Why I Embraced Islam - Waterloo, Canada, Reversion Story

  • Опубліковано 24 кві 2024
  • I'm excited to share my journey of embracing Islam with you, which has brought immense peace and purpose into my life. But beyond my story, I invite you to join me in the Global Dawah mission. Dawah is about sharing Islam's beauty and inviting others to explore this faith. Today, I ask that you support iERA's Dawah efforts.


  • @theextraordinaryworldofzei5851
    @theextraordinaryworldofzei5851 20 днів тому +189

    Today I learnt that a non-Muslim, work-colleague's Mum had recently found out she has last stages of colon cancer. My natural reaction was to hug her & made dua asking Allah to cure her mother. Isn't this what Islam is all about? She looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, I don't know what you were saying, but I felt every single word. Islam is not just about being kind to our fellow Muslims but to all mankind as we're ALL role models . To whoever is reading this, stay safe and strive to be better Muslims and human beings to all of Allah's creation

    • @icecream-wf5yb
      @icecream-wf5yb 20 днів тому +3

      We have a subject of brother in islam and brother in humanity

    • @alialibay6639
      @alialibay6639 20 днів тому +2

      ​@@sarinah8708your comments are very interesting, but is-it possible to be able to read in other format and try to translate in french in order to understand completely.

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 20 днів тому

      @@alialibay6639 1. Jésus a-t-il fondé le christianisme ? Moïse a-t-il fondé le judaïsme ? Et Muhammad a-t-il fondé l'islam ? Que la paix soit sur eux tous. Si l'Islam est interprété comme une religion, c'est une mauvaise interprétation, et notre prophète [Muhammad ﷺ] n'a jamais fondé l'Islam, notre prophète a enseigné les enseignements du monothéisme et de la sunnah. Nous devons nous concentrer sur Dieu et sur ce qu'il a ordonné, mettre en pratique les enseignements des Saintes Écritures de Dieu (la Torah, l'Évangile, le Coran) et obéir aux prophètes, les religions créées par l'homme ne font qu'aveugler les gens, les rendre fanatiques et susciter l'hostilité. Dieu a envoyé les Saintes Ecritures aux prophètes pour qu'ils transmettent les paroles de Dieu et l'enseignement du monothéisme/tauhid/foi d'Abraham. Dieu nous a ordonné de garder et de pratiquer correctement la Torah, l'Évangile et le Coran. C'est pourquoi Dieu dit (Coran 2:62) qu'il (Dieu) ne se soucie pas vraiment de la religion choisie par l'homme. Obéissez à la loi et exécutez ses ordres Et Dieu dit : En effet, ceux qui ont la foi, ceux qui ont le judaïsme, les chrétiens et les sabéens - quiconque a la foi en Dieu et au Jour dernier et agit avec droiture -, leur récompense est auprès de leur Seigneur, et ils n'éprouveront aucune crainte et ne seront point affligés.
      (Al-Quran Al-Baqarah:62) C'est ainsi que Nous l'avons fait descendre (le Coran) comme des signes évidents, et le fait est que Dieu guide qui Il veut vers le droit chemin.
      Quant aux croyants, aux juifs, aux sabéens, aux chrétiens, aux mages (zoroastriens) et à ceux qui donnent des associés à Dieu, Dieu les départagera le jour de la Résurrection. Dieu est témoin de toute chose (Al-Quran Al-Hajj [22]16-17).
      2) Le Tafsir (l'interprétation) du Coran doit être révisé, en particulier le mot Islam dans l'interprétation du Coran doit encore être interprété afin qu'il n'y ait plus de malentendu, car jusqu'à présent nous pensons tous que le mot Islam est une religion. Le Dieu tout-puissant et son messager SAW avec l'Al-Quran destiné à unir les gens que les musulmans (toute personne qui croit dans les adeptes de la Torah, Injil et d'autres livres du livre de Dieu ils sont musulmans).
      Dieu témoigne qu'il n'y a pas d'autre dieu que Lui, de même que les anges et les savants. Il fait régner la justice. Il n'y a pas d'autre dieu que lui, le tout-puissant, le tout-savant. En vérité, la religion (reconnue) auprès de Dieu est l'Islām [la dévotion à Lui seul]. Ceux qui ont reçu le Livre n'ont divergé (entre eux) qu'après que la connaissance leur fut parvenue, (et cela) à cause de la jalousie des uns envers les autres. Quiconque nie les versets de Dieu, alors Dieu est prompt à lui rendre des comptes.
      (Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 18-19) 👉 Désirent-ils une autre voie que celle de Dieu - sachant que tous ceux qui sont dans les cieux et sur la terre se soumettent à Sa volonté, de gré ou de force, et que c'est vers Lui qu'ils seront ramenés ?
      Dis : [Muhammad ﷺ],˺ "Nous croyons en Dieu et en ce qui nous a été révélé, en ce qui a été révélé à Abraham, Ismaël, Isaac, Jacob et ses descendants, et en ce qui a été donné à Moïse, à Jésus et aux autres prophètes de la part de leur Seigneur - nous ne faisons de distinction entre aucun d'entre eux, et c'est à Lui que nous nous soumettons ˹ pleinement˺." Quiconque cherche une voie autre que l'islam,[[ c'est-à-dire la soumission totale à la volonté de Dieu.]]cela ne sera jamais accepté d'eux, et dans l'au-delà ils seront parmi les perdants.(Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 83-85).

