That’s a great idea, I thought of having that in the backyard as a kid and playing school bus driver, how cool would that be is a eight year old. I had a wood box basically I built, bigger than a dog house that I made as a kid and it was my spaceship I had all kinds of odds and ends, buttons and stuff on the inside it was pretty fun.
Mr. Goodpliers,you've done it again....Here's my take on the TOYOTA COROLLA...Yank any remaining drivetrain and replace it with a MAZDA rotary and 5spd. If it's not too rusty,you might even get away with leaving the chassis alone...Sounds like fun,Huh?
Another awesome video. I think that short bus could be made into something cool. I hope someone will want to do something with it. Your Toyota is neat and hopefully someone will want it. I like the old C30 Chevy. Those are old workhorses. It will be great for the parts you described or if someone decides to rebuild it, it will be a nice one. It was great to see you saving the ones you did in this video. I always enjoy watching your content and seeing what you and Joe are up to. Keep it up and have a blessed year as we go into 2022.
Yes save the Bus it's really cool. I've been wanting to build an early 60s Chevy Truck with back to back cabs but the standard frame were too short, that long frame I think would work and if you had an extra cab maybe it's time I start thinking about it again. Love the videos Tim.👍👍👍👍👍❤🇺🇸
A will it run for the toyota is a must. I am into all cars but like british stuff and opels and little cars like that the best. You should totally do more imports! That chevy c30 was pretty cool. This was a pretty cool video. it was amazing that you got the bus on the trailer!
Love the old metal but that early Japanese stuff is very collectable now , someone will give it a deserving good home . Great videos , love the finds , cheers from Aussie 🍻
Some of the local farmers would buy the older buses and cut the body's off .Let the cab enclosed like that and weld or build a floor and use them for hauling bails of hay and straw or fruit out the orchards.
Remember when you lost power in your house last summer and it was very hot, I was thinking that you should have one or two of your cars in the yard that were runners, get two inverters and a plastic gas tank from one of your newer cars and have your self your own power station, also that would be a good use for that school bus also. Have a Great New Year. LG 🙂
Flatbed Chevy has an oilfield style hoist bed. The pipe roller across the back is the give away. The oil patch here used Dodge Powerwagons.Al B in Ohio.
You guys have the best clean ups out there. It's just not a thing here. I haven't been to one like that since the 90s I never hear of any around here nothing
We had an old mid 60's International ton dually short flat, 6cyl (3 or 4 speed w bull dog) when I was a kid. Man I miss that truck, I'd love to have another one. Also a huge fan of Chevy squarebody's (LWB 4x4's) & 68-71 F-100's. Glad I ran across your channel. Watching from Kentucky.
Like the old trucks and glad you saved the school bus its cool. I wondered how good that old early 30's truck by the tree row was i hope it gets saved and like to have it.
School bus...was likely a shelter...I built a wait'n place for my children...we too lived in the country...that changed when the bus started pulling in on our horseshoe drive... picked them up right at our front porch...
I would love a friend like Joe, not only would I borrow his trailer, I would also let him do all the work while I held the camera!! (only joking of course, i'm sure he got something uot of it!). My mom had one of those Toyotas and I learned to drive in it, I also remember replacing the front fenders as it rapidly rusted away!
The Bus is awesome. Yard art. Shelter. What ever don’t ever send anything to the crusher, if you don’t do anything with it at least put it on the internet. It costs nothing!
It's probibly a more valuable as a shed for the kids, but my pick is an easy one, hang it on a barn like a wall hanger, it's already ready, Jim las vegas nv
That Corolla has a 2TC engine which is a 1600 cc Hemi engine. With a good cam, a pair of side-draft carbs and a decent header, it will turn out some decent performance....
30:00 If I could get back one of those early 1970s Toyotas I would be happy. Simply daily driver. I believe I still have a drawer full of taillights and small pieces for those. A friend bought an old was painted yellow. This was just a few years back when cars were ....cheaper...... Soon after he bought it.....a lady ran into him...and the car, "bought it". tHanks for the video Happy New Year
Out where you live there are farmers still using older grain trucks. I'm sure someone needs that bus front clip to put a grain hauler back on the road. Al B.
The first thing I thought of when I seen the chopped school bus was a shelter for kids waiting for the bus.
That’s a great idea, I thought of having that in the backyard as a kid and playing school bus driver, how cool would that be is a eight year old. I had a wood box basically I built, bigger than a dog house that I made as a kid and it was my spaceship I had all kinds of odds and ends, buttons and stuff on the inside it was pretty fun.
Or even actually making a flat bed recovery vehicle out of it to save other old iron.
