Is Athens Greece Dangerous At Night? Walking From Viktoria to Omonia

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @No553Name
    @No553Name Рік тому +1592

    I've lived in Athens since I was born and I can tell you that areas like Viktoria's square is one of the neighborhoods that Greeks do never visit , unless they work there. Most of people who live there are immigrants, because rents are low. The area is not safe and the crime rate is high. That's why tourist found cheap airbnbs and hotels there. But I can assure you that Athens is a safe city. If you avoid some of the dangerous areas, you can stay out until midnight and you'll have no problem at all.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +65

      I agree

    • @darkz1563
      @darkz1563 Рік тому +20

      in turkey we also have that

    • @hetd5618
      @hetd5618 Рік тому +23

      How about syntagma ? Is it safe..we will need to take a cab from airport at 12 midnight and also at 4 am whole going to Island ..from syntagma to airport

    • @No553Name
      @No553Name Рік тому +51

      @Het D you'll be totally fine , stores are open until late at midnight and police is around the area because of the parliament all day long. Like every other big city, just be careful of the pickpockets

    • @hetd5618
      @hetd5618 Рік тому +6

      @@No553Name Thanks..we will use taxi or some car rental from metro as it's not safe i feel

  • @misterwolf365
    @misterwolf365 Рік тому +1888

    I m Greek and i hate going to the centre of Athens, because i feel sick of this situation. It's very sad trying to find a fellow Greek in your own city. Also, it's very dangerous there, especcially for children or young women. This has to change immediately.

    • @crohn_killer
      @crohn_killer Рік тому

      I am 28 yod ! I live in Peiraeus and I AVOID going to cender , its a same for Greece to have the athens like that ... I have visit cender a few times , i have years to go and i dont plan to go anyways .... Enjoy the athens , you can easily sit in a seat and get aids 🎉

    • @AlphaJulietGolf
      @AlphaJulietGolf Рік тому +26

      what are you going to do about it? nothing

    • @misterwolf365
      @misterwolf365 Рік тому +178

      @@AlphaJulietGolf voting a better mayor for start

    • @odysseasandroutsos1821
      @odysseasandroutsos1821 Рік тому +1

      @@misterwolf365 Προτείνω την Ελένη Παπαδοπούλου

    • @kalaxazoseisaire
      @kalaxazoseisaire Рік тому +106


  • @jimmy999S
    @jimmy999S Рік тому +295

    See, the thing is, you went there at 10:30, that's not considered late in Greece, that's when 15 year olds go out for a stroll with their friends during summer. In Greece saying late usually means later than 00:00.

    • @Heyurgirlistotallyrandom
      @Heyurgirlistotallyrandom Рік тому +40

      I mean Greece does have late dinner culture and nightclubs

    • @jimmy999S
      @jimmy999S Рік тому +39

      @@Heyurgirlistotallyrandom Yes, of course, I just wouldn't say that at 10:30 anything nightlife related was happening. Pubs, taverns and restaurants are open, but when referring to nightlife I mean after 00:00.

    • @bluedoggo483
      @bluedoggo483 Рік тому +20

      exactly. at 00:00 greeks usually leave from their houses to go to clubs and stuff, its cool

  • @bookerlam
    @bookerlam Рік тому +117

    This part of Athens is magnificent for a thriller movie....

  • @gianniskamakas3578
    @gianniskamakas3578 Рік тому +331

    As a Greek who lived in both biggest cities, I found the route you have chosen, the most challenging one but rather the discomfort it makes me feel, I never found it that "dangerous". I never felt worried for my life but I was looking around to be true... I will categorize this route as the squeakiest of all Greece.

    • @nohomo1217
      @nohomo1217 Рік тому

      τι λες ρε μαλακα

    • @mrperfect6676
      @mrperfect6676 Рік тому

      Έχεις πάει δηλαδη σε όλη την Ελλάδα? Τι ώρες περνας απο αυτη τη διαδρομη,μεσημβρινες? Ασε που συνηθως τετοιες ώρες επιτίθενται οι βρωμιαρηδες μαο μαο,λογω του ότι κυκλοφορουν και άνθρωποι μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας...Δεν παιζει ρολο δηλαδη αν θα περασεις νύχτα..Καλα,ο Αγγλος στο βίντεο ειναι αλλου γι αλλού....

    • @tk21them
      @tk21them Рік тому +20

      Καλά δεν πήγε και Μεταξουργείο, Σεπόλια, Κολωνό η Λιόσια

    • @dreikjapan4061
      @dreikjapan4061 Рік тому +8

      τα μερη που πηγε δεν ειναι τα χειροτερα πιστεψε με ας παει λιγο πιο δυτικα απο εκει που πηγε ή κατω απο την ομονοια ή βαθης και αγιο νικολαο με αττικης να δει την γλυκα..ακομα και το συνταγμα ειναι επικυνδινο

    • @zybloom7777
      @zybloom7777 Рік тому +9

      @@tk21themTo video leei ean eisai asfalhs, oxi ean synanthseis 5 mastourwmena kagkouria pou tha se rwthsoun ean exeis tsigaro .

  • @chrisstef8487
    @chrisstef8487 Рік тому +458

    Another European city turned into a cesspool due to uncontrolled migration. I walked through there last year at night around this month and I felt sick that these places have become deplorable ghettos. You definitely don't feel you're walking around in a Greek city, let alone a European one. Every corner had young men from the subcontinent, the middle east, and Africa in small groups walking around with smartphones in their hands. It genuinely makes you wonder on what basis were they permitted to enter the country if, in fact, they are even there legally. When you hear what locals earn working there, you immediately put two and two together, and you see how wages can remain so low for so long. Good luck to the people of Greece. They are gonna need it.

    • @josephZahariadis
      @josephZahariadis Рік тому +56

      I thought we defeated the Nazis long time ago. Why are you online commenting?

    • @Psychedelic430
      @Psychedelic430 Рік тому +153

      @@josephZahariadis nowdays everyone that is saying the truth we dont like , we call him a nazi. You can look at it up it is actually a thing. This is the internet that we have with all of you genz tik tok sensitive kids.

    • @user-sn6dz2ie4k
      @user-sn6dz2ie4k Рік тому +1


    • @MK-dq3vu
      @MK-dq3vu Рік тому

      @@josephZahariadis he's right you commie.

    • @josephZahariadis
      @josephZahariadis Рік тому +14

      @@Psychedelic430 tik tok sensitive kids? Because I’m anti fascist?

  • @takismenexes6131
    @takismenexes6131 Рік тому +80

    I work there and I honestly tell you, avoid those streets at least at night.
    It's not safe.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +3

      Thank you for posting your experience with the area.

  • @anastasiaanastasia217
    @anastasiaanastasia217 Рік тому +122

    This is so sad.....these places were beautiful and safe. Now....i have been living in Greece for more than20 years and the changes here in the city arevery sad to see

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +6

      The same is happening in many places like New York.

    • @AlphaJulietGolf
      @AlphaJulietGolf Рік тому +10

      European Genocide

    • @AlphaJulietGolf
      @AlphaJulietGolf Рік тому +9

      by 🇮🇱🇮🇱🕎

    • @navigator0950
      @navigator0950 Рік тому

      Που ζούσες πριν;

    • @hastanapane6607
      @hastanapane6607 Рік тому +4

      These places were beautiful and safe back in decades 1950-1970. After late 1970 everything goes way dowh.

  • @myringains
    @myringains Рік тому +139

    I studied and lived in Athens from 2001 to 2005. I visited again in 2019 and everything appeared to be familiar but at the same time widely different. There were areas in which I knew and loved that quite literally appeared as if it they’re from a parallel universe. It felt like I was in another country where Greek was not the dominant language. I’m from Cyprus, we also speak Greek but in a much heavier accent, so listening to proper Greek is like beautiful music to my ears, yet there were areas in which I could walk for several minutes, pass by dozens, even hundred-plus people and didn’t listen to a single Greek word. In Athens! I have nothing against people as individuals but watching entire neighbourhoods becoming ghettos is terrible and depressing for me. It’s one thing for immigrants to blend withing the locals, it’s another to drive the locals away and gain control of an area. And where there’s poverty, there’s always crime. Thankfully, the majority of the Athens I remember, is still there.