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 20 днів тому

      @@alialibay6639 3) Notre Prophète [Muhammad ﷺ] a rejeté le judaïsme et le christianisme parce que la religion de Dieu est unique, c'est la foi d'Abraham (tauhid/monothéisme), de Moïse (que la paix soit sur lui) et d'Isa (que la paix soit sur lui). Et dans l'Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18 que la définition de l'Islam n'est pas une religion, mais signifie la reddition. 👉 Ô humanité ! Nous vous avons créés d'un mâle et d'une femelle, et nous avons fait de vous des peuples et des tribus pour que vous vous connaissiez. Certes, le plus noble d'entre vous aux yeux de Dieu est le plus juste. Dieu est vraiment omniscient.˹Certains des Arabes nomades disent : "Nous croyons." Dis [Muhammad ﷺ] : "Vous n'avez pas cru. Mais dites : "Nous avons l'islam", car la foi n'est pas encore entrée dans vos cœurs. Mais si vous obéissez à Dieu et à Son Messager ˹de tout cœur˺, Il ne retranchera rien de ˹la récompense de˺ vos actes. Dieu est vraiment Pardonneur, Très Miséricordieux. "Les ˹vrais˺ croyants ne sont que ceux qui croient en Dieu et en Son Messager - sans jamais douter - et qui luttent avec leurs biens et leur vie pour la cause de Dieu. Dis : "Informez-vous Dieu de votre foi, alors que Dieu sait déjà tout ce qu'il y a dans les cieux et tout ce qu'il y a sur la terre ? Et Dieu a ˹perfect˺ connaissance de toutes choses. "Ils considèrent leur acceptation de l'islam comme une faveur pour toi.Dis-leur, [Muhammad ﷺ] : "Ne considérez pas votre islam comme une faveur pour moi. C'est plutôt Dieu qui vous a fait une faveur en vous guidant vers la foi, si ˹indeed˺vous êtes fidèles. Dieu connaît l'invisible des cieux et de la terre. Et Dieu est Omniscient de ce que vous faites."(Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18) Dis [Muhammad ﷺ] : "Quant à moi, mon Seigneur m'a guidé vers un chemin droit, la religion droite, la foi d'Abraham qui était droit et n'était pas de ceux qui associent des partenaires à Dieu".
      Dis : "Ma prière, mon offrande, ma vie et ma mort sont pour Dieu, le Seigneur de tous les mondes.
      Il n'y a pas d'associé pour lui. C'est ainsi qu'on m'a commandé, et je suis le premier à m'y soumettre." Dis : "Devrais-je chercher un autre seigneur que Dieu, alors qu'il est le Seigneur de tout ? Et personne ne fait rien que pour son propre compte, et aucun porteur de fardeau ne portera le fardeau d'un autre. C'est vers votre Seigneur que vous retournerez. C'est Lui qui a fait de vous les vice-gérants de la terre, et qui a élevé certains d'entre vous au-dessus des autres, afin de vous éprouver dans ce qu'Il vous a donné. Certes, votre Seigneur est prompt à punir, et Il est certes Pardonneur et Miséricordieux (Al-Quran Al-An'am [6]161-165).
      Dis [à Muhammad ﷺ] [aux juifs et aux chrétiens] : "Comment pouvez-vous nous disputer au sujet de Dieu, alors qu'il est notre Seigneur et votre Seigneur ? Nos actes nous appartiennent, et les vôtres vous appartiennent. Nous nous consacrons entièrement à Lui.
      Prétendez-vous qu'Abraham, Ismaël, Isaac, Jacob et leurs descendants étaient tous juifs ou chrétiens ? Dis : "Qui est le plus savant : toi ou Dieu ?" Qui fait plus de mal que ceux qui cachent le témoignage qu'ils ont reçu de Dieu ? Et Dieu n'ignore jamais ce que vous faites.
      Il s'agit d'une communauté qui est déjà passée par là. Pour eux, c'est ce qu'ils ont gagné et pour vous, c'est ce que vous avez gagné. Et vous ne serez pas responsables de ce qu'ils ont fait (Al-Quran Al-Baqarah, 139-141).
      Auparavant, tous les hommes étaient d'une seule et même foi. Puis Dieu envoya des prophètes porteurs de bonnes nouvelles et d'avertissements, et fit descendre avec eux le Livre avec la vérité pour juger entre les gens de ce qui les opposait. Or, ce ne sont que ceux à qui le Livre a été donné qui, animés par la jalousie, l'ont contesté après que les signes évidents leur furent parvenus. Dieu guida alors, par Sa volonté, les croyants vers la vérité qu'ils contestaient ; et Dieu guide qui Il veut vers le droit chemin.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah[2] 213)Vous qui croyez, soyez attentifs à Dieu, comme il le mérite, et consacrez-vous à lui jusqu'à la fin de vos jours.
      Tenez-vous à la corde de Dieu tous ensemble ; ne vous divisez pas en factions. Rappelez-vous les faveurs de Dieu à votre égard : vous étiez ennemis, puis Il a rapproché vos cœurs et vous êtes devenus frères par Sa grâce ; vous étiez sur le point de tomber dans un puits de feu et Il vous en a sauvés - c'est ainsi que Dieu vous fait connaître Ses révélations afin que vous soyez bien guidés.
      Soyez une communauté qui appelle au bien, exhorte au juste et interdit le blâmable : ceux qui agissent ainsi sont ceux qui réussissent.
      Ne soyez pas comme ceux qui, après avoir reçu une révélation claire, se divisent en factions et se disputent : un terrible châtiment les attend.(Al-Quran Ali-Imran[3] 102-105)
      En effet, votre communauté est une seule communauté et Je suis votre Seigneur, alors soyez attentifs à Moi ", mais ils ont divisé leur communauté en sectes, chacun se réjouissant de la sienne. Laissez-les donc dans leur négligence pendant un certain temps.
      (Al-Quran Al-Muʾminūn,52-54)
      Le Messager [Muhammad ﷺ] a atteint la foi en ce qui a été descendu sur lui de la part de son Seigneur, tout comme les croyants. Ils ont tous atteint la foi en Dieu, en Ses anges, en Ses écritures et en Ses messagers : "Nous ne faisons de différence entre aucun de Ses messagers. Et ils dirent : "Nous avons entendu et obéi. (Accorde-nous) Ton pardon, notre Seigneur, car c'est à Toi qu'appartient le destin"(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah, 285).

    • @TheSlaveOfAllah1992
      @TheSlaveOfAllah1992 19 днів тому +1

      ​@@sarinah8708May Allah bless you with guidance.
      The religion you have is *not* Islam.
      The Qur'an is muhaymin (trustworthy, might), over other scriptures.
      The Bible is *not* the word of Allah, it has been changed, altered and corrupted.
      There is no salvation except by following the last and final Prophet Muhammed, salalahu aleyhi wa salam.
      Islam is a way of life. The day you are born until you die, you are following a Divine Law. Islam means Submission, to submit, to surrender, to the Obedience of Allah, to free yourself from shirk and its people. Every Prophet and Messenger and their followers were Muslims.
      A Muslim is someone who submitted to the Will of Allah.
      Allah Tabaraka Wata'ala preserved Qur'an and Sunnah.
      We ask Allah to keep us firm upon Qur'an and Sunnah upon the understanding and way of Salaf-as-salih.

  • @sabanadeem1576
    @sabanadeem1576 20 днів тому +68

    He spoke the truth we as a Muslim not giving dawa to non Muslims

  • @theextraordinaryworldofzei5851
    @theextraordinaryworldofzei5851 20 днів тому +107

    You just hit the jackpot, son. Nothing better than believing in Islam, the complete and wholesome religion.......without a doubt.

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  19 днів тому +8


    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 18 днів тому +1

      Everybody's religion is complete and wholesome until you critically analyze its claims. And then you will discover the holes in the narrative.

    • @autumnicleaf
      @autumnicleaf 18 днів тому +2

      @@fedesetrtatio1 Your disappointment with yours doesn't translate into our disappointment with ours.

    • @englishteacher2160
      @englishteacher2160 18 днів тому +1

      Islam is a false religion like any other non divine ideologies.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 18 днів тому +1

      @@autumnicleaf it's the other way around. Islam is obsessed with Christianity and Judaism although they claim to be one of the Abrahamic Faith. Because of the Islamic dilemma.

  • @Revert2010
    @Revert2010 19 днів тому +32

    I’ve been into the church for years.
    And also I’ve been into the mosque for years
    When you go to the church it’s like you’re in a nightclub, men & women sitting next to each other without being covered
    When you go to the mosque you’ll feel it like you’re in a worship place.
    And that’s why I left church in 2010
    As ex Christian you can’t distinguish between Church and nightclub
    Alhamdullilah for Islam

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому +1

      Wonder which church you had been to. And one goes to church to have an encounter with The Living God, , not to look around at people.

    • @AbelOktavian
      @AbelOktavian 17 днів тому +1

      ​@@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388The living god who died ?
      Deuteronomy 21:23
      [23] You must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight. Be sure to bury it that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.
      Galatians 3:13
      [13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
      A cursed & crucified Messiah ? really ? Jews rejected him for a reason & God saved him for a reason.

