Aad Thaki Ek Soon Nipaaya - Taufiq Karmali

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Primordially was brought forth the Void.
    From the Void was brought forth the Word.. ..1
    He who sports helix rings will proceed to hell,
    But has no hold over his self.. ..2
    He smears ash, makes people fall at his feet,
    But knows nothing ff the Word of Perfection.. ..4
    He blows the horn, and splits the ear,
    But knows nothing of the Divine Word.. ..5
    He wears his hair long, a wild and shaggy mat,
    But knows nothing of salvation's mystery.. ..6
    The sixty-eight shrines are rock and water -
    You will gain nothing there.. ..9
    Says the learned Indr Imamshah,
    Listen, my yogi friend, if only you found a master,
    Your problems would come to an end.. ..10
    Aad thaki ek soon nipaaya
    Taare soonmaa(n)-thi shabad nipaaya
    Joogesar jogka maram koi na jaañe
    Jogka maram joogesar jaañe.. ..Jogka..1
    Moondra paherine man vash naa(n)hi
    Narge jaasho nirvaañ.. ..Joogesar..2
    Naath anaath ame Pir Imamshah
    Ame alakh puroosh gharna chela ..Joogesar..3
    Bhabhoot chole ne paay padaave
    Pañ sidhna shabad na jaañe.. ..Joogesar..4
    Singi vagaade ne kaan fadaave
    Pañ bhiramna akhar na jaañe.. ..Joogesar..5
    Jata vadhaare ne jog na saadhe
    Pañ moogatna maram na jaañe ..Joogesar..6
    Jampudeep maa(n)he Swaami takhat rachaaya
    Te shreshtna seerjañ-haar.. ..Joogesar..7
    Te gur jogi tamne odhaare
    Jeñe tarat tribhovan kidha.. ..Joogesar..8
    Adsath teerath te, parbat ne neer
    Tiyaa(n) nahi niveda thaay.. ..Joogesar..9
    Em bhañe Indr Imamshah tame sooño maara jogi
    Gur male to se(n)sa tale.. ..Joogesar..10
    English Translation adapted from A Scent of Sandalwood by Dr. Aziz Esmail.
    #ImamShahMaharaj #Satpanth #PiranaPith #SavePiranaDargah #AzizEsmail #AlySunderji #Nishkalank #Ginan #Marifat #MaarfatiKhyaal