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INTP - "Teacher, why are we learning this? *feeling un-motivated and knowing they would work much better knowing why they need to withstand this tedious work* Teacher - "Because I said so" INTP - *you sheep*
Dusky Racer Or because academic education is how you earn a degree. Degrees are what gets you a job. Working jobs is how you earn money to live. Thus you must learn the silly things you learn in school and withstand that tedious work. I thought INTPs are supposed to see reality more clearly.
If they wanted us all to have good jobs they would have a better and more on point curriculum. School teaches us to work at mcDonalds. Not by telling us to, but by not teaching us.
Basel Yaser sure it gets you a job but INTP's are mostly looking for deeper knowledge. As a Cognitive Psychologist I can say for sure that schools and curricula are not built for learning, but for remembering. That's the system INTP's often clash with.
The Young Professional Scientific learning is built on remembering. You can't "learn" scientific constants, proofs, and mathematical theorems. Of course it's built on remembering. What's your point?
I looked back over my life and I realized, the times where I was the happiest was after I dropped out of college. I read a book a day, I studied film, learned 2 instruments... I feasted on the knowledge of the world. My darkest times are when I'm saddled with the expectations of others, forced to create small talk or forced to "build relationships". Basically when I'm forced to wear an Extraverted Sensing mask.
I totally agree, college isn't a ground for learning... It's to get a piece of paper to show to an employer. Real learning occurs through ones own mind and discovery
@@nicholaswatson999 Ikr, doesn't sound remotely intp to me. Wtf is "world peace", and what type of delusional dumbass thinks it's achievable without mass genocide of just about everyone?
@@xynx1211 you don't sound like an INTP for me, you didn't even state a clear reason why genocide needs to be executed, as if all the irrational and also rational beings in this world are all literally braindead and uncommitted to any change
@@frous898 Lol, did i ever say it needs to be executed? The people who advocate "world peace" have no clue what'd be needed to achieve it. Intps are supposed to have some common sense and understand these things. You guys sound really really stupid, very un-intp.
@@xynx1211 sounds like you just hate everyone, seems like part of your cognitive functions aren't working together, i know there's people that'd need to be killed, the system we live in reworked, all judgment literally removed and the only real thing needed in itself is believing it, rationalizing a kind of feel is like finding the use of a boat in the heights of the atmosphere. Awareness is a thing, the other thing is sticking to the idea everyone is dumb for you, which isn't right, but is really evident.
People laughed at me for daydreaming in class while I was actually trying to make something out of time travelling paradox, and me in my head: i was having a good time calculating something unnecessary smh
Happened recently with me :D Although they didn't quite get how my idea would improve work to be made Then I had to repeat it until everyone simply saw no other solution because they FINALLY realized my method could work...
I usually call the plays when I play csgo because most people don't really know what they are doing. Sometimes ill be calling the plays while im bottom fragging. It hurts my soul so much when people don't listen to me and get our team fucked.
Happened to me in a last minute arranged school comedy drama. The moment my classmates were on stage, they were dead clueless. I have this sudden instinct to lead. I mentally forced them to follow my spontaneous flow, and kick them into doing some sort of action everytime I felt that it's going to be awkward. They might not realize this, but I literally saved them.
I only want to lead until the group understands the system I’ve put in place, then I will get out of the way and let them have at it. The only problem is, most don’t get it and they won’t take it and make it their own...😬🙄😳
I almost got a paddling in school for asking the teacher to explain something and I stared off into space. She insisted I tell her what she said and I looked at her and repeated it word for word. I was bored I already knew what the subject was I just wanted to day dream.
@@Anirossa There are good teachers i had some teachers who were highly concerned to make everybody understand why we are learning this and that. But I hear you.
Same. Lately I've been watching lots of physics videos\talks. Even tho I'm shit at math, the concepts fascinate me. Brian greene's are the talks I enjoy the most, he's so good at explaining the "why" of things, it's almost hypnotic
@@Pi7on Nice! I want to study it some day too... but I'm only 13 and I'm still in school right now but I learned HTML, CSS JavaScript and I'm learning Vue.js right now.
This is soooo on point. It sucks to be so misunderstood. No matter how well we do (always a surprise) we are expected to have done better because we made it look too simple. It's so frustrating because while others are over there talking a big game, we're sitting here thinking of how useless most of what they've said is but no one listens bc we "look" lazy :(
that "useless" part resonates with me. I think being brave enough to ask oneself what matters, what really has value or who gave it value and why is what INTPs might do more than other types. If it is a useless construct of society, why do it?
Yes, my brethren, we shall now devise a plan to rise and take control of the world, show them what we can do, who we are. We shall achieve everything we want, we shall prove that we are good enough! We shall devise a plan, think it until death, and back again, and learn every single aspect needed to achieve this plan, and when the plan is so nearing implementation, with 3 more simple questions to complete the ambition, we move to another topic and put all of them in a box.....
Bong Jensen we have no need for that. to process everything i rather have them control in tha background and simply correct their imperfections. As i hate if everything is perfect society would just fall anyway especially if intp were running cuz since we can processa and analyze things better and its a large collection of us most inpefections of the human race would be exposed and simply war and other effortd we believe would just be pointless ppl with low iq would find this rather mundane and try anything just to speak "feel alive"
Growing up it was always very hurtful to be accused of being lazy & not caring, like, I wanted to do it right I just wasn't sure how, or wanted to do it my own way
This was very helpful and validating. I've been rushed and pressured my whole life to "learn faster" to "socialize faster" to find something I want to do for the rest of my life faster. Nah I just want to experience things and people at my own pace and comfort.
I really like relating the issue back to the old story of the rabbit vs. the turtle race. Gives me hope that one day I'll catch up or maybe even pull ahead in certain respects...
@@frous898 No, don't feel bad. I'm married to an ESTJ and we're a great team when he can curb his impulsiveness and listen to my well-researched perspective. The more I show him I make correct calculated decisions, the more he listens. But he does need to be reminded of it, and sometimes I have to just put my foot down and tell him we're doing it my way.
You described my life. I had to leave my career. My mentors, who described me as a problem-solver, had grown to appreciate my mind, but the new team players scorned it and me. Six AM Monday meetings were the final insult added to the many team-inflicted injuries, so I'm pretty-sure they think I left because I was too lazy to get up in the morning.
I explained my thought processes to a psychologist and he wanted to put the label ADHD on me. I corrected him, saying that I'm not incapacitated by my manner of thinking, instead I like the way my brain functions. It makes me faster in mental tasks than anyone else. Plus I am a highly focused individual, although I'm thinking along parallel lines. It's not ADHD at all. I quit seeing this psychologist. He did not understand.
As you are describing valuable and relevant information about how we INTPs operate, I can't help but appreciate your hair. It characterizes the INTP philosophy: there are far more interesting things to explore than my hair at the moment; I can always comb it later. I appreciate it because, as an INTP, I care about but can hardly be bothered with my hair, which is in a perpetual pillow-head state. Also, your statement that we often look like we are doing nothing while we are usually doing the most is so true. From personal experience, I'm often accused of being too leisurely, but in truth, my work involves a ton of contemplation.
Thank you for mentioning schools Erik! I hated school so much. I’d suffer from panic attacks and severe loneliness everyday. If there are any other INTPs out there in school.... HOLD ON! It really does get better! Focus on your personal work, then once your really really good at it you can share and get paid for it.
Ugh i've been failing school since 9th grade ,going to summer school every time . I'm in 11th and this is my worst year yet . I HATE THE WAY THEY TEACH ,which is why i skipped school a lot . What do you mean by personal work ?
I’m an intp and just starting in the advertising industry. And I Honestly feel it’s a perfect career for intp’s. Always moving constantly being challenged, having to find solutions, advising and helping other companies and industries. It’s honestly great
Kevin Brown what job do you have in advertising? I’m an INTP currently exploring potential career options outside of my current one and I’ve taken an interest in advertising - but I am just worried about the corporate element to it, as this is what I dislike about my current role.
Was also in advertising. I agree on the most part but you'd need to be an Above the line creative to enjoy this fully. Then again, I moved over to the ux design industry and its great. Same problem solving dynamics that get the brain going
I was too. Three months internship. In the beginning it was great, I could bring up a lot of my Ne (with Ti). Funny Ideas (thought through). If I would have been higher in the hierarchy it would have been more fun. But as an intern you naturally don't have the freedom of choice which keeps the whole thing alive. I could imagine working as a freelancer in advertising. But not as an time-for-money-9am-6pm-occupation.