    • @nikhtzatzi
      @nikhtzatzi Рік тому +3

      now dont go there, cause omonoia and victoria in early mid 00s were literal hell compared to today....

    • @thebookdragon7776
      @thebookdragon7776 Рік тому

      Well said!

    • @kristiannapotsari2343
      @kristiannapotsari2343 Рік тому

      yeah but who takes control of the area and drives the locals away? not the immigrants thats for sure. they only reason they stay there is because its chraper . they did not plan to drive locals away thats ridiculous

  • @someonestranger94
    @someonestranger94 Рік тому +112

    Im Greek and i suggest you not to walk on those streets and many others alone at night, i was with my girlfriend one night at agiou meletiou street and they literally tried to slay us with a machete without even saying anything, luckily for me they were on some heavy drugs and i could fight back until we were able to run away. stay safe

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +17

      That's crazy. I'm glad you two were not hurt.

      @ΧΡΎΣΑΝΘΟΣΠΗΤΤΑΣ Рік тому +28

      Εκει κατεβαινα και εστριβα δεξια πριν την λιοσιων να μπω σπιτι. Εχω να ερθω 6.5 χρονια. Γιναμε κιολας "δυτικοευρωπαικη" πρωτευουσα ;

    • @someonestranger94
      @someonestranger94 Рік тому +29

      @@ΧΡΎΣΑΝΘΟΣΠΗΤΤΑΣ ειχα χρονια να περασω και εγω απο κει εκεινο το βραδυ ετυχε παρ ολα αυτα την επομενη μερα πηγα παλι εκει το μεσημερι για να καταλαβω τι εγινε και αυτο που ειδα ηταν οτι δεν υπηρχε ουτε μισος Ελληνας δυστυχως ολα τα μαγαζια απο μινι μαρκετ μεχρι κομμωτηρια και αλλα διαφορα ηταν ξενοι, καταντια απλα ευχομαι να εισαι εκτος Ελλαδας


      @@someonestranger94 επαρχια ζω αν και θα ηθελα πολυ να βρισκομαι Αθηνα τουλαχιστον ως πολυημερος επισκεπτης. Για το εξωτερικο που λες Αθηνα ειστε καλα ακομα. Δυτικη Ευρωπη περιπτωσεις σαν τη δικη σου και ΑΣΥΓΚΡΙΤΩΣ χειροτερες ειναι καθημερινο φαινομενο. Το φρικωδεστερο, οι ντοπιοι εχουν υποστει τοση πλυση εγκεφαλου που οσο περισσοτερο πεφτουν θυματα εγκληματικοτητας των ξενων τοσο περισσοτερο θεωρουν εαυτους υπευθυνους. Η Ευρωπη αυτοκτονει και η Αθηνα "εξευρωπαιζεται" με πολυ γρηγορους ρυθμους.

    • @odysseasandroutsos1821
      @odysseasandroutsos1821 Рік тому +6

      Καλή τύχη, αδερφέ μου! Συνέχισε να προστατεύεις τους ανθρώπους που αγαπάς!

  • @mdbr155
    @mdbr155 Рік тому +178

    You didn't visit the dangerous streets at Omonia. You should try walking the streets behind the city hall, streets like Sokratous, Menandrou etc. That's where the dangerous part of Omonia is.

    • @theteochewtower
      @theteochewtower Рік тому +1

      I stayed at a hotel at Voulgari during a school trip and honestly it was fine. Yeah it was sketchy but we didn't see many people out at night

    • @mdbr155
      @mdbr155 Рік тому +11

      @@theteochewtower Yeah, it's not the best neighbourhood but still, it's outside the "danger zone". The part of Omonia I'm talking about is a totally no-go zone where you can get robbed in broad daylight and noobdy will care. Not to mention what's going on there during nighttime.

    • @theteochewtower
      @theteochewtower Рік тому +1

      @@mdbr155 Voulgari is a side street off Menandrou if I'm not mistaken. I probably sound like a huge tourist now but seeing how gritty and morbid it was is kinda sad but interesting at the same time

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +7

      Thanks for the info. Maybe I will have a look on my next trip.

    • @mdbr155
      @mdbr155 Рік тому +20

      @@ToGoIsToKnow Still, I'd suggest you not to, at least not during the night.

  • @DimosKoutsopoulos
    @DimosKoutsopoulos Рік тому +47

    I live in Athens for 30 years. Generally, I am definitely trying to avoid some areas close to Victoria, omonoia and metaxorgio. With that being said, personally, i've never witnessed any issue or criminal activity (except drugs and prostitutes) there. I believe it is absolutely safe if you stay in a hotel in omonoia, just use the main roads and avoid the smaller ones and you will be fine.

    • @Krbpakistan2000
      @Krbpakistan2000 Рік тому +2

      Thanks for your lovely comments about safety of the tourists. Really I was worried about cuz we booked our hotel in Omonia. Regards and love ❤

    • @shinyagami8843
      @shinyagami8843 Рік тому +2

      Last time I was near Omonoia after dark I got in the middle of some conflict between 2 rival, I’m guessing African or something, groups of people wielding machetes! 😂
      I kid you not! It was surreal.
      Yeah, I don’t go near these areas after dark anymore 😂

  • @man8675
    @man8675 Рік тому +51

    Not from Athens but I've walked these streets at night. My heart beat faster when I crossed these places because at night they are full of surprises. But again, half past ten is too early for these areas. After midnight these areas are forbidden for normal people. You can meet gangs, drug addicts and very weird people doing weird stuff. These areas used to be good, but now they are full of immigrants from Middle East and Eastern Europe.

    • @theodosiskaloeidas298
      @theodosiskaloeidas298 Рік тому +3

      I was looking for a comment like this one. That’s what I wanted to say, in Greece 23:00 is not considered late at night. After midnight it’s starting to be considered late.

    • @Марта-й7е
      @Марта-й7е 11 місяців тому

      Вече няма хора от източна Европа, а Африка и Далечния изток. Също наркомани

  • @ab4363
    @ab4363 Рік тому +114

    Living in this area for more than 30 years and having my children still living there i have to mention that it has changed a lot since i first moved there in 1988. The Greek habitants left for the suburbs at the same time migration started.First migrants that came where Pols, then the Russians, Romanians,Bulgarians. In the beginning of the 2000's the neighbourhood was loaded with immigrants from Afghanistan, Somalia Syria etc and changed the whole image of the neighbourhood. It has a different cultural image, multinational and very abandoned from the most house owners that just rent and do not care or cannot afford to recreate their own property. Knowing how it was and how it became i have to say that my heart is has nothing to do with the nationality of the inhabitants, but of the cultural quality they have, not of their fault.For them Athens is a paradise, comparing the life they lived in their own countries....But yes, their is no reason to feel a threat.My grandchildren live their and they do not feel any danger....Not that there is no crime at all, no, but athens is a city that never is ok...

    • @theteochewtower
      @theteochewtower Рік тому +1

      Hi, thank you for your interesting insights. What was this area like in the 90s?

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому

      Thank you for sharing your experience on the area.

    • @apollonios1b
      @apollonios1b Рік тому +13

      ζητω τα τσογλανια που μας κυβερνησαν!

