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For Honor - How does Medjay keep getting away with it???

  • Опубліковано 18 лип 2023
  • Ігри


  • @iamphilamonjaro
    @iamphilamonjaro 11 місяців тому +474

    Mfw I'm alone on a point and I get hit by a medjay heavy from a different match (his hit boxes are fine guys)

  • @beatdeath9962
    @beatdeath9962 11 місяців тому +152

    I like the lack of mentioning his kill buff passive is just better than Hito's UNIQUE feat in every way possible

    • @beatdeath9962
      @beatdeath9962 11 місяців тому +54

      if anyone wants the specifics, Medjay has Sunlight Strength (Tier 1), we all know it upon a normal kill you get 10% defense from staff kill and 10% attack from axe kill. Hito has Spirit Shroud (Tier 3) a feat nearly no one uses, it requires an execution and only gives 15% defense buff. Same Feat, different tiers, and one has an easier activation for better benefits. That's pretty worthwhile to mention

    • @tylergallardo7192
      @tylergallardo7192 11 місяців тому +5

      @@beatdeath9962 I would like to add that the bigger reason why people don't often use spirit shroud, in my opinion, is because hito is a heavy class hero, meaning they get heavy class perks. you know, bastion, vengeful, last stand, bulk up. some combination of these. It's more like it's outclassed in utility since you get it so late whereas you have bastion and last stand which will always be reliably active, as early as possible, and approximately as effective as spirit shroud. Not to mention other damage reduction feats hito has access to come to him earlier as well. Medjay doesn't have access to other damage reduction feats or perks to compete with it. Your original point of it's usefulness compared to spirit shroud is still valid, though it's effectively inconsequential to hitokiri.

    • @beatdeath9962
      @beatdeath9962 11 місяців тому +2

      @@tylergallardo7192 Yes, I know, it just wasn't useful to the point. The point was they did the same thing they did with Warmonger and made a higher tier feat, a tier 1. Yes for Hito it is an inconsequential feat, but it is still worth bringing up that Medjay has a better feat for his tier 1 than a character from years earlier tier 3. Most people thought Sunlight Strength was entirely new cause people forgot that it was an existing Tier 3, that was the point of it, and the fact Spirit Shroud sucks for Hito cause she is a Heavy has nothing to do with the point.

    • @diesomewhere3
      @diesomewhere3 11 місяців тому +1

      @@beatdeath9962the fact that they havent done anything to nuxias 4th feat (literally what warmonger has as a TEIR 1) shows that they dont really care

    • @whosey2807
      @whosey2807 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@beatdeath9962I've always thought it should stack, and the little faces should increase with every exe. It can be like a point zero increase from the first 15% for all i care, its just not a very good or even interesting enough feat to use

  • @cellular732
    @cellular732 11 місяців тому +102

    I think the update that made it where guard dissappears when dodging was medjay's greatest buff. It's probably why fights now feel as fast as they were pre ccu since dodging during ganks (specifically blue and orange) is much less viable.

    • @Vheneu
      @Vheneu 11 місяців тому +10

      Guard loss on dodge fucking obliterated teamfights, so much less fun now.

    • @crocodile3182
      @crocodile3182 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Vheneu nah it was hella long and boring. People externalling the whole fight. Made shit so unfun. Made pretty much a third of the heroes useless/ at a major disadvantage as they got no unblockable. Imo they need to buff revenge bc people are dying earlier in ganks/ teamfights now. If they did that it would make sense, less boring externaling, faster health loss but greater revenge gain.

    • @Vheneu
      @Vheneu 11 місяців тому +2

      @@crocodile3182 yeah and? It was hella long and fun, every one has a neutral opener, an unblockable, and a dodge attack now, so whats the point? neutering dodges in a teamfight did nothing but annihilate any chance of characters who have terrible dodge distances from ever surviving a gank/teamfight.

  • @thisguy456
    @thisguy456 11 місяців тому +95

    I personally don't mind fighting him, but I hate I can't pop revenge while I'm still in the grab he does and then the damage that follows afterwards finishes me off. Especially after it's been spammed enough times and I can't dodge it from being stun locked.

    • @michaelscofield6721
      @michaelscofield6721 11 місяців тому +6

      But aramusha bash does exact same thing? Why aren't you asking for him to be nerfed too

    • @juju6257
      @juju6257 11 місяців тому +13

      @@michaelscofield6721 Medjay bash is 2-2.5 seconds compared to Ara which is maybe 1-1.5.

    • @ChocolateEffigy
      @ChocolateEffigy 11 місяців тому +5

      ​@@juju6257yea and aramushas is faster and can be spammed more

    • @liamcivil5978
      @liamcivil5978 11 місяців тому +22

      @@michaelscofield6721 aramusha bash doesn’t give a debuff and deals far less damage

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      Keep in mind it all depends on the player usage. I don't spam and I mix bothe ax stance and staff. If the player uses both stances it makes for great gameplay and he has a counter for most every hero from orochi to hito.

  • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
    @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 11 місяців тому +19

    me on my way to get ganked for 69 damage and then hit from the other side of the equator by a medjay

  • @samfish2550
    @samfish2550 11 місяців тому +39

    Something I will say, medjay breaks breach even more than it already was. I've tried contesting ram against them..... Yeah that ram belongs to the enemy until the medjays attention span runs out.

    • @stuartmccleary
      @stuartmccleary 11 місяців тому

      Them plus any number of minions???? And I swear the more teammates the better his odds of winning. Now he can target swap 😮

  • @drnobody1908
    @drnobody1908 11 місяців тому +3

    All you got to do is parry him once and you destroy him.