@@MrStifleras I'm bad at social communication but not professional. We can be great communicators when we are passionate and have ideas we want to get across.
I know this is an older video but you really shed some light on the way my mind actually works. It's been bugging me for a long while why do I seem not to do nearly as much as I should and yet do so well. As I'm considering to apply for extra lab work in uni, this really helped me understand myself better and will help me decide if I'm ready for a task that big. Thank you so much!
Having lived with an INTP, this is so spot on! However, just a clarification and as you probably know Erik, INTPs don't have to be into STEM or hard sciences! In this particular case it was a matter of him having read I would believe close to the entire catalogue of Western philosophers since the age of like, 7 and then applying that in religious practice as well as theological studies. And now, not surprisingly, he is at Cambridge, finishing a PhD. :)
I miss being able to stimulate and visualise and create ideas from visualising and connecting new ideas everytime I visualise.... all because of a damn mind controlling trick.... I fucking miss being in my own world....
EXACLY...thats what most people get wrong. INTPs don't have to be into STEM or hard sciences! Social Sciences/ Arts. You can also investigate and analyze other things besides hard sciences.
Unfortunately, I haven't had much interest in the hard sciences thus far, I could at least have some more marketable knowledge then... I have bought several thousand books through the years which are here, in my home. (Seriously, they are around 4500). Realistically, I'll most probably never read them (unless I radically change my habits). It's like I'm planning to live two thousand years. They are about languages, history, law, political philosophy, philosophy, economics, mathematics, computer science & programming, psychology, dating, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, self-help, religion (I'm an atheist, but interested in why people are so into these fairy tales:). I buy them because I'm compelled to. They seem like a missing piece that I NEED to have to understand the whole thing better. I "need" this philosopher's books because my information will be flawed if I haven't read him, he's very important in the history of philosophy! Nevermind that I already have a few hundred books of other great philosophers that I'll almost surely never get around to. I just can't seem to be able to do this realistic judgment and stop myself from buying it. :(
Jani R strange, I have a more humanities-geared brain. Linguistics, art history, culture studies, law, and especially philosophy - I find that exciting. But I also have lots of admiration for such fields as chemistry or physics, it's just I never have been able to get into the mathematical part of those sciences. Not good with equasions, so no matter how fascinated I may be by astronomy I'll never be an astrophysicist
It's definitely true that society has a J bias. A lot of self-help books just tell you "how to Te better" which is good for judgers but no good for me. I think there's even studies saying that J and P folks tend to perform equally well in well adjusted cases but when a J has problems they get advice tailored to them while Ps get told to become as unlike themselves as possible. There definitely ARE tips for Ps to be more efficient (reminders & post it notes, if you feel the slightest natural inclination to do something do it, read the problems early on & selve them when you get an idea, limit your projects to a handful to alternate between so its neither just 1 or a bajillion etc) NPs and SPs are each screwed over in their own ways - NPs understand abstract explanations but their effort is less visible and we lack S "life skills"; SPs learn mostly by doing and need good envinronments/ have a high drive to move which schools don't really accomodate.
I agree. SPs have it really hard too. I have an ESTP student that is very smart and wants to have good grades but he doesn't perform as good as he wants. His makrs are mediocre while he can outreason anyone in the class except from the INTJ in the class maybe.
My teacher used to chide me for reading ahead in the texbooks... In hindsight I think I would have learned a lot more from just reading the books than trying the Te/Si heavy teaching style of school, like, it's not that I think I'm smarter than everyone else its that the textbooks presented information in ways that I could process easier & understood better (just like other kids may benefit from group work or practical practive)
KendrixTermina Yeeeeaaah XD Everytime in school when we were advised to read a text, I would always be 1-2 pages ahead after a few minutes, even though I wasn‘t supposed to read those... One time we were starting to read a book in german lessons, after the lesson was over the average person in the room was at page 16, the guy who was considered smartest by most in the room was at page 36 and I was at page 42... Their faces were priceless... x)
Of course, everything changes. But thats not the reason. The "100 tabs syndrome" is a common trait of high Ne users. Our detail orientation comes from Ti working with our Ne and Si that makes us naturals at seeking and finding every little detail about how something works. Were like an ISTP but in a mental sense as ISTP's do this with physical objects.
Only 100 tabs? I have around 500 in every one of the 3 or 4 browsers I have on each of the 2 computers I use (I live in two cities). It's a f*cking disease! :( I can't close them, because they all seem so interesting/important and useful. For improving my life, for understanding something that interests me... I have hundreds of bookmarks, lists on UA-cam "for future review" (yeah, right). I also have bought several thousand books which are here, in my home. Realistically, I'll most probably never read them (unless I radically change my habits). It's like I'm planning to live two thousand years! They are about languages, history, law, political philosophy, philosophy, economics, mathematics, computer science & programming, psychology, dating, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, self-help, religion (I'm an atheist, but interested in why people are so into these fairy tales, so I have several dozen books on several religions.). I buy them because I'm compelled to. They seem like a missing piece that I NEED to have to understand the whole thing better. I "need" this philosopher's books because my information will be flawed if I haven't read him, he's very important in the history of philosophy! Nevermind that I already have a few hundred books of other great philosophers that I'll almost surely never get around to. I just can't seem to be able to do realistic judgment and stop myself from buying it. :(
i agree with most of what is said in this video but the part about INTPs not wanting to start their own business seems a bit strange to me. I've read online the opposite actually, that INTP are among the most likely to wanna start their own business, which doesn't mean they will actually do so xD. For me at least I've always daydreamed about creating all sorts of ideas and systems from businesses to school systems and even entire self sustaining city country seasteads. I also have a lot of ideas for videogames, clothing designs, my dream home... I guess I have the typical INTP love for systems and ideas but also a love for design. But it could be that I'm just a little more practical, even though I almost never follow through on my plans I do make plans, sometimes even taking time into consideration like seeing how many days i have to study and how many hours that is if i study x per day... and in the 16personalities test I am only a 56% P so I have some J traits, even thought maybe I was a INTP/INTJ mix but looking at the cognitive functions I can tell I'm an INTP
EvilBunny ... you just described me perfectly. at last count my "idea folder" was at 300+ I've always dreamed of starting a business.... but never gotten off the drawing board :(
I believe this is in part of having satisfied your curiosity on the idea, you've already created the "business" in side your head or at least a working prototype, so you've satisfied your curiosity and all that motivation just ends. Eventually you find something new and begin to repeat the cycle. But that's just my theory.
Ryan Mckenzie perfect! Your thoughts go a long way to explaining why I rarely follow through on things. I’m possibly the worse completer/finisher ever!
I went on a tangent just a moment ago and almost posted like a page response, at least like three paragraphs. But erased it. Your welcome fellow INTP’s .
Hey you guys! I have a feeling inside and I want to know if that's an INTP thing. I feel like I was born with a sort of blocking mechanism. That I'm easily able to block out all the emotional pain resulting from most of the painful situations. Every time but the times I choose not to do so. Does anyone here feel the same?
Same to be honest. It's like I have this ultimate power to control my emotions and to suppress them whenever I want. I kinda like that, but most of the time I feel emptiness. I mean, I feel like I'm wired to be lost in this world.
I feel the same. I feel numb or rather empty a lot but i still have my emotions. I just never really "lean" into them when I can just choose not to. If that makes sense at all. Lol I'm not the best at explaining myself. But I feel like I get you.
Same here, I have very selective memory. If there's something I don't want to remember, it's as if it had never happened in my mind. I've also pretty much numbed down my feelings. I do this to protect myself but my family thinks I'm some kind of unfeeling monster or something.
I saw a video recently about the psychology of the INTP that claimed INTP's have a great capacity for apathy by essentially out-thinking their emotions in order to come to the conclusion that the only logical thing to feel is nothing because of the flawed thought system they have subconciously created for themselves in order to avoid dealing with emotions (something INTP's are not great at). We do this on purpose, but are willfully ignorant of it.
As an INTP at school, so many time I answer the question through my own analysis... afterwards I understood I had to answer to what the teacher wanted. Once I understood that I got the best grades, except in maths my grades were always high.