    • @chriskollias9231
      @chriskollias9231 Рік тому +1

      @@theteochewtower I was born and raised in Kypseli near Pedion tou Areos from 1986-2007. My parents were also born and raised in the same neighborhood in the 50's and 60's. Later in 2007, we moved to the north suburbs. In the 90s Kypseli and Victoria were safe places, with no immigrants, no crime, and no drugs, we could walk to our friends or other relatives' houses without any problem even at late hours and we were only 10 years old. I used to go shopping alone(10 years old) and hang out at playgrounds. There were plenty of shops everywhere (electronics, clothing stores selling top-end products) and Patision Street was full of stores movie theaters, etc. It was one of the best shopping districts in Athens and you never had to commute to other neighborhoods to find the "good" stuff. Fokionos was still one of the best places to hang out with good restaurants and cafes (in the 60s and 70s was the best neighborhood of Athens). Things started to change dramatically during the early 00s. We had to move out due to criminality rates (immigration and low rents). The economic crisis and immigration transformed these neighborhoods into "ghettos". The quality of life in the suburbs is much better now. I lived in Marousi from 2007-2015 and now I live in the Netherlands but I travel back often. I really miss Kypseli and the Athens city center from the 90's but this transformation forced us to sell and rent our properties.

    • @theteochewtower
      @theteochewtower Рік тому +1

      @@chriskollias9231 Interesting to hear your story. Can I ask where the migrants were coming from? Funny to hear your staying in the Netherlands now, I am Dutch myself :)

  • @ANASPANremoverandomcrits
    @ANASPANremoverandomcrits Рік тому +23

    Been living in Patissia for four years back in College. I kept venturing out at night, close to Omonoia and Victoria with no real consequence. Yes, it's dark and scary, but experiences vary.

  • @dzznuts100
    @dzznuts100 Рік тому +92

    I’m Greek visit often and have lived and grown up in Los Angeles. I feel safer walking in the worst area in Greece vs any area of Los Angeles.

    • @gogurtz1738
      @gogurtz1738 Рік тому +3

      Fr 😂 big major US cities have gone to the drain. Can’t even walk at night without carrying my 🔫 because you never know what’s going to happen to yah. Or leaving my car park outside (even though it is locked) and yet these thugs will do anything to break into your car.

    • @gregbakmazjian7861
      @gregbakmazjian7861 Рік тому +1

      That's absolutely true. Los Angeles is 1000 times dangerous city than city of Athens. Actually United States is notoriously most dangerous country coast to coast in this world every single day there are 1000 murders going on in the entire country.

  • @konstantinosconstantine
    @konstantinosconstantine Рік тому +174

    I've lived in Kypseli district (where a significant amount of African/Greek-African community lives) for a bit more than a year. I've walked back and forth towards Victoria Square about a million times every possible hour, 24/7 and guess what... I never felt threatened!
    Don't take me wrong, Omonoia and Victoria are indeed quite problematic areas; Messy, full of intoxicated people around, petty crime in a higher scale than rest of neighborhoods, refugees/immigrants who live in poor conditions.
    Does heavy crime such as armed robbery, murder or rape ever occur? Yes, just like everywhere else!
    Hence, their reputation is nowhere close to where reality stands.
    There are areas in cities of Belgium, France or Sweden for instance - among plenty of others throughout Europe - that make Omonoia and Victoria Square look like a proper playground...
    We Greeks, travel abroad less comparing to our fellow co-europeans and most of us, don't really know what a ghetto looks like and on top of this, there's a natural tendency to overdramatize things...

    • @arkrules8557
      @arkrules8557 Рік тому +24

      Nope. Most locals dont go to/by victoria square not even when sun is up. Nope

    • @konstantinosconstantine
      @konstantinosconstantine Рік тому +30

      @@arkrules8557 yeah, right... So people who live in Kypseli (approx. 70k people), go home by helicopter. Makes sense!
      Don't know where you live but I doubt you have any clue about the area itself as well as its surroundings. But just fyi: there's no connection to the subway (yet), therefore, you need to get off to Victoria station and then to switch to bus or reach Kipseli by walking

    • @arkrules8557
      @arkrules8557 Рік тому +3

      @@konstantinosconstantine oh my.. I think you do know you can go to Kypseli without passing by Victoria square.
      I lived there for 2 years 2005-2007 and 1 more in 2016. You do show a tendency to exaggerate

    • @konstantinosconstantine
      @konstantinosconstantine Рік тому +11

      @@arkrules8557 am I the one exaggerating? -> "locals don't go to Victoria even when the sun is up" 😂
      It really depends on WHERE you live.
      Most of the residents live around Square Kanari and Fokionis Negri street, so the nearest subway station is.... Victoria!
      Since you've also lived there, (as per your claim...), next time avoid demonstrating such poor argument 😀

    • @arkrules8557
      @arkrules8557 Рік тому +3

      @@konstantinosconstantine yes. If there is no need to go there, as a local you don't go there. Simple.
      It is not that you will be killed, it is a place mostly for drug users meetings.

  • @kotsos19877
    @kotsos19877 Рік тому +9

    The building you show at 12:35 is a community shelter for homeless people. The bars on the windows are for their own safety as some of them might have some kind of mental health issues going through these difficulties.They exist to prevent them from hurting themselves and not for burglars or anything.

  • @sotirisbakolas6655
    @sotirisbakolas6655 Рік тому +23

    Don't go looking for snakes, you might find them...
    Keep also in mind the guys who told you the area is safe were not Greeks but middle eastern immigrants.
    Thanks for sharing the video though.

  • @antoniogrivas6006
    @antoniogrivas6006 Рік тому +20

    11:33 You 've asked a "Greek" if Greece is safe.. He whom you asked is not a greek citizen !!!!

    @DARKINBLADE. Рік тому +208

    Omonia to Metaxourgio is genuinely terrifying to walk down as 2 foreign women (what we did last month). I definitely felt quite unsafe there.

    • @konair9952
      @konair9952 Рік тому

      Because there are immigrants living there and many of them Muslims!They do not respect women walking around at night!

    • @aspazafeiratoy5705
      @aspazafeiratoy5705 Рік тому +16

      Why would anyone go to omonoia i only go to the national theatre by car in the car parking never would i walk there.

      @DARKINBLADE. Рік тому +9

      @@aspazafeiratoy5705 Well we weren't advised to by the hotel, but wanted to save on cash but uh.. after that we just took the metro and taxis.

    • @haveatyou1
      @haveatyou1 Рік тому +5

      @@aspazafeiratoy5705 filis and lasonos. Nuff said.

    • @haveatyou1
      @haveatyou1 Рік тому

      @@aspazafeiratoy5705 great bakeries too

  • @vesskich
    @vesskich Рік тому +236

    i stayed in omonia for a few days (in march) and it wasn't that bad. even though there are a lot of immigrants & homeless people, there are police officers nearby, which honestly made me feel safe.
    overall, athens is a great city to visit & it's generally safe imo.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +13

      I agree. It seems safer than a few years back.

    • @leonidaspapanikolaou3165
      @leonidaspapanikolaou3165 Рік тому +58

      They are illegal immigrants, not immigrants.

    • @microska2656
      @microska2656 Рік тому +17

      ​@@leonidaspapanikolaou3165cry about it

    • @giorgos5548
      @giorgos5548 Рік тому +13

      hahahaha athens is safe at some places only. Mosth places in athens are actually dangerous . I live in athens since i was born. When my parents were my ages (20) all of athens was actually safe

    • @trigker1040
      @trigker1040 Рік тому

      @@leonidaspapanikolaou3165 There are not illegal humans on planet earth αδερφε !

  • @ΜαρίαΜπρέσκα-ω1κ
    @ΜαρίαΜπρέσκα-ω1κ Рік тому +61

    I am Greek and live in Athens since i was born.
    I still remember the old Athens back in the 80's and 90's.
    Especially Omonoia square which i used to visit a lot!!!!
    You should see pictures from then.
    How beautiful was the whole area!!!
    Now it has nothing to do with that beauty!!!!!
    The whole centre of Athens has become a ghetto of illegal immigrants.