    • @iiBeanii
      @iiBeanii 11 місяців тому +2

      Yeah man. Thats how it works.

  • @HighDarkDragon
    @HighDarkDragon 11 місяців тому +49

    I think that the reason why Medjay hasn't been touched because in low mmr and solo dominion queue, he's not as oppressive as he could be.
    Slow and HA heavies with stupid damage? Yes, but even if he out of locks you, any character with a full block can shark and shut him down, otherwise he's gonna get constantly punished in between his attacks due to his gynormous hitboxes. He's not JJ, he cannot mindlessly press buttons in team fights and win for free, he actually needs to pay attention to what characters he's in a teamfight with since he can actually be punished for what he does.
    Ganking tool? Yes, but it requires a teammate to not be monkey brained, which is pretty hard in solo queue.
    Really good feats? Yes, but he doesn't shine particularly brighter than the other top tier feat characters.
    All of his shortcomings get completely fixed in stacks and comp play, but the fact of the matter is that in solo queue he has weaknesses that can be exploited, making him way less of a threath than he could be, not to mention that his axe stance sadly just sucks.

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому +1

      Disagree, if peopke actually know how to use him and both stances he is good in every direction and can handle himself in ganks. I got teamed on by all four enemy players and shut them down using ax stance so re think your opinion and actually learn to play him. I'm rank 4 with medjay, I have most difficulty with highlanders heavy only crap. So if anyone needs to be needed it should be highlander especially in regards to those ridiculous heavies. I can even handle myself against the quickest heroes including shinobi,orochi, etc using axe stance to my advantage. People don't play him much, literally I can go eight hours playing dominion and not encounter another medjay. But I'm telling u, if you play him right and use both stances he can dominate any match against any hero. Most other medjays I have fought use only staff stance which does not use his full potential.

    • @jamwatah
      @jamwatah 11 місяців тому +3

      @@nathanjohnson1871no offense but at higher play, like OP, he’s not as oppressive in solo queue. i’m sorry but those 4 people you took on aren’t the most experienced or good at the game if they can’t kill a single medjay. i agree practice makes perfect but he’s better at lower skill levels in solo queue especially

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      @@jamwatah again like we both said, it depends on skill lvl between the player playing medjay and player with a different character. I'm not saying he is oppressive at all. I'm simply stating how he is used by me and skill lvls dictate match ups. That rule goes for any character. Even the weakest character in game can be dominant depending on the players usage.

    • @jacobmartin3513
      @jacobmartin3513 11 місяців тому +2

      Medjay is dog doodoo outside of his hotboxes and ganks.

    • @jacobmartin3513
      @jacobmartin3513 11 місяців тому


  • @endoxos5402
    @endoxos5402 11 місяців тому +13

    Lets just be happy medjay doesnt have punch through. Could you imagine those blocked heavies doing like 10 damage on block?!

    • @PinkPrior
      @PinkPrior 11 місяців тому

      More when he has a buff 😳 that would make the feat look strong!! But conq has it but it only works on his neutral heavy since they made him orange or his lights on revenge 😭😂😂

    • @endoxos5402
      @endoxos5402 11 місяців тому

      @PinkPrior i noticed that recently with conq and was like "uhhh I don't think they thought that through" 😂

  • @MrStupidfresh1
    @MrStupidfresh1 11 місяців тому +8

    It still boggles my brain that the Medjay gank is somehow the only one that even people in solo queue understand and can execute with no problem.

  • @tiodosalgado5860
    @tiodosalgado5860 11 місяців тому +10

    Chadjay enjoyers rise up

  • @theNekolich
    @theNekolich 11 місяців тому +7

    Normal single ax throws do 35. Medjay throws 2 axes for 70. Makes sense to me lol

  • @hiddenknight17
    @hiddenknight17 11 місяців тому +3

    Okay so I am a rep 70 lawbringer with a rep 10 medjay…I do not get hate for using him since he really is easy to beat. In a 2v1 it’s hard because most of the time ppl just pair him with orochi storm rush but u could just light him out of the grab. His hit boxes are huge but that also makes him weak in close quarters which means he has to switch to double axe mode. And if he does that it’s easier to get parries. His last feat does a lot of damage but the cooldown time is pretty long. I think Ubisoft should leave him. He isn’t broken and to be honest if they did nerf him he would go from like a solid A tier to C and D tier. I think i can compare his kit to JJ. It’s versatile, has good ganks, but is easy to fight against. I respect the pro leagues and all those ppl but to be honest it’s not them that are carrying the game it’s we the casual player base. The people that have jobs and just come home to play. For honor devs are trying to please everyone which is good but the pro leagues are making life harder and harder for ppl. I understand that “the game should be aimed towards pro leagues since u can always improve and u don’t feel stuck” but at the same time introducing new players is nearly impossible. Everything is super fast and if u weren’t playing the game since beta ur gonna have a fun time tryna just parry heavies and lights. Medjey legit is just basic In concept and has the same issues that are exploitable. Parry his heavies all u got to do is wait. Block his lights if u can bash him or light him out of combos. Honestly he isn’t this monstrosity honestly orochi should high priority first. not medjay.

    • @sunshot444
      @sunshot444 11 місяців тому +2

      I completely agree with you, makes a lot of sense and I hope people understand this. He is not that of a real menace to fight with. There are characters that needs a proper look out like Orochi, Nobushi’s bleeding is damn absurd or her stance, Afeera, etc.

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому +2

      Agreed we casual players keep the game more afloat especially with introducing near unlimited friends to join and play. On top if what you said in regards to axes, pair axe stance with orochi and it is some of the most entertaining and fast paced match ups I have ever had in game. The speed and accuracy in fights like that become so intense its pumps me full of adrenaline and keeps me coming for the quick heroes. Staff stance is for fighting heroes like shaolin and nabushi. They hardly expect to fight against a hero who can speed counter their endless jabs.

