Arkona's music has changed my life. The first time I heard it, I was on the bering sea in the dead of winter, working as a fisherman on a large trawler. I hadn't brought headphones, so I was without music for the long haul. One of my mates one day asked me if I'd heard of Arkona, to which I'd replied "No". He put the headphones over my ears and this song was halfway through. I thought it perfectly captured the spirit, the beautiful essence of the sea and the blood, sweat, and tears of the men at its mercy. Once I'd gotten off the ship and went home, I remembered this band and gave them a further listen, starting with this album. I was instantly mystified, enchanted. The way the music brought me to new depths, helping me realize the person I wanted to be with these new experiences I had. I went on to listen to every album available on UA-cam on the greyhound ride to Idaho from Seattle, and later bought every album. I think all the band members are unbelievable. I have no words to describe the passion and talent they have for their art, I'm grateful to live in such a great time! I don't know, I figured I'd just set this here where nobody will ever read it. You guys kick ass! Keep it up dude, you're changing lives out here. Hail from U.S.! 😊
You do realise this is Russian Slavic folk, don’t you? How would your mates react to your listening to a Russian folk metal? There is so much hatred towards my kind , driven by your government nowadays, that some of us do forget the difference between dirty policies of governments and us, simple people, who do have a lot of things in common. You call us communists, well, this is about 70 years of our more than 1500 year old history. Less than a breath. Your country had it’s freedom won with the support of our empress Ekatherina II. And I’m just a simple guy from Saint-Petersburg sending regards to our mates in U.S. One planet for all human beings.
@@enki6831 i DON T think russian people´s are not worst than me or another nation. Only , what made alwys problems, is goverment and political tendencies. Greetings brother, from Slovakia
i wonder if bands come to their own page and see so many ignorant comments and say " people missed it completely " Wtf with all the stupidity! Anyway, incredible band! awesome music. Simple as that !
@@ДокторРамсолог , нет, мне уже не 20 )) Просто до 2019 года примерно про "Аркону" я не знал, поскольку есть в жизни дела поважнее меломанства, на которое налегал в подростковые годы.
I'm a Christian and I like this music, I enjoy learning about other cultures and I enjoy metal so why not have both? This is where Folk/Pagan Metal come in ;D
@Whiteblooded they use a variety of flutes and also bagpipes, not neceserily of russian design. When I saw them live they didnt have the medieval instruments with them, they played them from a laptop
I too am an American ( the hodge podge country)...and love the fact the Russian people with their talent and a message through musicians transcend all the particulars of culture and celebrate the realities of diversity. I 've been to Russia and believe they are a great people with such a unique way of showing powerful interpretation of art and culture.
moy dom tumanom ob'yat v sumrake nochi Bogi ne spyat vospran' sila Rusi svetom ozari,very vozrodi! chto ya vizhy-smitry, Zarya! ybegayu sud'bu hranya gde kyrgani zhivyt tam nas pomnat i zhdyt Bogi,Bogi! chto ge nam doroge? proklatye chertogi pravnukov Svarog'yh net spasenia nam! vrag idet po patam!
@TheSlovenc123 No, not svetovit temple. it was the Svantevit temple of the Rani/Rujani on the isle of Rügen - todays Notheast Germany. The Arkona temple became the religous centre of the Wends when Rethra/Riedegost, the former major religous centre of all westslavic tribes, was torn down in 1068(look for Lutician federation).
