Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth PUBG The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story that Bluehole would tell you. It’s an Indie legend. Darth PUBG was an early-access game of the Battle Royale genre, so powerful and so popular he could use his gameplay to influence the consumers to spend money… He had such a knowledge of making money that he could even inspire others to make Battle Royale games. Making shitloads of money in the game industry is a pathway to many business practices some consider to be greedy. PUBG became so respected… the only thing he was afraid of was losing that respect, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught Epic Games everything he knew, then his apprentice made a better game than him. Ironic. He could properly optimize other Battle Royale games, but not himself. (also I got nothing against PUBG, lemme make that abundantly clear, alright? My points in this video are solely on the developers.)
Play FIFA holy shit I stopped playing Fifa 19 after a month and started to play pes. It’s south better and much more realistic fucking EA don’t give a shit about Fifa fucking cunts
@@forky1686 (eyes your username), It is interesting when the individual is self-aware and allows people to know, before they even read the comment, exactly what kind of single minded individual they will be dealing with. Edit: the guys name USED to be "Smart-ass troll", or something similar.
Interesting how these recent developments of PUBG from Bluehole sound an awful lot like what's been happening to Rocket League by Psyonix these past couple of years, yet it seems to get a free pass just like Nintendo does for it's anti-consumer practices that the likes of EA and Activision get shat on for. Anyone care to tell me why that is? :)
Dont joke about that dude! Seriously. They have already forbidden vegan mayonaise. (they are now called vaganaise) This is actually not as far fetched as you might think.
microsoft never shut down the servers...... u can still play it! legally they have to take some action to protect the ip. or they could lose it. nintendo goes over board. but microsoft is trying to work with the modders to see if they can get a form of halo online offically made.
We are concerned that running may be replicating the experience that fast walking is known for Edit: Lol thanks for the heart Act Man five months later.
you seem to confuse Thomas Running with Robert Jumping. that's a common mistake. Robert Jumping performed the first jump in 1387 when we tried to carry himself up a curb.
Adrian W. I expected a fuck you response. lol you fixed it. Tried to be witty but kinda sounded like a dick. Considered/concerned, spell check doesn't work with actual words that look alike.. Liked for the painfully true statement though.
O played the second old one and I just can't get into it. The game looks awful (naturally) and I can't tell what is happening. I also don't like the movement and gameplay
They achieved a significant amount of success very quickly and did nothing with it. Other games took the model and built upon it but PUBG sat back and didn't improve the game enough. They took the fan base for granted.
@@ugandanknuckles3981 we are concerned the Persian empire is replicating the experience the unga bunga big stick rock clacka clacka empire is known for
Wow. PUBG is one of the only online shooters I’ve tried since COD burnout years ago. Seemed to have a bit more mature player base with less toxicity for the casual player. I had no idea how shady and ruthless the devs were tho. Always wondered why the game never seemed to improve or grow and quit playing. Great vid.
What’s ironic is that if Bluehole just did everything right with this game, it would’ve generated so much more money. You would think that they would nurture the game to continue making money in the long run.
@@JoelDiazoni I agree with you on that. I enjoyed MW2's multiplayer way more, but on terms of the campaign MW3 was really MW2.5. I do feel that Spec Ops was monumentally better in MW3 tho
I'm sorry wut? YOU STOLE MY JOKE AND CHANGED THE END TO SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS!? *I am concerned that Modest Pelican Gaming may be replicating the experiences that I am known for.*
We are concerned that the AK-47 is replicating the experience that the STG-44 is known for Edit: can y'all stop saying "well the ak47 wasn't the same as the stg" yes I know it is not, that's the point of the joke in saying it "replicates the experience" which is wrong and the was the reason why the original pubg/fortnite version of it was funny because of the fact that it's not true even though they look similar And yes I know that the ak bolt design is more similar to the m1 garand so can y'all stop replying the same thing over and over to my comment
Just started introducing my wife to your videos, she's a fellow gamer and dies laughing every time you bring up " the church of EA" lol. Great content and we enjoy every second. BTW I know I'm super late, but have you thought of doing a review on any of the Turok games? I will get shit for this but I love turok evolution and would love to see your thoughts on it.
