and yet she's adored. must hit a nerve somehow when an intelligent, talented woman whom people want to hear speak is compared to an internet nobody, who for some reason has to point out basic anxiety to attempt to gain superiority for themselves. yikes.
Spell of nature...
Their precious style...
Special, unique...
Harmony of blossoming happiness...
Delicious senses of beauty...
Gives new sense, respect to female elegance…
Kristen you are so beautiful and smart girl 💓💓and I love you 💝
look what kristen does with her hand when she says "get into something"
i i i here she goes again when she speaks and talk like she could not construct a proper straight sentence.
and yet she's adored. must hit a nerve somehow when an intelligent, talented woman whom people want to hear speak is compared to an internet nobody, who for some reason has to point out basic anxiety to attempt to gain superiority for themselves. yikes.
why Kristen is so nervous? she is often like that, she need to relax
idk i read somewhere that she has social anxiety
@proflob i jUsT cAn'T uNdErStAnD wHy eVeRy hUmAn BeiNg iSn'T pRogRamMeD eXaCtLy liKe mE 🥴🤤
two or three films at once.. that explains the poor screenplay Olivier.
the screenplay is magnificent. maybe stick to your marvel movies or whatever
Argh! Stewart & Binoche did such nice work in the movie, & Stewart sounds like a pretentious artiste here.
She is not pretentious, she is amazing.