I'd be happy if I could get one which doesn't have a lot of noise when receiving on 2 meter and 70cm. Yes, I've tried all the customary movements-location changes-antenna selections-battery charging. I received my third at 3:00 PM today, 1/3/2024, and shipping it back to Amazon...again. @@thelydiaspringexperiment6437
Really awesome work man! Keep it up! My QUANSHENG easily beats out my Icom HT!!!
Can you transmit on gmrs frequencies on the k5(8)?
0:02 / 1:29
Quansheng UV-K5 Fagci Reborn 2024 / Soon !!! where can I find that software?
lets have selectable eeprom size as well for hardware upgrades
Link yes please looks amazing
*When* ?????
We are waiting for Fagci
There is no link yet, it is in Beta
Thanks for explaining that. Very helpful video.
Over complicating a cheap piece of junk
You clearly are living in the dark ages 😆😂🤣
what he said but also, knob jocky. the k5 is a very useful radio with the new firmware so many people put so much time into.
I'd be happy if I could get one which doesn't have a lot of noise when receiving on 2 meter and 70cm. Yes, I've tried all the customary movements-location changes-antenna selections-battery charging. I received my third at 3:00 PM today, 1/3/2024, and shipping it back to Amazon...again. @@thelydiaspringexperiment6437
you obviously lack any intelligence to make such a half-witted and simpleminded comment regarding the UV-K5!!
Pourquoi regardes-tu la vidéo alors ?