FlameLFH actually... Doom 1 did that. The game was not 3D, but actual tricking perspective. You won't find overlapping rooms, since it's a 2D map. As dumb this joke is... YOU got a stronger case then pubg here!! Seriously
more like "...we are concerned that alternating current may be replicating the experience for which direct current is known for." - -Nikola Tesla- -Thomas Alva Edison
Bluehole: I see through the lies of the Indie developers. I do not fear the micro transactions as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new battle royal genera. Fortnite: Your new battle royal genera? Bluehole: Don’t make me publicly sue you. Fortnite: I will do what I must.
I think it's best summed up by saying that PUBG got too real. After the major graphics and controls update it lost its arcadey charm and became a stay alive at all costs simulator that pushed people to adopt passive playstyles
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read “Too real” lmfao PUBG has always been more hardcore than many of its contemporaries, it was never arcadey lmao no one says that.
@@codyjackson1875 Yeah arcadey is not a right description but he's kinda got a point there. PUBG was at its best when all the cars made the same sound, there were no healing animations and your car just got launched half a mile in the air out of no where. All that jank made it to be one of the most, if not even the most, entertaining game I've played up to date (1,3k hours). I literally cried of laighter when my friends textures didn't load in and he plowed through all the buildings like a mad man killing people left and right. Good times.
@@ermacjones4821 honestly, I don't understand the problem with fortnite, yeah the community is shit but the game is actually pretty ok Does it really deserve that hate?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth PUBG The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story that Bluehole would tell you. It’s an Indie legend. Darth PUBG was an early-access game of the Battle Royale genre, so powerful and so popular he could use his gameplay to influence the consumers to spend money… He had such a knowledge of making money that he could even inspire others to make Battle Royale games. Making shitloads of money in the game industry is a pathway to many business practices some consider to be greedy. PUBG became so respected… the only thing he was afraid of was losing that respect, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught Epic Games everything he knew, then his apprentice made a better game than him. Ironic. He could properly optimize other Battle Royale games, but not himself.
(also I got nothing against PUBG, lemme make that abundantly clear, alright? My points in this video are solely on the developers.)
Is it possible to learn this development?
What powerful words Act Man
Meh, Darth PUBG The IDIOT
Noah Fessenden not from a triple A company
"We are concerned that Grand Theft Auto is replicating the experience that actual crime is known for."
this one of the best here
I for sure 100% agree because real crime is way better
Lol I never seen act man review a rockstar game at all tbh
Sad but people actually believe that
We are concerned the skill is replicating the experience for which micro-transactions are known for.
-EA Games
"EA loot boxin"
Play FIFA holy shit I stopped playing Fifa 19 after a month and started to play pes. It’s south better and much more realistic fucking EA don’t give a shit about Fifa fucking cunts
Mark1homey's best one
Mark1homey's Hahaha shut up
LOL I hate microtransactions I mean I love microtransactions totally not sponsored bye EA
We are concerned that Lootboxes are replicating the experience for which Cancer is known for
we are concerned the first sub comment is replicating the experience 4chan is known for.
😂😂😂 The internet at it's finest. Pure gold
Call of duty supply drops?
Smartest thing I've heard all day.
Nice. 😂
We are concerned that 2021 is replicating the experience for which 2020 is known for.
Dude. Couldn't have said it better
So fckin true!!!
Op so true
We are concerned that Star Wars battlefront 2 is replicating the experience that a casino is known for
Stevethekid 119 I'd like to inform you that the game does not have microtransactions anymore, so stop bringing that "casino" shit up
Oh cool
T dawg all dlc Is free
It is still EA tho, so I would not believe that
@@forky1686 (eyes your username), It is interesting when the individual is self-aware and allows people to know, before they even read the comment, exactly what kind of single minded individual they will be dealing with.
