Maybe somewhere, from my opinion really hard. The train network is highly secured in japan with high fences around most rails and cameras, but it might not be everywhere like this. There was some freight, but its mostly small containers which dont have narrow gaps, mostly there was only one or two containers per carriage (empty distance between 4m), also no platforms. Impossible to ride. in south korea there where open gondolas like europe, but it there are probably 10 cameras per person there, so I doubt you can hide long. I checked out some yards in japan, only this kind of containers or the kind of roll door containers without any gaps (also exisiting in europe). The yard wasnt super secured by fences, climbing would be possible, but many cameras and if only one persons sees you, its over, because they definitely snitch to police, that I can tell you;))
Really enjoy your travels!
Thanks for adding more subtitles!
Interesting stuff man. You think it's possible to hop freight trains in Japan?
Maybe somewhere, from my opinion really hard. The train network is highly secured in japan with high fences around most rails and cameras, but it might not be everywhere like this. There was some freight, but its mostly small containers which dont have narrow gaps, mostly there was only one or two containers per carriage (empty distance between 4m), also no platforms. Impossible to ride. in south korea there where open gondolas like europe, but it there are probably 10 cameras per person there, so I doubt you can hide long. I checked out some yards in japan, only this kind of containers or the kind of roll door containers without any gaps (also exisiting in europe). The yard wasnt super secured by fences, climbing would be possible, but many cameras and if only one persons sees you, its over, because they definitely snitch to police, that I can tell you;))