Classic Reboot: Synchronicity with Christian de Quincey
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Christian de Quincey, PhD, is a faculty member at John F. Kennedy University and Sophia University. He is founder and director of the Wisdom Academy. He is author of Radical Nature: The Soul of Matter, Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness Through Relationship, Consciousness From Zombies to Angels: The Shadow and the Light of Knowing Who You Are, Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code, and Blindspots: 21 Good Reasons to Think Before You Talk.
In this video from 2015, he discusses the concept of synchronicity as popularized by the great Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung. Several classical Jungian examples of synchronicity are presented. He makes a point of stressing the non-causal aspect of synchronistic events, pointing out that they are connected in time - but not necessarily in space. He discusses synchronistic events in the context of a panpsychist view of reality - the idea that consciousness pervades all levels of the physical universe.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).
(Recorded on August 23, 2015)
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Intelligent discussion, enjoyed Christian de Quincey's answers while I realize Jeffrey's role is usually to counterbalance the talk with opposing views. There's a line dividing synchronicity and becoming self-delusional that those who cross it wind up in mental wards. I'm a simple man with no rare university degrees to boast about, having no ambitions but to live the remainder of my life quietly, uneventfully. Yet I live a world filled with unusual, strange occurrences and I simply marvel at it, along with the synchronicities. That's enough for me. It keeps me content just being another brick in the wall. Maybe that's the purpose, to give me hope.
Wonderfully put.
Jeffrey said it so well recently, something to the effect "Any time you are working on improving yourself and developing your understanding you will begin experiencing synchronicities" This is the special thing about them.
Fascinating. I've experienced many precognitions, synchronicities, telepathic connections, local and non local. I haven't heard a better conversation about this subject, and developing the same ideas and theories as myself, independently, is another wonderful aspect that I enjoyed. Having unusual experiences is the domain of sensitive types. I'm thinking now, they must have less brain filtering happening, and that is how life feels for me, masses of input, every moment. Being alone lots this 2020 has been a blessing in disguise for me. Thank you so much Jeffrey, for this fabulous channel, where fascinating conversations, in my field of interest fuel my learning. Merry Cosmos and a Happy No Fear to everyone reading this..and everyone else too.
Excellent kick around of perspective. I prefer to think that we can partake in both the relative and absolute consciousness. Meditation opens our extrasensory being.
Thank you, I remember when I was 18,
someone gave me the complete works of Carl Jung and it took me about a month to digest the first page
I disagree with panpsychism. It places consciousness in our universe. I believe our universe is a projection of consciousness. Space, time, matter, and synchronicity are just products of consciousness, not that consciousness pervades them.
I love your advice at the end from discussing schizophrenia onwards because it certainly keeps you grounded when working with concepts related to both shamanism and synchronicity. Tbh tho sometimes synchronicity get pretty darn deep so I suppose I can understand where one might jump the gun on some connections made between differering mediums.
11:20 fantastic and clear
Great topic although I do not know what to really think about it Actually my life people have mentioned is the largest collection of coincidences that seem to make it almost impossible. Hooking up with people that seem to be almost impossible,. Running into people that a person such as myself (nobody special) seems to run into people that way in the strangest situations. I have sort of a methodology I think that makes this happen and that form is just part of how I think people should live. From rich to poor folks and names people know in maybe special places. The basic principle is doing for others as your main focus of life and the other is tuned to a old science or myth if you will, Huna. Running into folks other than to help if I can is never a prayer though although it works. Plus it really helps if you ever break down in an old car, love some special. or need to meet a person for somewhat business reason. Great topic and glad you have shared it.. Thank you.. Love ya man!
I agree, I have had coincidences that were crazy propability wise, especially with running into people in a various locations where I wasn't suppose to be in the first place and they were not suppose to be there either. There is something missing in this discussion, something major.
Jung, recovery,and Eastern philosophy is my interest. I want to know the more spiritual aspects of Jungs synchronicity...looking for deeper meaning to the mundane and ordinary.
