Hi. How about a step by step tutorial for dummies on how to set up a basic/generic operation that is valid for new users with the 2022 version? I've watched this one (Delmia Foundations lesson 01. Shop Floor Programmer) umpteen dozen times while following the steps but cannot get the machining setup to work.
Is there a "Hello World" tutorial? Let's say I want to start by posting code to drill a couple holes or profile a part.
Hi. How about a step by step tutorial for dummies on how to set up a basic/generic operation that is valid for new users with the 2022 version? I've watched this one (Delmia Foundations lesson 01. Shop Floor Programmer) umpteen dozen times while following the steps but cannot get the machining setup to work.
Same here. The software is totally not intuitive and the ui is terrible. They should be ashamed forcing such crappy software onto us.
I know. Solidworks Tutorials SUCK ASS!