    • @InTimeTraveller
      @InTimeTraveller Рік тому +5

      I'm Greek and I also was born and raised in Athens, but Omonia was never beautiful, it has always been very very ugly and dangerous from as far back as I can remember. I don't know about the 80s but in the 90s Omonia was just as ugly and dangerous as it is today.

    • @Tanno_Buchino
      @Tanno_Buchino Рік тому +1

      ​@@InTimeTravellerit wasn't dangerous back then. Since Turkey sent them here it's been very dangerous. There are lots of islamists, and romas who are common criminals with what they're doing.

    • @johnhalvatzi315
      @johnhalvatzi315 Рік тому

      Immigrants look ugly,but are scared to perform illegal acts. The graffiti which makes everything look scruffy is a Greek did of stupid idiots, so is the trash on the streets.

    • @ChrisMarasP
      @ChrisMarasP Рік тому

      And dirty with graffity

  • @panagiotisdrakopoulos5030
    @panagiotisdrakopoulos5030 Рік тому +20

    I am from athens greece and while i have to admit going to the center of athens might not be as dangerous as going to the center of some other large cities i would be lying if i didnt say that i felt uneasy everytime i found my self alone at omonia (omonia is a place in the center of athens) even while the sun is up.And thats not even the worst part.. the worst part of the center of athens is the amount of mental strength you are required to have to even walk there... what i mean is the scenery of the place reminds you of a tragity novel.. beggers scatered left and right with very visible wounds all over their bodies police officers which u feel scared to talk too about any issues since... well... the police.. in greece is... kinda of like that of americas..large lifeless buildings with windows u cant even see through junkies lying on the ground outside of abandoned buildings after taking their dose..also about half of the people in the center dont speak greek since they r mostly tourists and finally most places there smell.. ter..ri..BLE..Its truly sad to witness a city and a country with such a magnificent past do this to itself.

  • @Euroneurogreece3097
    @Euroneurogreece3097 Рік тому +19

    As a greek who visited athens, i can comfirn that the 50% of the news are about the nights of athens.

  • @GreekHouseEffect
    @GreekHouseEffect Рік тому +54

    I've lived around this area for all my life (25 years old) and I have been robbed just once. It's definitely a rough place and it's far from devoid of danger, but people really overestimate how dangerous it really is. The biggest problem in my opinion is the drug addicts, both as a public health issue and because of their unpredictable behaviour. Apart from that, the situation isn't tragic. It's just that many see a brown person and automatically think "crime"

    • @271byron
      @271byron Рік тому +21

      I have lived there for 35 years and I have only been murdered once

    • @selinisykes6298
      @selinisykes6298 Рік тому +9

      @@271byron exavtly. I bet they are not a female either. Put a woman in there to live peacefully 25 years and then tell me what you think

    • @GothPaoki
      @GothPaoki Рік тому +7

      This has nothing to do with colour. The fact you bring it here like this has to do anything with racism is very telling of what you want to have us believe all the while ignoring the actual problem.

    • @secondchannel1523
      @secondchannel1523 Рік тому

      The "bRoWn" people commit more violent crimes while being a minority of the population. You accuse your compatriots of having basic pattern recognition. Disgusting narcissist.

    • @OmasaNibLedan
      @OmasaNibLedan Рік тому +1

      ​@@GothPaokiπες τα, γιατί με τόσες πίπες που λένε στο τέλος θα το συνηθίσουμε

  • @panoskal455
    @panoskal455 Рік тому +20

    I would walk whenever and anywhere in Athens no matter what.Its a super safe city.I've been once in houston texas and wouldn't walk across the street to the gas station to get ciggarettes because was afraid of getting robbed

    • @giapata
      @giapata Рік тому

      Well if you compare it with other European cities I think is worse than average

    • @blobyxb
      @blobyxb Рік тому

      U know nothing 😂

    • @aliadmtr4489
      @aliadmtr4489 Рік тому

      @@giapata anywhere in france and spain is much worse than athens. Don't get me started on romania, bulgaria, albania, kosovo etc. Only western europe is safer.

  • @jessiejordan7791
    @jessiejordan7791 Рік тому +32

    In the villages far from the city you see children playing at the playground up to 2am and being at the taverns when in the city of Athens you have to be really careful. Thats how you know an area is dangerous at night (by not seeing any children around)

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +9

      I totally agree. When I was in Ano Akrata, children were running around late at night while the parents sat in the square.

  • @ΓιώργοςΚαπάτος
    @ΓιώργοςΚαπάτος Рік тому +21

    Just let a single woman do the same and harassment will be the least you will see...

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +4

      I would not recommend a woman to do the same walk. But if she is staying at a hotel in Omonia, I think she will be okay.

    • @ΓιώργοςΚαπάτος
      @ΓιώργοςΚαπάτος Рік тому

      thanks, your answer answers the video title question.

  • @MrThePsychologist
    @MrThePsychologist Рік тому +12

    as a resident of greece i can tell in few words :yes but actually now depends in which part of athens you are walking

  • @Panos-xo9rc
    @Panos-xo9rc Рік тому +19

    Legendary Xouthou alley at 15:50 ! Still waiting for Scorseze to show up with a crew! I work nearby (3rd Septembriou) since the last century,and never felt unsafe. The main issue is the crisis,the center is deserted now and has lost the vibrancy and nerve it had. It feels more boring than dangerous as far as i am concerned. Also, expected you to go straight back to omonoia following aristotelous or 3rd Septembriou,but you naughty boy preferred to go through Fylys to show us the "houses" ,aaaaaahahahaha! Bless you dude!

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +3

      Thank you for posting about your knowledge of the area. The Fylys route is more interesting. ;)

  • @timparker533
    @timparker533 Рік тому +14

    We just returned from there Sunday and were out walking at night all around that area and never considered it dangerous at all. Far safer than our Portland, Oregon home.

    • @Johnny-hn9ts
      @Johnny-hn9ts Рік тому +2

      Go Blazers! 😁

    • @nickklavdianos5136
      @nickklavdianos5136 Рік тому +2

      It's perspective that matters. For a Greek like me, that's probably one of the roughest place in the country. The criminality in Greece is way lower than the USA, hence why it might feel to you relatively safe.

    • @timparker533
      @timparker533 Рік тому +2

      @@nickklavdianos5136 I love Greece and could see myself moving to the west coast of Crete.

  • @ariasocratous6277
    @ariasocratous6277 Рік тому +39

    I am from Cyprus and now living in the States for the last decade, but I spent 7 years in Athens as a student. It used to be very safe, I could wait for my friend even half hour at Stadiou street to go out. Now is totally different. I have an apartment very close to Victoria Square and my parents and I used to stay when we were in Athens. Last time I stayed at the apartment was in June 2014. I was returning home in a cab and suddenly I saw an African with his white girlfriend, fully on drugs pointing at me and yelling " Fuck you and fuck your country ". The cab driver got off and he was holding the door for me to get inside. I got locked into the apartment and I couldn't get any sleep. I called my husband in the states and told me to go to a hotel next morning. That's what I did and since then I haven't stayed at the apartment ever again.

    • @CMR10500
      @CMR10500 Рік тому +2

      I see…at least in USA you know it’s the real deal, you either get shot by an officer or a lunatic…not just petty swearing…

    • @tzuu5249
      @tzuu5249 Рік тому +1

      "i live in the states". STATES... Cyprus people

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +2


    • @odysseasandroutsos1821
      @odysseasandroutsos1821 Рік тому +19

      @@CMR10500 A foreigner who came to your country illegaly and is also staying illegaly, insulting you and your country is no petty swearing

    • @CMR10500
      @CMR10500 Рік тому +2

      @@odysseasandroutsos1821 Who says he is there illegally ? Your imagination ? Even if you stay longer to a place, the entry permission in a country could be within the legal window and it is called petty for a reason learn the context first, any type of swearing falls to this category, actions matter not imaginary insults or threats...