  • @IanKeesee
    @IanKeesee 11 місяців тому

    The amount of times I have killed someone on accident while clearing minions is funny. He's the definition of helicopter go brrrrrr

  • @PinkPrior
    @PinkPrior 11 місяців тому +8

    How are you not talking about the grab, debuff, teammate heavy and light into a guaranteed grab infinite. I’ve fought against a few medjays (vurp) that run away from the one v one until their teammate comes to do that stupid 140 to 0 gank. I legit thought that’s what this video was about.

    • @Beanpolr
      @Beanpolr 11 місяців тому

      That's exactly why he was talking about the grab being too strong of a gank tool.

    • @theofftaskforce6546
      @theofftaskforce6546 11 місяців тому

      You can't blame vurp- he struggles to 1v1

    • @PinkPrior
      @PinkPrior 11 місяців тому

      @@Beanpolr oh Awk I missed that part🫥

    • @PinkPrior
      @PinkPrior 11 місяців тому

      @@theofftaskforce6546 he’s dog water he only knows how to use one cheesy move that no one but bp can counter And calls himself good. He’s not the only one tho. A lot of people that can’t group fight or 1v1 are getting a lot of dubs learning strong ganks that absolutely no one can counter. The only reason I beat vurp last time was winning group fight and flipping the medjay grab after the light he was baffled that his gank wasn’t working.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 11 місяців тому

      ⁠@@PinkPriorI feel like vurp would probably beat you in any 2v2 scrims

  • @user-mo7fx6pb6f
    @user-mo7fx6pb6f 11 місяців тому +3

    I never had a problem with 1v1s but once he’s in a team fight he just feels inescapable

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      Disagree, I've been smashed fighting in team fights but I've also smashed teams with him. Depends on player usage and who is on the team.

  • @Cmike228
    @Cmike228 11 місяців тому +2

    The only medjays I've ever struggled with are the ones that know how to switch stance mid fight, but that's not bs they're just good with the character.

  • @JasonsWeirdPizz
    @JasonsWeirdPizz 11 місяців тому +7

    I want his axe stance chain heavies to track better, it would make sense if they buff that while nerfing staff stance

    • @nathanflinchum1153
      @nathanflinchum1153 11 місяців тому +2

      I think that’s the problem honestly, there’s no reason to use axe over staff aside from having a quick NINE damage bash, plus the unblockable has bad tracking too, if heavies could punish a pre dodge in axe mode it’d be so much better

    • @JasonsWeirdPizz
      @JasonsWeirdPizz 11 місяців тому

      @@nathanflinchum1153 i think his damage in axe mode is fine, its only 9 damage but he can spam it. and if you think about it, thats only 1 damage less than tiandi's 50/50. if they just made the heavies track early dodges then he would be perfect

  • @pepeold1074
    @pepeold1074 11 місяців тому

    What do you think about Shaolin healing feat I think it should be nerfed

  • @nebewla5382
    @nebewla5382 11 місяців тому +2

    medjay doesn’t need to be nerfed

  • @redtreatrick5265
    @redtreatrick5265 11 місяців тому +1

    Chain links after dodge attacks are also an issue here, imagine Nobushi with this low chain link on SideWinder - would be cruel even not considering guaranteed kick

  • @syfonation6524
    @syfonation6524 11 місяців тому

    He should be able to fast stance swap and it should count as a chain so you heavy and get the new stances finisher Heavy. ie access to either Finisher after a chain.

  • @thousandcurve3072
    @thousandcurve3072 11 місяців тому +2

    After Medjay released Aramusha became my main purely because the new meta was HA heavies in teamfights

  • @Al-aabir
    @Al-aabir 11 місяців тому

    Hyper armor heavies with that hit box should deal less damage, even if it was slow, or remove the hyper armor. And the hyper armor in lights should go anyway.

  • @DiscoPapiii
    @DiscoPapiii 11 місяців тому +2

    Some damage nerfs would be welcome on staff with some undodgable properties on his axe stance. Itd be a nice trade off.

    • @poopbutt6241
      @poopbutt6241 11 місяців тому

      As a medjay name I’d take thst

  • @incrediblis
    @incrediblis 11 місяців тому

    i think axe mode should get a mid chain zone after bash light like jorm or make it so the heavy after is orange

  • @rainb0wmatrix605
    @rainb0wmatrix605 11 місяців тому

    “I hate you in particular button” 😂😂 It’s so funny cause whenever I use axe stance 4th feat I always say “f you”

  • @vextay7199
    @vextay7199 11 місяців тому

    A specialized charater that i dont see many of in my solo experience being very effective, unless they specifically only help in ganks and not try to take the lead. His axes definitely feel lackluckser in the fact that i thought staff to axe modes would be more intricate. Someone said hes just a better hito for his 4th feat alone.

  • @fawazahmed4978
    @fawazahmed4978 11 місяців тому +5

    i dont mind having him on the enemy team, its just when hes a teammate and keeps slapping me. easily does 30 dmg to me in a teamfight and probably causes stun so enemy hits me when they shouldnt.
    oh the revenge lock is vile too thats never gonna make me happy, any moves that do that are naturally just irritating

    • @EnthuZee
      @EnthuZee 11 місяців тому +1

      There's only so many times a man can take friendly fire till someones not friendly anymore... At this point Im even telling off the enemy one if I see that shit. Tho it helps I've subconsciously painted a WM plague ring around every Medjay I see.

