rather than just monkeys. We just know that he was atleast using monkeys because of the specific going backwards statement.

    • @artistanthony1007
      @artistanthony1007 3 роки тому

      @@angrynerd2103 I mean we saw at that table he was working on the better version, that red chemical was boiling which is clearly the juice, it's clearly separated from the regular Nitrox feul.

    • @AnthroGearhead
      @AnthroGearhead 3 роки тому

      Mitch(Monkey) is a pretty decent mechanic, he improved his Rolling Thunder a lot after the Storm realm and built a one off kind hot rod before losing it

  • @wilsondanielson
    @wilsondanielson 3 роки тому +3

    what would happen if a driver uses a bike in the realm, would they just drown instantly from the start or what?

    • @ye7170
      @ye7170 3 роки тому

      Logically, all the cars would be flooded. But if a driver were to use a bike, they'd need to wear a scuba suit first.

    • @V.S.D.D.
      @V.S.D.D. 3 роки тому

      well, it is the "Water realm"
      I think it would be safer to send non bike drivers as precaution

  • @willbrock1962
    @willbrock1962 2 роки тому +1

    Couldn’t Taro just use his EDR to get away from the drones?
    All that to pretty much just save his car

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 роки тому +1

      he went in the water a second time and short circuited the edr

    • @willbrock1962
      @willbrock1962 2 роки тому +1

      @@chinnymisc right but if you remember the final movie they use the EDR to exit out of the drone HQ and it still works
      Pork Chop and Vert both had their car submerged once and it still worked, they said it was after taro's car was submerged a second time the EDR stopped working
      this is still reasonable within the plot tho:
      Taro wanted to try and save his car but use the EDR if he ran out of time. He just had no idea that the second trip through the water would destroy the EDR

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 роки тому +1

      @@willbrock1962 tezla literally states taros edr short circuited lol because taro has submerged in the water twice

    • @willbrock1962
      @willbrock1962 2 роки тому +1

      @@chinnymisc right, so I'm saying that Taro could have escaped using the EDR BEFORE the second submersion, he just would have lost his car

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 роки тому +1

      @@willbrock1962 tru but he probs thog7ht hed go back into the accelderome instead of the realm, plus he had an accelcjarger

  • @Raxzo12030
    @Raxzo12030 3 роки тому

    4:14 epic

  • @ffoster4360
    @ffoster4360 3 роки тому +1

    The beauty of the water realm it have fish ai

  • @janluofficial
    @janluofficial 2 роки тому

    Original Xbox Dimension

  • @domingosbezerra430
    @domingosbezerra430 3 роки тому +1

    😭😥 Deezel Porkchop Riggs David Kaya vs. Sharks Menina 🥰 Praia agua 🌊☀️🌿🦈