The school bus would make a great waiting for the bus shelter. I can see kids having a blast waiting to go to school
Real clever idea those dolly carts on the trailer.
The bus shelter idea is the best.
Heck it for something. Bus stop building would be super cool!!!!
Mr monotone has begun 2022 with a gem of a video !
Nice job on the trailer dolley that is sweet.
You guys work together good, really enjoy your videos
Cool old Chevys love them
That was a little gem valley right there that the rust worms hadn't found.
Very Good Trailer, with rolling Bogie. Like your videos.Thanks
Yes it has a future you had a great idea about the bus for kids
The '71 Corolla looks pretty cool!
More interesting stuff saved from the dreaded Crusher. 😎👍🇨🇦
I like the idea of a place to wait for the bus in the bus. LOL
What a cool idea on the trailer. Like those rollers
Schoolbus- a rusty relic of a grand front door entrance to a junkmans house!! ........(that's what I would do with it!)
That Boggy system on that trailer is slick as , Well I'll just say it is cool.
Love the pic of Joe. I can hear him saying This is Mr. Good Hammer and I have a deal for you! LoL
Super cool flatbed crane truck! Patina is great!
That trailer with the rollers is genius!!
You guys can really come up with some stuff!!! That’s what makes your channel so enjoyable.
Thanks for the upload. Happy New Year to all
Mr Goodhammer. BA HA BA HA JOE!!!!!!@
Happy New Year group
I remember those little cars as a kid,good run abouts
I had a 71 Corolla and a 73 Corina as well,great cars
That old school bus would make a pretty cool bus stop
The Carolina squat was recently outlawed in North Carolina.
Mr. Goodpliers,you've done it again....Here's my take on the TOYOTA COROLLA...Yank any remaining drivetrain and replace it with a MAZDA rotary and 5spd. If it's not too rusty,you might even get away with leaving the chassis alone...Sounds like fun,Huh?
Another great video.Happy New Year to all.
Reeeaally cool Corolla find! They are so rare now!
@Mr. Goodpliers Happy New Year Tim and Joe!!! Thank You for sharing this Video with us!!! Here is to hoping for a BETTER Year ahead!!!
Yep! It should be saved!
I need a Joe in my life.
Another awesome video. I think that short bus could be made into something cool. I hope someone will want to do something with it. Your Toyota is neat and hopefully someone will want it. I like the old C30 Chevy. Those are old workhorses. It will be great for the parts you described or if someone decides to rebuild it, it will be a nice one. It was great to see you saving the ones you did in this video. I always enjoy watching your content and seeing what you and Joe are up to. Keep it up and have a blessed year as we go into 2022.
That bus cab could be something cool for sure!
Yes save the Bus it's really cool. I've been wanting to build an early 60s Chevy Truck with back to back cabs but the standard frame were too short, that long frame I think would work and if you had an extra cab maybe it's time I start thinking about it again. Love the videos Tim.👍👍👍👍👍❤🇺🇸
you should do videos of what you do with all this stuff you buy , and what you make on it !
A will it run for the toyota is a must. I am into all cars but like british stuff and opels and little cars like that the best. You should totally do more imports! That chevy c30 was pretty cool. This was a pretty cool video. it was amazing that you got the bus on the trailer!
Love the old metal but that early Japanese stuff is very collectable now , someone will give it a deserving good home . Great videos , love the finds , cheers from Aussie 🍻
Poor old ginpole chevy with a dislocated eyeball it's a keeper...
I really enjoy your videos, I’m glad you’re putting them out , they are very well-made and very interesting.
Thanks for those kind words, and thanks for stopping by the channel John!
Another great video!! The school bus would be a great piece for yard art.
Very cool, really enjoyed!!!!!
School bus cab would make a good rollback or rampbed.
Great video! I love the old trucks! Thanks!
The school was on a tight budget when they made that thing.
Some of the local farmers would buy the older buses and cut the body's off .Let the cab enclosed like that and weld or build a floor and use them for hauling bails of hay and straw or fruit out the orchards.
Remember when you lost power in your house last summer and it was very hot, I was thinking that you should have one or two of your cars in the yard that were runners, get two inverters and a plastic gas tank from one of your newer cars and have your self your own power station, also that would be a good use for that school bus also. Have a Great New Year. LG 🙂
A "will-it-run" for that little Toyota would be fun. That Chevy truck definitely deserves a second life. Great video!
It 74 corrola
Flatbed Chevy has an oilfield style hoist bed. The pipe roller across the back is the give away. The oil patch here used Dodge Powerwagons.Al B in Ohio.