    • @zackjames2381
      @zackjames2381 11 місяців тому

      Shaolin is the same

    • @fawazahmed4978
      @fawazahmed4978 11 місяців тому

      @@EnthuZee the plague rings so real lmfao im happy watching a 1v1 doing nothing if its a teammate medjay

  • @ricardovazquez2274
    @ricardovazquez2274 11 місяців тому

    Whenever I see one on b point I don't even bother I just keep on moving

  • @ThenewWereWolfGod
    @ThenewWereWolfGod 11 місяців тому

    How does a move with 24 base power hit for 38? It's been awhile since I've played for honor so idk if there is a way for heroes to increase their damage now.

    • @fkkfreeze
      @fkkfreeze  11 місяців тому +1

      that were just random numbers :D
      but if you have an attack buff on medjay and some defense down on the opponent from fear itself or doom banner, then you can get some really high numbers

    • @7enima682
      @7enima682 11 місяців тому

      like, the feat buffs and debuffs, since freeze is talking dominion here. More prominent with MJ since he has self applied ones on T1

  • @ogmudbone9093
    @ogmudbone9093 11 місяців тому +1

    Bro holy shit medjay got the video age restricted please he has to be stopped.

  • @johnheinzinger2102
    @johnheinzinger2102 11 місяців тому

    Their will be an enemy Medjay in every breach game you play, not even an joke

    • @TheZombicides
      @TheZombicides 11 місяців тому

      What if I don't have enemies?

  • @NDO6
    @NDO6 11 місяців тому +5

    I think his hitboxes should remain the same in staff stance, but his chain and finisher heavies should have a damage nerf. His tier2 feat should have its unique buffs reversed between stances and staff grab no longer revenge lock. If this was to happen to him, I think he would be good but balanced.

    • @DiscoPapiii
      @DiscoPapiii 11 місяців тому +1

      Not a fan of changing his tier 2 like that. It's a ganking tool for debuffing.

  • @Acaerwen
    @Acaerwen 11 місяців тому

    Me getting infinite ganked because I fucked up once in an anti-gank
    ubi: "It's a cannon event, I cannot interfere"

  • @ninocarachilo6660
    @ninocarachilo6660 11 місяців тому

    Medjay is extremely scary at the higher levels, and i end up agreeing with a lot of your points. I really think the hitboxes need to be slightly tuned down enough to still keep its utility of having a larger reach in staff stance, and his staff grab needs to be nerfed to not allow 0-100 ganks, which i would by allowing revenge to feed. Hopefully we'll see something tomorrow with the reveal stream, but its not gonna hurt me if he isnt nerfed.

  • @GankScythe
    @GankScythe 11 місяців тому

    dead ass the one and only time i ever used the T4 bomb was a fatfinger...

  • @Kitsune_Chara_CG
    @Kitsune_Chara_CG 11 місяців тому

    Can we talk bout the highlander infinite thatll most likely kill you before you get Revenge?

  • @matteoquellobrutto5765
    @matteoquellobrutto5765 11 місяців тому +4

    Do we also wanna talk about his ability to clear minions in a matter of seconds? I don't think there even is an hero capable of competing with him in that aspect (correct me if i am wrong), damn this guy is a weird case

    • @VDxVicious
      @VDxVicious 11 місяців тому

      Nah , hito is 10x the ad clear

    • @RattlebonesTheThird
      @RattlebonesTheThird 11 місяців тому

      Shinobi has a better clear, but medjay is better for breach

    • @lazyfrogofjustice19
      @lazyfrogofjustice19 11 місяців тому

      @@VDxViciousBeen out of the game for a few months, but is his infinite heavy clear on minions really that good still?

    • @VDxVicious
      @VDxVicious 11 місяців тому

      @@lazyfrogofjustice19 yeah I'm a rep 19 hito, rep 4 medjay, I can clear minion lane with hito waaay faster than medjay .

    • @zackjames2381
      @zackjames2381 11 місяців тому

      Kensei has the same minion kill factor

  • @DishonoredAce13
    @DishonoredAce13 11 місяців тому

    What are your thoughts on fixing JJ. And before they nerf or buff or other QoL changes they need to implement a leaving the game penalty. Can't finish a game of dominion with a team. Everyone quits first death
    Or at least toning down dodge cancels. Some characters can't punish some of the dodge cancels.

    • @melmon6716
      @melmon6716 11 місяців тому

      There's already a penalty for leaving mid-game

  • @El_Malanga02
    @El_Malanga02 11 місяців тому +1

    Staff if broken, axe is very underwhelming. The armor, grab, hit boxes and damage are the main issues. I don’t think they should nerf all of it bc it could just make it useless but change one or two of them and it’ll be fine. Axe stance is cool but also just mainly consists of bash and zone to unblockable bc the chain heavies are garbage. The bash also does no damage.

  • @HUNT736
    @HUNT736 11 місяців тому

    I'm horrible at parrying medjay because I almost never see him when I play

  • @lWreyl
    @lWreyl 11 місяців тому

    I've put a good few reps into Medjay now, I think he's a good character but my biggest gripe with him is how it feels like you're incentivized to sit in one stance or the other, I wish there was more incentive or tools to allow us to switch stances mid-chain.
    Hell, I say nerf his hitboxes and take hyper armor off the chain lights in exchange for a better ability to swap stances in chain.
    Go after damage next if it's still an issue afterwards.