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 17 днів тому

      @@AbelOktavian He is called The Living One for a reason, because even though He took OUR death upon Himself, He was NOT bound to the grave unlike all born of Adam, destroyed its power by His Resurrection, to give us His Life for eternity

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 17 днів тому

      @@AbelOktavian all born of fallen Adam severed from God, have sin suffering curse death as our lot. Jesus NOT from Adam could NOT be cursed. The only way He could take OUR curse is by hanging on that tree of curse and death, destroy its power by His Resurrection to give us His righteousness and life for eternity

    • @ducati3241
      @ducati3241 17 днів тому

      @@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388Take away our sins take away our curse…what else…?
      Seriously man…
      Use ur brain in a way..
      Nahhhh.. nothing can convince anything logic abt christianity.
      Alhamdulillah for ISLAM!☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

  • @Passion886
    @Passion886 2 дні тому +2

    I'm new reverted Muslim Alhamdulillah 🧡🧡🧡

  • @zaayy23
    @zaayy23 17 днів тому +6

    I sincerely ask everyone in the comments to please make dua for my loved ones to be guided to this deen. please make dua for them during your sujoods, it would mean so much! جزاك الله’خيراً 🤍🤍

  • @amararief9865
    @amararief9865 19 днів тому +13

    I m crying coz of this brother .who has good iman and very knowledgeable .may Allah bless you .amien

  • @icecream-wf5yb
    @icecream-wf5yb 20 днів тому +32

    With the first dua you started speaking made me cry 😅 you're so knowledgeable. As a born Muslim after 20 years i recently memorised this dua

    • @habibasalim3092
      @habibasalim3092 20 днів тому +3

      Yes me too, many reverts are knowledge than the born muslim I have noticed it

  • @shahverve684
    @shahverve684 20 днів тому +35

    Salam Brother, watching from Singapore 🇸🇬 🤲🏼

  • @zS39SBT4fe5Zp8Q
    @zS39SBT4fe5Zp8Q 20 днів тому +38

    Subhanallah. Time and time again, the intellectually sincere are naturally drawn towards Islam upon thorough investigation. Jazakallah khairan for this video.

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 20 днів тому

      1. Did Jesus founding Christianity? Did moses founding Judaism? And Muhammad founded Islam? Peace be upon them all. If Islam is interpreted as a religion, it is a misinterpretation, and our prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] never founded Islam, our prophet taught the teachings of monotheism and sunnah. We must Focus on God and focus to what God has commanded, practice the teachings as in The Holy Scriptures of God (The Torah, the Gospel, the Quran) And obey the prophets, religions is made by man only make ppl blind, fanaticism And than Hostility arises. God sent down The Holy Scriptures to the prophets to deliver the words of God and The theaching monotheism/tauhid/Abraham faith. God commanded is to keep and practice the Torah, Gospel and Quran correctly. Therefore, God says (Quran 2:62) that he (God) does not really care about the religion man chose. As long as you only deify him Obey the law and carry out its commands And God said: Indeed, those who have attained faith and those who have Judaism and the Christians and the Sabians-whoever has attained faith in God and the Last Day and has acted righteously-then their reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall beupon them nor shall they grieve.
      (Al-Quran Al-Baqarah:62) And this is how We have sent it (the Qur’ān) down as clear signs, and the fact is that God leads whom He wills to the right path.
      As for those who believe and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians(Zoroastrian) and those who ascribe partners to God, God will judge between them on the Day of Judgment. Surely God is witness to every thing.(Al-Quran Al-Hajj[ 22]16-17)
      2.The Tafsir(The interpretation)of the Quran needs to be revised, especially the word Islam in the interpretation of the Quran still has to be interpreted so that there is no more misunderstanding that so far we all think the word Islam is a religion. The almighty God and His messenger SAW with the Al-Quran intended to unite the people that Muslims (anyone who believes in the followers of the Torah, Injil and other books of the book of God they are Muslims).
      👉 God bears witness that there is no god but Him, as do the angels and those who have knowledge. He upholds justice. There is no god but Him, the Almighty, the All Wise. Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of God is Islām [devotion to Him alone] . Those who have been given the Book did not differ (among themselves) until after the knowledge had come to them, (and all this) due to envy against each other. Whoever denies the verses of God, then, God is swift at reckoning.
      (Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 18-19) 👉 Do they desire a way other than God’s-knowing that all those in the heavens and the earth submit to His Will, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will ˹all˺ be returned?
      Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],˺ “We believe in God and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord-we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we ˹fully˺ submit.” Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,[[ i.e., full submission to the Will of God.]] it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers.(Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 83-85) 3.Our Prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] rejected Judaism and Christianity because the religion of God is one is the Abraham faith (tauhid/monotheïsm) and Moses (peace be upon him) and Isa (peace be upon him) They did not create a new religion than one god religion/Abraham faith(monotheïsm) they were to convey The revelations and carry out what was commanded in the holy book (torah and gospel). And in the Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18 that Definition Islam is not as a religion, but it means surrender. 👉 O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous among you. God is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.˹Some of˺ the nomadic Arabs say, “We believe.” Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],“You have not believed. But say, ‘We have Islam (surrender,submitted),’ for faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey God and His Messenger ˹wholeheartedly˺,He will not discount anything from ˹the reward of˺ your deeds. God is truly All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”The ˹true˺ believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger-never doubting-and strive with their wealth and their lives in the cause of God. They are the ones true in faith.Say, “Do you inform God of your faith, when God ˹already˺ knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth? And God has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.”They regard their acceptance of Islam as a favour to you.Tell ˹them,[Muhammad ﷺ], “Do not regard your Islam as a favour to me. Rather, it is God Who has done you a favour by guiding you to the faith, if ˹indeed˺you are faithful. Surely God knows the unseen of the heavens and earth. And God is All-Seeing of what you do.”(Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18) Say [Muhammad ﷺ], “As for me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, the straight religion, the faith of Abraham who was upright and was not of those who associate partners with God.
      Say, “My prayer, my offering, my life and my death are for God, the Lord of all the worlds.
      For Him there is no partner. And thus I have been commanded, and I am the first one to submit.”Say, “Should I seek a lord other than God while He is the Lord of everything? And nobody does anything but to his own account, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return. Then He will let you know what you were disputing about.”It is He who made you the vicegerents of the earth and raised some of you in ranks over others, so that He may test you in what He has given you. Surely, your Lord is swift in punishing, and surely He is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.(Al-Quran Al-An'am[6]161-165)
      Say [Muhammad ﷺ] [to the Jews and Christians], ‘How can you argue with us about God when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and yours to you. We devote ourselves entirely to Him.
      Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants were all Jews or Christians?” Say, “Who is more knowledgeable: you or God?” Who does more wrong than those who hide the testimony they received from God? And God is never unaware of what you do.
      That was a community that had already gone before. For them is what they earned and for you is what you have earned. And you will not be accountable for what they have done.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,139-141)
      All men used to be a single faith. Then (after they differed in matters of faith), God sent prophets carrying good news and warning, and sent down with them the Book with Truth to judge between people in matters of their dispute. But it was no other than those to whom it (the Book) was given who, led by envy against each other, disputed it after the clear signs had come to them. Then God, by His will, guided those who believed to the truth over which they disputed; and God guides whom He wills to the straight path.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah[2] 213) You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to your dying moment.
      Hold fast to God’s rope all together; do not split into factions. Remember God’s favour to you: you were enemies and then He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His grace; you were about to fall into a pit of Fire and He saved you from it- in this way God makes His revelations clear to you so that you may be rightly guided.
      Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right, and forbids what is wrong: those who do this are the successful ones.
      Do not be like those who, after they have been given clear revelation, split into factions and fall into disputes: a terrible punishment awaits such people.(Al-Quran Ali-Imran[3] 102-105)
      For indeed, this community of yours is one community and I am your Lord, so be mindful of Me.” but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own. So leave them in their negligence for some time.
      (Al-Quran Al-Muʾminūn,52-54)
      The Messenger [Muhammad ﷺ] has attained faith in what was sent down to him from his Lord, as have the believers. They have all attained faith in God and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers: “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they said, “We have heard and obeyed.(Grant us) Your forgiveness, our Lord, for to You is the destiny.”(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,285).

  • @edijuna3760
    @edijuna3760 20 днів тому +17

    Alhamdulillah, welcome brother!❤
    “And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes,”

  • @ahmedalshalchi
    @ahmedalshalchi 20 днів тому +18

    Wonderful bro Ashraf Schneider ... May Allah bless you and fix you on the straight path ....

