Sympathy Themed Vibes!!| Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd Of Fire [Official Music Video] | REACTION

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MrRockNRollLive
    @MrRockNRollLive  Рік тому +5

    Get your mail in to the PO BOX listed in the description for the Christmas Fan Mail video and while you're at it SUBSCRIBE!!
    ⚡ Stream my band’s new album here!!::⚡
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    Send me a Super Thanks or a tip in the link below!!

  • @post_hope
    @post_hope Рік тому +33

    Avenged Sevenfold-Not Ready to Die (From "Call of the Dead") This is a definite banger your brain holes will love this one for sure.

    • @TheDylls
      @TheDylls 7 місяців тому +3

      I will NEVER FORGET the time I finished a Call of Duty campaign and had to shout to my wife to come into the living room!
      She stared at the screen with me for a few seconds before asking "Am I crazy, or is that an Avenged Sevenfold concert?"

    • @heeheenomeek7217
      @heeheenomeek7217 6 місяців тому

      My favorite song by them

  • @jcbass2u
    @jcbass2u Рік тому +16

    Forever associated in my mind with COD: Zombies.....but everytime it comes on the volume goes to full.....great song, great album.

  • @alexparker1911
    @alexparker1911 Рік тому +16

    Coming home by avenged sevenfold is great.

  • @dankshine916
    @dankshine916 Рік тому +12

    This means War, Heretic, Coming Home and Doing Time are all amazing songs from Hail to the King, you should do one of those next!

  • @SkarrLeigh
    @SkarrLeigh 11 місяців тому +3

    It began long ago, on the battlefields of the great war,
    Two German scientists sought to harness dark and mysterious forces, buried for centuries.
    They beleived their discoveries would ensure Germany's ultimate victory.
    But they could never have imagined, just what else their research would unearth...
    My name is Samantha, I'm going to tell you how all this really began.

  • @atila1595
    @atila1595 Рік тому +5


  • @alexsiusrey-sc7bs
    @alexsiusrey-sc7bs Рік тому +2

    Avenged sevenfold - God damn
    So cool for reaction 💥

  • @seanabi07
    @seanabi07 Рік тому +3

    4:42 your face is funny dude. It should be meme-able😂😂

  • @snowkhan99
    @snowkhan99 Рік тому +3

    Would love to see you listen to the rest of this album! Also hopefully finishing up the rest of Servant of the Mind by Volbeat.

  • @Tuugii619
    @Tuugii619 Рік тому +2


  • @firlyafiat506
    @firlyafiat506 Рік тому +5

    Synyster gates my guitar Hero 🤘

  • @cristhianvalverde751
    @cristhianvalverde751 Рік тому +2

    Good evening Mr. Rocknroll, I loved the reactions you gave to baby metal. The energy he has when reacting to the songs is great. I have 2 songs that I think you will love, one is onedari daisakusen and the other is 4 NO UTA, I hope you can react to these two songs.

  • @imcherylynn
    @imcherylynn Рік тому +3

    They opened with this when I saw them at a festival back in 2014. Still have the video I took 🙌🏻
    Can’t say the ‘Hail To The King’ album is one I listen to on the regular, I’m more of a ‘City Of Evil’, ‘Nightmare’, or ‘Waking The Fallen’ kinda person. Still a great album, though. 🤘🏻

  • @SelvinMartinez-s6z
    @SelvinMartinez-s6z Рік тому +1

    Listen to “Second Heartbeat“, I’m a fan of Av7X and just find that song few months ago, to describe it in few words: blew my mind

  • @rolfksamuelsen8395
    @rolfksamuelsen8395 Рік тому +1

    Crimson day 😍

  • @Jg_TheGreat1
    @Jg_TheGreat1 Рік тому +1

    Amazing reaction as always! Have a good day, keep up the amazing work!

  • @juliwahyu2868
    @juliwahyu2868 Рік тому +1

    like always man, i love your reaction

  • @garyregan7298
    @garyregan7298 7 днів тому

    Will I know I'm 12 months late but I'm sorry to say Mr rock and roll you don't know too much rock and roll!

