Most beautiful session.Thank you dear Kamala & Nimeshbhai for giving opportunity to participate in Ashadi programmes, through which we all were blessed beautiful darshan of our sweet Lord Bhagwan Baba.Thank you dear Maya & Shiv Kumar for most wonderful session with our great leaders.Sairam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹
Most Beautiful Satsang, . So very Inspiring. !! Such beautiful Experiences with our Dear Swamy. !! Really Both Kamala Jee and Pandya Sir are one of the Most Blessed and Chosen Apostles of Our Swamy. !! Enjoyed Listening to it so very Much. !!
Sai Baba was born in 1926. As a child he would make sweets appear in empty paper bags for his classmates. Later the miracles performed by Sai Baba are so numerous that people have come to accept them as normal for Sai Baba. Unlike the former incarnations of God who solved major problems of the earth by instantly killing critical foes to peace, Sai Baba is gradually educating people to turn to the correct paths. His focus is education and performance of service to fellow humans. The evil rulers of earth have numerous minions and Sai Baba said, if he killed the bad as the other Avatars did; only a few people would survive. Humanity is supposed to get increasingly demonic as the yugas progress from Sathya, Treta, Dwapara to Kali yugas. The Devas and Asuras have always been on earth as leaders. Their leaders have powers beyond a normal human, and it is just that in the Kali yuga, the Asuras have increased in numbers and influence to such an extent that Baba had to abruptly stop it on 10/22/2015 and we are now living in the Sathya yuga. The reason some people are continuing their evil deeds is analogous to switching off a fan, the blades will keep turning for a while. I was feeling down in 2011 upon Baba’s death but not specifically because he died but because he said numerous times, he will leave only in 2022, at the age of 96 years and had left early at the age of 85 years. I know, many come up with the lunar calendar theory which will not work either. One lunar month is 28 days. Baba lived from 1926 till 2011 which is 2011-1926 = 85 years physically. That is 85 X 365.25 days =31,046.25 physical days. 31,046.25/ (28 X 12) = 92.39 lunar years. In other words, Baba lived only 92 lunar years and 85 normal years. If you go to all great gurus, you will find that they test their devotees. This is his test. Some may remember the speech where he said he is separating the husk from the rice, the real devotees from the fake or flimsy ones. Baba (God) only wants a few good devotees, the brave ones. He never needed the whole world following him. If he wanted that, he could have easily done so by taking over the current day’s world media or even with much greater spiritual wonders. The reason he did not do so is that the real religion is not his body form. He came to guide us to the real religion which is within us. Sai Baba left his body on 24/4/2011 and is continuing his mission with one of his top students from the Puttaparthi University, Madhusudanan Rao Naidu (Madhu for short). Sai Baba is not at all concerned about losing devotees; his mission is to get a few truly good people to dwell in spirituality till they become Gods themselves. He said, if I can do so much, imagine what can be done with so many Babas. Various former devotees whom Baba needed for the continuation of the mission were called as Madhu was asked to go to their homes and give the messages of Baba, including telling those devotees of interaction with Baba which only they and no one else knew about. Despite this, some of the former devotees did not want to believe Madhu. All must understand, can Madhu, a Puttaparthi University student from a lower middle-class family, build all those schools and hospitals. As of 19/12/2021 he has built four hospitals, 24 schools and 18 Ashrams around the world. Madhu is Baba, he is building all those things to get the people building them to become Babas. Also, those buildings will meet the requirements of Prema Sai who has already been born and will come to the world stage in 2028. For my case I listened to Isaac Tigrett’s (one of Sai Baba’s closest devotees) speech right after Sai Baba died. Immediately I changed my religion to, “I am God.” That was a help but the fact that Sai Baba left early was still a problem for me. After searching the internet, I discovered that Sai Baba is continuing his mission in India with the help of his former student, Madhu. A trip was made to Muddenahalli, India in June 2015 and upon listening to the speech, I was 100% convinced that Madhu was speaking Baba’s words. A question many will ask is, why would Baba do this? Being God, he could have kept his body alive till 2022. But as mentioned previously, the real religion is that we are God ourselves and his devotees must move away from his physical body. Also, humanity has become too physical and empirical so moving to another body will introduce humanity to the spirit world which is much larger than the physical world. In one of his last speeches Baba made with his physical body, he insisted that devotees