When the main source of water supply is getting water from a well: The rest of society goes every day at the well spending hours in the queue and fetching water then transporting water from the well to the house. Meanwhile, an INTP was despised by his brothers because he does not contribute to the labor work in the fetching of water thinking that he was doing absolutely nothing! One day, the INTP came up with the prototype a machine he calls a pump that can deliver water from the well direct to one household. This eliminates the hard labor involved and saving time queueing. He applies for a patent on this technology and then he went to their well and introduced his invention. In the eyes of society, the INTP was not contributing anything when in fact his contribution is the future breakthrough. In historical times, research and development are undervalued. In today's world, if a company stopped innovating, it is bound to fail. Still, society undervalue INTPs because they think that INTPs are doing absolutely nothing!
My husband is an INTP - I'm an ENFJ - the best way to describe our relationship is he is wise like the dragon and flowing like the dragon, as if he has all the time in the world, and I am like the Tiger - cunning, always ready to pounce based more on instinct. We are BOTH right in our own ways - we make a great team. I read people and predict people's behaviors like a game of chess, and he tries to analyze how I do it LMFAO
This is very true. I wonder if I can get my SVP to watch this. Thanks for reminder that the "quiet" times count as work too. I tend to feel guilty when staring at the wall to think about something. I feel like it doesn't "count" as part of my work day. Then I feel like I am cheating my employer somehow. This is a nice reminder that we need that time to be effective. Fortunately I work from home so I don't have co-workers and bosses staring over my shoulder wonder what I am doing. LOL
Thank you for that Erik! It's so good to see that someone actually understands you! Cheers for the great channel! It can do wonders in terms of people accepting themselves and start operating according to who they really are. And the history shows that in the case with INTPs (Einstein, Newton, Bill Gates etc) society often gained a lot from it! Thank you one more time!
Well said. It took my work place a bit of time to figure me out. Im not the neatest/organized employee but i do the job like no other. You dont hire an intp to do the job fast. You hire an intp to do the job the best. Hire a istj for fast and wrong. Have them manage so they can show there employees the exact wrong way. When they ask about how good there idea is to you just ask them about the holidays and where they went on vacation this year. 😂. Sounds like people are giving you a hard time at work too. Tell them to f off. The world is run by j types. This is the real problem. We need p types to run the world. Just ask a j type why does it matter that im on time to the minute at work. Because i can give a better explanation why its ok for me to be late. First of all explain how they are just discriminatory and unwilling to yield their ideals so the ship can sale 2 seconds sooner not to mention wrong. Withhold pay in order to get you to work on time. The intp will do the job better most of the time and come up with systems to make it even better and faster later. Should we take charge bs our way to the top and withhold pay for being so stupid to the j type? 😂
You are so wise. And make me feel good about being intp. I wish I was infp most of the time because they get along with people better and are probably more talented writers. I struggle with the arts, the logic mind of mine keeps telling me I'm not good enough to write books. Anyway. Är du svensk?
Be glad you're not an INFP. They're such victems in life that can not explain why they want things, yet want stuff because their introverted feeling craves it. They are pretty hard to deal with in that sense, and because of their inferior extroverted thinking, they are usually unable to achieve what they want in life. Life may seem harder being an INTP, but the things is that being an INP on itself is already pretty passive, but at least the T brings some logic and learning abilities into it. WIth an F , and esppecially a dominant introverted feeling, INFP's are pretty much hurt all the time by anything people around them do. If someone does not agree with their opinion, they're already hurt and retract into their shell. Being an INTP you can learn arts very well. In fact I think an INTP has the ability to be around the most artistic ones out there, simply because the combination of Ti and Ne makes it possible for us to understand the logic behind pretty much anything. The cool things is that arts have ALOT Of logic in them. I learned myself composing music without being able to play anything or knowing any theory, just by lookin at some music and undertanding the concept behind it, how chords work and how a melody is related to these chords, what creates tension and what not. It's just a matter of looking at examples and figuring out their underlying structure, in the way that you are able to produce another variation of that. If study writing, and look at it logically, you will find there are alot of underlying structures and logic behind it all. As an INTP you're the master of figuring out the logic behind it, and then you're problably able to produce something like that as well, which in it's core is a very logival thing, but that does not mean the book will be hard and logical only. Even how emotion is created in books is purely logical in it's just study to understand why things work the way they do in books, and especially in the book you yourself like. This makes it possible for you to understand what triggers *you* on an imaginative and emotion level in a book, since that is very important since you're the first judge of any work you create. Most writers and pretty much any artistic creator creates things they themself like in the first place. I hope this gives you insights into the gifts you have as an INTP to understand and learn pretty much anything like that.
I'm an INTP and I'm starting to write a novel. I know It will take years to finish it, but I'll try to do it as greatly as I can. Since I was a child I had great writing habilies. There are plenty of great INTP writters through history. INTPs can be as great as writter as anyone else, or even better. In my opinion INTPs are provably the best at writting science fiction and complex stories without having inconsistencies.
YESSSS! I also want to know what people want at school where a teacher tells me what they want I get a+ if I figure it out but if I can't I do what I want not whats expected and gets D's. Ahh. I also procrastinate my work as its just useless stuff to me when we have to be rushed soo much that I can't have time to gasp everything before I move on again to the next thing.
"Seems to do the least but does the most" As INTP Asmongold says... Be the wizard. The fat guy in the back of the room who is the only one who knows how it all works and is, by systemic force, irreplicable.
I’m tired of people constantly thinking teachers are evil people that create content to be taught. They have to do exactly what their superiors tell them too. Exactly how they tell them too. If they don’t they are punished , be a cut in pay or if it continues it can get you fired.
The struggle is real, at times when I feel a lot is expected out of me in a short period of time I remind myself of that old saying; "when you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on"
At 4 years old, in the car, after answering patiently about 10 questions along the 1 hour drive, my mom told me to SHUT UP aahahahahahahaha!!! I remember vividly the "shut up" ahahahaha.... and I also recall feeling stuned that my ALL-KNOWING mommy (perception of a 4 years old) would withold her divine power of knowledge.... and I had a weird and fuzzy and unclear impression of paradox about it... 4yo -"doesn't she love me?"
I‘m german. During english lessons in high school, when writing essays, I would strive to find the perfect balance of accuracy and compactness... The teachers just wanted the texts to be long and didn‘t care about the contents... While some random girl who somehow managed to write some really simple stuff on 4 pages would be getting praise, I was being scolded for a 1-page text, containing the exact same information, and much easier to understand! Also I never did my homework lol.
Come to Sweden from Africa and less than 2 years of no apparant hardwork I started high school in Sweden with Swedish language. All of a sudden I am better then the most of the guys. I procastinate till the night before and get good results at the end.
Amazing, how is it that you just get INTPs so well? How is it that you understand what it is like to be an INTP and explain it so well, even if you are not one yourself?
@@stevedavenport1202 Nope He is an INFP just one letter difference ;) (so am i and I feel like an INTP after this video, same struggles i guess or maybe i am INTP ,but we INFPs doubt a lot ... darn ...)
I also feel undervalued at many jobs for the reason he says: I can do far more usually, but what too often gets rewarded at jobs is wither self-sacrifice or popularity. In at least one job, I began to slow down to the pace of others, but the employees and management already had experienced my work output, so were angry when I matched the output of others. If I get paid the same and/or not promoted, why should I output more? I like the concept another guy had of "paying yourself first" by waking up early to work on your own projects or small business so that the best of your mind and body went to your self and not to ungrateful moochers who'd treat you as disposable.
At my jobs, I was the one who seemed to be the most - until bitterness set in. SO, maybe my upbringing and therefore my actions differ from that of other INTPs.
I'm an intp. I've always been very efficient and hated for it. I enjoy being so efficient. I love to make things look effortless. Today at work I did an hour more work than the last shift in the same amount of time and also discovered the meaning of life. I know it sounds like a joke but I mean it. I figured out the meaning of life. String theory science guy..... Suck it. I solved your equation and didn't have to use numbers.
KingBowserVlog. Life is simply a never ending pursuit to satisfy you own selfish and flawed ego while hoping you can fool yourself into being comfortable with what you have done so you can achieve some sort of happiness whether it be genuine or not. In the end it makes no difference. We die we start over. The soul is an energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transferred to a new form. The new form is the next us in our new life in a never ending cycle of "death" and "birth", both of which are simply illusions.