  • @katsarosfiat
    @katsarosfiat Рік тому +89

    As a greek who lives in Athens the answer is "it depends". Like all major cities in the world, Athens has some bad neighbourhoods....some are reeaaaly bad and dangerous. Most of these are inhabited by (suprise suprise) immigrants, mostly illegals. Other very bad and dangerous places even by day are areas with gipsies, even the police will mostly stay away from there. The majority of Athens is safe though. Avoid areas like omonoia square, metaksourgio, viktoria square, and basically all areas along pattision avenue. Gypsies are in the suburbs like zefiri, menidi, metamorfosi, liosia.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +5

      Thanks for the info.

    • @VSLS06
      @VSLS06 Рік тому +8

      Ano liosia isn't that dangerous i have walk in the areas that they live, zefyri and menidi is more dangerous cause most of the houses there especially in zefyri are drug spots with tons of guns. I also have lived my whole life in ano liosia and it's safe even tho my house got robbed few times.

    • @Unclesteve__D
      @Unclesteve__D Рік тому

      ​​@@VSLS06Τα Λιόσια είναι Ασφαλές μόνο στο Νότιο τομέα
      ( Αγ. Νικόλαος, Συντριβάνι, Ηρώων, Κένε, Αγ. Κωνσταντίνος, Αγ. Λουκάς, Γιαμάχα )
      Όλο το υπόλοιπο
      (Αγ. Γεώργιος, Κόκκινη, Χωματερή, Αμαξοστάσιο, Δροσούπολη και Κάτω Φυλή ) Δεν είναι
      Από Ηρώων μέχρι και Κανάλα είναι πολύ επικίνδυνα κατά 60% θα σ κλέψουν

    • @7FlyingPenguin
      @7FlyingPenguin Рік тому

      Also Halandri

    • @CrazieAsianBoi
      @CrazieAsianBoi Рік тому

      Weren't the immigrants (according to Tsipras) investors??

  • @Vazelos-g13
    @Vazelos-g13 Рік тому +9

    Crime due to uncontrolled immigration has been constantly increasing in recent years, especially in the centre. I am Albanian and I have been living in Athens since the 90s.

    • @InTimeTraveller
      @InTimeTraveller Рік тому

      Crime in Victoria and Omonia has existed since before I was born (I was born in the '80s). The crime there has to do with the drug trade and the drug users and the organised crime in general. There is also low level street crime (pickpocketing, muggings, etc) but that's also mostly associated with drug addicted people. The immigration and the accumulation of lots of assylum seekers there is of course not helping the situation, but these areas have had problems long before mass illegal immigration was a big issue. As you said in the 90s there were lots of Albanians that immigrated to Greece and also a lot of these people contributed also to low level crime (mostly burglaries though, they weren't very confrontational), but that's not an issue anymore. Same with current day immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc, some of them might contribute to low level street crime but that's not the main issue (in the sense that even without them the areas still won't be safe). Main issue is oranised crime and drug trade.

  • @gk_alde_baran
    @gk_alde_baran Рік тому +23

    I am from Greece. You walked the central road with police patrols and lights named "Aharnon" BUT ..If you walk the small vertical streets you have to carry a gun to save your life..

    • @blobyxb
      @blobyxb Рік тому +1


    • @ghosttt313
      @ghosttt313 Рік тому

      And how tf greeks allow this? Trust me these dirty africans and arabs never can make this in albania. You should protect your city.

  • @Spyros.Georgopoulos
    @Spyros.Georgopoulos Рік тому +7

    try following the same route at 03.00 AM

  • @JimLink
    @JimLink Рік тому +9

    You were walking for almost 20 minutes in central Athens and you didn't even meet a single Greek citizen...

  • @eleniasimop
    @eleniasimop Рік тому +8

    The bars on the windows in high floors are placed to avoid any accidents with kids falling down.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому

      Thank you, that makes sense.

    • @nikolasmacedonites917
      @nikolasmacedonites917 Рік тому +1

      That particular building you filmed is actually a homeless shelter and the bars are in place in order to prevent people from committing suicide.

  • @RovexHD
    @RovexHD 2 роки тому +17

    I see they did Improve the lighting around the square. I stayed in a hotel in 2014 on that street you entered Omonoia square from. It was terribly dark, very creepy

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  2 роки тому

      I think it has gotten better since then.

    • @RovexHD
      @RovexHD 2 роки тому +1

      I was surprised you didn’t get told off by the cops when they saw you recording. As far I know, it’s not allowed, and cops will even take your camera off you.

    • @josuecruz7546
      @josuecruz7546 Рік тому

      @@ToGoIsToKnowyou trippin’ bro?

  • @whiskeyinajar2728
    @whiskeyinajar2728 Рік тому +5

    22:30 is very early my friend. Try this area after 1:00-2:00 am. You will take a big risk

  • @Jim-fi4dc
    @Jim-fi4dc Рік тому +4

    As a Greek i feel sickened by this. It looks like a capital from a third world country. Sad. I pray one day the centre of Athens will clear.

  • @theodora24
    @theodora24 Рік тому +2

    One thing for sure is that cops being present doesn't mean they are actively guarding the area. Most of them are busy scrolling on their phones or cat calling or similar

  • @melenia1986
    @melenia1986 Рік тому +8

    When you visit Greece there's no reason to stay downtown. It's overpriced and there are such better places to choose. Try to find something on the north suburbs like Marousi, Pefki or Nea Ionia and from there you can take the train and go downtown whenever you want. Stay with the locals in a little nice and friendly neighborhood and you will have a much better experience.

  • @gal5402
    @gal5402 Рік тому +11

    I was there yesterday. The place gave me a dark, sad feeling.

    • @RovexHD
      @RovexHD Рік тому +7

      Poor lighting + decrepit buildings

    • @skoy21
      @skoy21 Рік тому

      With the exception of Amsterdam, name a city that the surrounding areas of their red light districts feel welcome and accommodating and beautiful... Pretty much none. Athens' red light district is not an exception...

  • @SlimmingWellnessBoosters
    @SlimmingWellnessBoosters Рік тому +17

    I am from Athens. We have the ugliest city in Europe. I mean, we did it. Too many immigrants. We are not going to the center because of the prevailing situation. The suburbs in Athens are all safe. The center after 00:00 I wouldn't say it is. I feel sad for the tourists who think that Greece is Athens ... My country has become a big mess ... hope this changes soon! ❤

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +3

      There are so many great places in Greece.

    • @odysseasandroutsos1821
      @odysseasandroutsos1821 Рік тому +3

      Στο χέρι μας είναι.

    • @manuelneiro389
      @manuelneiro389 Рік тому

      Voula city! 😍

    • @skoy21
      @skoy21 Рік тому

      Like all cities, there are nice and not so nice parts. Athens is definitely neither the nicest, nor the ugliest...

    • @dillinger445
      @dillinger445 Рік тому

      are you serious. you wanna say athens is as bad as bukarest sofia tirana or belgrad? come on now

  • @then3420
    @then3420 Рік тому +4

    I agree with the video!I recently stayed near Omonia. Having checked into my hotel at midnight. I went out to get some food and found a cafe with an outside terrace where i drank beer til 4 am. The guy there was very friendly and all the other customers completely ignored me. I didn’t feel unsafe at all. In fact I was able to walk around with my phone using google maps all the time. I found they mostly just ignored me and I almost felt invisible. If anyone there wants to sell you something they just make eye contact for 2 seconds and that’s it. I found all the taxis use the meter (which they call metro). No one tried to scam me or overcharge me. Mind you a small bottle of beer costs 4,50 to 6 euros so is not cheap.
    I would never walk around London with my phone out these days. I found Athens to be very hospitable and completely safe, even at night and I was walking around some of the so called ‘dodgy’ areas. There was lot of graffiti but apart from that I was not even approached by anyone in the street. Not once. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit especially the Acropolis and around Plaka and Psiri. It’s worth going to Athens just to see the Acropolis!