stop looking at his body as God. I read those words in his magazine at that time but decided that I can have this one flaw of not following that advice and keep taking his body as God. But have now realized his leaving his physical body early and later interacting with the world with another human form had this particular purpose of getting humanity to not value his physical form and search within themselves for God. Initially Sai Baba was visible as a soul, meaning Madhu’s eye can see the particular frequency of electromagnetic waves in which Sai Baba is present. But later in 2019, Baba’s soul fully merged with Madhu’s soul, so Baba is Madhu. The mission is expanding much faster in the new form because as Baba said, he does not need to entertain huge crowds daily in Puttaparthi and can therefore concentrate on the mission. He is building hospitals, schools, and ashrams all over the world. How is this done? Like the Kuching, Malaysia ashram, the leader (a lawyer) was asked to build it. He did it mostly with his and another contractor’s money; a team of dedicated devotees from around the region also contributed significantly. After Baba came to inaugurate it, he told the lawyer, you have spent a lot on all these, so I am going to give you a lot of business, go and hire extra staff immediately. Soon after Baba left, some of the largest developers in Kuching called the lawyer and asked him to take care of all their legal matters. The same method is used all over the world. In fact, in the initial years of Madhu’s interaction with Sai Baba’s soul, even Madhu was doubtful if they could find the money to finance all the projects which even governments could not finance. Then one day, a short man with a moustache appeared in front of Madhu with folded hands; he is Kubera, the Hindu God of wealth. The following is the chronology of thing that will happen. : 2009 - Prema Sai was born in Gunaparthi, a village in the Mandya district (between Bangalore and Mysore). 2011-2015 (89th birthday) - Baba, through Madhu gathered the alumni he wanted for his mission by going from home to home. 2015 - 2019 (93th birthday) - Acceleration phase of gathering his flock via bigger gatherings. 2019-2022 (96th birthday) - Core team has been acquired and the plane is taking off. The rest of the work will be done by this core team. People from all over the world will come to Muddenahalli. The biggest statue of Shiva will be in the sacred land of Muddenahalli. In a previous book, Madhu mentioned that every sand particle in Muddenahalli is infused with high levels of divinity, according to Shiva who came as an old man to inspect the construction work. Muddenahalli is the place where Viswamitra requested the help of Rama to get rid of the demoness, Tataka to enable him to continue his yagnas in peace. In that battle, Tataka was killed, and her body is the hill on which Sai Baba’s ashram is built. It is among the Nandi Hills of Muddenahalli. The two smaller hills are that of her sons, Maricha and Subahu. Note, in the Ramayana story (Baba’s version when he was in the physical body), this place is to the East of Ayodhya, therefore Ayodhya is west of Muddenahalli at the latitude somewhere north of Mangalore. It is an accepted fact among Hindus that Narasimha, Vamana and Parashurama lived their lives in Kerala. So, the next Avatar, Rama was born 20,000 years ago in Ayodhya which is located near Kerala, just north of Mangalore. 2021 - Prema Sai enters the Muddenahalli campus at the age of 12. But he will not know he is Prema Sai and will go about with the name given by his parents. But by his 12th and 14th year (2021-2023), he will be having strange spiritual experiences. 2022-2028 - We are to assimilate and be silent and get to the stage where we do not depend on the flimsy support from outside. Madhu will be around till 2029; this is not surprising despite Madhu already being fully Baba because Rama and Parashurama met each other according to Baba’s version of the Ramayana (written when Baba still had his physical body). 2023 - Prema Sai will have a particular spiritual experience which will make him realize he is Prema Sai. He will continue studying at Muddenahalli from age 14 to 19 or for a period of five years (2023-2028). He will be educated specifically to take over the mission within these five years. He will not speak much; his presence is enough to elevate the spirituality of those around him. 2028 - 2034 - Prema Sai takes over the mission. He will travel around India and all over the world. 2034 - 2059 - In 2034 Prema Sai will be 25. Between the age of 25 to 50, he will be in the next phase of his life where he will travel around the world and stay at overseas ashrams which are being built or already built as of 2020. The Kuching, Malaysia one has already been built. He will come back to India only occasionally, for special festivals. 2059 - 2063 - Prema Sai will come back to India to retire for these last four years. He will leave his body in 2063 at the age of 54. 2063 onwards - most people on earth will be divine. No obstacle, no obstruction and nobody can stop His will.