Ой, как я выбегу, пробегу к ручью, Вдоль, да по берегу. Ой, как головушку светлую склоню Над оберегами. Тропою по ведам, От сердца, да к небу Рекою прольется песня моя! Мой дом туманом объят. В сумраке ночи Боги не спят. Воспрянь, сила Руси! Светом озари, веру возроди! Что я вижу смотри, Заря! Убегаю, судьбу храня. Где курганы живут, Там нас помнят и ждут. Боги, Боги! Что же нам дороже? Прокляты чертоги правнуков Сварожьих. Нет спасения нам! Враг идет по пятам! Сва, Сва, Сва зри! Вас давно забыли! Поднебесной птице крылья надломили! Правит тот, кто силен Держит власть над огнем. Ой, как я выбегу, пробегу лисой, Вдоль, да по берегу. Ой, как я вылечу, пролечу совой К Родову терему. Воздам хвалу дедам От сердца, да к небу, Неси мою требу, песня моя! Мой дом туманом объят. В сумраке ночи Боги не спят. Воспрянь, сила Руси! Светом озари, веру возроди!
I don't quite remember all of it, as it happened back when I was 6-10 years old. But at least once a week I was taken out of the classroom along with 1-2 other kids and I was either made to do very simple repetitive work for hours on end, or I was screamed at and told that I was worthless. In class and lunch other kids were told to either ignore me or to bully me. They were given a free pass to do whatever they pleased, many times I was beat and I'd be punished for even blocking a punch.
Well thank you for apologizing. And the only reason I said that I would get negatives for my comment is that early that day someone said something similar to my comment and got negatives. Once again, thank you for apologizing. :)
Arkona's music has changed my life. The first time I heard it, I was on the bering sea in the dead of winter, working as a fisherman on a large trawler. I hadn't brought headphones, so I was without music for the long haul. One of my mates one day asked me if I'd heard of Arkona, to which I'd replied "No". He put the headphones over my ears and this song was halfway through. I thought it perfectly captured the spirit, the beautiful essence of the sea and the blood, sweat, and tears of the men at its mercy.
Once I'd gotten off the ship and went home, I remembered this band and gave them a further listen, starting with this album. I was instantly mystified, enchanted. The way the music brought me to new depths, helping me realize the person I wanted to be with these new experiences I had.
I went on to listen to every album available on UA-cam on the greyhound ride to Idaho from Seattle, and later bought every album.
I think all the band members are unbelievable. I have no words to describe the passion and talent they have for their art, I'm grateful to live in such a great time!
I don't know, I figured I'd just set this here where nobody will ever read it. You guys kick ass! Keep it up dude, you're changing lives out here. Hail from U.S.! 😊
I read it and while wasn´t as good as your story I am happy I got the chanc to listen this band.
You do realise this is Russian Slavic folk, don’t you? How would your mates react to your listening to a Russian folk metal? There is so much hatred towards my kind , driven by your government nowadays, that some of us do forget the difference between dirty policies of governments and us, simple people, who do have a lot of things in common. You call us communists, well, this is about 70 years of our more than 1500 year old history. Less than a breath. Your country had it’s freedom won with the support of our empress Ekatherina II. And I’m just a simple guy from Saint-Petersburg sending regards to our mates in U.S. One planet for all human beings.
@@enki6831 i DON T think russian people´s are not worst than me or another nation. Only , what made alwys problems, is goverment and political tendencies. Greetings brother, from Slovakia
@@enki6831 Nowadays US is turning communist...
How are you, man? Interesting to know.
pozdrav zo Slovenska ......česť Slovanom :D
Arkona!!!! Excelente!!!!... Greetings from Brazil!
маша богиня!!! а это, одна из моих любимых песен арконы.
We have played 6 shows with Arkona since 2010, great band, the best folk metal!
One of their best songs, I think. Slava and Greetings from Macedonia, looking forward to see them on the sixth of August.
Pozdrav iz Slovenije
Greetings from Turkey!!!
i wonder if bands come to their own page and see so many ignorant comments and say " people missed it completely " Wtf with all the stupidity! Anyway, incredible band! awesome music. Simple as that !
Arkona is going to play here in Brazil next month, i'm so happy!!
Minha música favorita desta excelente banda! Melhor banda da Rússia!!!!!... Greetings from Brazil!
Слава браћо! HAIL FROM SERBIA!
