I saw this when I was on the Lunasa Playlist and now in the Merlin Playlist owo I think it fits perfectly on both Playlists, seriously this is a piece of art.
@Gurrengelion angelsinflight14 answered correctly. I just felt the need to reply because clearly you're a fellow Gainax fan. ALSO! Epic song. Keep it up Chaos.
There are actually three fighting games with Touhou characters in them: Immaterial and Missing Power, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, and Hisoutensoku. They're pretty awesome and have English patches.
@Gurrengelion Chaos and KakashiMr both debated on whether this song fit more into the metal playlist or the classic one, since it contains elements of both. In the end, they decided to add it to both playlists, and it's labelled accordingly.
And that's why i love Suwa Foughten Field. And Kanako. And Mountain of Faith.
Aw, Touhou.. one of the best things that ever happened in my life XD.
hello from 2021 :3
Hmm... begining Toccata D minor and from 0:34 Orochimaru's theme
It suits Kanako quite well
0:00-0:21 Hmm, not bad.
BACH... and ZUN !!?!
I must find more!!
I saw this when I was on the Lunasa Playlist and now in the Merlin Playlist owo
I think it fits perfectly on both Playlists, seriously this is a piece of art.
Toccata in D Minor, Venerable Ancient Battlefield and Native Faith all in one song?
The awesomeness is just too much for me to handle.
When at first it had Toccata E Fugue I just Add it at my favorites ^w^
*first seconds* wait....toccata? thougt this is a touhou song....
*after 0:22* woooooooooot, crown of awesomeness ^.^
All the characters i've seen look like they would be awesome in a fighting game with unique abilities like in BBCS or Arcana heart style games
Awesome mix~ Going to my favs.
Wowee. Really got that feeling when you're fighting something that you shouldn't even meet face to face.
@Gurrengelion angelsinflight14 answered correctly. I just felt the need to reply because clearly you're a fellow Gainax fan. ALSO! Epic song. Keep it up Chaos.
Génial pour la Motivation ! Like si t'es aussi Français ;-)
There are actually three fighting games with Touhou characters in them: Immaterial and Missing Power, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, and Hisoutensoku. They're pretty awesome and have English patches.
A classic indeed.
Now THIS is a theme worthy of the ultimate GUNCANNON.
@Gurrengelion Chaos and KakashiMr both debated on whether this song fit more into the metal playlist or the classic one, since it contains elements of both. In the end, they decided to add it to both playlists, and it's labelled accordingly.
*Blown away by the beginning*
@TUnit959 I see, I'll search 4 it. Thx for the notification. ;)
*And later dragged back by Kanako, just to get completely f***ed by the epicness.
Yeah, it is a few chords of Native Faith.
@shizukupandora Lucent Wish is a remix of Suwa Foughten Field...
6:47 Dat chord!!!
For me its like rachel Alucard :3
There actually are fighting games with those Characters...
i swear i was wearing pants and my ears weren't jizzing before this video...
I know you posted this a year ago, but I like your username.
@Gurrengelion probably a combination of two songs, or it's labeled differently according to two collections of songs.
Kanako the Bloodedge
And, the new Touhou game is also a fighter, albeit entirely air-based.
Don't ask me why, But I think of Katamari Damacy when I hear this song....
Touhou + Bach + Katamari Fellings = Win?
Kanako for Touhouvania 3
I see what you did there...
You, You're the one from THC arent you.Nice taste in music~ -YoukaiOfFlowers
Lucent wish in it
link 4 pic?
Oh god she looks like Ragna
The symbol on both the red orbs have a connection with fire. Anyone know if it is because of Shinto or not?
sounds like castlevania lol
lol Phoenix Wright Justice For All cover.
link 4 pic?
z.B.? :o
Ach, das meinst du. Hat dich deswegen schonmal wer angefeindet? ôô
Which character is that ?
+NachoMegaKing Final boss of the 10th game,'Mountain of Faith'.Don't remember her name -_-
I already got it, her name is " Kanako Yasaka " but thank you anyways :D