Edit: the guys name USED to be "Smart-ass troll", or something similar.
We are Concerned That Activision is replicating the experience EA is known for
Haru Okumura and who wants to be like EA?
Haru Okumura too soon
You're a bit late for that
Haru Okumura damn, I just typed that. I knew that was to good to nor already be said
We are concerned that the Roman Empire may be replicating the experiences that Ancient Greece is known for
Underrated comment 11/10
I do you one better:
"We are concerned that the US military may be replicating the experiences that the Roman Empire is known for..."
We are concerned that You may be replicating the experiences for which Being Fucking Bitch-Ass Dumb-Dumb is known for
@@nicholasleclerc1583 What?
Actually no, Greece is really different from the Roman Empire, you can t say that
You could say something about the Persians
“We are concerned that the Soviet-Afghan war is replicating the experience for which the Vietnam war was known for.”
@@Goober_80 🤣🤣🤣
nope, try again
"We are concerned that the Us-Afghan war is replicating the experience for which the Vietnam war was known for."
This didn't age well...
@@1eleder143 it did aged well America left the same way
We are concerned that light bulbs may be replicating the experience that candles are known for
this comment is the best one because of the luddite reference.
Andrew lol!!
@@Sorry-k2vwe are concerned that fire is replicating the experience that the sun is known for
We are concerned that the automobile is replicating the experience for which horses are known for.
We are concerned that the telephone is replicating the experience that the telegram is known for.
We are concerned that Emails may be replicating the experience that letters are known for
We are concerned that lightbulbs are replicating the experience for which candles are known for
We are concerned that ebola is replicating the experience for which aids are known for.
We are concerned that cup head is replicating the experience which dark souls is known for
We are concerned that EA may be replicating the experience that thieves are known for
Patryk Adamczyk omg xD
Patryk Adamczyk LOL
Patryk Adamczyk “you’re going places kid” 😂😂
Patryk Adamczyk made my day
I didn't know what amazing comment on was going to find, but I knew there'd be some good ones. This one exceeded all expectations
We are concerned that Bluehole is replicating and "worsening" the experience which EA and Activison is known and hated for
We are concerned that Bluehole is replicating the experience for which EA is known for
Darthrevan1170 HA!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!
Damn it Bluehole, EA is supposed to be the greedy assholes!
Interesting how these recent developments of PUBG from Bluehole sound an awful lot like what's been happening to Rocket League by Psyonix these past couple of years, yet it seems to get a free pass just like Nintendo does for it's anti-consumer practices that the likes of EA and Activision get shat on for. Anyone care to tell me why that is? :)
We are concerned that margarine may be replicating the experience butter is known for.
HyperDimension Bliss I can't believe it!
I honestly can't taste the difference and it's freaking me out.
Toad Taylor Haha, too clever.. you really knew how to milk that joke and churn out a butter one!
Dont joke about that dude!
Seriously. They have already forbidden vegan mayonaise. (they are now called vaganaise)
This is actually not as far fetched as you might think.
We are concerned that airplanes may be replicating the experience from what birds are known for.
Now that's some competition for birds
lol, you sound mad.
The birds should sue the airplane company.
Hyo Eden lol
At least put your own spin on it
That is actually unironically the best Hitler joke I have ever heard. That you say it completely in a straight tone of voice makes it even better.
We are concerned that Bluehole is replicating the experience that EA is known for
Daniel Daigle nailed it
good one
Daniel Daigle nice
Korean game Developers are the worst...Now BlueHole is trying to create a new MMORPG...and now PUBG gamers are mad...LOL...
We are concerned that death stranding is replicating the experience walking is known for.
Such an underrated comment
“Mario was the first strand type game”
without actually walking
It’s different…
When you walk, you don’t constantly fall every ten steps.