  • @shakibhussain6931
    @shakibhussain6931 20 днів тому +23

    ALLAHU AKBAR!!! We have another brother in Islam. I am very happy for you Ashraf and if we ever meet in this world or next, then with your permission, I would like to shake your hand and give you a massive hug. For all the Muslim brothers who read this comment, ESPECIALLY the ones who know Ashraf personally, then please do the same for him. May Allah bless you and guide us all to the right path.

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  19 днів тому +1

      May the Almighty bless you brother

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому

      How brother? Who is the father?

    • @shakibhussain6931
      @shakibhussain6931 18 днів тому

      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 I don't know if that is a joke or not, but every human knows that we are the sons of Adam PBUH. The first Human.

    • @GilesHartop
      @GilesHartop 16 днів тому

      we another failiure in islam who think his gonna m ake a difference but like all of us we gonna swerve to what makes us think what islam is

    • @shakibhussain6931
      @shakibhussain6931 16 днів тому

      @@GilesHartop OK Lol

  • @HamzaSayyid
    @HamzaSayyid 20 днів тому +20

    Bro!! So good to see you back! Many people will benefit from your videos inshallah 🙏

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  20 днів тому +3

      Jazak Allah Khayran

    • @HamzaSayyid
      @HamzaSayyid 20 днів тому +1

      @@AshrafSchneider Same to you Brother, keep on uploading now and then! ;-)

  • @ahmedtako7128
    @ahmedtako7128 20 днів тому +27

    Alhamdulilah May Allah Bless you and show you the true way of Our Bleoved Rasululah(SalalalhuAlaihi Wasalam)

  • @parvezhussain691
    @parvezhussain691 20 днів тому +9

    Alhamdulillah. Great speech rooted in knowledge and sincerity.

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  19 днів тому


    • @omarlittle-hales8237
      @omarlittle-hales8237 18 днів тому

      @@AshrafSchneider SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe.
      Torah [Old Testament]:
      Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she began to sob. God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her,
      “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.
      Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.
      ” Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water [ZamZam Well]. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
      [Genesis 21:16-19]

  • @kausamsalam8543
    @kausamsalam8543 20 днів тому +9

    “I felt betrayed by religious leaders for not teaching me what Islam is.” (SubhanAllah. Allah guided the great young brother). May his mom and family find comfort and many new blessings. Ameen
    Extraordinary speaker, Alhumdullilah!
    (There are two types of Christianity: so true).

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 20 днів тому

      1. Did Jesus founding Christianity? Did moses founding Judaism? And Muhammad founded Islam? Peace be upon them all. If Islam is interpreted as a religion, it is a misinterpretation, and our prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] never founded Islam, our prophet taught the teachings of monotheism and sunnah. We must Focus on God and focus to what God has commanded, practice the teachings as in The Holy Scriptures of God (The Torah, the Gospel, the Quran) And obey the prophets, religions is made by man only make ppl blind, fanaticism And than Hostility arises. God sent down The Holy Scriptures to the prophets to deliver the words of God and The theaching monotheism/tauhid/Abraham faith. God commanded is to keep and practice the Torah, Gospel and Quran correctly. Therefore, God says (Quran 2:62) that he (God) does not really care about the religion man chose. As long as you only deify him Obey the law and carry out its commands And God said: Indeed, those who have attained faith and those who have Judaism and the Christians and the Sabians-whoever has attained faith in God and the Last Day and has acted righteously-then their reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall beupon them nor shall they grieve.
      (Al-Quran Al-Baqarah:62) And this is how We have sent it (the Qur’ān) down as clear signs, and the fact is that God leads whom He wills to the right path.
      As for those who believe and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians(Zoroastrian) and those who ascribe partners to God, God will judge between them on the Day of Judgment. Surely God is witness to every thing.(Al-Quran Al-Hajj[ 22]16-17)
      2.The Tafsir(The interpretation)of the Quran needs to be revised, especially the word Islam in the interpretation of the Quran still has to be interpreted so that there is no more misunderstanding that so far we all think the word Islam is a religion. The almighty God and His messenger SAW with the Al-Quran intended to unite the people that Muslims (anyone who believes in the followers of the Torah, Injil and other books of the book of God they are Muslims).
      👉 God bears witness that there is no god but Him, as do the angels and those who have knowledge. He upholds justice. There is no god but Him, the Almighty, the All Wise. Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of God is Islām [devotion to Him alone] . Those who have been given the Book did not differ (among themselves) until after the knowledge had come to them, (and all this) due to envy against each other. Whoever denies the verses of God, then, God is swift at reckoning.
      (Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 18-19) 👉 Do they desire a way other than God’s-knowing that all those in the heavens and the earth submit to His Will, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will ˹all˺ be returned?
      Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],˺ “We believe in God and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord-we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we ˹fully˺ submit.” Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,[[ i.e., full submission to the Will of God.]] it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers.(Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 83-85) 3.Our Prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] rejected Judaism and Christianity because the religion of God is one is the Abraham faith (tauhid/monotheïsm) and Moses (peace be upon him) and Isa (peace be upon him) They did not create a new religion than one god religion/Abraham faith(monotheïsm) they were to convey The revelations and carry out what was commanded in the holy book (torah and gospel). And in the Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18 that Definition Islam is not as a religion, but it means surrender. 👉 O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous among you. God is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.˹Some of˺ the nomadic Arabs say, “We believe.” Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],“You have not believed. But say, ‘We have Islam (surrender,submitted),’ for faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey God and His Messenger ˹wholeheartedly˺,He will not discount anything from ˹the reward of˺ your deeds. God is truly All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”The ˹true˺ believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger-never doubting-and strive with their wealth and their lives in the cause of God. They are the ones true in faith.Say, “Do you inform God of your faith, when God ˹already˺ knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth? And God has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.”They regard their acceptance of Islam as a favour to you.Tell ˹them,[Muhammad ﷺ], “Do not regard your Islam as a favour to me. Rather, it is God Who has done you a favour by guiding you to the faith, if ˹indeed˺you are faithful. Surely God knows the unseen of the heavens and earth. And God is All-Seeing of what you do.”(Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18) Say [Muhammad ﷺ], “As for me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, the straight religion, the faith of Abraham who was upright and was not of those who associate partners with God.
      Say, “My prayer, my offering, my life and my death are for God, the Lord of all the worlds.
      For Him there is no partner. And thus I have been commanded, and I am the first one to submit.”Say, “Should I seek a lord other than God while He is the Lord of everything? And nobody does anything but to his own account, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return. Then He will let you know what you were disputing about.”It is He who made you the vicegerents of the earth and raised some of you in ranks over others, so that He may test you in what He has given you. Surely, your Lord is swift in punishing, and surely He is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.(Al-Quran Al-An'am[6]161-165)
      Say [Muhammad ﷺ] [to the Jews and Christians], ‘How can you argue with us about God when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and yours to you. We devote ourselves entirely to Him.
      Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants were all Jews or Christians?” Say, “Who is more knowledgeable: you or God?” Who does more wrong than those who hide the testimony they received from God? And God is never unaware of what you do.
      That was a community that had already gone before. For them is what they earned and for you is what you have earned. And you will not be accountable for what they have done.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,139-141)
      All men used to be a single faith. Then (after they differed in matters of faith), God sent prophets carrying good news and warning, and sent down with them the Book with Truth to judge between people in matters of their dispute. But it was no other than those to whom it (the Book) was given who, led by envy against each other, disputed it after the clear signs had come to them. Then God, by His will, guided those who believed to the truth over which they disputed; and God guides whom He wills to the straight path.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah[2] 213) You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to your dying moment.
      Hold fast to God’s rope all together; do not split into factions. Remember God’s favour to you: you were enemies and then He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His grace; you were about to fall into a pit of Fire and He saved you from it- in this way God makes His revelations clear to you so that you may be rightly guided.
      Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right, and forbids what is wrong: those who do this are the successful ones.
      Do not be like those who, after they have been given clear revelation, split into factions and fall into disputes: a terrible punishment awaits such people.(Al-Quran Ali-Imran[3] 102-105)
      For indeed, this community of yours is one community and I am your Lord, so be mindful of Me.” but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own. So leave them in their negligence for some time.
      (Al-Quran Al-Muʾminūn,52-54)
      The Messenger [Muhammad ﷺ] has attained faith in what was sent down to him from his Lord, as have the believers. They have all attained faith in God and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers: “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they said, “We have heard and obeyed.(Grant us) Your forgiveness, our Lord, for to You is the destiny.”(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,285).