  • @Starwolfe64
    @Starwolfe64 11 місяців тому +7

    I always thought the strongest in 4v4 was warmonger because of her good kit and feats

    • @nephalin326
      @nephalin326 11 місяців тому +3

      Warmonger is good but not nearly the strongest

    • @Bearnos
      @Bearnos 11 місяців тому +3

      ​@@nephalin326her feats are so busted tho. By far the most op

    • @nephalin326
      @nephalin326 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Bearnos yeah I think the only char that has feats on par with wm is valk

    • @deathfromthedepths
      @deathfromthedepths 11 місяців тому +3

      Reason she isn't is because she doesn't have wide hitboxes nor a good ganking tool. Albeit the UB dodge does give her something to work with in regards of opening people.

    • @Starwolfe64
      @Starwolfe64 11 місяців тому

      @@deathfromthedepths yeah I guess that’s true the new dodge attack is what I use to hit people in the front when I aim for the back

    @BLOATEDNGOATED 11 місяців тому

    Berserker left the chat

  • @ItzC
    @ItzC 11 місяців тому

    Is it just me or do they need to have a base line for character types so they can correctly estimate how fast or slow an attack, recovery, ect should be and not have to keep nerf/buff characters. They might already do this idk.

  • @alphadaslaya
    @alphadaslaya 11 місяців тому

    They def gotta work on that monster of a hero’s hitboxes bro can hit you from China once he’s attacking in ganks you literally can’t press buttons he controls every fight especially in 2’s

  • @FullAdDariusBR
    @FullAdDariusBR 11 місяців тому +1


  • @maniacalgrunt1822
    @maniacalgrunt1822 11 місяців тому +12

    I hate fighting a medjay cause of his huge hitboxs and insane dmg if they nerf both these things im good. But some small buffs to axe form would be nice for the character.

    • @andrewjones4774
      @andrewjones4774 11 місяців тому +3

      MedJay is more balanced than pirate and hito.

    • @seiy_
      @seiy_ 11 місяців тому +2

      @@andrewjones4774hito and pirate aren’t great, pirate just sucks and hito is pretty much a noobstomper who lacks a lot to be good in 4s.

    • @andrewjones4774
      @andrewjones4774 11 місяців тому

      @@seiy_ hito is great idk what ur talking about. Hito is used by lower skilled players so they can kill higher skilled players. Hyper armor in basically every hit, charge up hyper armor that tracks and the only way to counter it is to parry and u can’t dodge it or hit the person because of hyper armor. Free heavy hit after a kick, broken light attacks, charge up trip with hyper armor the only way to counter is dodge backwards. It’s an easy character to use and is insanely good when ganking or fighting multiple people. And pirate is amazing. Broken chain light attacks, side attacks, hyper armor chain heavy hits, gun shot in the gut that’s broken and has no counter, guard break purity that is broken. Don’t even have to press circle just press square in the middle of the hit or attack and it’s a guard break and is very smooth too. Pirate is broken. MedJay is easier to go up against than a pirate any day of the week

    • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
      @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 11 місяців тому +2

      ​@@andrewjones4774Hito and pirate are bad, medjay is the best 4s hero in the game

    • @andrewjones4774
      @andrewjones4774 11 місяців тому

      @@LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial no way u just said that. Either u use hito or pirate, or your just a low rep and struggle against MedJay who is easy to parry compared to the others

  • @Lion_of_Sparta
    @Lion_of_Sparta 11 місяців тому +2

    There are different perspectives on how he should be nerfed. I personally don't think his hitboxes should be, just his damage on those massive hitboxes should be brought down. Especially when his tier 1 and tier 2 can affect the damage in a positive way.
    But please
    Axe stance confirmed damage light be like 11 or 12. Not 9

    • @locust031
      @locust031 11 місяців тому +1

      The hitboxes extend far beyond the weapon model to a point where it’s hard to tell if you’re out of range from it or not in many situations, even if they were reduced to fitting the weapon model correctly they would still be extremely strong, and 32 is too high for a heavy finisher, 30 or 28 should be the max.
      Agreed with the axe bash light damage though, either it should be raised to around 12 or let it directly chain to finishers.

    • @7enima682
      @7enima682 11 місяців тому

      well the big hitboxes just make for too passive of a gameplay. Since they are very wide with some positioning they can be easily manipulated to make the attacks hit sooner than usual, MJ can just shut down most of the attempts to approach him altogether, and the only thing you can really do is to be very patient and not press buttons at all, which doesn't really change with damage nerfs, the only thing that changes is that you will be punished for wanting to play the game less

  • @sunset4079
    @sunset4079 11 місяців тому

    I never understood why his tier 2 passive gives defense reduction on staff and attack reduction on axe and not the other way around. For me staff looks like the team tank mode and axe the glass cannon assasin sort of. With his tier 2 its just confusing.

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      Well I learned quickly its better to gank spank with the axes than staff.
      1: axes r quicker
      2: axes have attacked buff which is nice when fighting an entire team.
      3:Staffs chances of doing much gank spanking is nearly null because one shield or weapon block fs the staff movement to next target compared to axes recovery from knockback or block.

  • @user-kl7tx5rk7w
    @user-kl7tx5rk7w 11 місяців тому

    This is so true!

  • @Soturiel
    @Soturiel 11 місяців тому

    Why are we talking about medjai while jorm still has chain on miss...?

  • @Drengr-1
    @Drengr-1 11 місяців тому

    All medjays I've played against spam lights in dual stance and undodgable heavies in staff, and I play on the original ps4 and a normal TV so there's no way im parrying those 😂

  • @atynniehawke9341
    @atynniehawke9341 11 місяців тому

    Guard disappear on dodge was a fuckin mistake

  • @kingdemoknighthuckleberry7371
    @kingdemoknighthuckleberry7371 11 місяців тому +3

    Honestly I enjoy fighting a medjay more than a Afeera. If your careful and smart against him hes not that much of a threat but afeera feels so much more annoying to fight.