We are concerned that chewing five gum may be replicating the experience that street drugs are known for.
we are concerned that computers may replicating the experience that type writers is known for
"We are concerned that Halo Online is replicating the experience that Halo is known for." -Microsoft, 2018
Too soon my guy
microsoft never shut down the servers...... u can still play it! legally they have to take some action to protect the ip. or they could lose it. nintendo goes over board. but microsoft is trying to work with the modders to see if they can get a form of halo online offically made.
Ok, that one hurt.
We are concerned that cars may be replicating the experience that horses are known for.
Jake Waggoner
We are concerned gold may be replicating the experience that iron is known from
Good one
We are concerned that Hitler may be replicating the experience that Mussolini is known for
I think this is the other way around
@@citricmantis_543 no Mussolini was the first facist dictator.
@@citricmantis_543pay attention in history class
We are concerned that running may be replicating the experience that fast walking is known for
Edit: Lol thanks for the heart Act Man five months later.
Running was invented in 1612 by Thomas Running when he tried to walk twice at the same time
you seem to confuse Thomas Running with Robert Jumping. that's a common mistake. Robert Jumping performed the first jump in 1387 when we tried to carry himself up a curb.
False. Running existed first. Therefore fast walking is replicating the experience running is known for
Ikcatcher lmao
"We are concerned that refrigerators may be replicating the expirience that ice is known for."
Sassy _ Spoon what is that creature In your picture? I wanna download it.
Dommers IV image search scp-1474 and you should find a good image.
Sassy _ Spoon I did it and none came up. Do you have any you can reverse search and link for me?
Azakayen same. It's dark stuff but not that creature in particular which I'm in love with rn
Holy shit I‘m so glad to see another SCP-1471 fan. Have a nice day mate!
"We are concerned that Bluehole is replicating the experience that EA is known for"
We're concerned that Surprise Mechanics is replicating the experience of which gambling is known for
We are concerned that Fallout might be replicating the experience the future is known for.
Nicely played
"We are concerned that Cuphead is replicating the experience for which Dark Souls is known for."
how is this not top comment?
Wrong, it's the difficulty :DDD
The xXPhantomKnightXx because it isn't even close to being true, which is what the better rated comments are.
Simte crash bandicoot*
Or super mario
“We are concerned that Kylo ren may be replicating the experience that Darth Vader is known for.”
He wish
Not even joking bro!lol nice 1 thou
soylo will never come even close
Dude.....that is actualy true, because that trilogy is fucked up and dead.
Phoenix Wyvern The new trilogy is dead but the original trilogy and even the prequel trilogy will live on forever
We are concerned that every fps game may be replicating the experience that doom is known for
Haha guys look I’m so original
@@oozly9291 wdym
We are concerned, that DOOM may be replicating the experience, that Wolfenstein 3D is known for.
We are concerned that STRONG-FEMALE-PROTAGONIST is trying to replicate the experience that Token Black Guy is known for.
Truly underated comment
We just don’t get it 😂
Literally never thought of it like that before, wow😂
Wooooow that was good! Lmfaaaooo
"We are concerned that microtransactions are replicating the experience that cancer is known for."
Impulse 1000% true
The best
"We are concerned that AAA microtransactions may be replicating the experience that shitty mobile games are known for."
We are concerned that microtransations my be replicating what casinos are known for
Adrian W. savage
"We are concerned that your spelling may be replicating the knowledge that a 1st grader is known for."
Ядерное оружoе РГЧ ИН РС-28 Сармат Nice one dude 👍🏿😏
Adrian W. I expected a fuck you response. lol you fixed it. Tried to be witty but kinda sounded like a dick. Considered/concerned, spell check doesn't work with actual words that look alike.. Liked for the painfully true statement though.
The rise and fall of PUBG was absolutely crazy to watch.