Наше,родное и мощное !
Slava from Poland
another hail from Slovenia! Slovani!
Probably the best song of Arkona I've ever heard :)
Heil from Finland!
Great song i love that choir in the back [::
Arkona please come to Hungary [:
Hail from Budapest
I love the way you can hear her smiling in the beginning of the song. :)
Pozdrav so Slovenska. (Hello from Slovakia)
SLAVA!!! Pozdrav iz Srbije!
od srca k Arkoni, in k vsem bogom!
pozdrav iz Slovenije
Saw this band last night. Amazingly good show.
Very nice!
Hails from Hungary!
Such a great band
Saw them in Baia Mare, Romania, it was superb :)
Слава браћо
Здравствуй Брат!!!
Sława z Polski! Słowiański duch, słowiańska muzyka!
horosho. ya vengr/russki . I love this band, really !
Braco Rusi Pozdrav iz Srbije ^^
Slava braco!
Pozdrav iz Srbije.
Long Live Mother Russia ! Greetings from Morocco !
wonderful! wonderful!
В школьные годы любил слушать "АРИЮ", в этом году стал налегать на "АРКОНУ" )))
Тебе сколько малыш(Арию раз слушал в школьные годы), 48 как мне ? Так я Аркону слушаю почти 20 лет )
@@ДокторРамсолог , нет, мне уже не 20 )) Просто до 2019 года примерно про "Аркону" я не знал, поскольку есть в жизни дела поважнее меломанства, на которое налегал в подростковые годы.
Excelente esta interpretación. Me encanta Arkona.
Slawa braco!
Pozdrav iz Srbije!
Beautifull Slavic ethno sound!
I am an American of mainly German, Irish, British, and Belgian background and this band is a masterpiece.
so you are a generic american ??? pressed random on the character screen ^^
@@thjodroerir6340 le 56%
Pozdrav iz Srbije!!! Slava slovenskim zemljama!!!!
I'm a Christian and I like this music, I enjoy learning about other cultures and I enjoy metal so why not have both? This is where Folk/Pagan Metal come in ;D
I too just never pay attention to the image, lyrics and all that. Because music reigns supreme.
@@user-ld7ch1er6j nothing wrong with observing different perspectives.
greetings from the american south
can't get enough of this song!
Priviet iz Frantsii / Greatings from France. Klasnaia piesnia / Great song.
Chwała i Sława bracia Słowanie!
Rus dili okuyan kuzenime burdan sevgiler! Молодец от меня!!
Enes Tekin спасибо :)
Pozdrav Brate Slaviane!!!
ZAJEBISTE! Greetings from Poland bro's
Love this one :)
Hail from Serbia!!!
prvi put na ruskom videu da vidim da je nas komentar najbolji,a ne sprski xD.pozz i tebi brate :D
a couple of days ago I discovered Ensiferum and now Arkona..I'm in love with both \m/
Masha tak horosho pojot.. prekaznaja musika
best band in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail father ODIN. From KURDISTAN iraq land of old Aryan folk warriors.
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske :)
oh my god.. i will see them at Ragnarökfestival april '09 .. god, i'm so excited !
I love them
Yeah!) Russia!)
ya lyublyu ehtu pesnyu~
Arguing over the internet, it causes people to forget about the awesome music that is playing.
Greetings from Hungary! Don't care about the soviet era, we still love Russia and russian music. :)
Da, i-am vazut live, am fost in prima linie ;)
Greetings from a Hungarian! Peace!:)
like it ! love it ! feed it !
keep on tugging our brains, Arkona
We must unite my Slavic brothers!
Slavija is our state!
Slava Slovenima!
Pozdrav iz Srbije!
Pan-ethnic movements never work.
But heil to the unity and brotherhood regardless.
прекрасна група а маша молодец привет из болгарии
Fucking best Folk Metal band ..
really great! i like it.
1:19 A choir of my flavour!
todellaki ihana!
