@coolshirtkid i haven't had time to play much the past week. I just saw it taking off on the climb back to ladder. I'm sure the meta has adapted to it, but I'm a bit behind.
@@ryanhorton9594 my main issue is that original zabu literally had 0 counters. it was just whoever draws zabu wins. with this new war machine deck there is so many counters from rogue to super skrull to simply playing move cards or doom or your own legion. lots of cards that can slot into good decks
This was the first season I played. I think I started during December in the rookie season, but Zabu was the first pass I purchased, and at series 1 he felt disgusting, and watching creators play the gross decks like spider-man + abs-man is still a horrifying memory. I really enjoyed how he was placing in the metagame at 2/2 his ongoing state, but I understand the design constraint and hope he can make a return. Hopefully as an activate 1 so he can actually get buffed by Kazar and summoned by Shanna. I heard them say he was too strong at 1/2 but we'll just have to see.
@@Leniks-m8b they said the didn’t like it at 1/2 specially. 2 cost kinda ruins his 2->4 niche and 1 drop activate is too strong so it’s definitely a strange situation. Maybe 1/1 could work but probably not lol
15:02 These people don’t disagree that Zabu and Surfer were the top cards. They’re simply accusing SD of waiting until after the Season Pass ended to nerf the cards, to “boost the sales” while they were premium cards.
I can promise you that at the time the time there was a pretty long list of people who didn’t agree that the nerfs were needed, but yeah that was def a part of the discussion too
Love this series, I stopped playing during Silver Surfer season and only recently came back. It's great being able to see what happened during this time.
Love seeing these videos man! I kinda forgot how broken Zabu was on launch 😅 gonna be listening to Creedence Clearwater all day dealing with these flashbacks now 🤣
I literally started playing the game right after this season in the quantum realm, so I'm really excited for the next one! It's cool kind of seeing what was OP before I played the game
Great content! My first season playing the game was Savage Land and I bought the season pass. Being able to drop White Queen, Shang and Enchantress ion turn 6 was so broken... halcyon days. Looking forward to the next episode.
It’s crazy, I started playing somewhere around the point that leader got nerfed (I remember the Wolverine change specifically), but I don’t remember surfer or zabu in this state!
Instead of asking viewers to like and subscribe, you should ask them to share your channel in their alliance chat. Hope this series becomes a permanent fixture if it isn't already. Sharing it with my friends who are new to snap as well as my alliance. 🤜🤛🏽
I don’t know if I’m first just think it would be cool if i was. Zombies some of the new characters would be cool as Aero and other Asian characters are very unique and interesting looks like Luna snow is coming December man. November and December are gonna be cool.
He was worded pretty poorly but yeah basically it was his old copy effect except it only worked on the opponents cards that were played to the right of leaders lane. So if you played Leader on the left lane it would copy whatever they played in the middle.
@@ZombiesGoNomNom the one thing i always loved about Leader’s effect is what happens if both players played Leader. Where the player with priority’s leader copies the opponent’s leader than it loops into every leader copies leader until the board fills it still works. You just can only play him as both players turn six.
SD SUCKS at balancing cards. Their "competitive balance testers" are either incompetent or aware of what theyre doing Released so many cards clearly OP (alioth, blob, RH etc) and then say OOPSIES we overshot it a bit. They're so lucky they have OTAs or if this was a physical card game no one would play anymore Now it seems like a business strategy to release OP cards get people to drop TOKENS and then nerf saying "well that's how it goes" so annoying wasting 6k then having it nerfed
I can still see 3 mana Zabu in my nightmares
I only drew one series 5 card back in the day... Howard the Duck.
Mine's Kang the Conqueror 😭
the only one I got was stegron
I got lucky with she hulk
I had forgotten so much about that time, wow.
Honestly same, when doing research for this video I was surprised just how much happened in Snap that month
playing ladder during this season was so painful bro
That's how I feel with this warmachine flood meta
@@ryanhorton9594 that deck is not even good in comparison lol
@coolshirtkid i haven't had time to play much the past week. I just saw it taking off on the climb back to ladder. I'm sure the meta has adapted to it, but I'm a bit behind.
@@ryanhorton9594 my main issue is that original zabu literally had 0 counters. it was just whoever draws zabu wins. with this new war machine deck there is so many counters from rogue to super skrull to simply playing move cards or doom or your own legion. lots of cards that can slot into good decks
@@ryanhorton9594bruh u don’t know how the zabu Spider-Man was cringe as hell
This was the first season I played. I think I started during December in the rookie season, but Zabu was the first pass I purchased, and at series 1 he felt disgusting, and watching creators play the gross decks like spider-man + abs-man is still a horrifying memory. I really enjoyed how he was placing in the metagame at 2/2 his ongoing state, but I understand the design constraint and hope he can make a return. Hopefully as an activate 1 so he can actually get buffed by Kazar and summoned by Shanna. I heard them say he was too strong at 1/2 but we'll just have to see.