They took way to long to fix the bugs, major streamers like shroud left, Fortnite ended up winning the competition
Game is great now
“We are concerned that napping may be replicating the experience that sleeping is known for.”
We are concerned that the 2005 Star Wars Battlefront II may be replicating the experience that pure perfection is known for.
O played the second old one and I just can't get into it. The game looks awful (naturally) and I can't tell what is happening. I also don't like the movement and gameplay
@@DevixianTheOriginal I play on a console genius
@Joshua Beauchamp Well you can if you play Fallout 4 or Skyrim, other than that no.
@Joshua Beauchamp Nope, there are only three games I know you can MOD on console, or at least on the Xbox 1. Fallout 4, Skyrim, and City Skylines.
Other Gopher I liked the first one better :P
We are concerned that EA may be replicating the experience that Casinos is known for.
CJoHnSoN 100 😂 nice
CJoHnSoN 100 i wanna like ur comment so bad, but i dont wanna ruin ur 69 😂
Man, that's good.
They achieved a significant amount of success very quickly and did nothing with it. Other games took the model and built upon it but PUBG sat back and didn't improve the game enough. They took the fan base for granted.
we are concerned that Instagram is replicating the experience that porn hub is known for
Really. In that case sign me up.
@@nathanrandomized3593 lol k
FACTS. Why is Instagram turning into that? Why would people go to Instagram of all places to Jack off?? Like smh
@Mette B that too
69 likes lol
“We are concerned that this comment section is replicating the same experience stand up comedy is known for.”
"We are concerned that Written Language is replicating the experience for which Memorization is known for." -Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher.
We're quite concerned that school is replicating the experience hell is known for
why are you so fucking right
I would have said a shooting range
Yes I know is is messed up
@@theodoregamer9105 thats just America's problem :/
"We are concerned that VR may be replacing the experience that life is known for"
This is an amazing quote... god bless you
God fuck your soul.
I read that somewhere in The Bible 2
🖕to God
"We are concerned that the British Empire may be replicating the experience that the Spanish Empire is known for."
We are concerned the Spanish empire may be replicating the experience the Roman empire is known for
James English we are concerned that the Roman Empire is replicating the experience the Persian empire is known for
@@ugandanknuckles3981 we are concerned the Persian empire is replicating the experience the unga bunga big stick rock clacka clacka empire is known for
We are concerned that New Zealand is replicating the experience that Australia is known for.
Ugandan Knuckles We are concerned that the Persian empire is ripping off the experience that the Neo Babylonian empire is known for
“We are concerned that Ted Bundy may be replicating the experiences that Jack the Ripper is known for”
"We are concerned Gary Ridgeway may be replicating the experiences Ted Bundy is known for"
"we are concerned the parkland shooting, is replicating the experience that the columbine shooting is known for"
"We are concerned that opening loot boxes/cases in any game, may be replicating the experience gambling is known for."
Did you ever hear of the tragedy of PUBG the Unfinished?
BlueHole made so much money from PUBG, they even forgot to finish their own game.
wongoli wongo ironic
He was killed in its prime by fortnite
Patchess nah not even. Bluehole killed their own game by never finishing it.
It's not a story the Dev's would tell you
We are concerned that sea of thieves may be replicating the experience no man's sky is known for.
so true
That my friend was a good one
We are concerned sea of thieves may be replicating the experience boredom is known for
Good one
lol this made my day
Wow. PUBG is one of the only online shooters I’ve tried since COD burnout years ago. Seemed to have a bit more mature player base with less toxicity for the casual player. I had no idea how shady and ruthless the devs were tho. Always wondered why the game never seemed to improve or grow and quit playing. Great vid.
"We are concerned that this comment is replicating the experience that every other comment on this video is known for."
“We are concerned that this comment section is replicating the experience reddit is known for”
We are concerned that this reply is replicating the experience for which every other reply in this comment section is known for
No u shut up baby boomer
Hel0 I am a good boi
We are concerned that Pepsi is replicating the soda that Coca Cola is known for.