Azriel R you saying that really hits home how thin of a line there is between nihilism and just being plain realistic. I agree with your meaning of life, though, except for one thing. I think there is true comfort and it's being aware of the harsh reality and being able to be serene about it. We don't necessarily have to fool ourselves into comfort.
I think the only thing we know for sure in life is that we *experience* . It's harder to know for sure how much freedom we really have, and whatever or not the future is set in stone or not. However, we *do* get to experience it. So in that essence, I think the meaning of life is simply to experience. I could add other things, but the rest of the ideas would just be that: "Ideas". They could be true or not, but there's not really a way of validating them . How does one know the soul is energy in that sense, and that there simply is a soul that get''s transfered into new life in and endless cycle? I'd say there's not really a solid enough reason to assume this. Neither am I saying there is no soul, but simply that the reasoning behind it is for the largest chunck a theory that is pretty hard (if possible at all) to verify.
thats it? thats the meaning of life? i thought it would be more...i dont know. meaningful i guess. what about all other life on this planet though? is it the same for them? or does the meaning of life only apply to our species? i think you might wanna go back and revise a bit more. you left some things out
Yep this is me. I streamline my work and take half the time to do it. But I dont tell my boss because they will just give me more work. I get bored doing repetive work and I get a thrill figuring out ways to do it quicker than I do from doing the actual work
This is why I did so very badly at school... I learn more from UA-cam and reading books of my own choosing than I ever did at school... Then I wake up one morning years later to find out that I'm a school teacher. Wish I could teach the way I think kids should be taught, but alas... Therefore I hate my job. Actually, I hate it for others reasons too; bloody boring routine work which deadlines I never seem to make :/
Eric, you are ME but without the drugs, drink and smoking. Only thing I still do is smoke, but soon this will stop too. THANK you for your videos... Very interesting! Very informative! God bless you. It sure is fun being an INTP :D -also we are the smartest :P
How do you know all this about us? This is incredible. What's your personality type? And it explains so much about myself. Have you studied psychology? For how long? Also, thank you so much for this video, it really helped me out a lot!
Am I the only one that just doesn't bother explaining things to people because they won't get it anyway? Or they'll respond with such dumb shit that I'll feel how my brain cells disintegrate while listening to their arguments? Sometimes people see that as me being weak and not standing up for my arguments when in fact I just feel bad for them and then walk away happily with my thoughts not giving a fuck about what they think of me anyway.
Thank you. I don't know if this is just a "me" thing since I was raised in a shitty small town public school, but they literally taught the same three things in American History at least three times each. Slavery. The Great Depression Era. And the settling of America. Wouldn't kill them to teach about other countries for a change. I wouldn't mind hearing about Joan d'Arc or Marie Antoinette.
This is how intps explain 1 subject...we need to cite lots of ideas spanning from how we see the society and or views in how the universe works just to explain why are we procrastinating.
Ah I find myself in this exact scenario you described. At work I will have my work I need to have done before everyone else, thus I am constantly observed in the workplace sitting down surfing the internet. So often, I hear and even in supervisor performance reports and told I appear lazy. As you said though, I did the work I needed to 2x faster than my co-worker and now because I'm done you expect me to just waddle around and straighten things up? No way, simply put, I don't have time for that. For reference, my job consists of a lot of grunt work.
Yes, I am lazy I admit. What I observed is though during work I usually come up with a system to finish my work faster and I usually get work done than others so I can go back to reading Wikipedia. That makes my coworkers think I am lazy.
In the knowledge that I’m an INTP, my work in IT makes more sense now. I gravitated to bosses that allowed me the freedom to do a wide range of projects with little supervision, and I automated tasks for people who asked on the side. It was very satisfying turning what would take someone a week of labor to complete into a piece of software that did their job before they could make coffee. This made people redundant, so it was like hiring new staff because freed them to do other tasks. And it was very lucrative, as promotions and raises rolled in.
Isn't the idea of the turtle with the rocket shoes a little bit wrong, this turtle will be starting with inventing his rocked shoes but instead of That actually invent something completely different
I'm in a job that forces me to do projects often in a single day, mostly on 2-3 days, and I truly hate it, makes me feel like a robot since it's mostly the same stuff over and over and have all of it already figured out. INTPs need to use our creativity otherwise we just get angry and anxious.
I know what you mean. The job that I have now is a pretty mindless job but there is room to be efficient and fast. Enter the boss that says "go faster". Now I have to figure how to jimmy the system to go even faster but it's going to be at the expense of efficiency as it relates to a good product. I can tell you right now that I'll be spending less time finding the correct product if they only give me 30 seconds to come up with an answer.
INTP - "Teacher, why are we learning this?
*feeling un-motivated and knowing they would work much better knowing why they need to withstand this tedious work*
Teacher - "Because I said so"
INTP - *you sheep*
Dusky Racer That's so on point
Dusky Racer Or because academic education is how you earn a degree. Degrees are what gets you a job. Working jobs is how you earn money to live. Thus you must learn the silly things you learn in school and withstand that tedious work. I thought INTPs are supposed to see reality more clearly.
If they wanted us all to have good jobs they would have a better and more on point curriculum. School teaches us to work at mcDonalds. Not by telling us to, but by not teaching us.
Basel Yaser sure it gets you a job but INTP's are mostly looking for deeper knowledge. As a Cognitive Psychologist I can say for sure that schools and curricula are not built for learning, but for remembering. That's the system INTP's often clash with.
The Young Professional Scientific learning is built on remembering. You can't "learn" scientific constants, proofs, and mathematical theorems. Of course it's built on remembering. What's your point?
1:42 "INTP's are people"
This is news
I looked back over my life and I realized, the times where I was the happiest was after I dropped out of college. I read a book a day, I studied film, learned 2 instruments... I feasted on the knowledge of the world. My darkest times are when I'm saddled with the expectations of others, forced to create small talk or forced to "build relationships". Basically when I'm forced to wear an Extraverted Sensing mask.
holy crap I wish I could read as fast as you
I totally agree, college isn't a ground for learning... It's to get a piece of paper to show to an employer. Real learning occurs through ones own mind and discovery
WOW. that is so me... :( but I'm much happier now so that counts for something
INTP: By Nature: The Independent Scholar...!
Sleeping 12 hours, eating one meal...spending the rest of the day working on world peace. Yeah, that's me.
That is sad
@@nicholaswatson999 Ikr, doesn't sound remotely intp to me. Wtf is "world peace", and what type of delusional dumbass thinks it's achievable without mass genocide of just about everyone?
@@xynx1211 you don't sound like an INTP for me, you didn't even state a clear reason why genocide needs to be executed, as if all the irrational and also rational beings in this world are all literally braindead and uncommitted to any change
@@frous898 Lol, did i ever say it needs to be executed? The people who advocate "world peace" have no clue what'd be needed to achieve it. Intps are supposed to have some common sense and understand these things. You guys sound really really stupid, very un-intp.
@@xynx1211 sounds like you just hate everyone, seems like part of your cognitive functions aren't working together, i know there's people that'd need to be killed, the system we live in reworked, all judgment literally removed and the only real thing needed in itself is believing it, rationalizing a kind of feel is like finding the use of a boat in the heights of the atmosphere. Awareness is a thing, the other thing is sticking to the idea everyone is dumb for you, which isn't right, but is really evident.
When a teacher thinks daydreaming equals stupidity and laziness I image the most horrible of deaths to inflict upon them.
Ah yes. Relatable.
Please don’t wish that upon my mother. I don’t know exactly what she thinks of it but I know she doesn’t like it.
People laughed at me for daydreaming in class while I was actually trying to make something out of time travelling paradox, and me in my head: i was having a good time calculating something unnecessary smh
Society will never allow you to do this. People hate when someone figures out their stupidity.
@@renatamiron8095 😊
Ability to lead.
lets someone else do.
Only steps in if they see an error that the INTP can't stand and is the only one that can correct it.
Happened recently with me :D
Although they didn't quite get how my idea would improve work to be made
Then I had to repeat it until everyone simply saw no other solution because they FINALLY realized my method could work...
I usually call the plays when I play csgo because most people don't really know what they are doing. Sometimes ill be calling the plays while im bottom fragging. It hurts my soul so much when people don't listen to me and get our team fucked.
That explains me.