  • @albertstephenson8830
    @albertstephenson8830 6 місяців тому

    That was an amazing concert brother. The fire in the background was amazing

  • @snitchex5087
    @snitchex5087 Рік тому +3

    from this album-hail to the king you would probably like songs:
    this means war
    coming home
    from other albums i would suggest:
    god damn
    god hates us (Live at Rock Am Ring 2011)
    welcome to the family
    critical acclaim live in lbc
    if u will react to those and like it than i can continue commenting other song suggestion because they have lot more great songs

  • @marbella135
    @marbella135 6 місяців тому +1

    How about some more Avenged Sevenfold sir?? You gotta check out Chapter Four, Critical Acclaim, Save me and Cosmic.

  • @BeeStingAlex
    @BeeStingAlex 5 місяців тому

    We all do the head bang once this song comes up lol.😅

  • @yancyjarquin4683
    @yancyjarquin4683 10 місяців тому

    Love ur reaction

  • @Suo_kongque
    @Suo_kongque 9 місяців тому +1

    Afterlife. Live in LBC version

  • @tyler18044
    @tyler18044 11 місяців тому

    hahaha i love this reaction so much, new subscriber :)

  • @matthewbradish3003
    @matthewbradish3003 11 місяців тому

    Great song great video great reaction. I love this man seen them in 2016 at AT&T Stadium in Dallas Texas was the Metallica headlining Dallas Texas in the house lets fucking go.

  • @HadrianSE
    @HadrianSE Рік тому

    I Like you reaction 🤘

  • @justinashley9529
    @justinashley9529 3 місяці тому

    Does Frank not come over anymore ? You guys got great energy

  • @mburke0330
    @mburke0330 9 місяців тому

    *Pardon your minds to the chains of the Devine. Please please please do Buried Alive Next.

  • @crazyfranky8627
    @crazyfranky8627 Рік тому +2

    please could you make a reaction to this track "Mechina- Blessings upon the field where blades will flood", it would be nice

  • @tarfful2173
    @tarfful2173 Місяць тому

    7:25 I know I’m 11 months late but I feel like your the first reaction I’ve seen that realizes this song is literally from the point of view of Satan.

    • @tarfful2173
      @tarfful2173 Місяць тому

      Idk if they didn’t listen to the lyrics or what but here we are

    • @tarfful2173
      @tarfful2173 Місяць тому

      If you pay more attention to to more of the lyrics , it becomes more and more apparent that satan is singing this song

  • @valery6113
    @valery6113 2 місяці тому

    You should listen to The Stage by them❤

  • @jadenaustin4999
    @jadenaustin4999 Рік тому +1

    KEEP DOING A7X! Love these reactions!

  • @topiksopian9336
    @topiksopian9336 Рік тому +1

    Request a7x bat country live

  • @aseprismawan9740
    @aseprismawan9740 9 місяців тому

    Unholy confession

  • @chinglee8797
    @chinglee8797 8 місяців тому

    Do react to ‘This means war' by avenged sevenfold 🤘

  • @The_Mystical_IX
    @The_Mystical_IX Рік тому

    I won’t lie you remind me of UA-cam’s biggest gun who’s going political into running for Congress with that amazing hair you got going, they can also be very soft with their music as from their album “Nightmare” the song “Fiction” and the song “So Far Away” is about their drummer who sadly passed but did some of the best drumming you will ever hear and “Save Me” is a mix between soft and their regular rock

  • @garyregan7298
    @garyregan7298 9 місяців тому

    I only have one question what rock have you been living under?

  • @aldomacias361
    @aldomacias361 4 місяці тому

    Please react to natural born killer by Avenged Sevenfold it's so good.

  • @Dmitriy88S
    @Dmitriy88S Рік тому +1

    moar A7X

  • @TrainSF
    @TrainSF Рік тому +1

    You should do Judas Priest Trial by Fire.

  • @dzedicion5309
    @dzedicion5309 2 місяці тому

    Mn 01:53 , 04:26 XDDDDDDD