    • @Foxen-yv9rd
      @Foxen-yv9rd Рік тому +1

      A 500ml bottle of beer costs less than 2€ here in Athens. 😅. They probably scammed you

  • @myonlynick
    @myonlynick Рік тому +4

    city centre in Athens is relatively safer compared to other cities in the USA like Detroit etc, some infamous neighborhoods in London. Bottom line ,you can calmly walk around as a visitor.

  • @yevheniiiiiaaa
    @yevheniiiiiaaa Рік тому +6

    I just come back from the hotel which is located a few metres from 3rd September street. I grow up in a small East European city at 90s, but so many drug addicted people in one place I never saw in my life! They tooks drugs everywhere! They follow you and you can't predict their behaviour! I recommend to use only taxi in this area. Especially for women, is not safe.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому

      Yes, it is a shame to see people ruining their lives.

  • @tohapka
    @tohapka Рік тому +32

    I have just come back from Athens . I stayed at a hotel close to Omonia Square ,
    There were mainly immigrants and strange looking people around and after dark a few
    people were using drugs on the side streets but I wasnt afraid at any time, everybody seems
    to mind his own business. Othervise positive experience from the city. It has good vibes and
    it is clean everywhere now.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for your thoughts on the area. It is definitely a lot better.

    • @Panos-xo9rc
      @Panos-xo9rc Рік тому

      The main issue is that Greece is BROKE since 2010. Junkies and whores(or the combination)were always there but after 2010 the normal classic downtown market in places like omonoia,eolou,lower panepistimiou etc has more or less gone extinct( the kolonaki bourgeoisie doesnt count,these guys are loaded anyway). So what you see is an empty,lifeless shell,the remnants of the pre crisis "athens centre". Which was great,i am there since 1995.

  • @dimitristsipis4841
    @dimitristsipis4841 5 місяців тому +1

    I was working at a hotel in omonoia for 5 years and most of the time my shift started at 4 am. That meant that around 3:30 am I was at Victoria with my motorcycle to go to work. It was like a scene from the Walking Dead. At every red light prostitutes and junkies where limping out of nowhere at the side of my bike, either asking me for money or selling their services, while at the nearby benches other junkies where shooting heroin and prostitutes where offering their services. Not a great way to start your workday.

  • @idaornstein1305
    @idaornstein1305 Рік тому +6

    This video here taken at 10:30 at night is not considered late. Also this particular area can be dangerous at any time. Sadly, due to migrants who frequent these areas makes it fraught with danger, but usually after midnight when the young kids stop playing outside and go home.

  • @RoseForTheApocalypse
    @RoseForTheApocalypse Рік тому +1

    The most dangerous place in Athens is Menidi. I work as a driver during night shifts there to deliver packages and always feel uneasy when I get off the van to unload. It is as if someone is constantly watching me

  • @observer8477
    @observer8477 Рік тому +3

    you see i was a drug addict going in this places and im clean lots of years now,i went to my village at country of greece and i see those streets by your video reminding me the nightmare i passed on those streets i dont even want to pass from there anymore,it hurts to see the suffering of people dying in streets and police draging you to the gail for your dose.the most drug addicts i mean 95% will do no harm to you ,they will use drugs yes or some they will ask you if you have a euro or so with a polite way mostly.then places like the end you where going at times of the day police goes to those places and addicts running away and if they cops search them find something they taking them to the police station so the road goes empty from addicts at times but they go to other places then and for the hour the place is clean and this cyrcle goes on and on,leaving one place go to another untill cops go there too ,go to another.its only two or three places that selling drugs and its 90% immigrants ,if you go to menandrou or vathis you must be carefull at night especially menandrou but mostly its one two roads that selling drugs and then some small places here and there that is not the problem.but menandrou is danger for addicts not so for normal people but you should avoid it passing at nights,most propably will tell you if you want to buy something cause they thinking that if you are there you are searching for drugs,if you say no or dont even speak they wont harm you.but you never know,some immigrants might try to steal something from you and a less dangerous greek people,im not racist but you see addicts immigrants are more dangerous than addicts greeks cause addicts from greece still someone from the family taking care of them giving them some money mostly but i dont say there will be no greeks to steal you,i say its less general this is occasional,you must be very unlucky to happen to you,so in general its safe even passing from those places alone 99%you dont have any problem,just dont speak if they ask for drugs and go to your way but for me avoid those roads you see drug addicts and selling drugs,just to be sure...

  • @eternal___official
    @eternal___official Рік тому +1

    1:01 just wait 3 hours and walk by again.

  • @Anonymous-ny7yn
    @Anonymous-ny7yn 2 роки тому +28

    19 minute walk in the center of greek capital and you didn't see one Greek.Do you find this normal?

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  2 роки тому

      I'm not sure I have seen any minivans.

    • @LeuisRD
      @LeuisRD 2 роки тому

      We see a lot graffiti!!! It’s my concerns.

    • @ATHLDN
      @ATHLDN 2 роки тому +9

      Yes,I do. These areas were abandoned by Greeks decades ago for a quieter suburban life.Immigrants trying to survive in the worst parts of a city is not unheard of as they are the cheapest. Everyone deserves better.

    • @darkz1563
      @darkz1563 Рік тому


    • @DRS659
      @DRS659 Рік тому +1

      he literally spoke to greeks on the street while he was walking, did you watch the whole video?

  • @Spartan19891
    @Spartan19891 Рік тому +3

    It's really troubling seeing my city like that. In your video almost 90% of the people are foreign migrants. In the past we were saying jokingly that in the future there gonna be more foreigners than Greeks but in the case of the center of Athens it has become a sad reality.

  • @wf.i.7260
    @wf.i.7260 Рік тому +1

    Well, 11 pm isn't that late. Go there 1-5am. I believe it's gonna be a lot different around those times.

  • @jimgreekgamerYT
    @jimgreekgamerYT Рік тому +3

    I could say that anywhere where are a lot of people walking its pretty safe (also the bars on the windows are basically so people on the street cant break them by throwing stuff but i believe that happens very rarely) also the pretty dangerous part i believe is from 12-3 and about 5am

  • @yorghofellas1970
    @yorghofellas1970 Рік тому +6

    Man, in Greece we hear about a rape or a murder once per couple of months or more, in other European cities u hear about stuff like that maybe even daily. Greece is safe in general, just don`t step on anyone`s toes and ur ok.

    • @skoy21
      @skoy21 Рік тому +1

      Exactly, it's not what happens but the frequency of things that happen.

    • @too_much9886
      @too_much9886 Рік тому


    • @giapata
      @giapata Рік тому

      No, you actually don't. I live in Amsterdam and barely anything happens. In Greece there's a murder almost weekly and fatal accidents every day.

    • @skoy21
      @skoy21 Рік тому +3

      @@giapata In 2022, 142 murders in the Netherlands or 0.00081% of the population, 84 in Greece, or 0.00077%. The big majority of those murders are between relatives or rivals, not towards random strangers. And yes, maybe you don't hear about murders in the netherlands, but those are as common as in Greece, and slightly higher.

  • @rrocketman
    @rrocketman 2 роки тому +29

    In my experience Athens is very safe at night. But note in the city center you will not find many actual Greeks but a mixed bag of foreigners. Real Greece is in the villages and small cities where the Orthodox Church is still strong.

    • @PanzerCrewman
      @PanzerCrewman 2 роки тому

      Indeed there is a greek ho here who is muslim she sees no future as they believe in live in depression it makes no sense

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  2 роки тому

      Yes, get out of the city and explore the other parts of Greece!