So much dedication maaaji. PRANAMS to Bhagwan in you. Jai Sairam
Most beautiful session.Thank you dear Kamala & Nimeshbhai for giving opportunity to participate in Ashadi programmes, through which we all were blessed beautiful darshan of our sweet Lord Bhagwan Baba.Thank you dear Maya & Shiv Kumar for most wonderful session with our great leaders.Sairam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹
Happy to see Kamala Shivkumar and Maya Nostalgic memories
Sairam thank you for sharing 🙏❤ from TX usa
Most Beautiful Satsang, . So very Inspiring. !! Such beautiful Experiences with our Dear Swamy. !! Really Both Kamala Jee and Pandya Sir are one of the Most Blessed and Chosen Apostles of Our Swamy. !! Enjoyed Listening to it so very Much. !!
Sairam, blessed to have such a great session🙏🙏🙏.
one of the best sessions. much appreciation.
Very interesting session indeed. SAIRAM
Sai Baba was born in 1926. As a child he would make sweets appear in empty paper bags for his classmates. Later the miracles performed by Sai Baba are so numerous that people have come to accept them as normal for Sai Baba. Unlike the former incarnations of God who solved major problems of the earth by instantly killing critical foes to peace, Sai Baba is gradually educating people to turn to the correct paths. His focus is education and performance of service to fellow humans. The evil rulers of earth have numerous minions and Sai Baba said, if he killed the bad as the other Avatars did; only a few people would survive. Humanity is supposed to get increasingly demonic as the yugas progress from Sathya, Treta, Dwapara to Kali yugas. The Devas and Asuras have always been on earth as leaders. Their leaders have powers beyond a normal human, and it is just that in the Kali yuga, the Asuras have increased in numbers and influence to such an extent that Baba had to abruptly stop it on 10/22/2015 and we are now living in the Sathya yuga. The reason some people are continuing their evil deeds is analogous to switching off a fan, the blades will keep turning for a while. I was feeling down in 2011 upon Baba’s death but not specifically because he died but because he said numerous times, he will leave only in 2022, at the age of 96 years and had left early at the age of 85 years. I know, many come up with the lunar calendar theory which will not work either. One lunar month is 28 days. Baba lived from 1926 till 2011 which is 2011-1926 = 85 years physically. That is 85 X 365.25 days =31,046.25 physical days. 31,046.25/ (28 X 12) = 92.39 lunar years. In other words, Baba lived only 92 lunar years and 85 normal years. If you go to all great gurus, you will find that they test their devotees. This is his test. Some may remember the speech where he said he is separating the husk from the rice, the real devotees from the fake or flimsy ones. Baba (God) only wants a few good devotees, the brave ones. He never needed the whole world following him. If he wanted that, he could have easily done so by taking over the current day’s world media or even with much greater spiritual wonders. The reason he did not do so is that the real religion is not his body form. He came to guide us to the real religion which is within us. Sai Baba left his body on 24/4/2011 and is continuing his mission with one of his top students from the Puttaparthi University, Madhusudanan Rao Naidu (Madhu for short). Sai Baba is not at all concerned about losing devotees; his mission is to get a few truly good people to dwell in spirituality till they become Gods themselves. He said, if I can do so much, imagine what can be done with so many Babas. Various former devotees whom Baba needed for the continuation of the mission were called as Madhu was asked to go to their homes and give the messages of Baba, including telling those devotees of interaction with Baba which only they and no one else knew about. Despite this, some of the former devotees did not want to believe Madhu. All must understand, can Madhu, a Puttaparthi University student from a lower middle-class family, build all those schools and hospitals. As of 19/12/2021 he has built four hospitals, 24 schools and 18 Ashrams around the world. Madhu is Baba, he is building all those things to get the people building them to become Babas. Also, those buildings will meet the requirements of Prema Sai who has already been born and will come to the world stage in 2028. For my case I listened to Isaac Tigrett’s (one of Sai Baba’s closest devotees) speech right after Sai Baba died. Immediately I changed my religion to, “I am God.” That was a help but the fact that Sai Baba left early was still a problem for me. After searching the internet, I discovered that Sai Baba is continuing his mission in India with the help of his former student, Madhu. A trip was made to Muddenahalli, India in June 2015 and upon listening to the speech, I was 100% convinced that Madhu was speaking Baba’s words. A question many will ask is, why would Baba do this? Being God, he could have kept his body alive till 2022. But as mentioned previously, the real religion is that we are God ourselves and his devotees must move away from his physical body. Also, humanity has become too physical and empirical so moving to another body will introduce humanity