We are concerned that Wii Sports may be replicating the experience that real sports are known for
lmao hardly haha xD
Dead 😂
What’s ironic is that if Bluehole just did everything right with this game, it would’ve generated so much more money. You would think that they would nurture the game to continue making money in the long run.
We are concerned that the telephone may be replicating the experience that the telegraph is known for
well to be fair fortnite does teeter the line of being a rip off especially the whole diving out of a vehicle onto the map thing is to close to pubg
Pepsi Man I suppose so but I think the building mechanics separate it
sort of they were taken from the actual game you pay for
Seven Stop we’re concerned that mobile phones are replication what telephones are known for.
I have never liked so many comments in one video!
It's because of its the we think this is this coping this joke are funny 😂
I liked your comment
We are concerned that modern warfare 3 is replicating the experience in modern warfare 2 is known for
For someone who hasn't played MW2 I think MW3 is the best CoD game I've ever played.
I agree
Farzad K I like mw2 but mw3 isn’t the worst considering how bad it was going at infinity ward back then
@@JoelDiazoni I agree with you on that. I enjoyed MW2's multiplayer way more, but on terms of the campaign MW3 was really MW2.5. I do feel that Spec Ops was monumentally better in MW3 tho
@@ton_of_rocks every spec ops os better than MW.
We are concerned that Overwatch 2 may be replicating the experience that Overwatch is known for.
"We are concerned that loot boxes in Call of duty WWll is replicating the experience that loot boxes in Star Wars Battlefront 2 is known for."
It's the opposite
Sivasurya Karthikeyan yep
I changed it up so it looks better
I'm back
We are concerned that printers are replicating the experience for which typewriters are known for.
We are concerned that 2020 is replicating the experience that hell is known for
Flip it around, it would m.j take more sense imho. Take that for what it's worth though :)
Silly comment. Would you live in 1940 in middle europe (but not in germany)?
Just shows how idiotic we have become if you compared 2020 where all you have to do is stay home to fucking hell.
What isnt your video feed working
We are concerned that this reply section may be replicating the experience for which AIDS is known.
We are concerned that EA is replicating the experience that Satan is known for
We are concerned that Real Girls are replicating the experience for which pornhub is known for
NO we are not!
Pio is Awesome bruh that’s sexist
It's a fucking joke
The other way around, idiot
You messed up this one
We are concerned that worrying may be replicating the experience concerning is known for.
@@VKxVengeance edgy 11 year old
@@VKxVengeance r/woooooooosh
@@VKxVengeance ouf
"We are concerned that Call of Duty may be replicating the experience for which Medal of Honor is known for."
Both of them are from same company
I also thought "We are concerned that Halo may be replicating the experience that Call of duty is known for"
Tripled Supset Halo came first though
No Battlefield too
@@anonymousfreedom1253 lmao what?
We are concerned that the hunger games is replicating the experience that minecraft hunger games is known for
We are concerned that vr may replicating the experience that real life is know for
Why is this not featured?
I have the rights about real life, and I'll process the people behind VR thanks to your comment, thank you.
We are concerned that Alia-A might be replicating the experience that Trash are known for.