Happened to me in a last minute arranged school comedy drama. The moment my classmates were on stage, they were dead clueless. I have this sudden instinct to lead. I mentally forced them to follow my spontaneous flow, and kick them into doing some sort of action everytime I felt that it's going to be awkward.
They might not realize this, but I literally saved them.
I only want to lead until the group understands the system I’ve put in place, then I will get out of the way and let them have at it. The only problem is, most don’t get it and they won’t take it and make it their own...😬🙄😳
someone email this video to every teacher in the damn country
Zach Jones /yes thank you finally someone understand me
I almost got a paddling in school for asking the teacher to explain something and I stared off into space. She insisted I tell her what she said and I looked at her and repeated it word for word. I was bored I already knew what the subject was I just wanted to day dream.
To every teacher in the world rather
@@Anirossa There are good teachers i had some teachers who were highly concerned to make everybody understand why we are learning this and that. But I hear you.
I’m an intp and I’m always thinking about having and opening my own business so that I don’t have to work under anyone
😁😅😅😂😂Me tooo
Yes, but then you still have to deal with customers 😬
@@pohkeee Exactly...that's where my husband comes into play :)
@@pohkeee then you can pay someone to deal with customers hahaha
Exactly what i have been thinking too 😁
As an intp, ill spend hours sitting around doing thought experiments and studying theoretical concepts
Same. Lately I've been watching lots of physics videos\talks. Even tho I'm shit at math, the concepts fascinate me. Brian greene's are the talks I enjoy the most, he's so good at explaining the "why" of things, it's almost hypnotic
@@Pi7on Yeah, I also like physics and I like those concepts more than those math behind it. But I'm more into web development and computer science.
@@nivellen1168 well same, I'm studying cs right now lol
@@Pi7on Nice! I want to study it some day too... but I'm only 13 and I'm still in school right now but I learned HTML, CSS JavaScript and I'm learning Vue.js right now.
@@nivellen1168 cs is a great field. I wish you good luck with your studies :)
This is soooo on point. It sucks to be so misunderstood. No matter how well we do (always a surprise) we are expected to have done better because we made it look too simple. It's so frustrating because while others are over there talking a big game, we're sitting here thinking of how useless most of what they've said is but no one listens bc we "look" lazy :(
that "useless" part resonates with me. I think being brave enough to ask oneself what matters, what really has value or who gave it value and why is what INTPs might do more than other types. If it is a useless construct of society, why do it?
Yes, my brethren, we shall now devise a plan to rise and take control of the world, show them what we can do, who we are. We shall achieve everything we want, we shall prove that we are good enough!
We shall devise a plan, think it until death, and back again, and learn every single aspect needed to achieve this plan, and when the plan is so nearing implementation, with 3 more simple questions to complete the ambition, we move to another topic and put all of them in a box.....
Bong Jensen we have no need for that. to process everything i rather have them control in tha background and simply correct their imperfections. As i hate if everything is perfect society would just fall anyway especially if intp were running cuz since we can processa and analyze things better and its a large collection of us most inpefections of the human race would be exposed and simply war and other effortd we believe would just be pointless ppl with low iq would find this rather mundane and try anything just to speak "feel alive"
Yeah... we could conquer the world US intps.... if there would not be so many forms and bureaucratic papers to fill.... man, we could really rule!!! 😁
Bong Jensen so true
I was just thinking about this a couple of days ago.
Growing up it was always very hurtful to be accused of being lazy & not caring, like, I wanted to do it right I just wasn't sure how, or wanted to do it my own way
Thank You exactly similar to my point of view
i can pretty much relate, however, i do not have enough courage to do things before and i believe that's what i need to master next
i always asked my science teacher how that scientist came to the conclusion n i was not liked by my teachers at all.
You most likely had an STJ teacher, they don't like probing questions.
I would correct my teachers when they were wrong. Some of them where so dumb and took offence.
Yesssss this
How do we not know how they came up with that?? And no teacher ever knew
We're not lazy...we're just effic.....argh...typing.....too much energy....
I actually sometimes get tired to.. ty...
Well i prefer typing much than smal talk
Thts actually tru n so many ways
8:45 Ten tabs for an INTP? That's a rather conservative number.
Haha yeah i average 50-70
This was very helpful and validating. I've been rushed and pressured my whole life to "learn faster" to "socialize faster" to find something I want to do for the rest of my life faster. Nah I just want to experience things and people at my own pace and comfort.
I really like relating the issue back to the old story of the rabbit vs. the turtle race. Gives me hope that one day I'll catch up or maybe even pull ahead in certain respects...
All likes from INTPs. 1 dislike from ESTJ
Damn those mbti standards💯🙏 arrghhhhh...
STJs are infinitely annoying, but I respect their ability to make decisions
Should I feel bad one of my best friends is an ESTJ?
well, I'm an INTP but my wife is an ESFJ ... never understands me ontime...
@@frous898 No, don't feel bad. I'm married to an ESTJ and we're a great team when he can curb his impulsiveness and listen to my well-researched perspective. The more I show him I make correct calculated decisions, the more he listens. But he does need to be reminded of it, and sometimes I have to just put my foot down and tell him we're doing it my way.
Just the thing to inspire an intp. Always underestimated, and often misunderstood. Thanks for the encouragement, Erik! 😊
Did he say "may your neurons be with you" at the end??
You described my life. I had to leave my career. My mentors, who described me as a problem-solver, had grown to appreciate my mind, but the new team players scorned it and me. Six AM Monday meetings were the final insult added to the many team-inflicted injuries, so I'm pretty-sure they think I left because I was too lazy to get up in the morning.
Sorry to hear that, this made me sad:(
@@CreativeReverie Thank you. It truly hurt. The saddest part is that the company, and therefore all the investors, lost an irreplaceable asset.
I explained my thought processes to a psychologist and he wanted to put the label ADHD on me. I corrected him, saying that I'm not incapacitated by my manner of thinking, instead I like the way my brain functions. It makes me faster in mental tasks than anyone else. Plus I am a highly focused individual, although I'm thinking along parallel lines. It's not ADHD at all.
I quit seeing this psychologist. He did not understand.
I think my depression was just labeled lazy because than no one had to deal with the real issue.
As you are describing valuable and relevant information about how we INTPs operate, I can't help but appreciate your hair. It characterizes the INTP philosophy: there are far more interesting things to explore than my hair at the moment; I can always comb it later. I appreciate it because, as an INTP, I care about but can hardly be bothered with my hair, which is in a perpetual pillow-head state. Also, your statement that we often look like we are doing nothing while we are usually doing the most is so true. From personal experience, I'm often accused of being too leisurely, but in truth, my work involves a ton of contemplation.
Thank you for mentioning schools Erik! I hated school so much. I’d suffer from panic attacks and severe loneliness everyday. If there are any other INTPs out there in school.... HOLD ON! It really does get better!
Focus on your personal work, then once your really really good at it you can share and get paid for it.
Ugh i've been failing school since 9th grade ,going to summer school every time . I'm in 11th and this is my worst year yet . I HATE THE WAY THEY TEACH ,which is why i skipped school a lot . What do you mean by personal work ?
>What do you mean by personal work ?
do what you love and get paid for it
I’m an intp and just starting in the advertising industry. And I Honestly feel it’s a perfect career for intp’s. Always moving constantly being challenged, having to find solutions, advising and helping other companies and industries. It’s honestly great
Kevin Brown what job do you have in advertising? I’m an INTP currently exploring potential career options outside of my current one and I’ve taken an interest in advertising - but I am just worried about the corporate element to it, as this is what I dislike about my current role.
Was also in advertising. I agree on the most part but you'd need to be an Above the line creative to enjoy this fully. Then again, I moved over to the ux design industry and its great. Same problem solving dynamics that get the brain going
I was too. Three months internship. In the beginning it was great, I could bring up a lot of my Ne (with Ti). Funny Ideas (thought through). If I would have been higher in the hierarchy it would have been more fun. But as an intern you naturally don't have the freedom of choice which keeps the whole thing alive. I could imagine working as a freelancer in advertising. But not as an time-for-money-9am-6pm-occupation.
advertising needs communication
intps are bad at communication
is that not accurate?
@@MrStifleras I'm bad at social communication but not professional. We can be great communicators when we are passionate and have ideas we want to get across.
