  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tiguannerd.vr6
    @tiguannerd.vr6 4 дні тому +3

    Can’t wait to see the AWD progress!

  • @andrescao7341
    @andrescao7341 3 дні тому +1

    Looking forward to seeing you rip it on wookie in the woods. You’re almost there!

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому +1

      Thanks man, that’s the goal!

  • @tstflmedia
    @tstflmedia 4 дні тому +1

    18:41 is the best part of the video

  • @stasKZ
    @stasKZ 4 дні тому +1

    Nice!! love your videos as always brotha!! cant wait to see the new wheels you went with! love the brake kit btw. i knew that was your brother before you said it, you guys look alike! god bless

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  4 дні тому

      Appreciate that man! Glad you enjoyed it! Wheels are coming soon!

  • @2wayne87
    @2wayne87 3 дні тому

    I should have recorded my 4motion swap! Also next time you drop a subframe. Power, ground, small 2 or 3 wire plug. Drop the power steering with the subframe. Sooo much smoother

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому

      That is some solid advice. I'll keep that in mind for next time!

  • @nnzenirasibendele5988
    @nnzenirasibendele5988 3 дні тому

    You should have your friends come over more often during the builds

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому

      I’d love to. Problem is I’m typically work during a weekday while most of them are working

  • @jonahshernandez7080
    @jonahshernandez7080 2 дні тому

    Hey love the videos great build! What kind of ramps/stands are you using I want to have something similar for convenience?

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  2 дні тому +1

      Quickjacks! These are the 5000TL models I believe. Great to have for the garage mechanic and DIYer

  • @bmw1200rider
    @bmw1200rider 3 дні тому

    Can't wait till spring to 6 speed swap my 3.6 passat wagon

  • @fredjones5327
    @fredjones5327 4 дні тому

    Great video big bro!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👀👀👀👀👀

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  4 дні тому +1

      Thanks dude, appreciate the love!

    • @fredjones5327
      @fredjones5327 4 дні тому

      @ always bro!!!!

    • @nickbadgio
      @nickbadgio 3 дні тому

      @@Ninety4co You have an extra brother I don't know about?

  • @jerryjsv9135
    @jerryjsv9135 4 дні тому

    Anu chance those front rotors match 18z calipers?

  • @rum_on_you
    @rum_on_you 3 дні тому

    You in CLT? I'm close to Gastonia. I have a CTS boss, on my 2017 Passat, I just got installed. Waiting on the tune to get here.

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому

      I’m in Winston!

    • @rum_on_you
      @rum_on_you 3 дні тому

      @ nice. I was going to go to Reflect to get my b7 tuned, but, decided to go another route.

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому

      @ that’s who does all my tuning. He’s local too which is very convenient

  • @oldmillfootball33
    @oldmillfootball33 4 дні тому

    Great Video

  • @piasprojects
    @piasprojects 3 дні тому

    Dude, you gotta be careful. glad you are okay thought from the transmission.

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому

      Yeah it’s a pretty heavy transmission. Glad I caught it before it got worse!

  • @asherkimball8349
    @asherkimball8349 3 дні тому

    So dope, can you imagine if he turbo’d this thing? I do love NA but turbo vr6s rip

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  3 дні тому +2

      Staying NA and focusing all my attention on chassis/handling mods

    • @asherkimball8349
      @asherkimball8349 3 дні тому

      @ yeah fair enough, I’m still sweating after the rod bearing replacement anyways

  • @CarsWithNathan
    @CarsWithNathan 3 дні тому

    You finally remembered your UA-cam channel password.

  • @HKS01R
    @HKS01R 4 дні тому

    Your brother is fkn funny 😂

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  4 дні тому

      Don’t encourage him 😂

    • @HKS01R
      @HKS01R 4 дні тому

      More more more!

    • @nickbadgio
      @nickbadgio 4 дні тому

      If you strike me down I'll become more powerful than you can ever imagine.

  • @nickbadgio
    @nickbadgio 3 дні тому

    What's that big stupid slab next to your car?

  • @George-zq2sk
    @George-zq2sk 4 дні тому

    thank god you are ok, working on cars can be so very dangerous and that 02m is no joke heavy.

    • @Ninety4co
      @Ninety4co  4 дні тому

      Yeah that 3rd gear stack adds a lot of weight. And it was full of gear oil 🥴