    • @kausamsalam8543
      @kausamsalam8543 18 днів тому

      @@sarinah8708 Basic stuff. Everybody’s got work to do on earth and for eternity. Thanks for your lesson. I have my share of many flaws just as most people who are learning late in life, but it’s never too late to learn and try and improve oneself.

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому

      2 types of Christianity?
      Only one, to be born of The Spirit, a new creation in Jesus Christ

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 18 днів тому

      @@kausamsalam8543 What do you mean by Islam? Did Prophet Muhammad establish Islam?

  • @anembh
    @anembh 18 днів тому +3

    Thank you for sharing! You have inspired me to start reading thr Quran from cover to cover. As someone who is born into a muslim family, I often take the revelation for granted and rely on oral tradtions to learn my religion. However, I want to do my part in inviting people to see the beauty of this deen and thanks to you, I realize how important it is to read the Quran. Jazak Allahu khairan brother Ashraf.

  • @EB-gt1pq
    @EB-gt1pq 20 днів тому +5

    Mother knows best❤

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  19 днів тому

      Indeed, she was very patient with me. Alhamdul'illah

  • @facts.explained.
    @facts.explained. 20 днів тому +8

    May the blessing and protection of Allah Almighty be with you brother, Ameen

  • @user-tm4nu8vr5g
    @user-tm4nu8vr5g 19 днів тому +2

    How beautiful. I want to hug this brother’s mom so much. ❤❤❤

  • @ToAllahIreturn
    @ToAllahIreturn 20 днів тому +5

    alhamdulillah.....welcome Bro......Allahumma solli'alasayidina Muhammad

  • @sweeetly
    @sweeetly 20 днів тому +2

    Brilliant talk. As be raised a Christian its been quite something to read Quran and let go of certain things and sift through much. I am very glad indeed to let the crucifixion go. Doesn't make any sense, never has.

    • @aiya5777
      @aiya5777 19 днів тому +3

      crucifixion is devoid of responsibility
      some people simply don't want to be responsible for things they did in life and so they shifted it to someone's else, crucifixion is so naive

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому

      So was Allah wrong when he said bless us the day Jesus is born DIES and raised to Allah?

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому

      Through fallen Adam, death entered creation and nothing we do can defeat death to return life back into us . That’s why Life Himself took OUR death upon Himself, destroyed its power by His Resurrection to give us his Life for eternity

    • @aiya5777
      @aiya5777 17 днів тому

      @@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 what a Bad Design then
      God couldn't even design us to be responsible for our own mistakes/sins
      God had to make us look as bad as possible to make himself look good, we're soo incapable of doing anything to fix ourselves that's why
      God had no other choice but to sacrifice himself to himself so he could save us from himself

  • @mirali3405
    @mirali3405 День тому

    You so eloquently and passionately expressed your feelings from your heart. You gave a wonderful knowledge-based explanation of your reason to revert. We born Muslims are proud of you and others like you. May Allah bless you.

  • @adewalesalau6494
    @adewalesalau6494 19 днів тому +2

    Allahu Akbar. One of the best dawah I have heard. May Allah bless this brother for inviting people to God Almighty. Amin!

  • @MYWRoso
    @MYWRoso 16 днів тому

    Islam rahmatan lil'alamiin..
    Islam is Allah's greatest blessing for humanity and the universe..
    Every Muslim has an obligation to convey the news of the truth of Islam.. Because if not, then Allah will record him (her) as a selfish person, not caring about his fellow human beings who because of their ignorance, they will fall into the fire of hell. .
    Subhanallahu alkahuakbar..

  • @SuryaSurya-re3vn
    @SuryaSurya-re3vn 19 днів тому +2

    Alhamdulillah my Brother... welcome home to Islam... your brother from Indonesia..

  • @musfazahosein7463
    @musfazahosein7463 18 днів тому +1

    A most educated lecture of faith and Islam. Brilliant speaker.

  • @user-ug5qi8iq8z
    @user-ug5qi8iq8z 17 днів тому

    اللهم اشرح لي صدري ويسرّ لي امري واحلل عقدة من لساني يفقهو قولي!
    You said it in a very excellent way; Welcome to Islam. I am happy that you are part of our family. May God strengthen you in the word of truth, help you spread the message, and grant you the highest paradise with our beloved Muhammad.
    صلى الله عليه وسلّم

  • @user-kp2yg1mb5v
    @user-kp2yg1mb5v 18 днів тому

    Masyallah, such eloquent speaker. God bless you, brother for spreading the message of Islam. Alhamdulillah.

  • @user-lm6iv2hv9v
    @user-lm6iv2hv9v 17 днів тому

    his respect for mother gave him Islam. respect your parents

  • @shamsaabubakar3213
    @shamsaabubakar3213 18 днів тому +1

    Mashallah Tabaraka Allah May Allah Grant you goodness always and make you steadfast in faith Inshallaah

  • @user-zf5kv9op4b
    @user-zf5kv9op4b 18 днів тому

    Indeed brother we need to wakeup it is the duty of all Muslims to sow this seed

  • @Eliasghaz
    @Eliasghaz 19 днів тому +1

    May Allah keep you steadfast.

    @IRABAH 20 днів тому +2

    Brother is well verse may Allah protect u n keep j steadfast on his deen......!

  • @husainiabdmajid2230
    @husainiabdmajid2230 19 днів тому +2

    Allah Maha pengasih & penyayang. Taufiq hidayah bro Ashraf.
    Doa kebaikan untuk kamu dalam usaha dawah. Wassalam.
    Matang Road. Port Weld.

  • @farijamil1488
    @farijamil1488 17 днів тому

    Welcome to Islam, brother. So proud of you for doing daw & doing such a good job .MashaAllah!!! Keep going. Our duas are with you ❤️

  • @sashak7245
    @sashak7245 19 днів тому +1

    Jazak'Allah Khayr for adding English Subtitle for the deaf communities. And hearing viewers would love to read as well. MashaAllah this man explained clearly. May Aĺlah bless him to high Jannah in'sha'Allah Ameen

  • @ShahidAli-vx4nl
    @ShahidAli-vx4nl 19 днів тому +1

    The talk is so intense!!!! Nothing superficial about it. Loved it!!! The comment on dawah reminded me of our purpose of life and rejuvenated my memory of the commitment I made so myself.

  • @sandy239b6
    @sandy239b6 17 днів тому

    Because you love your works and your own accomplishments...

  • @haananne
    @haananne 20 днів тому +1

    Alhamdulillah, welcome brother!

  • @OO7ala
    @OO7ala 18 днів тому +1

    Respect you & to the religion of Islam. Im getting closer to join soon.