I know this is an older video but you really shed some light on the way my mind actually works. It's been bugging me for a long while why do I seem not to do nearly as much as I should and yet do so well. As I'm considering to apply for extra lab work in uni, this really helped me understand myself better and will help me decide if I'm ready for a task that big. Thank you so much!
Having lived with an INTP, this is so spot on! However, just a clarification and as you probably know Erik, INTPs don't have to be into STEM or hard sciences! In this particular case it was a matter of him having read I would believe close to the entire catalogue of Western philosophers since the age of like, 7 and then applying that in religious practice as well as theological studies. And now, not surprisingly, he is at Cambridge, finishing a PhD. :)
I miss being able to stimulate and visualise and create ideas from visualising and connecting new ideas everytime I visualise.... all because of a damn mind controlling trick.... I fucking miss being in my own world....
EXACLY...thats what most people get wrong.
INTPs don't have to be into STEM or hard sciences!
Social Sciences/ Arts.
You can also investigate and analyze other things besides hard sciences.
Unfortunately, I haven't had much interest in the hard sciences thus far, I could at least have some more marketable knowledge then...
I have bought several thousand books through the years which are here, in my home. (Seriously, they are around 4500). Realistically, I'll most probably never read them (unless I radically change my habits). It's like I'm planning to live two thousand years. They are about languages, history, law, political philosophy, philosophy, economics, mathematics, computer science & programming, psychology, dating, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, self-help, religion (I'm an atheist, but interested in why people are so into these fairy tales:).
I buy them because I'm compelled to. They seem like a missing piece that I NEED to have to understand the whole thing better. I "need" this philosopher's books because my information will be flawed if I haven't read him, he's very important in the history of philosophy! Nevermind that I already have a few hundred books of other great
philosophers that I'll almost surely never get around to. I just can't seem to be able to do this realistic judgment and stop myself from buying it. :(
Jani R strange, I have a more humanities-geared brain. Linguistics, art history, culture studies, law, and especially philosophy - I find that exciting. But I also have lots of admiration for such fields as chemistry or physics, it's just I never have been able to get into the mathematical part of those sciences. Not good with equasions, so no matter how fascinated I may be by astronomy I'll never be an astrophysicist
It's definitely true that society has a J bias.
A lot of self-help books just tell you "how to Te better" which is good for judgers but no good for me. I think there's even studies saying that J and P folks tend to perform equally well in well adjusted cases but when a J has problems they get advice tailored to them while Ps get told to become as unlike themselves as possible.
There definitely ARE tips for Ps to be more efficient (reminders & post it notes, if you feel the slightest natural inclination to do something do it, read the problems early on & selve them when you get an idea, limit your projects to a handful to alternate between so its neither just 1 or a bajillion etc)
NPs and SPs are each screwed over in their own ways - NPs understand abstract explanations but their effort is less visible and we lack S "life skills"; SPs learn mostly by doing and need good envinronments/ have a high drive to move which schools don't really accomodate.
I agree. SPs have it really hard too. I have an ESTP student that is very smart and wants to have good grades but he doesn't perform as good as he wants. His makrs are mediocre while he can outreason anyone in the class except from the INTJ in the class maybe.
Js are more useful to those who are responsible for forming opinions.
A good product to be sold to minds.
It's not like Ps can change though.
My teacher used to chide me for reading ahead in the texbooks...
In hindsight I think I would have learned a lot more from just reading the books than trying the Te/Si heavy teaching style of school, like, it's not that I think I'm smarter than everyone else its that the textbooks presented information in ways that I could process easier & understood better (just like other kids may benefit from group work or practical practive)
KendrixTermina Yeeeeaaah XD Everytime in school when we were advised to read a text, I would always be 1-2 pages ahead after a few minutes, even though I wasn‘t supposed to read those... One time we were starting to read a book in german lessons, after the lesson was over the average person in the room was at page 16, the guy who was considered smartest by most in the room was at page 36 and I was at page 42... Their faces were priceless... x)
Talking about laziness... I saw a 12 minute video and instantly thought if it was worth it..
Márcio Félix i didn't even finish it 😂 just reading the comments now hahah
lol but as an INTP i have 100 tabs
(edit: am actually an enfp it turns out)
I was told I am an INTP .... What is 100 tabs?
INTP are supposedly very detailed oriented.
Or do we change by generations.
internet pages. a tab is the little thing you click at the top of the internet pages to select it
Of course, everything changes. But thats not the reason. The "100 tabs syndrome" is a common trait of high Ne users. Our detail orientation comes from Ti working with our Ne and Si that makes us naturals at seeking and finding every little detail about how something works. Were like an ISTP but in a mental sense as ISTP's do this with physical objects.
Only 100 tabs? I have around 500 in every one of the 3 or 4 browsers I have on each of the 2 computers I use (I live in two cities). It's a f*cking disease! :( I can't close them, because they all seem so interesting/important and useful. For improving my life, for understanding something that interests me...
I have hundreds of bookmarks, lists on UA-cam "for future review" (yeah, right).
I also have bought several thousand books which are here, in my home. Realistically, I'll most probably never read them (unless I radically change my habits). It's like I'm planning to live two thousand years! They are about languages, history, law, political philosophy, philosophy, economics, mathematics, computer science & programming, psychology, dating, nutrition, fitness, martial arts, self-help, religion (I'm an atheist, but interested in why people are so into these fairy tales, so I have several dozen books on several religions.).
I buy them because I'm compelled to. They seem like a missing piece that I NEED to have to understand the whole thing better. I "need" this philosopher's books because my information will be flawed if I haven't read him, he's very important in the history of philosophy! Nevermind that I already have a few hundred books of other great philosophers that I'll almost surely never get around to. I just can't seem to be able to do realistic judgment and stop myself from buying it. :(
Matthew Alistair "blame it on my ADD baby.. "
You explained us perfectly :)
I can very much relate to the whode deadlin problem and the "I can't say what I'll be doing next year until I get there" part
i agree with most of what is said in this video but the part about INTPs not wanting to start their own business seems a bit strange to me. I've read online the opposite actually, that INTP are among the most likely to wanna start their own business, which doesn't mean they will actually do so xD. For me at least I've always daydreamed about creating all sorts of ideas and systems from businesses to school systems and even entire self sustaining city country seasteads. I also have a lot of ideas for videogames, clothing designs, my dream home... I guess I have the typical INTP love for systems and ideas but also a love for design. But it could be that I'm just a little more practical, even though I almost never follow through on my plans I do make plans, sometimes even taking time into consideration like seeing how many days i have to study and how many hours that is if i study x per day... and in the 16personalities test I am only a 56% P so I have some J traits, even thought maybe I was a INTP/INTJ mix but looking at the cognitive functions I can tell I'm an INTP
EvilBunny ... you just described me perfectly. at last count my "idea folder" was at 300+
I've always dreamed of starting a business.... but never gotten off the drawing board :(
I believe this is in part of having satisfied your curiosity on the idea, you've already created the "business" in side your head or at least a working prototype, so you've satisfied your curiosity and all that motivation just ends. Eventually you find something new and begin to repeat the cycle. But that's just my theory.
I WANT to but I'm not motivated to
Ryan Mckenzie perfect! Your thoughts go a long way to explaining why I rarely follow through on things. I’m possibly the worse completer/finisher ever!
I love how you accurately describe me. It's still hard to believe that i am actually a INTP though.
I went on a tangent just a moment ago and almost posted like a page response, at least like three paragraphs. But erased it. Your welcome fellow INTP’s .
Hey you guys! I have a feeling inside and I want to know if that's an INTP thing. I feel like I was born with a sort of blocking mechanism. That I'm easily able to block out all the emotional pain resulting from most of the painful situations. Every time but the times I choose not to do so. Does anyone here feel the same?
Same to be honest. It's like I have this ultimate power to control my emotions and to suppress them whenever I want. I kinda like that, but most of the time I feel emptiness. I mean, I feel like I'm wired to be lost in this world.
I feel the same. I feel numb or rather empty a lot but i still have my emotions. I just never really "lean" into them when I can just choose not to. If that makes sense at all. Lol
I'm not the best at explaining myself. But I feel like I get you.
Same here, I have very selective memory. If there's something I don't want to remember, it's as if it had never happened in my mind. I've also pretty much numbed down my feelings. I do this to protect myself but my family thinks I'm some kind of unfeeling monster or something.