    • @jacqueslee2592
      @jacqueslee2592 Рік тому

      US and NATO forcing Islamization in the Birth of Western Europe. A disrespect to Greece and European culture in general by US, so called protector of Western legacy.

    • @too_much9886
      @too_much9886 Рік тому

      Θα τα πούμε σε 20 χρόνια από τώρα πράσινομαλλουσα.

  • @NickGreek-m5e
    @NickGreek-m5e Рік тому +1

    At 12:30 you show a building that has bars all the way to the top floor. That building is housing/hospital for drug addicts and the bars exist to prevent suicide attempts.

  • @spyrospoulos6263
    @spyrospoulos6263 Рік тому +4

    10:30 is to early,go there after 1:00 am

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +1

      Another person said I have to go at 3:00AM.

  • @johntziannis359
    @johntziannis359 Рік тому +2

    I've walked in LA and NY at night and i didn't have any issues. It was relatively safe there also.

  • @klonodesign
    @klonodesign Рік тому +4

    You could go from Victoria to Omonoia through Patission, 3 Septembriou, or Aristotelous streets.
    You chose the worst Street, Acharnon, it's not representative of the whole area.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому

      I was trying to go through the worst area to see how bad or not bad it is. I am not trying to paint all of Greece as bad or dangerous. Look at my other videos all over Greece.

  • @RM-el2uc
    @RM-el2uc Рік тому +2

    As a Greek 21 year old woman , I am really afraid to go out in Athens center, alone .

  • @GreekoAthen
    @GreekoAthen Рік тому +12

    in Athens there are more than 8 major centers except the center of Athens, where only Omonoia is bad
    1.Glyfada, 2.Faliron, 3. Voulagmeni, 4.Nea Smyrni, 5.Kalithea, 6.Marousi, 7.Kifissia, 8.Imitos, 9.Ilioupoli 10. Piraeus that's the places with not foreigners .

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +1

      Yes, most places in Greece are very nice and safe.

    • @DRS659
      @DRS659 Рік тому +5

      ​@@ToGoIsToKnow piraeus is full of foreigners, but I guess those ones are just a more acceptable colour to you guys...

    • @leonardfeder5115
      @leonardfeder5115 Рік тому

      @@DRS659I think he means no illegals

    • @leonardfeder5115
      @leonardfeder5115 Рік тому

      @@DRS659and Greeks not white. I’m in Greece now and shocked to see they look very middle eastern

    • @Fapstronaut
      @Fapstronaut Рік тому +4

      @@leonardfeder5115 You're right. Cleopatra was Black. Long live Netflix. Ariel was the best movie. Italians and Spanish are black too. Anyone in the mediteranian
      Bro you visited Greece in the Summer with 43 degrees celcium , if you stand in the sun for 1 hour you suddenly look middle eastern - the least 😅
      You have like 3-4 comments on this video responding on different people saying the same thing again&again.. Not getting offended or anything Im not racist (altho half+ greeks are) but ffs chill with the "Greeks not white!!1!".. think before you start your nofear-commenting

  • @jim747red
    @jim747red Рік тому +1

    to most Greeks Omonia is like the slums. Before 2004 when Athens hosted the Olympics there were tons of zombies shuffling around high on heroin. Now it isn't bad, but it is impersonal and huge and kind of boring. The neighborhood I live in I always walk between midnight and 4 am and I never see people out. Maybe on a Friday or a Saturday but no drama. I grew up in Chicago and there is tons of drama if you go to the wrong place. I do not understand why people come to Athens, I think it is 2 dimensional.

  • @tulagoudevenos6010
    @tulagoudevenos6010 Рік тому +3

    I was born in Athens. But I don't live in Athens anymore. Athens is a very scary city. Who likes Athens ?? I'm not gonna go there again. Ever in my life. Greece has so many Amazing cities. Beautiful cities. But Athens ??? No thank you

  • @moufakos
    @moufakos Рік тому +1

    I used to live in the 90s at Atlanta GA. Athens is heaven even at night time. Back in the states you could get in trouble 24/7

  • @AddictedandSinner
    @AddictedandSinner Рік тому +4

    Listen man, 2000s was the last years of real athens for me, it used to be very safe, now year per year it gets worse more and more and not just in the centre but all around the city, im not able to live here anymore its like bangladesh and even worse, im leaving soon for US and im really happy and relieved, I honestly dont know when will i come again...because as i said...every years it gets worse and worse....

  • @agc9913
    @agc9913 4 місяці тому +1

    Before travelled to Athens, I didn't know about Omonia's fame. After the reservation I watched a lot of videos like this making me get into fear. Well, After 4 days sleeping in Omonia's área, specifically in street "Averof" Next to Nacional Archeological Museum, we have not experienced nothing bad with people. Maybe one or two drug addict in the street, but nothing impressive or feeling dangerous. We have walked through the street "28is Oktovirou" and "Patision" at 23h at night with no problem

  • @georgekalvos4375
    @georgekalvos4375 Рік тому +6

    Nevertheless, one better avoid these areas especially in the night. If you stay in one of those budget hotels over there better use a taxi.

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +1

      Yes, I don't recommend hanging out on those side streets.

  • @a.ereuthalion183
    @a.ereuthalion183 Рік тому +1

    A few seconds since I clicked on your video and I already pray for your wellbeing.

  • @kal.Ko1719
    @kal.Ko1719 2 роки тому +19

    Είμαστε σίγουροι ότι βρισκόμαστε στην Αθήνα , ή μήπως στην Καμπούλ ;?

    • @RovexHD
      @RovexHD 2 роки тому +2

      Good question, Athenamabad ?

    • @ATHLDN
      @ATHLDN 2 роки тому

      Στην Αθήνα βρίσκεσαι.Το 90% των κατοίκων εσωτερικοί η εξωτερικοί μετανάστες.Ετσι είναι οι μεγαλουπόλεις.Για πιο βουκολικες καταστάσεις υπάρχει η ύπαιθρος

    • @ATHLDN
      @ATHLDN 2 роки тому +5

      @@RovexHD it's Athens.Big cities attract people from all over.

    • @Anonymous-ny7yn
      @Anonymous-ny7yn 2 роки тому

      ​@@RovexHD Yes,it's Athinabad.Because leftish anti-Greek minds destroyed Greece

    • @ekfylobifteki
      @ekfylobifteki 2 роки тому +1

      @@ATHLDN μπραβο αγαπη

  • @ihosrecords1790
    @ihosrecords1790 Рік тому +1

    I grew up in Acharne Menidi and moved to Kypseli to be closer to work. Its is not safe as other areas but if you know how to conduct your self there is nothing to wory about.

  • @JHRoss2
    @JHRoss2 Рік тому +4

    It used to be dangerous two decades ago, after 2012-2013 it started being relatively safe again

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +4

      Like Times Square used to be dangerous until the 1990s. Now it is turning back into the 1970s era of crime.

    • @robertopereira4
      @robertopereira4 Рік тому

      Funny comment.Last night a Pakistani was stabbed there to death.Keep dreaming

    • @josuecruz7546
      @josuecruz7546 Рік тому

      Safe που βρε τριμλκ;
      Που χει γεμισει ο τοπος λαθροπακς και φοβασαι να κυκλοφορησεις

    • @opwsnane1
      @opwsnane1 Рік тому

      After the Olympics 2004 it was better but not anymore unless you stopped your visits in the center of Athens.

  • @Maria-ld1kq
    @Maria-ld1kq Рік тому +2

    I think you would have been attacked were you a woman, but generally, 10:30 pm is considered quite early for us, even kids stay out until 12:00 am in most cases.

  • @VICKY1961K
    @VICKY1961K Рік тому +4

    I'm a woman who lives in Victoria the last 20 years ...many things have changed during this time but, generally speaking ,is a place safe to walk until late at night ...I've done this many times and come back home around 12 o' clock ...but it's not the same everywhere.. I'd recommend to walk through the main big streets, avoid the narrow streets, avoid to wear jewelry... I would say that it is not dangerous... it is rather annoying to see some things as people doing drugs (they are moving from place to place they're not stable) or women selling themselves for money ( as I saw in this video near Omonia Square).