We are concerned that The Act Man may be replicating the experiences that Sexual Encounters are known for
Love your channel 🅱️
I'm sorry wut? YOU STOLE MY JOKE AND CHANGED THE END TO SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS!? *I am concerned that Modest Pelican Gaming may be replicating the experiences that I am known for.*
I love it when other UA-camrs comment on bigger UA-camrs videos
HOOLITIN Fuck that's funny
lol thanks XD but Modest Pelican Gaming *I WILL SUE YOU, SEE YOU IN COURT*
Battlefield 2042: *amateurs*
Lord of the Rings Gollum: you all will witness my greatness
We are concerned that the AK-47 is replicating the experience that the STG-44 is known for
Edit: can y'all stop saying "well the ak47 wasn't the same as the stg" yes I know it is not, that's the point of the joke in saying it "replicates the experience" which is wrong and the was the reason why the original pubg/fortnite version of it was funny because of the fact that it's not true even though they look similar
And yes I know that the ak bolt design is more similar to the m1 garand so can y'all stop replying the same thing over and over to my comment
Aha a man of history
Anthony Burge and improving upon it
Alright this one is great
We are concerned the HK 416 is replicating the experience the M4 is known for
We are concerned that I may be replicating the experience that virginity is known for
We are concerned that Covid 19 may be replicated the experiences for which The Black Plague is known for
No chance the plague actually killed people
@@JoolzThePirate it’s a joke man
@@giraffeman326 a joke has to have a bean of truth to it bro
@@JoolzThePirate since when did jokes have rules? I don’t remember that.
@@giraffeman326 since they were meant to be funny, otherwise it’s just a comment.
He protec but he also attac but most importantly he also act
Choppytoaster Ac*
We are concerned that gulag is replicating the experience schools are known for
U just said some wise words
LMarci yeah you should be
American schools
Bro this is the one 😂😂😂
Nah man. There's less mass shootings in gulags
We are concerned that Hitler's mustache may be replicating what Charlie Chapplins mustache is known for.
@@cesarandrade1987 nope they look the same
...I know.
We are concerned that Waluigi's mustache may be replicating what Kaiser Wilhelm II was known for
Sub Human Charlie Chaplin's mustache had nothing to do with hitler you tool. Chaplin had it first
Just started introducing my wife to your videos, she's a fellow gamer and dies laughing every time you bring up " the church of EA" lol.
Great content and we enjoy every second.
BTW I know I'm super late, but have you thought of doing a review on any of the Turok games? I will get shit for this but I love turok evolution and would love to see your thoughts on it.
"We are concerned that Bluehole is replicating the experience for which EA is know for"
(Being shit)
"We are concerned that 3D polygons may be replicating the experience that 2D sprites are known for."
FlameLFH actually... Doom 1 did that. The game was not 3D, but actual tricking perspective.
You won't find overlapping rooms, since it's a 2D map.
As dumb this joke is... YOU got a stronger case then pubg here!! Seriously
"We are Concerned that Dauntless is Ripping off the Monster hunting Experience that Monster Hunter is know for" 🤐
We are concerned that dabbing is replicating the expierence for which sneezing is known for.
We are concerned that oxygen may be replicating the experience that nitrogen is known for.
That makes sense yet doesn't at the same time. Then again maybe high school physics classes wants me to look way too deep into the statement....
@@birbman5186 We are concerned that physics may be replicating the experience that chemistry is known for.
@@ElemXCR we are concerned that one punch man may be replicating the experience that the Dragonball series are known for
"We are concerned that String Theory may be replicating the experience that Quantum Mechanics is known for."
Let the NPC meme lives
As someone who pre-ordered a physical copy of pubg on the xbox, you didn't even get a disc. Just a sticker pack.
“It was said you would destroy sith not join them!”
-Obi Wan Kenobi
Pubg: turns into EA
we are concerned that anakin is replicating the experience that sith are known for
We are concerned that Order 66 is replicating the experience that the Nazi Regime is known for.
@@randomguy7396 We are concerned that this comment is replicating the experience for which Star Wars is known.
We are concerned that AI may be replicating the experience that humans are known for.
Ohh thats scary
We are concerned that humans may be replicating the experience that animals are known for.
Bro...0 to 1000 in a nanosecond
hahahahahahahahha made me lol
You know your game is bad when Act man AND Crowbat release a video about you.
"...we are concerned that alternating current may be replicating the experience for which direct current is known for."