Can't agree with de Quincey about precognition experiences being just "probabilities calculations at quantum level". Here's a personal experience I went through 30 years ago. I was 26 or 27. That night, I dreamt about an image. A little bit fuzzy. Didn't know what it meant and didn't care about it when I woke up in the morning. The afternoon of the same day I went to my music retailer. Music was very important in my life at this time. It was still vinyl time back then. As I was looking through new albums, I saw... Yes, you've guessed correctly : I saw the fuzzy image I had dreamt about that very night. I was shocked. I took the album in my hands. It was the last album of my alltime favorite artist, an american musician called Todd Rundgren. The title of the album was "Nearly Human". If you look at this cover, you know that de Quincey's theory just can't be right. There was no way that "probabilities calculations at quantum level" could have brought my subconcious to show me that cover in a dream. I'm more sympathetic with the theory that our unconcious knows no space boundaries. The cover already existed. Todd Rundgren's music was ( and still is ) important to me. So my unconcious gave me glimpse of something important to me that was already existing in another place, at my music retailer.
That was a prrecognative dream obviously and prooves the other world can see events unfolding in the future and can relay that back to you in the dream and is usually not exactly as in the dream but is too much a coincadence. It would seem it can also know your mindset and taylor the dream and target a certain thing cause it knows already it is of significance . There can be deepr ideas tied into it if you ponder it obviously ..deeper in context to your mindset
Time is the EXPERIENCED relationship between remembered and anticipated events in one's thought. It does not exist outside the Now and outside the experiencer. Space is the EXPERIENCED relationship between things we perceive only now. Again it does not exist outside the experiencer, it does not exist outside the Here and Now. Remember everywhere and always is always and everywhere Here and Now ;)
Nice conversation 🙂 Wasn’t there a Stephen Hawking lab experiment where he demonstrated that the brain reacted to an occurrence a few split seconds before it actually happened? Wouldn’t this mean that there is one future?
You're referring to the research of Benjamin Libet. See
Thank you I am reading it, has loads of data!; deep inside I do not think there is free will for the cosmic play we put on to have meaning. Like if every Shakespeare character did their own thing, the overall play would lose its meaning! I am confused though, Benjamin Libet doesn’t seem to think his research obliterates free will. I think Hawking repeated this experiment as well in his popular science show. I have to think about all this.
I have never been big on the belief in a higher power but I see synchronisity as recycling of concepts with some type of 'gravity'. Those beetles that Jung describe were not exacly the same insects but we do call them with a use of the same terminology.
Logic and reason.. and then there is chaos
I'd like to know where the idea of synchronicity originated. Does anybody know?
from Carl Jung
Apophenia and pronoia would be a scary combination.
And here I thought they where going to talk about the synchronicity found between religions 😂😂
That's called comparative religion. And there are actually a lot of "coincidences" between religions. For example similarities between Krishna and Christ.
The interactive format of the spirit guide has the indevidual on a game playing program that is directly related to their own inner psychi and the ability to seee into the future plus introject thought processes at the approiate time being able to dilete out time so syncronistic events can occur spot on and align . The guide can give a eureka moment to be able to see things not aware of to the person. ..and in this way can taylor the upcoming unfolding symbolic pieces to tie intoo whatever the target point to be made is.... yea not a good speller. This is evident in people taking drugs ..they have deep insight at the hands of other intelligence that has done a psychological assesment on their psyche. Likewise the game playing of an entity is capable of using alll the tools in the arsinel to create a baffeling scenario and so syncrinistic events can occur. You see people in altered ,states and in the dream realm the possabulities is evident.. the intelligence is obvious that the interactive format is like the metephoric symbolic form of speaking. The thing of having access over the horizon of time of events unfolding the other intelligence the upper hand in orkustrating a point in time that culminates in a syncronistic event to the observer. .who is unaware . This is proof other entities are meddeling
I dont know but I think part of it is the other entity can actuall blend in so well with youre own psychi and can make you suddenly realize something that would go unnoticed..such as a syncronistic event would actually not even be recognized. We need some actual cases of syncronistic event.. a bunch of them to try and make some judgment obviously. Just talking about it is not giving actual cases. The thing about precognative dreams and whatnot..and the event unfolds later in the day/days . The other intelligence has this reality on a broader perspective going back and forward into time obviously and can interact using various aspects that are significant to the chosen subjects personal mindset. Tere is a number of angels to look at it but it is evident it is interactive from some other intelligence .