    • @AbelOktavian
      @AbelOktavian 17 днів тому

      It is the same God who sent Jesus
      And from those who say, “We are Christians,” We took their covenant, but they neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold. So We let hostility and enmity arise between them until the Day of Judgment, and soon Allah will inform them of all they have done.
      -Surah Al-Māʾidah, Ayah 14
      Deuteronomy 21:23
      [23] You must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight. Be sure to bury it that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.
      Galatians 3:13
      [13] Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
      A cursed & crucified Messiah ? No he was blessed not cursed , God saved him for a reason , come back to the religion of Jesus pbuh.

  • @alnajirlani8785
    @alnajirlani8785 19 днів тому +1

    Masha-Allah... I cant help my self but crying... the tears from eyes volutarily falling... masha-Allah... your mom is one of the People of Paradise brother... Subhanallah... Subhanallah...

  • @MrMac6575
    @MrMac6575 20 днів тому +3

    Alhamdulilla brother, ur speech on comparative religion, u have great knowledge. Masha Allah

  • @MrMac6575
    @MrMac6575 20 днів тому +3

    Subhan Allah

  • @user-yp2sc1cy1n
    @user-yp2sc1cy1n 18 днів тому +1

    Contradicts himself... "if you spent time amassing wealth, fame or knowledge..." is going to amount to nothing then says that all that's going to count on judgement day is good deeds and knowledge we shared....

  • @user-je7et4ns3x
    @user-je7et4ns3x 17 днів тому

    Guidance comes to them who are honestly looking seeking truth.

  • @Madyanx
    @Madyanx 19 днів тому

    ماشاءاللہ۔ جزاک اللہ خیر یا اخی۔🇵🇰

  • @sharunajally5090
    @sharunajally5090 18 днів тому


  • @user-yw4xs9js7o
    @user-yw4xs9js7o 20 днів тому +3

    Allahu Akbar

  • @JesusisaMuslim
    @JesusisaMuslim 20 днів тому +1


  • @afreenafreen6390
    @afreenafreen6390 19 днів тому

    Allah bless this man !!

  • @enel9964
    @enel9964 17 днів тому

    Thank you brother. You have strengthened my confidence. ❤

  • @nazliyusof2607
    @nazliyusof2607 20 днів тому

    Beautiful example & compact. Alhamdulillah for Islam.

  • @FaysaLBinDaruL
    @FaysaLBinDaruL 16 днів тому

    Allah bless you the best.

  • @Y8ko53Offical
    @Y8ko53Offical 19 днів тому +1

    MashaAllaah. Dawah is fardh on every Muslim.

  • @ef2883
    @ef2883 18 днів тому

    much love to you brother

  • @user-os5mj1oi6f
    @user-os5mj1oi6f 18 днів тому

    What a beautiful story of communication between mom and son .

  • @ahsenzafar8037
    @ahsenzafar8037 19 днів тому


  • @nadiaabdulrahman7091
    @nadiaabdulrahman7091 18 днів тому

    God bless you brother 😇

  • @myunosy7770
    @myunosy7770 17 днів тому


  • @muniirahmbabazi9965
    @muniirahmbabazi9965 17 днів тому

    Masha Allah, may Allah gramt you goodness on earth and the gere after. May he strengthen your faith and belief in his word.

  • @Rosejazjai
    @Rosejazjai 20 днів тому +1

    Excellent lecture and delivery. Ma Sha Allah.

  • @user-yh3rw4sp4x
    @user-yh3rw4sp4x 18 днів тому +1

    Saying his conversion story in ISLAM in non Muslim countries that to in democratic country i hope one day ISLAMIC countries should also give the stage for all ex Muslims and to the people to converted to other faith, without being shun them or being persecuted.
    My faith in Lord Jesus Christ is increased after watching this video.

  • @jamalhallouli5843
    @jamalhallouli5843 17 днів тому

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful video

  • @Amir.Qureshi
    @Amir.Qureshi 19 днів тому

    Allah Huma barik. Beautiful.

  • @Free_Falestine
    @Free_Falestine 19 днів тому

    Masha Allah ❤❤❤

  • @youngtechbilu6764
    @youngtechbilu6764 17 днів тому

    Brother, inshallah the thoughts come true ❤

  • @user-yq4wy4pm7n
    @user-yq4wy4pm7n 18 днів тому

    Masha Allah 🙏👍

  • @a3media404
    @a3media404 20 днів тому +1

    Amazing, may Allah bless you.

  • @JimySlow-wq9bw
    @JimySlow-wq9bw 20 днів тому +2

    Sending salam ❤ to you all from my cty Jkrta terima kasih-thx for share this video to us stay healty keep made a new video (long-short duration)

  • @fahmihakim6563
    @fahmihakim6563 18 днів тому +1

    New subcriber from indonesia...

  • @Hussein-yj7vh
    @Hussein-yj7vh 20 днів тому +2

    You are a good speaker

  • @zinoonur3530
    @zinoonur3530 16 днів тому

    Allah blessed u bro

  • @ask96375
    @ask96375 18 днів тому

  • @ahmadmieor
    @ahmadmieor 19 днів тому

    Awesome bro .We greet you with Allah blessing to unify brotherhood in mankind to realise the truth the universal values in Islam .We care We share. Shalom from 3 nations island.

  • @NG-ku7ie
    @NG-ku7ie 18 днів тому


  • @vvaloachi7263
    @vvaloachi7263 19 днів тому

    What a Great presentation !!!

  • @naturegirl4803
    @naturegirl4803 20 днів тому +1

    Mashallah. Powerful message.

  • @haananne
    @haananne 20 днів тому +1

    Alhamdulilah May Allah Bless you

  • @hamzabouyahiaoui291
    @hamzabouyahiaoui291 11 днів тому

    subhanaha allahuma

  • @Hasanabdulahi123
    @Hasanabdulahi123 20 днів тому

    Maashalah brother you have a beutiful soul may Allah make you steadfast into Islam. Indees Allah guides whom he wills. I am so happy for you, thank you for this amazing speech.

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  19 днів тому

      Ameen. May Allah bless you and your loved ones

  • @no1avatar
    @no1avatar 19 днів тому

    Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa la ilaha illallah wallahuakbar,
    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    Rabbanaghfirli waliwalidaya walilmu'mininaa yauma yakumulhisaab, Rabbana atina fidunya hasanah wabil akhirati hasanah waqina azabannar,
    Barakallahu Fiikum wa Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran

  • @aksufairtmda7075
    @aksufairtmda7075 19 днів тому


  • @user-tt5rm7jj4p
    @user-tt5rm7jj4p 19 днів тому

    اللهم زد وبارگ

  • @hsnnsyd
    @hsnnsyd 18 днів тому

    Bcz Allah guided you to!!!!

  • @jay8874
    @jay8874 19 днів тому

    Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar

  • @rahawanirajamamat2805
    @rahawanirajamamat2805 20 днів тому +1

    May Allah swt bless you & family & Ummah

  • @M1-jn8lp
    @M1-jn8lp 18 днів тому

    Subhanallah Masha Allah so beautiful to hear and see..may all the reverted be rewarded ❤

  • @user-ou1cp4qn9o
    @user-ou1cp4qn9o 19 днів тому

    Alhamdulillah, may Allah bless you and your family and us . Ameen.

