Kwv txhiaj nkauj nraug zoo los txiav siab txhob hub by Yias Thoj thiab Nkauj swm Muas
- Опубліковано 31 січ 2025
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► Title: Kwv txhiaj nkauj nraug zoo los txiav siab txhob hub by Yias Thoj thiab Nkauj swm Muas
► Present Actions By: Yias Thoj thiab Nkauj swm Muas
► URL: • Kwv txhiaj nkauj nraug...
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Nkauj swm yuav muaj tswv yim hais kwv thxizj Zoo tiag2
Thank you for watching.
Ua tsaug pab txhawb nqa os
Zoo kawg os
Ob tus no mas tswv yim zoo heev li
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
hais tau zoo kawg li os me
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
Nkauj SWM thiab Tus nus nyias neb mas sib phim kawg thiab neb mas txawj ib yam nkaus Li neb hais tau zoo tshaj cov tag lawm thiab mas xav mloog neb cov kwv txhiaj kawg ! Li os . Thov qhua neb nawb .
Thank you for watching.
Ua tsaug pab txhawb nqa nawb
Haiv tau kwv txhiaj zoo mloog kawg nawb mev phooj ywv ag, nyob zoo ib hnub tshiab os
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
hais zoo kawg
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
Để tả xe
Folk singing with talent knew how to tease each other through lying has had no impact on passionate romance except only despicable heart, self-love petty or not seriously opening their generous bottom heart to the person is not necessary to be with or getting advantage of. It is ridiculous and inexcusable! This theme lesson is to learn from errors so that don't make the same errors repeatedly...
Neb txawj sib npaug zos thov qhuas Neb nawv
Tus tus youtube no puas yog koj os nkj swm
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
Neb mas sib phim dhau lawm , yuag ib yam zoo ib yam , txawj kwv txhiaj ib yam yam twg los zoo ib yam ces neb sib yuav kiag xwb mas . Bye
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.
Hais tau zoo kawg li os
Nyob zoo rau koj nawb
Zoo siab pom koj tuaj txhawb nqa peb cov tub ntxhais hais kwv txhiaj txhua tus os
ua tsaug ntau rau koj txhua tsab comment od.