Your pamas looking at the spur length gotta be 7.5-8 months. Mines spur not that long and already 8 months old. If spur like that and no face then might be an issue. My 7.5 months old already go 2 round 15mn. You can see him on my page. U might have the age on your birds wrong they look older than what u say. Just saying.
looking good brother......
Oh brother how much u sale this one
Muaj coob tus tsis nyiam neb cov qaib TAB SIS kuv nyiaj neb cov qaib kawg thiab kuv follow neb tas li...GOOD JOB
How much for 1 15m daughter?
Your pamas looking at the spur length gotta be 7.5-8 months. Mines spur not that long and already 8 months old. If spur like that and no face then might be an issue. My 7.5 months old already go 2 round 15mn. You can see him on my page. U might have the age on your birds wrong they look older than what u say. Just saying.
Import special I guess 😂
@ no not import special at all just the beginning level of basic qaib observation.
Is the pama samba fs?
Neb cov qaib koj tus twb los zoo li tus qub xwb as style xwb tsis ntxim ntshai tsis uv ntaus mob ces tawm dej txias lawm tsis zoo li qab mekas ne
Yog tawm dej txias ces nqa koj li tuaj ntau 5 k ces koj noj xwb mas