Apparently second dinner tested zabu activate and they didn’t like it ..
@@Leniks-m8b they said the didn’t like it at 1/2 specially. 2 cost kinda ruins his 2->4 niche and 1 drop activate is too strong so it’s definitely a strange situation.
Maybe 1/1 could work but probably not lol
@@wispyone3702 lol I don’t want to see this card back
look hellcow …
they nerf my precious beast for up brain dead hella …
15:02 These people don’t disagree that Zabu and Surfer were the top cards. They’re simply accusing SD of waiting until after the Season Pass ended to nerf the cards, to “boost the sales” while they were premium cards.
I can promise you that at the time the time there was a pretty long list of people who didn’t agree that the nerfs were needed, but yeah that was def a part of the discussion too
I still remember pulling shadow king as one of only 2 series 5 cards I ever got randomly. Such a sad day since S5 cards I expected to be strong
This was my start. Nothing's changed from my POV.
thanks mr history teacher
Finally got a chance to watch this episode. Really enjoyed this one. Amazing as always, Zombies! Keep it up!!
Second video in and you're already outdoing yourself. Another excellent piece of content!
Love this series, I stopped playing during Silver Surfer season and only recently came back. It's great being able to see what happened during this time.
You perfectly understand the game meta zeitgeist of that time. Nice vids i wouldn't add or take away
Love seeing these videos man! I kinda forgot how broken Zabu was on launch 😅 gonna be listening to Creedence Clearwater all day dealing with these flashbacks now 🤣
These videos are awesome. The Zabu Abs man with Spidey was so messed up lol
great video - traumatic memory - i lost my mind that month
I literally started playing the game right after this season in the quantum realm, so I'm really excited for the next one! It's cool kind of seeing what was OP before I played the game
Great content! My first season playing the game was Savage Land and I bought the season pass. Being able to drop White Queen, Shang and Enchantress ion turn 6 was so broken... halcyon days. Looking forward to the next episode.
I didn't even have Spiderman during the Zabu era. I felt the Abs combo, but never did it.
It’s crazy, I started playing somewhere around the point that leader got nerfed (I remember the Wolverine change specifically), but I don’t remember surfer or zabu in this state!
loving the format
Love these videos, I've been a snapper since launch, so many busted card in 2years
Beating old school Zabu on 3 felt great tho. You was getting emoted for sure..lol
I started playing during the quantum realm season so look forward to hearing how the meta was for higher CL players
Instead of asking viewers to like and subscribe, you should ask them to share your channel in their alliance chat. Hope this series becomes a permanent fixture if it isn't already. Sharing it with my friends who are new to snap as well as my alliance. 🤜🤛🏽
It def is going to be a ongoing series, it takes awhile to make them but I really enjoy doing it so thanks for the support!
Darkhawk was one of my early s5 pulls so I played this combo
i have a feeling that spider man would’ve been broken in that state with grandmaster, even if grandmaster released at 2/0
Love this series
Kingpin &aero 🎉
I don't know how, but I somehow got to infinite that season with a budget spectrum destroyer list.
and people say that the game is more powercrept nowadays, HA
Bring zabu back don't be scared it will be OK
Ah yes! Silver Surfer season into Zabu season. That's what, as a F2P player, made me quit Marvel Snap for a year. Came back only February 2024
Same xD
Arc surfer full of leach ..
arc zabu double Spider-Man cringe combo and the old galactus …
good videoo
I loved it
This was why i stopped playing and i even bought the pass for zabu.
I don’t know if I’m first just think it would be cool if i was. Zombies some of the new characters would be cool as Aero and other Asian characters are very unique and interesting looks like Luna snow is coming December man. November and December are gonna be cool.
Did you ever figure out leaders nerfed effect that killed him or did no-one understand it at all.
He was worded pretty poorly but yeah basically it was his old copy effect except it only worked on the opponents cards that were played to the right of leaders lane. So if you played Leader on the left lane it would copy whatever they played in the middle.
@@ZombiesGoNomNom the one thing i always loved about Leader’s effect is what happens if both players played Leader. Where the player with priority’s leader copies the opponent’s leader than it loops into every leader copies leader until the board fills it still works. You just can only play him as both players turn six.
SD SUCKS at balancing cards. Their "competitive balance testers" are either incompetent or aware of what theyre doing
Released so many cards clearly OP (alioth, blob, RH etc) and then say OOPSIES we overshot it a bit. They're so lucky they have OTAs or if this was a physical card game no one would play anymore
Now it seems like a business strategy to release OP cards get people to drop TOKENS and then nerf saying "well that's how it goes" so annoying wasting 6k then having it nerfed
Yay! 1st!
Edit. Also great vid