  • @_Umbrael_
    @_Umbrael_ 11 місяців тому

    I don't mind Medjay. Might just be because I'm in a low elo, but most of the people I encounter that play Medjay try to dodge attack spam me or staff form grab spam me. One is a free light parry, the other is a free guardbreak. Apparently they didn't get the dodge attack parry change memo.

  • @KKris-h
    @KKris-h 11 місяців тому

    being a medjay main its fun to do goofy shit and staff switch forms mid chain to try and fake people out, but yeah his staff form has always needed a little bit of tweaking

  • @Codster904
    @Codster904 11 місяців тому +1

    personally i can see why he needs a nerf in 4v4 but IMO he needs some smaller buffs for his 1v1 and brawls for instance in axe mode their needs to be changes in some of the damage numbers especially for the axe mode zone atk also the bash although because of how spammy it is they could increase the stam cost or smth and in staff mode they need to make the grab attack feintable because its honestly useless because of how easy it is to dodge.

    • @kingLorshi
      @kingLorshi 11 місяців тому +1

      So a move whose only function is to gank an outnumbered opponent, which is more than good enough for it's intended job, should be buffed because it sucks outside its intended purpose?
      Should longarm or shugokis hug be feintable? They work very similarly.
      Also my response seemed angry or whatever but I'm not,I just think there's other ways to buff him without buffing that move.

  • @corralmcneil
    @corralmcneil 11 місяців тому

    Medjay kit is fine as is, no nerfs needed.

  • @ashisakiashikubi6597
    @ashisakiashikubi6597 11 місяців тому +1

    Since release. I'm still in the search for a medjay player that uses one neuron. I mean, playing him in dominion erases even the slightest thought of the player brain. Also, people complained about raider external damage. And this massive chimp still has infinite 30 dmg heavy that has a shit ton of tracking.

  • @firedevilblack
    @firedevilblack 11 місяців тому +4

    I think the reason he's not complained about much is because he's just boring so you don't see him much unless someone wants to play top tier

    • @VDxVicious
      @VDxVicious 11 місяців тому +8

      “Boring” is subjective . To me every Viking besides jorm is boring . I enjoy playing medjay, lots of people do .

    • @thediamondcutter9185
      @thediamondcutter9185 11 місяців тому

      ​@@VDxViciousso you basically enjoy a bigger, black Berserker?

    • @daug3607
      @daug3607 11 місяців тому

      @@thediamondcutter9185 character plays nothing like berserker

    • @thediamondcutter9185
      @thediamondcutter9185 11 місяців тому

      @@daug3607 he literally does.
      Especially when you separate his axes, he just has a bash as the only difference.

    • @daug3607
      @daug3607 11 місяців тому +3

      @@thediamondcutter9185 an opener and a chain bash, far less accessible unblockable, zero hyper armor in the stance, no benefits to follow up attacks after a hard feint, entirely different light and heavy chains more similar to shaolins, no multi hit zone, no dodge cancels
      literally nothing alike, did you see him use twin axes and your brain immediately go berserker?

  • @frederickfreaker2211
    @frederickfreaker2211 11 місяців тому +1

    MFW 70 damage offscreen projectile

  • @tokyodis
    @tokyodis 11 місяців тому

    Dont be mad, he dont need nerf

  • @BohrokKiller
    @BohrokKiller 11 місяців тому

    Not gonna lie, everytime I play as him I just turn of my brain.

  • @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial
    @LockheedC-130HerculesOfficial 11 місяців тому

    Come on refrigerator, if it's not unlockable it doesn't need a nerf clearly

  • @youngpast0228
    @youngpast0228 11 місяців тому +4

    I love medjay, cool design, two very different play styles with the stances, good feats, great cosmetics. I never really get frustrated with him, you just have to be patient with him, now I do think the infinite staff bash is a little crazy but it's also a challenge to land that first initial one for me at least. makes it feel really rewarding and impactful when I land it. I just really love medjay and thanks to his unique yet simple design I'm so so excited for this new hero who may be very unique as well.

  • @thediamondcutter9185
    @thediamondcutter9185 11 місяців тому +2

    Honestly? He spams so easily and it's really hard to react to his weird timings.
    They should do something massive for him, so he can be something more than Black Chocolate Berserker.

  • @leon--mwn1650
    @leon--mwn1650 11 місяців тому

    Wdym lightspam with hyperarmour isnt op at all

  • @welshcrusade1562
    @welshcrusade1562 11 місяців тому +1

    I personally am fine with him. Granted, his gank and teamfights are pretty strong, but his 1v1 is ok at best. If they do end up nerfing staff mode, I expect to see some counterbuffs to axes

  • @navis9802
    @navis9802 11 місяців тому

    Ubi doing the job.................

  • @thefourfingthing
    @thefourfingthing 11 місяців тому

    In my opinion I would like to see a lot of damage nerfs feels like a lot of the damage is getting pretty high again. And yeah 70 damage 4th tier.