  • @salihaahmed8250
    @salihaahmed8250 20 днів тому

    Allhaumabarik brother

  • @ahmedtako7128
    @ahmedtako7128 20 днів тому +2

    Schizophrenia has Alot to do with congitive Struggles, lack of Control when it comes to thoughts , but what makes me strong is my story which relates to prophet Yunus(As) which I Relate to When it comes to distress situations it gives me Hope and perseverance and My ability to adapt to it any giving circumstances

    • @AshrafSchneider
      @AshrafSchneider  20 днів тому +1

      May Allah bless and protect you

    • @ahmedtako7128
      @ahmedtako7128 20 днів тому

      2:34 Subhanalah , Husbunalah wa Nicmal Wakeel Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum BiRahmati Astaqeeth. QAFURUU RAHIIMU and RAUUFU 💛💚🩶🤍Us. I made The Same Dua as Yunus (AlaihiSalam) For him it was Darkness 🌃of the Night ,Darkness of the 🌊 darkness of the 🐋 for me it was broad day light Sunshine ☀️ beaming full of light.✨As if darkness and light was Appearing before each Other .Was it not For the Mercy of the Most Merciful I would not be here today,When a needle struck me and realized I was beside a bridge, I Felt unconscious i soon as i remembered the prayer as Kid My heart ❤️ I Called out La Ilaha Ila Anta Subhaanaka ini kuntum minazaalameen🤲🤲🤲🤲☝️☝️☝️ looking towards the sky ; I knew it was Allah who was there for me did not neglect me for a second .O living Self Sustaining in your Allah will never burden beyond what it can bear. As a person with a condition called schizophrenia I Lack Certain things my Mind is weak at times so I listen to Quran to strengthen it. May Allah grant us a good sense of Aqil and insight, Even tho I know the pen is lifted I still try my best to Repent . convey my message even if it is One letter. We Shall test you with a Loss of Life wealth Hunger when a calamity befalls them they say to Allah we belong and him is our return, give glad tidings the patient. May we All be among the Patient one. Ameen in times of testing. Ameen ❤️ QAFURU RAHIIM and Tawwabur Rahim Rabbiyal Aclaa Most High Most High Most High Your Companion. ACLAA ACLAA ACLAA Wal MUTACAALI Your Companion far to HIGH AND EXALTED TO COMPREHEND. ✅ Out my documentary of how my Story Relates to Prophet Yunus(Aliahisalaam) And how he is not just an inspiration but a Role Model I look up to. I Also made a documentary Talking about Mental illness how Mental Health is Health and how There is Stigma how we have A world with Less Stigma. I made the same Dua as Yunus (As) on UA-cam Sincerely, Cumaro/Yonus and CAMH Researcher gurshuran vurdee ____ on UA-cam .🕶️🕶️🕶️

    • @ahmedtako7128
      @ahmedtako7128 20 днів тому

      What he went thru I have similar story when I was in distress and when Allah came to the rescue.i believe no matter what situations we should say Alhamdulilah Alaa kulu Haal(praise Allah in All situations. At a time of ease remember him so Allah will remember you in bad( hardships) time. Hear is my story that sums up my Life, 2:34 Subhanalah , Husbunalah wa Nicmal Wakeel Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum BiRahmati Astaqeeth. QAFURUU RAHIIMU and RAUUFU 💛💚🩶🤍Us. I made The Same Dua as Yunus (AlaihiSalam) For him it was Darkness 🌃of the Night ,Darkness of the 🌊 darkness of the 🐋 for me it was broad day light Sunshine ☀️ beaming full of light.✨As if darkness and light was Appearing before each Other .Was it not For the Mercy of the Most Merciful I would not be here today,When a needle struck me and realized I was beside a bridge, I Felt unconscious i soon as i remembered the prayer as Kid My heart ❤️ I Called out La Ilaha Ila Anta Subhaanaka ini kuntum minazaalameen🤲🤲🤲🤲☝️☝️☝️ looking towards the sky ; I knew it was Allah who was there for me did not neglect me for a second .O living Self Sustaining in Your Mercy I seek relief. Our Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi wasalam )said convey my message even if it is One letter. We Shall test you with a Loss of Life wealth Hunger when a calamity befalls them they say to Allah we belong and him is our return, give glad tidings the patient. May we All be among the Patient one. Ameen in times of testing. Ameen ❤️ QAFURU RAHIIM and Tawwabur Rahim Rabbiyal Aclaa Most High Most High Most High Your Companion. ACLAA ACLAA ACLAA Wal MUTACAALI Your Companion far to HIGH AND EXALTED TO COMPREHEND. ✅ Out my documentary of how my Story Relates to Prophet Yunus(Aliahisalaam) And how he is not just an inspiration but a Role Model I look up to. I Also made a documentary Talking about Mental illness how Mental Health is Health and how There is Stigma how we have A world with Less Stigma. I made the same Dua as Yunus (As) on UA-cam Sincerely, Cumaro/Yonus and CAMH Researcher gurshuran vurdee ____ on UA-cam .🕶️🕶️🕶️

    • @ahmedtako7128
      @ahmedtako7128 20 днів тому

      @@AshrafSchneider hear is My poetry that sums up my Life 2:34 Subhanalah , Husbunalah wa Nicmal Wakeel Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum BiRahmati Astaqeeth. QAFURUU RAHIIMU and RAUUFU 💛💚🩶🤍Us. I made The Same Dua as Yunus (AlaihiSalam) For him it was Darkness 🌃of the Night ,Darkness of the 🌊 darkness of the 🐋 for me it was broad day light Sunshine ☀️ beaming full of light.✨As if darkness and light was Appearing before each Other .Was it not For the Mercy of the Most Merciful I would not be here today,When a needle struck me and realized I was beside a bridge, I Felt unconscious i soon as i remembered the prayer as Kid My heart ❤️ I Called out La Ilaha Ila Anta Subhaanaka ini kuntum minazaalameen🤲🤲🤲🤲☝️☝️☝️ looking towards the sky ; I knew it was Allah who was there for me did not neglect me for a second .O living Self Sustaining in your Allah will never burden beyond what it can bear. As a person with a condition called schizophrenia I Lack Certain things my Mind is weak at times so I listen to Quran to strengthen it. May Allah grant us a good sense of Aqil and insight, Even tho I know the pen is lifted I still try my best to Repent . convey my message even if it is One letter. We Shall test you with a Loss of Life wealth Hunger when a calamity befalls them they say to Allah we belong and him is our return, give glad tidings the patient. May we All be among the Patient one. Ameen in times of testing. Ameen ❤️ QAFURU RAHIIM and Tawwabur Rahim Rabbiyal Aclaa Most High Most High Most High Your Companion. ACLAA ACLAA ACLAA Wal MUTACAALI Your Companion far to HIGH AND EXALTED TO COMPREHEND. ✅ Out my documentary of how my Story Relates to Prophet Yunus(Aliahisalaam) And how he is not just an inspiration but a Role Model I look up to. I Also made a documentary Talking about Mental illness how Mental Health is Health and how There is Stigma how we have A world with Less Stigma. I made the same Dua as Yunus (As) on UA-cam Sincerely, Cumaro/Yonus and CAMH Researcher gurshuran vurdee ____ on UA-cam .🕶️🕶️🕶️

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 18 днів тому

      The prophets of old encountered God/ YHVH. None in Quran encountered Allah as he didn’t enter creation

  • @wyno2661
    @wyno2661 17 днів тому

    Masha Allah, just subbed!

  • @amareto5772
    @amareto5772 18 днів тому

    "However, repentance is not accepted from those who knowingly persist in sin until they start dying, and then cry, "now I repent!" nor those who die as disbelievers. For them we have prepared a painful punishment". Surat, An-Nisa, verse, 18

  • @yeasminchowdhury6090
    @yeasminchowdhury6090 17 днів тому

    Alhamdulillah mashaallah subhanallah

  • @alashadid679
    @alashadid679 19 днів тому

    Welcome to the Ummah brother, from now on when you hurt we all hurt and when you are hungry we are all hungry and when you are happy we are all happy.. we are all one ..The believer is to the believer like parts of a building, each one of them supporting the other.