  • @jujurasart
    @jujurasart Рік тому +1

    12:55the bars… it’s about the people inside not the ones outside

  • @georgebest9871
    @georgebest9871 Рік тому +3

    -excuse me, do you speak English?
    -Is this area safe at night?
    -Yes, now give me your money!
    The problem is that there is no Greeks at that area, it’s a small Pakistan in Greece.

  • @silent6292
    @silent6292 Рік тому +1

    I live at the west side of Athens and often go around on foot or with my car. As a man who has worked at a family house-moving company, I can say that, any place near the center of Athens is a bit dangerous and claustrophobic. The more you go near the center, the more dangerous it becomes. Moving around with the car, let alone the truck, needs time and patience, walking those places need you to know the "street smarts". There were many occasions, which I went to Monastiraki square and waited for my friends and nearly got stolen many times (I got stolen and beat up there once). Anything that is far from the center feels much safer, in my opinion.

  • @salami052
    @salami052 Рік тому +8

    Bro actually survived☠️💀💀☠️

  • @MichalisG1821
    @MichalisG1821 Рік тому +1

    As a Greek who grew up in the American Northeast (Philly and NY) I don't think Athens is dangerous in the same way North American cities are. The crime is generally much lower than most other cities in the West. However, when we Greeks call places like Viktoria and Omonia "dangerous" they are speaking with Athens 10-20 years ago as a frame of reference. Compared to the 80's and 90's, places like Omonia and Viktora have become absolutely horrible. Omonia seems to have been improving over the past 5-or-so years, but I certainly wouldn't want to live there, and I don't even go near Viktoria unless I absolutely need to. Overall, Athens is generally a safer city than most large cities in the West, but these aren't places I'd necessarily want to visit.

    • @epiccarguy892
      @epiccarguy892 Рік тому

      Omonia etc was safe until the 70s and 80s after 90s things got worse after New Democracy was elected i remeber a 1995 documentary about the drugs in omonoia

  • @cemo3292
    @cemo3292 2 роки тому +9

    Why are there so many graffitis? Looks like a crack area from the US

    • @icantthinkausername1136
      @icantthinkausername1136 Рік тому


    • @smolbingus1670
      @smolbingus1670 Рік тому +7

      In Athens everything is covered in graffiti, you will even see cars with them :')

    • @Atreas40000
      @Atreas40000 Рік тому +4

      That’s because that’s the crack area of Athens basically

    • @eleniasimop
      @eleniasimop Рік тому +1

      Actually, it is the crack area of Athens.

    • @Vasileio_tis_Ellados
      @Vasileio_tis_Ellados Рік тому +4

      Except unlike us, there isn't thousands of homeless and lost crack addicts. Not to mention the fact you will get shot merely for looking at someone wrong, or the shootouts in general. Usa cities are horrid (most of them)

  • @dennisyannoutsos9689
    @dennisyannoutsos9689 Рік тому +1

    I feel safer in these dodgy areas of Athens than any High end area of any part of South Africa which i am from

  • @kasp5152
    @kasp5152 Рік тому +5

    omonoia now is safer than some years afo because a lot of immigrants opened stores , now most of the junkies are in some of the alleys that are around Omonoia

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +2

      They are still around the side streets at night.

  • @vangelis334
    @vangelis334 Рік тому +2

    If you have to go from Victoria to Omonia you have to go via Patission it is the less dangerous area

  • @MsMinoula
    @MsMinoula Рік тому +4

    11:40 If that guy was grek then I am marie antoinette of france?? but sure it's no ghetto. Sort of risky but I believe there is worse.

  • @RGVulture
    @RGVulture 4 місяці тому

    I am from Detroit and have family in Chi-town I often visit (South side). Athens is very safe and everyone I met was nice. But just as any place you go, if you are respectful and mind your business, usually no one local or otherwise will bother you. It's simply a difference in culture and what our personal ideas of safety and comfortable are. A smile or nod goes a long way in any "hood".

  • @Lord_Deimos
    @Lord_Deimos Рік тому +5

    I grew up in a neighborhood somewhat close to Victoria but 20 years ago I've moved to a suburb up north that is infinitely nicer. Victoria and Omonoia may be a shithole but it's not even the most dangerous part of town. However, you should be more careful crossing the street because drivers don't give a fuck about pedestrians.

  • @funfangtasia90
    @funfangtasia90 Рік тому +1

    Idk if no one noticed or someone already mentioned, but we mainly saw men walking around... and that's pretty sad

  • @georgehimon1445
    @georgehimon1445 Рік тому +12

    Don't be amazed ,every city of everystate will have this ,america worse, multiple shootings daily in Pittsburgh ,this country has far less crime .it's a lot safer there ,worst thing i ever seen living here a few years earlier s a cab driver fighting with a pedestrian. Great video showing where the seedy side of Athens is.,👍🙏thanks. The graffiti is a bit overwhelming .that should be cleaned up .

    • @ToGoIsToKnow
      @ToGoIsToKnow  Рік тому +5

      Yes, Athens is very safe compared to many places in the US.

    • @georgehimon1445
      @georgehimon1445 Рік тому

      @@ToGoIsToKnow nick although it's crime is low ,the danger is on the roads ,I've seen road rage ,as it is in other places. Thanks again ,my father walked these streets he's decreased now you made me feel good in his memorie.bars are suspicious.👍🙏 To a great happy life.

  • @SotirisKostopoulos2000
    @SotirisKostopoulos2000 Рік тому +1

    My uni is in Viktoria. For many years on the exact same street where the entrance is there were tens of junkies using and selling drugs in broad daylight every day

  • @Jasonpantazis
    @Jasonpantazis Рік тому +3

    Although I have been robbed twice by street punks (Omonia, Gizi etc), even at knifepoint, I still roam around the center of Athens. Life continues, and so do I.

    • @mrperfect6676
      @mrperfect6676 Рік тому +2

      Εντάξει,αν κουβαλούσες τιποτα 50άλεπτα και ειχες κινητο 20αετίας,στα παπάρια σου...Το λέω γιατι προσωπικα έτσι κυκλοφορώ σε τετοιες κωλογειτονιές.Δυστυχως και να οπλοφορείς δε μπορεις να τους ριξεις,γιατί τους προστατεύει ο πουστονόμος των ψευτοπολιτικών...

  • @corneliusblinovas3347
    @corneliusblinovas3347 Рік тому

    My first time in Athens I was on my way to my hotel and Police stop me, I say I am from London and they tell me to be careful in this neighbourhood. I had to avoid walking through their alleyways, where they sell meat and vegetables, I wasn’t in danger but it was uncomfortable. It’s a strange feeling to be around Omonia

  • @hamurabidios
    @hamurabidios Рік тому +3

    as a greek police officer who worked many years in this place, i can tell you for sure that especially at night it is a very dangerous place

  • @morbiusGR
    @morbiusGR Рік тому +2

    It looks way better now than i did years ago. Man, it used to be real scary back then, I wouldn't be caught dead trying to do what you did here.

  • @user-sn6dz2ie4k
    @user-sn6dz2ie4k Рік тому +4

    Well here is what is happening in these almost luxurious areas just few decades ago. The desolation you see happened in purpose so the prices of the real estate will drop and sold at a fraction of their normal price. This is happening right now (2023) where buildings are bought cheaply renovated and become boutique hotels. All these immigrants you see soon or later they will be forced to leave the area as it gets more invested at

  • @SRBAnimate
    @SRBAnimate Рік тому +1

    It really depends on where you are. Walking in Petroupoli at night, ok. Walking in Omonia or Petralona at night, he’ll no