  • @theroguenob
    @theroguenob 11 місяців тому +2

    Ubi "doing there job" LOL arguably every character who hasn't had their damaged nerfed in the past year should be nerfed. Not to mention feats still being too strong. Areefa is playing a different game when hers are up

  • @Adub12
    @Adub12 11 місяців тому

    I wanna see Afeera nerfed to the ground before I see medjay

  • @danestambaugh255
    @danestambaugh255 11 місяців тому

    Lof of people here under estimating axe stance. Since the guard on dodge removal his axe stance feels much better to use. Bash is a hard reaction check and is pretty safe against most dodge attacks outside of dodge bashes. After landed bash into light if you buffer a zone itll always land if they dodge on bash timing which then lets you go into a 400ms light back into the bash mix, or a 30dmg UB that has a jank ass animation and is hard to read (it does have pretty bad range and tracking though) 700ms neutral heavies in all directions which is always strong, surprisingly so on defense as it mitigates you getting mullied as often. Axe is not as bad as people put it out to be, it *has* weaknesses but it also has strengths
    Also staff gunga is halal. Let us light and heavy imshallah 🙏

  • @jasperlaszlolavey.2364
    @jasperlaszlolavey.2364 11 місяців тому

    As a medjay main it really doesn't matter go ahead im going to retire the hero soon as the new hero comes out

  • @Totality89
    @Totality89 11 місяців тому +1

    I think a big issue with all this is that we're only discussing him from a 4v4 situation. In 4's he's one of the easiest characters to utilize. In a 1v1 scenario he's one of the worst to use. Everything that makes him good in 4's doesn't make him equivalently good in duels. Nothing in his kit besides the unblockable forces some type of reaction. Slow heavies in staff form are easily reactable and pose no threat, Staff bash is basically useless, flow into staff and axe form isn't great, decent light chains but not that threatening besides the damage. And not to mention even if you have an opponent that reacts to those chain heavies Medjay can get hit out of his guardbreaks quite easily because the wind-up for the heavies are so slow.
    Axe form isn't much better. Sure you have 400ms lights, decent bash and an unblockable but his damage in axe form is minuscule at best. 9 damage chain lights(including bash) slow axe heavies with not the best tracking an no good properties. Unblockable is decent I will give him that.
    Does he need nerfs? Yes,(coming from a rep 8 Medjay) but he also needs buffs in many ways. He's got the potential to be a solid character in every scenario but as of right now he's kinda hit or miss depending on what modes you mainly play. If you're playing dom,breach,skirmish hell even tribute he's good. But in duels,brawls and elimination he's not that good.

  • @psychoseth1643
    @psychoseth1643 11 місяців тому

    F me, it's been a year???

  • @Yoasobi.V
    @Yoasobi.V 11 місяців тому

    all I want is a axe stance buff, and a tracking and hit box nerf in staff stance. I don't have a issue with him. most people in mm play him the same unless its a team that knows how to gank. The grab gank isn't bad, I feel they just need to rework revenge to fit in with the ganks in the game. like the defense de buff on grab, if he land's it up the revenge gain.

  • @da-stickman-king2286
    @da-stickman-king2286 11 місяців тому

    I dont think ive ever had an issue fighting medjay honestly. I have more trouble with Cents super fast heavies and afeeras bashs

  • @jefferybauduin2919
    @jefferybauduin2919 11 місяців тому

    It’s fine for medjay to have ridiculous range, his heavy is glitchy to parry during externals aswell, but gryphon can’t cover 2 feet and can’t carry a 1v1 or a team fight to save his life.

  • @jrdude3402
    @jrdude3402 11 місяців тому

    I don’t think much of the hero, his starting lights as well as his chain lights are easy to parry

  • @brutalgames308
    @brutalgames308 11 місяців тому +1

    All honesty medjay doesn't really need a nerf I've played him a few times and gone against him alot he's really not alot even high rep medjay's. Yea the staff mode hit boxes are big but so is other characters like highlander or JJ, and yes ik its not 360 with those but still and the staff bash if you get hit with that in a 1v1 or 2v1 the jokes on you since it's extremely slow, I feel he needs some tweaks in axe mode and that could bring him up in tiers because barely anyone uses it besides for a unblockable feint.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 11 місяців тому

      You can guarantee the staff mode bash. If your teammate gb’s the enemy and you do the staff grab it lands, no matter if they counter gb or not. It’s also a 100-0 gank. He’s considered the best dominion hero at high level by every competitive player

    • @brutalgames308
      @brutalgames308 11 місяців тому

      @ficedulamortis6434 with your teammate GB the enemy and you going for the bash 90 percent of the time you slide or bounce off, then with that you gain good amount of revenge with no damage. I've had people in games try that on me and it usually ends up just feeding Revenge without damaging me but I will admit there is those small moments where it happens but mainly from heavy hit stun.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 11 місяців тому

      @@brutalgames308 if it slides it off it means YOU mistimed it. If you know the timing it’s 100% consistent, and the way the gank is started in competitive play lol

    @SUUN-SHINE 11 місяців тому

    I think something that demonstrates how unintentionally strong he is right now is how different he is to the marketing around him, a jack of all trades is the direct opposite of what he is as he is the strongest 4s character while being a subpar duelist, the latter I think being why he isn't perceived as being all too strong in lower MMR lobbies as they tend to rely on individual mixup strength (pirates old 50-50 walk the plank etc) over teamfight/gank strength. I think a shift in power from staff to axe slightly (blue moves or better UB chaining) would buff him for lower ranks while removing his problematic areas for high MMR

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      Sub par dueler? I've literally won 70% of my duels using mix up between staff and axe stance, so I can verify that being a wrongful statement. Use him correctly and he is a jack of all trades.

      @SUUN-SHINE 11 місяців тому

      @@nathanjohnson1871 speaking objectively axe stance has only a 9dmg bash that has no dodge catcher so always requires a hard read to get damage, and the only ub requires a hit/blocked heavy. Meanwhile staff stance has 0 moves that require a read from defenders in a 1v1. He's not terrible by any means but only axe stance forces reads and they are defender favoured.

