very enjoyable, I can't say I honestly was expecting to be this pleased with the truck. sounded good driving between stops, worked very fast, and the driver seems to really know what he's doing. I only wonder why he puts some of the carts back on the sidewalk even when they were in the gutter to begin with, maybe they fall over in the gutter? that first can was some bullshit btw, would've had my blood curdling if it happened to me. either way Ranger is the perfect truck for areas (like Norcal) where people seem to set their cans out on the sidewalk more
Yeah, well it's not really a special truck but it gets the job done. Yeah, the issue with the older EVRI's in particular is they're somewhat top heavy because the lids are considerably heavier than those on the new EVRII's, so they're more likely to fall over in the gutter (especially in Clovis, where older neighborhoods have fairly tall curbs). Yeah that first can was a piece of work indeed. Agreed! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Lol at the beginning trash can fail but respect to the all workers in that field.
very enjoyable, I can't say I honestly was expecting to be this pleased with the truck. sounded good driving between stops, worked very fast, and the driver seems to really know what he's doing. I only wonder why he puts some of the carts back on the sidewalk even when they were in the gutter to begin with, maybe they fall over in the gutter? that first can was some bullshit btw, would've had my blood curdling if it happened to me. either way Ranger is the perfect truck for areas (like Norcal) where people seem to set their cans out on the sidewalk more
Yeah, well it's not really a special truck but it gets the job done. Yeah, the issue with the older EVRI's in particular is they're somewhat top heavy because the lids are considerably heavier than those on the new EVRII's, so they're more likely to fall over in the gutter (especially in Clovis, where older neighborhoods have fairly tall curbs). Yeah that first can was a piece of work indeed. Agreed! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Glass at 1:07 not supposed to go in the trash it’s supposed to go in the recycling.👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