I saw a video recently about the psychology of the INTP that claimed INTP's have a great capacity for apathy by essentially out-thinking their emotions in order to come to the conclusion that the only logical thing to feel is nothing because of the flawed thought system they have subconciously created for themselves in order to avoid dealing with emotions (something INTP's are not great at). We do this on purpose, but are willfully ignorant of it.
This is so freakingly accurate for me. It is so scary to hear this, since normally these things are not understood. Holy crap.
I am actually severely impressed : )
Read "depressed" for a moment xD
Hans Volter oh my god i literally thought i saw "depressed" until i read your comment and realized it actually says impressed wth hahah
As an INTP at school, so many time I answer the question through my own analysis... afterwards I understood I had to answer to what the teacher wanted. Once I understood that I got the best grades, except in maths my grades were always high.
Yeah. I felt parentified by some teachers because they only talk from how they can not how they can for each individual
When the main source of water supply is getting water from a well:
The rest of society goes every day at the well spending hours in the queue and fetching water then transporting water from the well to the house.
Meanwhile, an INTP was despised by his brothers because he does not contribute to the labor work in the fetching of water thinking that he was doing absolutely nothing!
One day, the INTP came up with the prototype a machine he calls a pump that can deliver water from the well direct to one household. This eliminates the hard labor involved and saving time queueing. He applies for a patent on this technology and then he went to their well and introduced his invention. In the eyes of society, the INTP was not contributing anything when in fact his contribution is the future breakthrough. In historical times, research and development are undervalued. In today's world, if a company stopped innovating, it is bound to fail. Still, society undervalue INTPs because they think that INTPs are doing absolutely nothing!
Wow.. 🤔💭♥️
@Dale Dael
amazing example!
My husband is an INTP - I'm an ENFJ - the best way to describe our relationship is he is wise like the dragon and flowing like the dragon, as if he has all the time in the world, and I am like the Tiger - cunning, always ready to pounce based more on instinct. We are BOTH right in our own ways - we make a great team. I read people and predict people's behaviors like a game of chess, and he tries to analyze how I do it LMFAO
Great video, always enjoy your channel. Keep it up and thank you for the insights. -an INTP
This is very true. I wonder if I can get my SVP to watch this. Thanks for reminder that the "quiet" times count as work too. I tend to feel guilty when staring at the wall to think about something. I feel like it doesn't "count" as part of my work day. Then I feel like I am cheating my employer somehow. This is a nice reminder that we need that time to be effective.
Fortunately I work from home so I don't have co-workers and bosses staring over my shoulder wonder what I am doing. LOL
Sleep 6 hours
Eat one meal
Work 12 hours.
Ya I got it
Thank you for that Erik! It's so good to see that someone actually understands you! Cheers for the great channel! It can do wonders in terms of people accepting themselves and start operating according to who they really are. And the history shows that in the case with INTPs (Einstein, Newton, Bill Gates etc) society often gained a lot from it! Thank you one more time!
Well said. It took my work place a bit of time to figure me out. Im not the neatest/organized employee but i do the job like no other. You dont hire an intp to do the job fast. You hire an intp to do the job the best. Hire a istj for fast and wrong. Have them manage so they can show there employees the exact wrong way. When they ask about how good there idea is to you just ask them about the holidays and where they went on vacation this year. 😂. Sounds like people are giving you a hard time at work too. Tell them to f off. The world is run by j types. This is the real problem. We need p types to run the world. Just ask a j type why does it matter that im on time to the minute at work. Because i can give a better explanation why its ok for me to be late. First of all explain how they are just discriminatory and unwilling to yield their ideals so the ship can sale 2 seconds sooner not to mention wrong. Withhold pay in order to get you to work on time. The intp will do the job better most of the time and come up with systems to make it even better and faster later. Should we take charge bs our way to the top and withhold pay for being so stupid to the j type? 😂
very good analysis of INTP free of social bias.
Erik is such a cutie. Love the way he talks about us INTP's.
Sensor-Judgers just dont understand
You are so wise. And make me feel good about being intp. I wish I was infp most of the time because they get along with people better and are probably more talented writers. I struggle with the arts, the logic mind of mine keeps telling me I'm not good enough to write books.
Anyway. Är du svensk?
purplemind93 I love art. I will write the first chapters of a book but could never finish
i was wondering if he was swedish too :)
Well, I read that INTPS are imaginative and original, which is definitely an asset when it comes to writing books, especially fiction :)
Be glad you're not an INFP. They're such victems in life that can not explain why they want things, yet want stuff because their introverted feeling craves it. They are pretty hard to deal with in that sense, and because of their inferior extroverted thinking, they are usually unable to achieve what they want in life. Life may seem harder being an INTP, but the things is that being an INP on itself is already pretty passive, but at least the T brings some logic and learning abilities into it. WIth an F , and esppecially a dominant introverted feeling, INFP's are pretty much hurt all the time by anything people around them do. If someone does not agree with their opinion, they're already hurt and retract into their shell.
Being an INTP you can learn arts very well. In fact I think an INTP has the ability to be around the most artistic ones out there, simply because the combination of Ti and Ne makes it possible for us to understand the logic behind pretty much anything. The cool things is that arts have ALOT Of logic in them. I learned myself composing music without being able to play anything or knowing any theory, just by lookin at some music and undertanding the concept behind it, how chords work and how a melody is related to these chords, what creates tension and what not. It's just a matter of looking at examples and figuring out their underlying structure, in the way that you are able to produce another variation of that. If study writing, and look at it logically, you will find there are alot of underlying structures and logic behind it all. As an INTP you're the master of figuring out the logic behind it, and then you're problably able to produce something like that as well, which in it's core is a very logival thing, but that does not mean the book will be hard and logical only. Even how emotion is created in books is purely logical in it's just study to understand why things work the way they do in books, and especially in the book you yourself like. This makes it possible for you to understand what triggers *you* on an imaginative and emotion level in a book, since that is very important since you're the first judge of any work you create. Most writers and pretty much any artistic creator creates things they themself like in the first place. I hope this gives you insights into the gifts you have as an INTP to understand and learn pretty much anything like that.
I'm an INTP and I'm starting to write a novel. I know It will take years to finish it, but I'll try to do it as greatly as I can. Since I was a child I had great writing habilies.
There are plenty of great INTP writters through history. INTPs can be as great as writter as anyone else, or even better. In my opinion INTPs are provably the best at writting science fiction and complex stories without having inconsistencies.
Intelligent thoughts on the subject. Kudos to you!
I love your analysis. I almost cried by how accurately you described my life lmaooo
YESSSS! I also want to know what people want at school where a teacher tells me what they want I get a+ if I figure it out but if I can't I do what I want not whats expected and gets D's. Ahh. I also procrastinate my work as its just useless stuff to me when we have to be rushed soo much that I can't have time to gasp everything before I move on again to the next thing.
"Seems to do the least but does the most"
As INTP Asmongold says... Be the wizard. The fat guy in the back of the room who is the only one who knows how it all works and is, by systemic force, irreplicable.
I’m tired of people constantly thinking teachers are evil people that create content to be taught. They have to do exactly what their superiors tell them too. Exactly how they tell them too. If they don’t they are punished , be a cut in pay or if it continues it can get you fired.
Exactly. We do so much more than we can explain and make it look extremely easy
The struggle is real, at times when I feel a lot is expected out of me in a short period of time I remind myself of that old saying; "when you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on"
At 4 years old, in the car, after answering patiently about 10 questions along the 1 hour drive, my mom told me to SHUT UP aahahahahahahaha!!! I remember vividly the "shut up" ahahahaha.... and I also recall feeling stuned that my ALL-KNOWING mommy (perception of a 4 years old) would withold her divine power of knowledge.... and I had a weird and fuzzy and unclear impression of paradox about it...
4yo -"doesn't she love me?"
As an INTP, I would say. 'BANG ON'. Finally!
I‘m german. During english lessons in high school, when writing essays, I would strive to find the perfect balance of accuracy and compactness... The teachers just wanted the texts to be long and didn‘t care about the contents... While some random girl who somehow managed to write some really simple stuff on 4 pages would be getting praise, I was being scolded for a 1-page text, containing the exact same information, and much easier to understand! Also I never did my homework lol.
Dude, same over here....
The only reason I'm alive is I'm still getting good grades
Come to Sweden from Africa and less than 2 years of no apparant hardwork I started high school in Sweden with Swedish language. All of a sudden I am better then the most of the guys. I procastinate till the night before and get good results at the end.
