Nice!! love your videos as always brotha!! cant wait to see the new wheels you went with! love the brake kit btw. i knew that was your brother before you said it, you guys look alike! god bless
I should have recorded my 4motion swap! Also next time you drop a subframe. Power, ground, small 2 or 3 wire plug. Drop the power steering with the subframe. Sooo much smoother
Can’t wait to see the AWD progress!
Same 😂
Looking forward to seeing you rip it on wookie in the woods. You’re almost there!
Thanks man, that’s the goal!
18:41 is the best part of the video
Nice!! love your videos as always brotha!! cant wait to see the new wheels you went with! love the brake kit btw. i knew that was your brother before you said it, you guys look alike! god bless
Appreciate that man! Glad you enjoyed it! Wheels are coming soon!
I should have recorded my 4motion swap! Also next time you drop a subframe. Power, ground, small 2 or 3 wire plug. Drop the power steering with the subframe. Sooo much smoother
That is some solid advice. I'll keep that in mind for next time!
You should have your friends come over more often during the builds
I’d love to. Problem is I’m typically work during a weekday while most of them are working
Hey love the videos great build! What kind of ramps/stands are you using I want to have something similar for convenience?
Quickjacks! These are the 5000TL models I believe. Great to have for the garage mechanic and DIYer
Can't wait till spring to 6 speed swap my 3.6 passat wagon
You won't regret it!
Great video big bro!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👀👀👀👀👀
Thanks dude, appreciate the love!
@ always bro!!!!
@@Ninety4co You have an extra brother I don't know about?
Anu chance those front rotors match 18z calipers?
I am not sure
You in CLT? I'm close to Gastonia. I have a CTS boss, on my 2017 Passat, I just got installed. Waiting on the tune to get here.
I’m in Winston!
@ nice. I was going to go to Reflect to get my b7 tuned, but, decided to go another route.
@ that’s who does all my tuning. He’s local too which is very convenient
Great Video
Thanks dude!
Dude, you gotta be careful. glad you are okay thought from the transmission.
Yeah it’s a pretty heavy transmission. Glad I caught it before it got worse!
So dope, can you imagine if he turbo’d this thing? I do love NA but turbo vr6s rip
Staying NA and focusing all my attention on chassis/handling mods
@ yeah fair enough, I’m still sweating after the rod bearing replacement anyways
You finally remembered your UA-cam channel password.
Ha! Good one
Your brother is fkn funny 😂
Don’t encourage him 😂
More more more!
If you strike me down I'll become more powerful than you can ever imagine.
What's that big stupid slab next to your car?
A big stupid slab
thank god you are ok, working on cars can be so very dangerous and that 02m is no joke heavy.
Yeah that 3rd gear stack adds a lot of weight. And it was full of gear oil 🥴