to the spirit world which is much larger than the physical world. In one of his last speeches Baba made with his physical body, he insisted that devotees stop looking at his body as God. I read those words in his magazine at that time but decided that I can have this one flaw of not following that advice and keep taking his body as God. But have now realized his leaving his physical body early and later interacting with the world with another human form had this particular purpose of getting humanity to not value his physical form and search within themselves for God. Initially Sai Baba was visible as a soul, meaning Madhu’s eye can see the particular frequency of electromagnetic waves in which Sai Baba is present. But later in 2019, Baba’s soul fully merged with Madhu’s soul, so Baba is Madhu. The mission is expanding much faster in the new form because as Baba said, he does not need to entertain huge crowds daily in Puttaparthi and can therefore concentrate on the mission. He is building hospitals, schools, and ashrams all over the world. How is this done? Like the Kuching, Malaysia ashram, the leader (a lawyer) was asked to build it. He did it mostly with his and another contractor’s money; a team of dedicated devotees from around the region also contributed significantly. After Baba came to inaugurate it, he told the lawyer, you have spent a lot on all these, so I am going to give you a lot of business, go and hire extra staff immediately. Soon after Baba left, some of the largest developers in Kuching called the lawyer and asked him to take care of all their legal matters. The same method is used all over the world. In fact, in the initial years of Madhu’s interaction with Sai Baba’s soul, even Madhu was doubtful if they could find the money to finance all the projects which even governments could not finance. Then one day, a short man with a moustache appeared in front of Madhu with folded hands; he is Kubera, the Hindu God of wealth. The following is the chronology of thing that will happen. : 2009 - Prema Sai was born in Gunaparthi, a village in the Mandya district (between Bangalore and Mysore). 2011-2015 (89th birthday) - Baba, through Madhu gathered the alumni he wanted for his mission by going from home to home. 2015 - 2019 (93th birthday) - Acceleration phase of gathering his flock via bigger gatherings. 2019-2022 (96th birthday) - Core team has been acquired and the plane is taking off. The rest of the work will be done by this core team. People from all over the world will come to Muddenahalli. The biggest statue of Shiva will be in the sacred land of Muddenahalli. In a previous book, Madhu mentioned that every sand particle in Muddenahalli is infused with high levels of divinity, according to Shiva who came as an old man to inspect the construction work. Muddenahalli is the place where Viswamitra requested the help of Rama to get rid of the demoness, Tataka to enable him to continue his yagnas in peace. In that battle, Tataka was killed, and her body is the hill on which Sai Baba’s ashram is built. It is among the Nandi Hills of Muddenahalli. The two smaller hills are that of her sons, Maricha and Subahu. Note, in the Ramayana story (Baba’s version when he was in the physical body), this place is to the East of Ayodhya, therefore Ayodhya is west of Muddenahalli at the latitude somewhere north of Mangalore. It is an accepted fact among Hindus that Narasimha, Vamana and Parashurama lived their lives in Kerala. So, the next Avatar, Rama was born 20,000 years ago in Ayodhya which is located near Kerala, just north of Mangalore. 2021 - Prema Sai enters the Muddenahalli campus at the age of 12. But he will not know he is Prema Sai and will go about with the name given by his parents. But by his 12th and 14th year (2021-2023), he will be having strange spiritual experiences. 2022-2028 - We are to assimilate and be silent and get to the stage where we do not depend on the flimsy support from outside. Madhu will be around till 2029; this is not surprising despite Madhu already being fully Baba because Rama and Parashurama met each other according to Baba’s version of the Ramayana (written when Baba still had his physical body). 2023 - Prema Sai will have a particular spiritual experience which will make him realize he is Prema Sai. He will continue studying at Muddenahalli from age 14 to 19 or for a period of five years (2023-2028). He will be educated specifically to take over the mission within these five years. He will not speak much; his presence is enough to elevate the spirituality of those around him. 2028 - 2034 - Prema Sai takes over the mission. He will travel around India and all over the world. 2034 - 2059 - In 2034 Prema Sai will be 25. Between the age of 25 to 50, he will be in the next phase of his life where he will travel around the world and stay at overseas ashrams which are being built or already built as of 2020. The Kuching, Malaysia one has already been built. He will come back to India only occasionally, for special festivals. 2059 - 2063 - Prema Sai will come back to India to retire for these last four years. He will leave his body in 2063 at the age of 54. 2063 onwards - most people on earth will be divine. No obstacle, no obstruction and nobody can stop His will.