  • @Layla6793
    @Layla6793 17 днів тому

    Allah guides whom he wills

  • @hagertarek-nh7qj
    @hagertarek-nh7qj 18 днів тому


  • @fatihaa7423
    @fatihaa7423 19 днів тому +1


  • @malekhakimiismail7023
    @malekhakimiismail7023 20 днів тому +1

    masya-Allah and Alhamdulillah..Dear brother in this peace and blessed religion(Islam). Your revealation about the truth (Islam)will be an outstanding information from the actual facts will be a good revenue to all the peoples around the world.Keep it working..da'wa .

    • @malekhakimiismail7023
      @malekhakimiismail7023 20 днів тому

      Because Islam was a cool and complete.. religion.thats all.

    • @malekhakimiismail7023
      @malekhakimiismail7023 20 днів тому

      As Allah mentioned in Quran*Aaudzubillahi minassyaitaanirrajiim*-"Wamaa kholaqtul jinna wal insaan illa liya'buduun'". hope look at the translation..We will find that's why we the peoples must worship Allah SWT because to him we all be back.

    • @malekhakimiismail7023
      @malekhakimiismail7023 20 днів тому

      Quraan was a guide from Allah SWT to guide us to the straight path of this living and we will not going to lost in darkness or evil.

    • @sarinah8708
      @sarinah8708 20 днів тому

      1. Did Jesus founding Christianity? Did moses founding Judaism? And Muhammad founded Islam? Peace be upon them all. If Islam is interpreted as a religion, it is a misinterpretation, and our prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] never founded Islam, our prophet taught the teachings of monotheism and sunnah. We must Focus on God and focus to what God has commanded, practice the teachings as in The Holy Scriptures of God (The Torah, the Gospel, the Quran) And obey the prophets, religions is made by man only make ppl blind, fanaticism And than Hostility arises. God sent down The Holy Scriptures to the prophets to deliver the words of God and The theaching monotheism/tauhid/Abraham faith. God commanded is to keep and practice the Torah, Gospel and Quran correctly. Therefore, God says (Quran 2:62) that he (God) does not really care about the religion man chose. As long as you only deify him Obey the law and carry out its commands And God said: Indeed, those who have attained faith and those who have Judaism and the Christians and the Sabians-whoever has attained faith in God and the Last Day and has acted righteously-then their reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall beupon them nor shall they grieve.
      (Al-Quran Al-Baqarah:62) And this is how We have sent it (the Qur’ān) down as clear signs, and the fact is that God leads whom He wills to the right path.
      As for those who believe and the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians(Zoroastrian) and those who ascribe partners to God, God will judge between them on the Day of Judgment. Surely God is witness to every thing.(Al-Quran Al-Hajj[ 22]16-17)
      2.The Tafsir(The interpretation)of the Quran needs to be revised, especially the word Islam in the interpretation of the Quran still has to be interpreted so that there is no more misunderstanding that so far we all think the word Islam is a religion. The almighty God and His messenger SAW with the Al-Quran intended to unite the people that Muslims (anyone who believes in the followers of the Torah, Injil and other books of the book of God they are Muslims).
      👉 God bears witness that there is no god but Him, as do the angels and those who have knowledge. He upholds justice. There is no god but Him, the Almighty, the All Wise. Truly, the (recognized) religion in the sight of God is Islām [devotion to Him alone] . Those who have been given the Book did not differ (among themselves) until after the knowledge had come to them, (and all this) due to envy against each other. Whoever denies the verses of God, then, God is swift at reckoning.
      (Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 18-19) 👉 Do they desire a way other than God’s-knowing that all those in the heavens and the earth submit to His Will, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will ˹all˺ be returned?
      Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],˺ “We believe in God and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord-we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we ˹fully˺ submit.” Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,[[ i.e., full submission to the Will of God.]] it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers.(Al-Quran Āli-ʿImrān, Ayah 83-85) 3.Our Prophet [Muhammad ﷺ] rejected Judaism and Christianity because the religion of God is one is the Abraham faith (tauhid/monotheïsm) and Moses (peace be upon him) and Isa (peace be upon him) They did not create a new religion than one god religion/Abraham faith(monotheïsm) they were to convey The revelations and carry out what was commanded in the holy book (torah and gospel). And in the Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18 that Definition Islam is not as a religion, but it means surrender. 👉 O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous among you. God is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.˹Some of˺ the nomadic Arabs say, “We believe.” Say, [Muhammad ﷺ],“You have not believed. But say, ‘We have Islam (surrender,submitted),’ for faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey God and His Messenger ˹wholeheartedly˺,He will not discount anything from ˹the reward of˺ your deeds. God is truly All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”The ˹true˺ believers are only those who believe in God and His Messenger-never doubting-and strive with their wealth and their lives in the cause of God. They are the ones true in faith.Say, “Do you inform God of your faith, when God ˹already˺ knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth? And God has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.”They regard their acceptance of Islam as a favour to you.Tell ˹them,[Muhammad ﷺ], “Do not regard your Islam as a favour to me. Rather, it is God Who has done you a favour by guiding you to the faith, if ˹indeed˺you are faithful. Surely God knows the unseen of the heavens and earth. And God is All-Seeing of what you do.”(Al-Quran Al-Hujurat[49]13-18) Say [Muhammad ﷺ], “As for me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, the straight religion, the faith of Abraham who was upright and was not of those who associate partners with God.
      Say, “My prayer, my offering, my life and my death are for God, the Lord of all the worlds.
      For Him there is no partner. And thus I have been commanded, and I am the first one to submit.”Say, “Should I seek a lord other than God while He is the Lord of everything? And nobody does anything but to his own account, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return. Then He will let you know what you were disputing about.”It is He who made you the vicegerents of the earth and raised some of you in ranks over others, so that He may test you in what He has given you. Surely, your Lord is swift in punishing, and surely He is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.(Al-Quran Al-An'am[6]161-165)
      Say [Muhammad ﷺ] [to the Jews and Christians], ‘How can you argue with us about God when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds belong to us, and yours to you. We devote ourselves entirely to Him.
      Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants were all Jews or Christians?” Say, “Who is more knowledgeable: you or God?” Who does more wrong than those who hide the testimony they received from God? And God is never unaware of what you do.
      That was a community that had already gone before. For them is what they earned and for you is what you have earned. And you will not be accountable for what they have done.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,139-141)
      All men used to be a single faith. Then (after they differed in matters of faith), God sent prophets carrying good news and warning, and sent down with them the Book with Truth to judge between people in matters of their dispute. But it was no other than those to whom it (the Book) was given who, led by envy against each other, disputed it after the clear signs had come to them. Then God, by His will, guided those who believed to the truth over which they disputed; and God guides whom He wills to the straight path.(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah[2] 213) You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to your dying moment.
      Hold fast to God’s rope all together; do not split into factions. Remember God’s favour to you: you were enemies and then He brought your hearts together and you became brothers by His grace; you were about to fall into a pit of Fire and He saved you from it- in this way God makes His revelations clear to you so that you may be rightly guided.
      Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right, and forbids what is wrong: those who do this are the successful ones.
      Do not be like those who, after they have been given clear revelation, split into factions and fall into disputes: a terrible punishment awaits such people.(Al-Quran Ali-Imran[3] 102-105)
      For indeed, this community of yours is one community and I am your Lord, so be mindful of Me.” but they have split their community into sects, each rejoicing in their own. So leave them in their negligence for some time.
      (Al-Quran Al-Muʾminūn,52-54)
      The Messenger [Muhammad ﷺ] has attained faith in what was sent down to him from his Lord, as have the believers. They have all attained faith in God and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers: “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they said, “We have heard and obeyed.(Grant us) Your forgiveness, our Lord, for to You is the destiny.”(Al-Quran Al-Baqarah,285).