India - Farmers Protest,

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2021
  • This short film directed by Gopal Menon, is about farmer protests against the draconian legislations enacted by the Modi Government and police brutality against the protesters. Farmers under an umbrella organisation "All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee" are protesting against the Government Of India to repeal the three anti farmer, anti labour and anti people laws that were enacted without consultations to serve corporate interests and to withdraw the Electricity Amendment Bill, 2020 and environmental ordinance which penalises farmers for Rupees one core and five years imprisonment for burning crop stubbles. This film also features diasporic organizations rising up across Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, UK and the US in solidarity with protesting farmers. Through marches, public demonstrations, and filmed messages, diasporic Indians called for the repeal of the three agricultural laws, and demanded that the assault on labor laws be ended.