- Thomas Alva Edison
I really hope more people get this, this is freaking gold!
well that's shocking!
more like "...we are concerned that alternating current may be replicating the experience for which direct current is known for." - -Nikola Tesla- -Thomas Alva Edison
Border Bread haha
We are Concerned that Jacksfilms is replicating the experience Pewdiepie is known for.
Penkitten 82 Very nice. 👌
Except jacksfilms is good
YIAY came first
Ikr. He's a total thief, Pewds has been a good sport about it so far tho
We are concerned that Coronavirus is replicating the experience that the 1918 flu pandemic is known for.
Bradley probably the most underrated disease vs the virus that has dominated news headlines and public attention
Bradley not funny
Your videos are so good for listening practice and very enjoyable at the same time. Thanks The Act Man!
We are concerned that pong is replicating the experience that ping pong is known for
he got kill by they FBI right after posting this comment exposing pong. R.I.P Quintin
You were supposed to destroy the AAA companies not join them!
Bluehole: I see through the lies of the Indie developers. I do not fear the micro transactions as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new battle royal genera.
Fortnite: Your new battle royal genera?
Bluehole: Don’t make me publicly sue you.
Fortnite: I will do what I must.
poingpoing11 lol, and bring balance to the force?
To the industry.
Now I want to play a star wars game. Too bad Kotor III isn't coming anytime soon
BetterTelevision Way to kill that joke Maul
"We are concerned Grand Theft Auto III is replicating the experience for which Driver is known for."
scottthewaterwarrior Lmao
ohhhhhh 10th birthday! we have A FUCKING WINNER!
I think it's best summed up by saying that PUBG got too real. After the major graphics and controls update it lost its arcadey charm and became a stay alive at all costs simulator that pushed people to adopt passive playstyles
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read “Too real” lmfao PUBG has always been more hardcore than many of its contemporaries, it was never arcadey lmao no one says that.
@@codyjackson1875 Yeah arcadey is not a right description but he's kinda got a point there.
PUBG was at its best when all the cars made the same sound, there were no healing animations and your car just got launched half a mile in the air out of no where.
All that jank made it to be one of the most, if not even the most, entertaining game I've played up to date (1,3k hours). I literally cried of laighter when my friends textures didn't load in and he plowed through all the buildings like a mad man killing people left and right.
Good times.
_You _*_can_*_ hold a monopoly on ideas and genres. It's called Disney._
The More You Know accurate
The More You Know
We all know that Disney will be one of the eight corporation to rule the world when the governments eventually fall.
The More You Know when you own hundred of billions of dollars, you do what you want
The More You Know Confirmed: Disney will buy Epic Games
We are concerned that Tik Tok is replicating the experience trash is known for
ok now why isn't this at the top!
Yeah, Fortnite is too, we are extremely concerned, and fucking annoyed.
@@ermacjones4821 honestly, I don't understand the problem with fortnite, yeah the community is shit but the game is actually pretty ok
Does it really deserve that hate?
@@dr.schuusch9142 fortnite is good but in my opinion apex is good and we are concerned that apex is replicating the experience fortnite is known for
You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!
We are concerned that the new star wars films may be replicating the experience the old, good star wars films were known for.
[ollierkul] "Bring Balance To The Force Not Leaded To Darkness".
You were my brother anakin!!
It’s more you were suppose to destroy the MTs!!! Not join them!
ollierkul From my point of view the jedi are evil
I don't know where i heard the quote, but theres a quote that describes this very well: "The game isn't dying, its getting buried alive."
We are concerned that PlayerUnknown may be replicating the experience that EA is known for.
ratonelbombardieru no just no
ratonelbombardieru yeah no
uh no
ratonelbombardieru hey you pay $100 for this small loot box
5:22, We are concerned that Deadpool may be replicating the experience that Deathstroke is known for.
We are concerned that Nagasaki may be replicating the experience that Hiroshima is known for.
RSNJediKnight actually got me to laugh
This is fuckin great
Made me blow air out of my nose quickly
The darkness is strong with this one
RSNJediKnight lmao!