  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @EgunjobiKemi
    @EgunjobiKemi Місяць тому +1

    Weldone sir, this is just timely. It will improve our school standard

  • @semiuolawale553
    @semiuolawale553 17 годин тому

    I use the O'level series questions a lot as class work for my students. Thanks for motivating me sir

  • @oyamendancollins9113
    @oyamendancollins9113 7 днів тому

    Thank you so much

  • @adebisiakinsanya4571
    @adebisiakinsanya4571 7 днів тому

    Well done sir

  • @Ben-i3j2b
    @Ben-i3j2b Місяць тому

    Wao! This is an eye opener! Thank you sir for the piece of information.

  • @kugbakinsamson4013
    @kugbakinsamson4013 Місяць тому

    Wao, this is a shocked in deed . More power to your elbow.

    @WASIUOLATUNDE-b1u Місяць тому

    Infact the point of discussion crown the other points towards standard of school.
    Thanks sir .

  • @oyedejiolabiyi3845
    @oyedejiolabiyi3845 Місяць тому

    Thank you so much sir for the information.
    It's quite true that setting standard questions for students will help maintain standard.
    I've experienced this, and it's my practice. My students perform excellently in their exams. But what I feel is the most important determinant of setting standards is the GOAL and of the SCHOOL OWNERS.
    If the school owners don't have the goal of maintaining standards which will reflect in the investment in infrastructure (not aesthetic), conducive learning environment and good working conditions for the staff, using standard questions will amount to nothing.
    I'm not downplaying the importance of standard questions, I encourage it. But where the owner is more concerned about money that comes in and gains and not putting right things in place, little or no standard will be maintained.
    Examples are the public schools who are neglected by the government and standards have dropped. Also private schools who prop up students during exams by encouraging malpractice so that students won't fail cannot maintain standards.
    Standards die when it is compromised for gains, which many private school owners are guilty of while public schools are underfunded.
    Standard questions are great tools for driving students towards excellence but there are more critical factors such as:
    1. A good and passionate workforce
    2. Quality of the teachers
    3. Conducive learning environment
    4. Investment in resources that will build up students (not just aesthetics)
    5. Quality of content delivered to the learners
    6. Welfare of the teachers
    When all these are put into place, the standard/quality will speak for itself and not hyping at PTA meetings and public space
    Thank you