The phrase that popped into my head when looking at the resin vs acrylic drills was “lit from within”, which I know makes no sense in reality, but that is how I still see it. What a magnificent difference! Are these, perhaps, going to be with our next Artist Shiloh DOC painting??
You definitely know your stuff! We love what you do and your attention to detail, especially in diamond painting
I appreciate that! Thank you 😊
I enjoy all the information you gave us. It is very helpful.
I hope it was helpful! And thank you for listening to my video ☺️
The phrase that popped into my head when looking at the resin vs acrylic drills was “lit from within”, which I know makes no sense in reality, but that is how I still see it. What a magnificent difference! Are these, perhaps, going to be with our next Artist Shiloh DOC painting??
Hopefully resin rounds but if not definitely going with resin square 😘
@@DiamondsOnCanvas You know you RAWK, right, Pretty Lady? 😍
You are awesome!
What about the price? Will we budget people be able to afford a painting with these? They are beautiful.
Yes definitely 👍 🥰 They are affordable!!