19.02 Paganfest Z7 Pratteln (Switzerland)
It was amaaazing !!!!!
bloody hell... this is good. Very good!
awesome dude!!!! Hail from la baja
привет в хорватия
Здравствуй Брат!
Слава Роду словенском! Поздрав из Србије!
Arkona, Fosch Fest 2012 Bagnatica, Italy... Pure fucking awesome
Поздрав од Црне Горе!
Very epic metal!!!!!! Rated 5 stars for sure. \m/
@Whiteblooded they use a variety of flutes and also bagpipes, not neceserily of russian design. When I saw them live they didnt have the medieval instruments with them, they played them from a laptop
это - то, что слушает бог!!
Wirklich schöne Musik !!
I too am an American ( the hodge podge country)...and love the fact the Russian people with their talent and a message through musicians transcend all the particulars of culture and celebrate the realities of diversity. I 've been to Russia and believe they are a great people with such a unique way of showing powerful interpretation of art and culture.
moy dom tumanom ob'yat
v sumrake nochi Bogi ne spyat
vospran' sila Rusi
svetom ozari,very vozrodi!
chto ya vizhy-smitry, Zarya!
ybegayu sud'bu hranya
gde kyrgani zhivyt
tam nas pomnat i zhdyt
Bogi,Bogi! chto ge nam doroge?
proklatye chertogi pravnukov Svarog'yh
net spasenia nam!
vrag idet po patam!
sounds very pagan, nice!
greets from Finland!=)
No, not svetovit temple. it was the Svantevit temple of the Rani/Rujani on the isle of Rügen - todays Notheast Germany. The Arkona temple became the religous centre of the Wends when Rethra/Riedegost, the former major religous centre of all westslavic tribes, was torn down in 1068(look for Lutician federation).
there are 2 groups called Arkona: one is from Poland and the other one is from Russia. This one is russian:) and it totally rocks
pretty good band, i never heart from it, this is the second number i listen
Ой, как я выбегу, пробегу к ручью,
Вдоль, да по берегу.
Ой, как головушку светлую склоню
Над оберегами.
Тропою по ведам,
От сердца, да к небу
Рекою прольется песня моя!
Мой дом туманом объят.
В сумраке ночи Боги не спят.
Воспрянь, сила Руси!
Светом озари, веру возроди!
Что я вижу смотри, Заря!
Убегаю, судьбу храня.
Где курганы живут,
Там нас помнят и ждут.
Боги, Боги! Что же нам дороже?
Прокляты чертоги правнуков Сварожьих.
Нет спасения нам!
Враг идет по пятам!
Сва, Сва, Сва зри!
Вас давно забыли!
Поднебесной птице крылья надломили!
Правит тот, кто силен
Держит власть над огнем.
Ой, как я выбегу, пробегу лисой,
Вдоль, да по берегу.
Ой, как я вылечу, пролечу совой
К Родову терему.
Воздам хвалу дедам
От сердца, да к небу,
Неси мою требу, песня моя!
Мой дом туманом объят.
В сумраке ночи Боги не спят.
Воспрянь, сила Руси!
Светом озари, веру возроди!
"Oт Сердца к Небу" means "From the heart to the sky" ... :D
i searched for the lyrics everywhere but nothing came out :( , wonderful song (y)
I don't quite remember all of it, as it happened back when I was 6-10 years old. But at least once a week I was taken out of the classroom along with 1-2 other kids and I was either made to do very simple repetitive work for hours on end, or I was screamed at and told that I was worthless. In class and lunch other kids were told to either ignore me or to bully me. They were given a free pass to do whatever they pleased, many times I was beat and I'd be punished for even blocking a punch.
Well thank you for apologizing. And the only reason I said that I would get negatives for my comment is that early that day someone said something similar to my comment and got negatives. Once again, thank you for apologizing. :)
very very great
very nice song
Od srca k nebu.