@randyheitman4324 Hello! I wasn't sick in this video, just tired and allergies. It was 2 am or later in the morning when I filmed it, and it was pretty cold because the heat was off so that the furnace wouldn't drown out the audio. I also I suffer from permanent, progressive health issues, so this is me and it's the best I can do. People enjoy my videos because I am real and unscripted and I don't fuss or put on a show, I am just an average lay catholic man doing what little I can to evangelize for our Lord Jesus Christ. Pax et bonum and VIVA CRISTO REY!
Will this work for someone else as a form of intercessory prayer?
The beautiful thing about our Faith, is that our Good Lord is beyond any limits. You can offer these prayers on behalf of anyone you wish. 🙏
@@ToTheeOBlessedJoseph for my grandchildren purity. Fiat
@mapygaribi amen 🙏
These prayers are a true gift. Perhaps you can record them again when you feel better. Is an online Confraternity a possibility ?
@randyheitman4324 Hello! I wasn't sick in this video, just tired and allergies. It was 2 am or later in the morning when I filmed it, and it was pretty cold because the heat was off so that the furnace wouldn't drown out the audio. I also I suffer from permanent, progressive health issues, so this is me and it's the best I can do. People enjoy my videos because I am real and unscripted and I don't fuss or put on a show, I am just an average lay catholic man doing what little I can to evangelize for our Lord Jesus Christ. Pax et bonum and VIVA CRISTO REY!