For all you know ,the beetle scratching on the window trying to get in at the perfect time the lady was relaying her dream of the dung could of simply been an altered state in the reality of the patient and the therapist. Dont forget they can do altered states too.
Likewise when Jung said there was going to be another "crack" poltergiest noise coming out of the book shelf evident the other intelligence was melding with Jung. It is obvious they can do hellucinated sounds froom other accounts ..people hearing pounding on the wall in threes and whatnot. There was an active entity in the room
the ability of the 'time dilation" phenomena spoken of in various contaacte cases is likkely the method used . they can pull it off smoothly without noticable awareness of where it began or ended (being on hold) and so there being an external phenomena (the beetle at window) and the two people discussing the internal event in the ability of the phenomena having a way to delete reality of time. The likelyhood of the event coinciding "exactly" is not very good odds ..but so in order to have that the other intelligence uses the time dialatin effect. Go figure cause the beetle could be there and is not the right time frame so the unfolding of events is minupilated to cause the syncronistic event using the time dilaton effect. Same as a editing loop program on a garage band computer program. they can do it and edit out the interval between the time laps and make it aligh "exactly'>
Reason I know this is because they showed me this when reading and watching TV and writing and listening to radio preacher..multitasking and so an internal "typing/ writing/reading...and an externa "hearing radio/TV words. They can make words align "exactly" hen it happened I was amazed cause the chances are very slim for "exactly" Reason I knew they were doing this is because before this began happening ..a few days before they showed me a missing time episode when I was standing out and looking at a plane flying over ..and I said to myself"i am going to only look down for a moment and then look back" and when I did I then say the plane way down in the valley and it seemed was only a few seconds I looked down...but was at least a full minite almost it should of taken for the plane to now be where it was. Long winded speech but believce it..they showed me this phenomena and I could sense no slipping intoo or out of the trance state time dileation . Also the fact the guide was in my head and actually had me say "I am only going to look down for a moment and then look back" . It was as if it was me saying that to myself. You have to realize I was asking them to show me more..I wanted them to come back and do whatever .. I was in shock but had an instilled love and trust in it /them.. it was such an amazing thing.. but yea..thbat is my opinion on how it is likely done.. They see the events unfolding abd so can do the editing thing using missing time.. and dont forget they can also do altered states too.
They would of had to put not only Jung but also the lady patient relaying the dream to him ..both on hold time dialation at the same time in order to have the beetle coincide at the exact time frame.
I wonder if there are specific ways to invoke/trigger synchronicities.
I prefer to be surprised.
@John read up on Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich and you can also youtube Napoleon Hills channel. 🎄⛄
@@wzupppp Meditation definitely increases them for me.
States of mania are overloaded with synchrinisities, in theory it should be a state that could be induced bio-chemically as medication can reduce those states.
Linear time is illusory, this is a block universe, eternalism...."precognition" is not "pre".
The concept that all matter has an individuation of consciousness seems too reductionist for my take. I prefer to think in terms that all biological life has an individuation of consciousness that is always shared collectively as well. Therefore our planet has a collective consciousness rather than an individual one in that it's a shared experience of all the planetary life together with all other spiritual (non matter) conscious agents. Matter, without a DNA substrate, is a manifestation of our collective dream. An analogy is a personal dream. We manifest the objects in a personal dream. The objects in a personal dream do not have an individual consciousness. I'm leaving the concept of other conscious agents entering our personal dreams out of this at this time.
Couldn’t resonate with the gentleman. Nevertheless, thank you Jeffery.
science always has to slice and dice...seems to me if you can,t chase it .
Awesome 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️