Amazing, how is it that you just get INTPs so well? How is it that you understand what it is like to be an INTP and explain it so well, even if you are not one yourself?
laakasuo I think it’s cause he’s an infj
Its because he is an INFJ. We want to burrow into pepoles brains and and see how they see the world from the inside out.
@@stevedavenport1202 Nope He is an INFP just one letter difference ;) (so am i and I feel like an INTP after this video, same struggles i guess or maybe i am INTP ,but we INFPs doubt a lot ... darn ...)
New intp quote!! Where are y'all intps at!? We have a quote!!
Repeat after me: "may the neurons be with you"
I also feel undervalued at many jobs for the reason he says: I can do far more usually, but what too often gets rewarded at jobs is wither self-sacrifice or popularity. In at least one job, I began to slow down to the pace of others, but the employees and management already had experienced my work output, so were angry when I matched the output of others. If I get paid the same and/or not promoted, why should I output more?
I like the concept another guy had of "paying yourself first" by waking up early to work on your own projects or small business so that the best of your mind and body went to your self and not to ungrateful moochers who'd treat you as disposable.
At my jobs, I was the one who seemed to be the most - until bitterness set in. SO, maybe my upbringing and therefore my actions differ from that of other INTPs.
While i was in 6 th of my teachers told me that "you are brilliant but you are the laziest student I've ever seen!"
Had a teacher say exactly the same thing to me.
I'm an intp. I've always been very efficient and hated for it. I enjoy being so efficient. I love to make things look effortless. Today at work I did an hour more work than the last shift in the same amount of time and also discovered the meaning of life. I know it sounds like a joke but I mean it. I figured out the meaning of life. String theory science guy..... Suck it. I solved your equation and didn't have to use numbers.
Azriel R what's the meaning of life?
KingBowserVlog. Life is simply a never ending pursuit to satisfy you own selfish and flawed ego while hoping you can fool yourself into being comfortable with what you have done so you can achieve some sort of happiness whether it be genuine or not. In the end it makes no difference. We die we start over. The soul is an energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transferred to a new form. The new form is the next us in our new life in a never ending cycle of "death" and "birth", both of which are simply illusions.
Azriel R you saying that really hits home how thin of a line there is between nihilism and just being plain realistic. I agree with your meaning of life, though, except for one thing. I think there is true comfort and it's being aware of the harsh reality and being able to be serene about it. We don't necessarily have to fool ourselves into comfort.
I think the only thing we know for sure in life is that we *experience* . It's harder to know for sure how much freedom we really have, and whatever or not the future is set in stone or not. However, we *do* get to experience it. So in that essence, I think the meaning of life is simply to experience. I could add other things, but the rest of the ideas would just be that: "Ideas". They could be true or not, but there's not really a way of validating them . How does one know the soul is energy in that sense, and that there simply is a soul that get''s transfered into new life in and endless cycle? I'd say there's not really a solid enough reason to assume this. Neither am I saying there is no soul, but simply that the reasoning behind it is for the largest chunck a theory that is pretty hard (if possible at all) to verify.
thats it? thats the meaning of life? i thought it would be more...i dont know. meaningful i guess.
what about all other life on this planet though? is it the same for them? or does the meaning of life only apply to our species? i think you might wanna go back and revise a bit more. you left some things out
Exactly how I worked as a host. It was very mental to delivery.
Yep this is me. I streamline my work and take half the time to do it. But I dont tell my boss because they will just give me more work. I get bored doing repetive work and I get a thrill figuring out ways to do it quicker than I do from doing the actual work
This video perfectly sums up why I’m always on my phone in class
This is why I did so very badly at school... I learn more from UA-cam and reading books of my own choosing than I ever did at school...
Then I wake up one morning years later to find out that I'm a school teacher. Wish I could teach the way I think kids should be taught, but alas... Therefore I hate my job. Actually, I hate it for others reasons too; bloody boring routine work which deadlines I never seem to make :/
Happiness Pills I’ve been considering it as a job, no experience yet though, What are the other things? If you don’t mind me asking?
I'm an INTP and a teacher, i have so much fun teaching.
Shit, the first minutes of this video really blew my mind! You describe my issue with public schools perfectly!
Hilsen fra Norge forresten :p
An excellent video, Erik.
Eric, you are ME but without the drugs, drink and smoking. Only thing I still do is smoke, but soon this will stop too. THANK you for your videos... Very interesting! Very informative! God bless you. It sure is fun being an INTP :D -also we are the smartest :P
How do you know all this about us? This is incredible. What's your personality type?
And it explains so much about myself. Have you studied psychology? For how long?
Also, thank you so much for this video, it really helped me out a lot!
"High quality and high quantity " hit right 🔥😭
Yassss man you brilliant! Thanks for the enlightenment (:
Are INTPs prone to going down rabbit trails/conspiracy theories?
I think so..!
Am I the only one that just doesn't bother explaining things to people because they won't get it anyway? Or they'll respond with such dumb shit that I'll feel how my brain cells disintegrate while listening to their arguments?
Sometimes people see that as me being weak and not standing up for my arguments when in fact I just feel bad for them and then walk away happily with my thoughts not giving a fuck about what they think of me anyway.
Thank you.
I don't know if this is just a "me" thing since I was raised in a shitty small town public school, but they literally taught the same three things in American History at least three times each. Slavery. The Great Depression Era. And the settling of America. Wouldn't kill them to teach about other countries for a change. I wouldn't mind hearing about Joan d'Arc or Marie Antoinette.
Nice profile pic.
Best way to learn is start at the end
do you also watch backwards? 🤔
This is how intps explain 1 subject...we need to cite lots of ideas spanning from how we see the society and or views in how the universe works just to explain why are we procrastinating.
i consider myself as being an lazy person :v
KennyJoão Metaleiro idem
KennyJoão Metaleiro nothing wrong with being lazy.
Right on the spot!
Ah I find myself in this exact scenario you described. At work I will have my work I need to have done before everyone else, thus I am constantly observed in the workplace sitting down surfing the internet. So often, I hear and even in supervisor performance reports and told I appear lazy. As you said though, I did the work I needed to 2x faster than my co-worker and now because I'm done you expect me to just waddle around and straighten things up? No way, simply put, I don't have time for that.
For reference, my job consists of a lot of grunt work.
The way he moves his head is like a tiny boy
Yes, I am lazy I admit. What I observed is though during work I usually come up with a system to finish my work faster and I usually get work done than others so I can go back to reading Wikipedia. That makes my coworkers think I am lazy.
awesome. especially around 6:10
You are on point my friend.
In the knowledge that I’m an INTP, my work in IT makes more sense now. I gravitated to bosses that allowed me the freedom to do a wide range of projects with little supervision, and I automated tasks for people who asked on the side. It was very satisfying turning what would take someone a week of labor to complete into a piece of software that did their job before they could make coffee.
This made people redundant, so it was like hiring new staff because freed them to do other tasks. And it was very lucrative, as promotions and raises rolled in.
Ive answered Personality tests and got INFP but , I Can really really relate to what he say starting in 2:52
INFP and INTP are close: Are you more interested in being honest or smart? Are you more interested in harmony or logic? That will help you know
bro idk if i am truly an intp after watching this :> this vid makes me think intp's are smart and on the contrary i am not :>>>
Having abandoned my search for Truth, I'm just looking for a good fantasy...
Old Hippie
Isn't the idea of the turtle with the rocket shoes a little bit wrong, this turtle will be starting with inventing his rocked shoes but instead of That actually invent something completely different
This is so spot on. :)
Thank you for this video.
I'm in a job that forces me to do projects often in a single day, mostly on 2-3 days, and I truly hate it, makes me feel like a robot since it's mostly the same stuff over and over and have all of it already figured out. INTPs need to use our creativity otherwise we just get angry and anxious.
Do you have a plan to change jobs or just keep grinding through?
I friggin haaaaate not being efficient
I know what you mean. The job that I have now is a pretty mindless job but there is room to be efficient and fast. Enter the boss that says "go faster". Now I have to figure how to jimmy the system to go even faster but it's going to be at the expense of efficiency as it relates to a good product. I can tell you right now that I'll be spending less time finding the correct product if they only give me 30 seconds to come up with an answer.
Thank you
Exactly... Not being able to describe the PROCESS... 😔😁