Apa kena mengena dengan Anthony Loke, Boleh tahan juga petik nama tapi petik salah, itu hal Grab, tak kena mengena dengan kerajaan, tak happy dengan Grab Boleh resign sahaja, buat Shopee
🐷If you think that the Chinese are the lowest and most notorious immigrants in the world, I may consider not calling the police to arrest you (if you don’t respond, just think that you think so)
Hey, Jangan. Are you aware of how "Runsing" for your work which they have proper contribution on Statistic data at your State. Lot more work need to be update. Just wanna say, not easy .
Mr. M: Please don't spoil the UNITY Civilians of our Malaysia Madani~ we are Malaysian. Teach your sons and daughter,son in law & daughters in law, grandsons & granddaughters, and then grand grandsons & grand granddaughtersLEARN lessons of LEGALLAWS of Malaysia.
What rubbish! Overseas Indians (not just Malaysians) are entitled to apply for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI).
How can Indian government allowed someone using a Malaysian passport granted to him which is also a potent symbol of Malaysian nationality and the rights and privileges this carries be used to apply for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)? Indian government is giving preferential treatment to people of Indian origin regardless of their citizenship. Only fools cannot see this racist Indian government policy! In 1990s Mahathir gave a speech about Israel and Jews. He said jews rule the world by proxy, and manufactured ideologies, hunan rights LGBTQ, etc.he was critized and he got ostracized. His words are very relevant today
Kalau grab tak bagus, tukarlah shopee atau syarikat lain lah...
你侮辱马来人巴勒斯坦 polis pun malayu tahu ? 233 不当使用互联网 我可以报警的 如果不是害怕自己被警方捉的话 那个Facebook McDonald's的华人up 主是不会道歉的🐷👎🎉 #PDRM polis diraja Malaysia 🇲🇾😎
华人大学生不应该像动物一样穿短裤 我觉得安华高等教育部做的很好 希望大学生得不到捐款支持
送餐员并非蟹巴员工,没有底薪,有单有钱,没单只有吃自己 !
给grab骑手的建议 之前有人说杯葛麦当劳是正确 那些被影响的员工可以去找其他工作 我相信他们骑手也可以
关 陆兆福什么事 ,这些人最容易被利用。
经典马来山番 我家乡大把 在吉打 就这样的德行😂从小看到大 所以吉打是没希望的 。难教化😂😂😂
Congrats to Malaysia Kini
生活过的好时 感恩神的恩赐
生活过不好时 要找陆兆福
很久没有看到女神主播覃心皓了,很开心这集新闻能看到女神的风采。太棒了 !
土团党的青年团长你在那边真的是很假啦 。
😂 😂 Macai2 PN buat movie ke hari ni 🤣 🤣 🤣
政府要求 司机送餐员要有相关证件才可以做 应了政府要求之后 有事情政府又不闻不问~你说陆哥要不要出来解决一下?
@@dannyhoo788 可是薪资待遇问题关交通部什么事?你老板砍你薪水你找交通部投诉是吧😅
@@feihongtan3125 因为有关证件就是交通部要求的啊…
国盟和2个TUN来搞事的。Dubai 行动,芙蓉行动都失败了,反对党无策;2个TUN的家人又给反贪会查,必须搞搞事,让经济和社会动乱不安。丢一点点钱出来,叫土团废柴申援crab 骑士,就能搞搞事,这类的事将会陆续有来。安华和西盟团结政府得沉着应战💪💪💪
Grab分红不合理为什么不投诉劳工部?😂难道陆兆福 还有另外一个身份劳工部长?😂😂😂
我希望希望中文媒体以后不要用再用‘’袁怀绍‘’来称呼Wan Ahmad Fayhsal。
Apa kena mengena dengan Anthony Loke, Boleh tahan juga petik nama tapi petik salah, itu hal Grab, tak kena mengena dengan kerajaan, tak happy dengan Grab Boleh resign sahaja, buat Shopee
Protesters are so ignorant!
What has Minister Loke got to do with Grab Food delivery?
Protest must be relevant!
kan blh minta bantuan dari mardeDiam.. mrk dua2 nilah yg sakau kekayaan kamu semua..
🐷If you think that the Chinese are the lowest and most notorious immigrants in the world, I may consider not calling the police to arrest you (if you don’t respond, just think that you think so)
Hey, Jangan. Are you aware of how "Runsing" for your work which they have proper contribution on Statistic data at your State. Lot more work need to be update.
Just wanna say, not easy .
Samseng tetap samseng
为什么 grab 的公司事务会需要带上国会
Atuk is expected to return to power in 2045.
你们一起反Grab,到最后如果Grab像Uber一样撤出马来西亚 才罢休吗?
pemimpin dari pembangkang bersuara untuk batu apikan mereka yg tidak berpuas hati tentang masaalah syarikat mereka sendiri.😂😂😂😂
Nope it's a voluntary service, don't involve me with commission.
Mr. M: Please don't spoil the UNITY Civilians of our Malaysia Madani~ we are Malaysian.
Teach your sons and daughter,son in law & daughters in law, grandsons & granddaughters, and then grand grandsons & grand granddaughtersLEARN lessons of LEGALLAWS of Malaysia.
ini perangai grab rider kah? Kalau sy management dari grab, sy kasi goreng sotong saja.
These nuts got a chance to make trouble! I not fair don’t work lah, why shout for YB transport Loke!
What rubbish! Overseas Indians (not just Malaysians) are entitled to apply for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI).
How can Indian government allowed someone using a Malaysian passport granted to him which is also a potent symbol of Malaysian nationality and the rights and privileges this carries be used to apply for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)?
Indian government is giving preferential treatment to people of Indian origin regardless of their citizenship. Only fools cannot see this racist Indian government policy!
In 1990s Mahathir gave a speech about Israel and Jews. He said jews rule the world by proxy, and manufactured ideologies, hunan rights LGBTQ, etc.he was critized and he got ostracized. His words are very relevant today
笑死,,关交通部长 淋事咩?认为做不过,就别做啦!没有逼你一定要去做,又不是只有一家 送餐服务公司,在路边放烂渣,衰样到,,,哈哈。。
是的![槟城] 被[淋鸡香] 家族控制 了😂