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому

      @@SUUN-SHINE I get what u r saying, but if used in a mix and match between both ax stance and staff stance is where his strength is. If a medjay only use staff or only uses axe then of course they aren't going to get anywhere with medjay. To be skilled with him requires a strong commitment to walk the line and adjust stance accordingly. If one only uses axe stance then damage won't go your way, if one uses only staff stance then ones defense loses out on opponents who can parry. Stance switch is key to success. To catch someone on the run then staff is required for range and catch. Close quarter combat requires axe and staff bait switch to throw off opponents ability to expectation. It's like faking heavy but instead u fake stance switch to catch off guard.

  • @kingoftheuniverse3374
    @kingoftheuniverse3374 11 місяців тому

    Medjay is old aramusha. If they nerf him, he'll be dead for about a year. Hell, if they change anything, the whole champ might be fucked.

  • @Chosenshinobi-_-
    @Chosenshinobi-_- 11 місяців тому

    My main is medjay rep 70 and to be honest he is good every category

  • @jubyscott
    @jubyscott 11 місяців тому

    People complains about his axe throw feat
    "Meanwhile Fire Flask and Spear Storm" have NEVER been touched, lets focus on real issues here

  • @Ob_Nxyolus
    @Ob_Nxyolus 11 місяців тому +1

    Medjay no good
    That's why no nerf

  • @tylergallardo7192
    @tylergallardo7192 11 місяців тому

    My personal opinion on medjay is simple: his staff stance damage should be nerfed, his axe stance hitboxes should be buffed, and axe stance's midchain lights specifically should get a damage buff, the effects of moonlight drain (his t2 unique feat) should be inversed, as to lower attack on staff bash and lower defense on axe bash, and that his kit be reworked with stance switching in mind for his active combat

  • @deBugReporter
    @deBugReporter 11 місяців тому

    Slight nerf to the Recoveries of non-finisher in-chain attacks in staff-mode (atleast), would do the trick.

  • @vapor_snake920
    @vapor_snake920 11 місяців тому

    Nerf staff form, buff axe form

  • @Chosenshinobi-_-
    @Chosenshinobi-_- 11 місяців тому

    And medjay way more stronger then you think and he takes a lot of skill but people say he doesn’t but he does

  • @OldBoyCarlos
    @OldBoyCarlos 11 місяців тому +1

    As a Highlander main, I only hate Medjay when they're on my team. Every enemy is already trying to interrupt/light me out of my offensive stance and here comes the brain-dead Medjay players hitting the whole team with infinite light-heavy combos 😮‍💨

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому +1

      Well then you haven't played with a medjay who knows medjay. In team close quarters a medjay has to switch to axe stance to avoid that stupid mistake. Otherwise it is like you say they r brain dead and don't know the character and hit u out of stance.

    • @OldBoyCarlos
      @OldBoyCarlos 11 місяців тому +1

      @nathanjohnson1871 You're absolutely right and I do see quite a few good ones. Just to be clear, I wasn't pooping on all Medjay players, just the ones that are oblivious to the collateral they inflict or that just don't care.

    • @nathanjohnson1871
      @nathanjohnson1871 11 місяців тому +1

      :) I know you weren't 💩 on all medjay and u r right that when medjay does not pay attention or respect surroundings they are devastating to their own team too.

  • @gaylussac6156
    @gaylussac6156 11 місяців тому

    When Meghan first dropped I complained my ass off about his thrown axes in axe staff doing 70 damage, being instant, and being ranged, but over time, as absolutely nothing was done about it, I just learned to be ok with it because Ubisoft was never gonna nerf feats unless the pro players say they’re too good. Now that you made this video, hopefully enough players complain about the axe feat to nerf its damage down to at the bare minimum 50.

  • @xavierjohnson2597
    @xavierjohnson2597 11 місяців тому

    I honestly use valk to counter this guy in dom. He can’t button mash against full guard characters as much and kinda stands around

  • @demonwarrior6968
    @demonwarrior6968 11 місяців тому

    Honestly I fight em all the time and I’ve never found them that hard in group fights (idk if I’m weird or not)

  • @erikfaru9780
    @erikfaru9780 11 місяців тому +3

    This just remembered me of how much I miss the feintable Shugo hug. Please Ubi, in the current meta it isnt too strong anymore, just bring it back!

    • @doodoobutt4043
      @doodoobutt4043 11 місяців тому +1

      Not true, it can still hug people with rev for easy ganks

    • @John-Alighieri
      @John-Alighieri 11 місяців тому

      Yeah and let's make all bashes feintable while you're at it and lights too because why the fuck not.

    • @ficedulamortis6434
      @ficedulamortis6434 11 місяців тому

      The reason it was removed was because it was 1000% useless against decent players but broken against bad players. Nothing has changed in that regard. It would still never land against good players, and it would still terrorize bad players

  • @DigitalRRS
    @DigitalRRS 11 місяців тому

    One thing I think people that contributes to people believing his Staff Grab his bad is that playing with randoms makes the move unusable.
    Can't tell you how many times I've had Shaman Bites, Goki Hugs, and Medjay Grabs interrupted by people that love to throw random Lights in a gank.

  • @bigdan2230
    @bigdan2230 11 місяців тому +1

    Tbh, the hero’s move set was a complete let down for me. Nothing special going for him but hyper armor & a shitty stance change. Axe mode is so underwhelming. I thought he would get buffed but at this point, i don’t even know what can be done with him

  • @caughtemslippen3534
    @caughtemslippen3534 11 місяців тому

    He’s a nuisance in 4s: Wide hitbox, Wonky Chain timing, Over exaggerated animation with janky feints, and ludicrous start up HA.
    Don’t even get me started on the Axe switch, no animation 70 Dmg projectile. As long as he lands two heavies before hand in a group fight. (He hit you with an external heavy) It will always guarantee a kill on most heroes even if your expecting it.