The bus is very cool
"Carolina squat, it's a disease "
😂😂😂😂😂😂 happy new year!
toyota corolla where very popular good pickups mate that chevy wanted to go home
You guys have the best clean ups out there. It's just not a thing here. I haven't been to one like that since the 90s I never hear of any around here nothing
We had an old mid 60's International ton dually short flat, 6cyl (3 or 4 speed w bull dog) when I was a kid. Man I miss that truck, I'd love to have another one. Also a huge fan of Chevy squarebody's (LWB 4x4's) & 68-71 F-100's. Glad I ran across your channel. Watching from Kentucky.
Like the old trucks and glad you saved the school bus its cool. I wondered how good that old early 30's truck by the tree row was i hope it gets saved and like to have it.
Sadly, that one wasn't for sale. 30's Ford truck cab mated to a White front clip and chassis.
MR. Goodpliers I had a 63 just exactly like that I used loading Logs on my Fords 49- 1956 Flat Beds and supported five large hard working family men.
That old ford truck is a great find one of the most desired years
Toyota is a very popular little car here in New Zealand the young guys restomod them and are now worth quite a bit
make a great school bus stop!
Bus would make an ideal prop for a US themed restaurant or theme park ride in Europe
School bus...was likely a shelter...I built a wait'n place for my children...we too lived in the country...that changed when the bus started pulling in on our horseshoe drive... picked them up right at our front porch...
the hydraulic relief valve is about to give up the ghost on the deere.. never heard one that bad.. good picks
That bus might be of interest to someone building a bugly!
I would love a friend like Joe, not only would I borrow his trailer, I would also let him do all the work while I held the camera!! (only joking of course, i'm sure he got something uot of it!). My mom had one of those Toyotas and I learned to drive in it, I also remember replacing the front fenders as it rapidly rusted away!
I do like the 61 chevy .
My mistake 62 63
I would like to see this Toyota Corolla rebuilt
The Bus is awesome. Yard art. Shelter. What ever don’t ever send anything to the crusher, if you don’t do anything with it at least put it on the internet. It costs nothing!
I really dig your videos. Thanks.
Deer stand, old bus cab
Maybe the bus needs to be sold or donated to a school for their playground. Definitely not scrap. Great video buddy.
Bus would make a great phone booth.
Hello guys hope all is good . Wow nice old iron you pick up , starting to be jealous lol . Love your video , keep up the good work . Take care
Thanks for stopping by the channel, Daniel! And thank you for your kind words!
Good video, loved the school bus!
63 chevy my favorite tho
Two door Carollas are getting up in price here in Australia if you can find one.
Check out Fitzee' Fabrications, he is rebuilding a slightly newer one
That bus could easily be used as a prop or set piece. Set up a green screen behind it and use it for close-up shots.
It's probibly a more valuable as a shed for the kids, but my pick is an easy one, hang it on a barn like a wall hanger, it's already ready, Jim las vegas nv
That Corolla has a 2TC engine which is a 1600 cc Hemi engine. With a good cam, a pair of side-draft carbs and a decent header, it will turn out some decent performance....
The bus is too cool to crush.
Happy New Year! I like it.
Take the bus and the chassis from the C30 beginning's of a cool hauler!
Had a 74 Corolla just like that one. Fun car.
That GMC bus are the ones I had when I was going to school back in the day then there was newer ones
Now that's a short bus
Guys that are building their own cabins could use that jenpole truck
That C30 was a oilfield rig
30:00 If I could get back one of those early 1970s Toyotas I would be happy. Simply daily driver. I believe I still have a drawer full of taillights and small pieces for those. A friend bought an old was painted yellow. This was just a few years back when cars were ....cheaper...... Soon after he bought it.....a lady ran into him...and the car, "bought it". tHanks for the video Happy New Year
Ha....I have the rear axle for that car. Why? Not just never found a home....was pushed to the side of the basement.
you getting the old truck at the fence roll goods interesting can see while towing toyota
Out where you live there are farmers still using older grain trucks. I'm sure someone needs that bus front clip to put a grain hauler back on the road. Al B.
Put the bus out front for a sign for your business
joe's bogies BEST BY TEST
Happy New Year
I don't have a lot of money but would like to get an old truck to make into a dayly driver
School bus "driveway shelter" for kids is a perfect idea, or camo it out, throw some brush all around it and use for a cheap hunting blind.
LPG John Deere in action
wheelie bus build in the for you tim .thanks
- nick
You find any hockey helmets in that shorty bus?
AND JOE STRIPS BRAKES quicker than hicock 45 strips glocks
Happy new year 2022 to you and families,, you still have the impala?
Looks like OK or KS.